How big a failure is our FBI? Our supposed elite law enforcement agency...

For the last 2 days the FBI has spent money taking out full page ads in our local newspaper (Las Vegas Review Journal) to report hate crimes!
This is not only a new occurrence but a somewhat weird one.
The fact that they were at his house LAST WEEK with local & state officials.
You think they were there for tea?

The lack of common sense on this board is amusing
You arent recognizing the difference between a missing person case and a murder investigation. Its a massive distinction that dictates their protocol.
They didn't need to hold him. They needed to follow him. Track his movements and actions.
Personally I bet he's dead
Dead, eh? I don't buy that without corpus delecti, although I would not lose a moments' sleep if he found that way. I do not for a moment think he will be found in a 25 acre swamp, just because his mustang was found there. It sounds like misdirection to me.
The FBI is too busy jerking off to the Turner Diaries and beating their wives at swinger parties to actually find anyone. How many terrorists, mass shooters, and other criminals have they let get by them? That corrupt and inept organization needs to be disbanded.
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Have you watched the news dumbfuck? He is THE ONLY PERSON OF INTEREST.
Yeah, and he deserves due process. You're trying to use the media to convict him before all the facts come out. Stop doing that, and be patient.
They were watching his house like a hawk. The whole nation was and look how that turned out.
We don't know how it turned out yet and you don't see into the future.
You gotta be really dumb to think he was as innocent as OJ
You gotta be fucking stupid to say stuff no one is actually saying.
I do like how the ex con is calling law enforcement incompetent. That's rich.

He has more experience with them than you do. He's correct. The Utah cops fucked up, which got her killed, the local cops and FBