How badly are we all being played by the meda and our government? Well, this badly.

North Korea and the fat kid running it, launched a primitive but effective ICBM. All of the media, on both sides, are talking about how they can now reach Alaska, and may be able to reach Oregon in a year or two.

OMG OMG OMG OMG!!!! We MUST do something about this grave danger and this fat idiot!

Hold on just a second here.
This isn't our first atomic rodeo. How long have the Russians had ICBMs capable of hitting major cities in the US? For you Millennials, it's been 50 years. We have had the ability to knock those missiles out of the sky for, and I'm guessing here, at least 40 years. I remember Ronald Reagan putting a "safety net" over Europe to knock missiles out of the sky before they hit European cities. What was it called again? I can't remember but Reagan was potus in the 80s.

This fat fuck from Korea has one missile so far that has worked and we are all having kaniption fits?

Why hasn't anyone else put two and two together? Seems to me that there is something nefarious going on here.

I've been to Korea and was stationed pretty close to the dmz. The tensions were high then 20 plus years ago. I can't imagine how high they are now.

I think the difference between North Korea and almost any other nation with regard to nukes, is their likelihood or intentions of actually using one in an act of aggression. I think that level is much higher in North Korea than it is in Russia, India, etc.

Desperate attention whores do desperate things.

I wish I were more confident in our ability to shoot them all out of the air 24/7 any day of the year. However, I am not.

Do you really think he has more than one or two? Hell, he wasn't even sure they worked until recently. Where is he getting the material for all those nukes?

Even if he does, we can detect their launch as soon as it happens. If we can't launch enough to knock them out, we can scramble fighter jets that can.

His primitive toys are not much of a threat.
North Korea and the fat kid running it, launched a primitive but effective ICBM. All of the media, on both sides, are talking about how they can now reach Alaska, and may be able to reach Oregon in a year or two.

OMG OMG OMG OMG!!!! We MUST do something about this grave danger and this fat idiot!

Hold on just a second here.
This isn't our first atomic rodeo. How long have the Russians had ICBMs capable of hitting major cities in the US? For you Millennials, it's been 50 years. We have had the ability to knock those missiles out of the sky for, and I'm guessing here, at least 40 years. I remember Ronald Reagan putting a "safety net" over Europe to knock missiles out of the sky before they hit European cities. What was it called again? I can't remember but Reagan was potus in the 80s.

This fat fuck from Korea has one missile so far that has worked and we are all having kaniption fits?

Why hasn't anyone else put two and two together? Seems to me that there is something nefarious going on here.

I've been to Korea and was stationed pretty close to the dmz. The tensions were high then 20 plus years ago. I can't imagine how high they are now.

I think the difference between North Korea and almost any other nation with regard to nukes, is their likelihood or intentions of actually using one in an act of aggression. I think that level is much higher in North Korea than it is in Russia, India, etc.

Desperate attention whores do desperate things.

I wish I were more confident in our ability to shoot them all out of the air 24/7 any day of the year. However, I am not.

Do you really think he has more than one or two? Hell, he wasn't even sure they worked until recently. Where is he getting the material for all those nukes?

Even if he does, we can detect their launch as soon as it happens. If we can't launch enough to knock them out, we can scramble fighter jets that can.

His primitive toys are not much of a threat.

An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.

Frankly, I am surprised that we even allow the suckers to launch. They should be detected and destroyed way before that. Maybe then he would understand how serious the sanctions are.
North Korea and the fat kid running it, launched a primitive but effective ICBM. All of the media, on both sides, are talking about how they can now reach Alaska, and may be able to reach Oregon in a year or two.

OMG OMG OMG OMG!!!! We MUST do something about this grave danger and this fat idiot!

Hold on just a second here.
This isn't our first atomic rodeo. How long have the Russians had ICBMs capable of hitting major cities in the US? For you Millennials, it's been 50 years. We have had the ability to knock those missiles out of the sky for, and I'm guessing here, at least 40 years. I remember Ronald Reagan putting a "safety net" over Europe to knock missiles out of the sky before they hit European cities. What was it called again? I can't remember but Reagan was potus in the 80s.

This fat fuck from Korea has one missile so far that has worked and we are all having kaniption fits?

Why hasn't anyone else put two and two together? Seems to me that there is something nefarious going on here.

I've been to Korea and was stationed pretty close to the dmz. The tensions were high then 20 plus years ago. I can't imagine how high they are now.

I think the difference between North Korea and almost any other nation with regard to nukes, is their likelihood or intentions of actually using one in an act of aggression. I think that level is much higher in North Korea than it is in Russia, India, etc.

Desperate attention whores do desperate things.

I wish I were more confident in our ability to shoot them all out of the air 24/7 any day of the year. However, I am not.

Do you really think he has more than one or two? Hell, he wasn't even sure they worked until recently. Where is he getting the material for all those nukes?

Even if he does, we can detect their launch as soon as it happens. If we can't launch enough to knock them out, we can scramble fighter jets that can.

His primitive toys are not much of a threat.

An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.

Frankly, I am surprised that we even allow the suckers to launch. They should be detected and destroyed way before that. Maybe then he would understand how serious the sanctions are.

That's my point. We have the prevention already. Why all the hysteria?
So you think we should ignore NK nuclear missile development?

We've been completely ignoring it for 25 years ... why the sudden fit of the vapours?

North Korea and the fat kid running it, launched a primitive but effective ICBM. All of the media, on both sides, are talking about how they can now reach Alaska, and may be able to reach Oregon in a year or two.

OMG OMG OMG OMG!!!! We MUST do something about this grave danger and this fat idiot!

Hold on just a second here.
This isn't our first atomic rodeo. How long have the Russians had ICBMs capable of hitting major cities in the US? For you Millennials, it's been 50 years. We have had the ability to knock those missiles out of the sky for, and I'm guessing here, at least 40 years. I remember Ronald Reagan putting a "safety net" over Europe to knock missiles out of the sky before they hit European cities. What was it called again? I can't remember but Reagan was potus in the 80s.

This fat fuck from Korea has one missile so far that has worked and we are all having kaniption fits?

Why hasn't anyone else put two and two together? Seems to me that there is something nefarious going on here.

I've been to Korea and was stationed pretty close to the dmz. The tensions were high then 20 plus years ago. I can't imagine how high they are now.

I think the difference between North Korea and almost any other nation with regard to nukes, is their likelihood or intentions of actually using one in an act of aggression. I think that level is much higher in North Korea than it is in Russia, India, etc.

Desperate attention whores do desperate things.

I wish I were more confident in our ability to shoot them all out of the air 24/7 any day of the year. However, I am not.

Do you really think he has more than one or two? Hell, he wasn't even sure they worked until recently. Where is he getting the material for all those nukes?

Even if he does, we can detect their launch as soon as it happens. If we can't launch enough to knock them out, we can scramble fighter jets that can.

His primitive toys are not much of a threat.

An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.

Frankly, I am surprised that we even allow the suckers to launch. They should be detected and destroyed way before that. Maybe then he would understand how serious the sanctions are.

That's my point. We have the prevention already. Why all the hysteria?

I just don't see any hysteria. I do think there are a lot of people who would like to see the US put an end to his taunts though
I just don't see any hysteria. I do think there are a lot of people who would like to see the US put an end to his taunts though

Kim Jung un taunts the US and the world ... so did his father ... and his father before him. Our reaction has always been to reward them with some sort of aid. If a child is spoiled do you blame the child or the parent?
I think that political and economic pressure should be placed on them but we Americans are under no threat from that fat bastard and his little toys.

In other words, continue to do nothing of consequence?

No, I didn't say that, but why should we do anything else? He isn't really a threat.

There are only 2 kinds of threats. Threats and no threat. There is no such thing as not Really a threat. That means it's a threat.

Its like pregnancy. Youre never "not really" pregnant. Either you are you or you're not.
North Korea and the fat kid running it, launched a primitive but effective ICBM. All of the media, on both sides, are talking about how they can now reach Alaska, and may be able to reach Oregon in a year or two.

OMG OMG OMG OMG!!!! We MUST do something about this grave danger and this fat idiot!

Hold on just a second here.
This isn't our first atomic rodeo. How long have the Russians had ICBMs capable of hitting major cities in the US? For you Millennials, it's been 50 years. We have had the ability to knock those missiles out of the sky for, and I'm guessing here, at least 40 years. I remember Ronald Reagan putting a "safety net" over Europe to knock missiles out of the sky before they hit European cities. What was it called again? I can't remember but Reagan was potus in the 80s.

This fat fuck from Korea has one missile so far that has worked and we are all having kaniption fits?

Why hasn't anyone else put two and two together? Seems to me that there is something nefarious going on here.

I've been to Korea and was stationed pretty close to the dmz. The tensions were high then 20 plus years ago. I can't imagine how high they are now.

I think the difference between North Korea and almost any other nation with regard to nukes, is their likelihood or intentions of actually using one in an act of aggression. I think that level is much higher in North Korea than it is in Russia, India, etc.

Desperate attention whores do desperate things.

I wish I were more confident in our ability to shoot them all out of the air 24/7 any day of the year. However, I am not.

Do you really think he has more than one or two? Hell, he wasn't even sure they worked until recently. Where is he getting the material for all those nukes?

Even if he does, we can detect their launch as soon as it happens. If we can't launch enough to knock them out, we can scramble fighter jets that can.

His primitive toys are not much of a threat.

An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.

Frankly, I am surprised that we even allow the suckers to launch. They should be detected and destroyed way before that. Maybe then he would understand how serious the sanctions are.

That's my point. We have the prevention already. Why all the hysteria?

I just don't see any hysteria. I do think there are a lot of people who would like to see the US put an end to his taunts though

Perhaps "hysteria" is a little excessive a word, but I'd hate to see us do something rash for someone that isn't a real threat.

I can't help but wonder if there isn't something secret and nefarious going on.
I think that political and economic pressure should be placed on them but we Americans are under no threat from that fat bastard and his little toys.

In other words, continue to do nothing of consequence?

No, I didn't say that, but why should we do anything else? He isn't really a threat.

There are only 2 kinds of threats. Threats and no threat. There is no such thing as not Really a threat. That means it's a threat.

Its like pregnancy. Youre never "not really" pregnant. Either you are you or you're not.

Ok, he's not a threat.
I've been to Korea and was stationed pretty close to the dmz. The tensions were high then 20 plus years ago. I can't imagine how high they are now.

I think the difference between North Korea and almost any other nation with regard to nukes, is their likelihood or intentions of actually using one in an act of aggression. I think that level is much higher in North Korea than it is in Russia, India, etc.

Desperate attention whores do desperate things.

I wish I were more confident in our ability to shoot them all out of the air 24/7 any day of the year. However, I am not.

Do you really think he has more than one or two? Hell, he wasn't even sure they worked until recently. Where is he getting the material for all those nukes?

Even if he does, we can detect their launch as soon as it happens. If we can't launch enough to knock them out, we can scramble fighter jets that can.

His primitive toys are not much of a threat.

An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.

Frankly, I am surprised that we even allow the suckers to launch. They should be detected and destroyed way before that. Maybe then he would understand how serious the sanctions are.

That's my point. We have the prevention already. Why all the hysteria?

I just don't see any hysteria. I do think there are a lot of people who would like to see the US put an end to his taunts though

Perhaps "hysteria" is a little excessive a word, but I'd hate to see us do something rash for someone that isn't a real threat.

I can't help but wonder if there isn't something secret and nefarious going on.

There are a lot of things going on for sure. Nefarious is sometimes in the eye of the beholder. Especially when dealing with a communist dictator who is proud of the fact that he plays by his own rules and doesn't care whatanyoe else thinks about it.
I think that political and economic pressure should be placed on them but we Americans are under no threat from that fat bastard and his little toys.

In other words, continue to do nothing of consequence?

No, I didn't say that, but why should we do anything else? He isn't really a threat.

There are only 2 kinds of threats. Threats and no threat. There is no such thing as not Really a threat. That means it's a threat.

Its like pregnancy. Youre never "not really" pregnant. Either you are you or you're not.

Ok, he's not a threat.

You've already revealed your thoughts. It ain't no do-overs. Own it.
North Korea and the fat kid running it, launched a primitive but effective ICBM. All of the media, on both sides, are talking about how they can now reach Alaska, and may be able to reach Oregon in a year or two.

OMG OMG OMG OMG!!!! We MUST do something about this grave danger and this fat idiot!

Hold on just a second here.
This isn't our first atomic rodeo. How long have the Russians had ICBMs capable of hitting major cities in the US? For you Millennials, it's been 50 years. We have had the ability to knock those missiles out of the sky for, and I'm guessing here, at least 40 years. I remember Ronald Reagan putting a "safety net" over Europe to knock missiles out of the sky before they hit European cities. What was it called again? I can't remember but Reagan was potus in the 80s.

This fat fuck from Korea has one missile so far that has worked and we are all having kaniption fits?

Why hasn't anyone else put two and two together? Seems to me that there is something nefarious going on here.

So you think we should ignore NK nuclear missile development? Mutual Assured Destruction and "Star Wars" work well against large bureaucratic adversaries (Russia and China), but has little meaning for religious zealots (Iran) and tin pot dictators clinging to power (NK and Iraq).

I think that political and economic pressure should be placed on them but we Americans are under no threat from that fat bastard and his little toys. We have bigger fish to fry.

What I really wonder about is why we are being led in that particular direction.

That is what this administration is trying to do.
But China like always refuses.
The 2 communist countries are in bed together.
Do you really think he has more than one or two? Hell, he wasn't even sure they worked until recently. Where is he getting the material for all those nukes?

Even if he does, we can detect their launch as soon as it happens. If we can't launch enough to knock them out, we can scramble fighter jets that can.

His primitive toys are not much of a threat.

An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.

Frankly, I am surprised that we even allow the suckers to launch. They should be detected and destroyed way before that. Maybe then he would understand how serious the sanctions are.

That's my point. We have the prevention already. Why all the hysteria?

I just don't see any hysteria. I do think there are a lot of people who would like to see the US put an end to his taunts though

Perhaps "hysteria" is a little excessive a word, but I'd hate to see us do something rash for someone that isn't a real threat.

I can't help but wonder if there isn't something secret and nefarious going on.

There are a lot of things going on for sure. Nefarious is sometimes in the eye of the beholder. Especially when dealing with a communist dictator who is proud of the fact that he plays by his own rules and doesn't care whatanyoe else thinks about it.

I'm thinking along the lines of someone on our government wanting us to have conflict with the fat kid.
I think that political and economic pressure should be placed on them but we Americans are under no threat from that fat bastard and his little toys.

In other words, continue to do nothing of consequence?

No, I didn't say that, but why should we do anything else? He isn't really a threat.

There are only 2 kinds of threats. Threats and no threat. There is no such thing as not Really a threat. That means it's a threat.

Its like pregnancy. Youre never "not really" pregnant. Either you are you or you're not.

Ok, he's not a threat.

You've already revealed your thoughts. It ain't no do-overs. Own it.

I think it's clear from my OP on that I don't concider him a threat. If you think otherwise, you haven't been paying attention..
North Korea and the fat kid running it, launched a primitive but effective ICBM. All of the media, on both sides, are talking about how they can now reach Alaska, and may be able to reach Oregon in a year or two.

OMG OMG OMG OMG!!!! We MUST do something about this grave danger and this fat idiot!

Hold on just a second here.
This isn't our first atomic rodeo. How long have the Russians had ICBMs capable of hitting major cities in the US? For you Millennials, it's been 50 years. We have had the ability to knock those missiles out of the sky for, and I'm guessing here, at least 40 years. I remember Ronald Reagan putting a "safety net" over Europe to knock missiles out of the sky before they hit European cities. What was it called again? I can't remember but Reagan was potus in the 80s.

This fat fuck from Korea has one missile so far that has worked and we are all having kaniption fits?

Why hasn't anyone else put two and two together? Seems to me that there is something nefarious going on here.

So you think we should ignore NK nuclear missile development? Mutual Assured Destruction and "Star Wars" work well against large bureaucratic adversaries (Russia and China), but has little meaning for religious zealots (Iran) and tin pot dictators clinging to power (NK and Iraq).

I think that political and economic pressure should be placed on them but we Americans are under no threat from that fat bastard and his little toys. We have bigger fish to fry.

What I really wonder about is why we are being led in that particular direction.
The population of SK is under constant threat from the pervert.
Soon the threat will be to Japan.
WHEN does the sane world put a permanent end to this madness?
North Korea and the fat kid running it, launched a primitive but effective ICBM. All of the media, on both sides, are talking about how they can now reach Alaska, and may be able to reach Oregon in a year or two.

OMG OMG OMG OMG!!!! We MUST do something about this grave danger and this fat idiot!

Hold on just a second here.
This isn't our first atomic rodeo. How long have the Russians had ICBMs capable of hitting major cities in the US? For you Millennials, it's been 50 years. We have had the ability to knock those missiles out of the sky for, and I'm guessing here, at least 40 years. I remember Ronald Reagan putting a "safety net" over Europe to knock missiles out of the sky before they hit European cities. What was it called again? I can't remember but Reagan was potus in the 80s.

This fat fuck from Korea has one missile so far that has worked and we are all having kaniption fits?

Why hasn't anyone else put two and two together? Seems to me that there is something nefarious going on here.

I've been to Korea and was stationed pretty close to the dmz. The tensions were high then 20 plus years ago. I can't imagine how high they are now.

I think the difference between North Korea and almost any other nation with regard to nukes, is their likelihood or intentions of actually using one in an act of aggression. I think that level is much higher in North Korea than it is in Russia, India, etc.

Desperate attention whores do desperate things.

I wish I were more confident in our ability to shoot them all out of the air 24/7 any day of the year. However, I am not.
I believe the the pervert actually believes he can drop a nuke on SK and the world will look the other way and then the SKs will capitulate and allow the prevert to over run SK.
He's that fucking insane.
I think that political and economic pressure should be placed on them but we Americans are under no threat from that fat bastard and his little toys.

In other words, continue to do nothing of consequence?
Perhaps a little foresight wouldn't be amiss?

How about we get S. Korea to start digging bomb shelters deep enough to survive a missile assault from the North? By the time N. Korea actually gets a missile that can reach the continental US, we could then take him out without the fear of 'millions and millions' of deaths in Seoul.
I think that political and economic pressure should be placed on them but we Americans are under no threat from that fat bastard and his little toys.

In other words, continue to do nothing of consequence?
Perhaps a little foresight wouldn't be amiss?

How about we get S. Korea to start digging bomb shelters deep enough to survive a missile assault from the North? By the time N. Korea actually gets a missile that can reach the continental US, we could then take him out without the fear of 'millions and millions' of deaths in Seoul.

Or put missile launchers that can take them out before they reach anything.
Didn't we use Millie launchers in the first Iraqi war to knock SCUD missiles out of the sky?
No, I didn't say that, but why should we do anything else?

Why the weaselly answer? You can't have it both ways.

It wasn't a weaselly answer, it was a direct answer to your question.

I asked: "In other words, continue to do nothing of consequence?"

Is your mastery of the English language so limited that you can't understand my question? Let me simply it:

A. Should we just keep on doing what we have done in the past (regarding NK)?

B. If not, what should we do?

Please note that I am not asking you what you said; I am asking what you think.

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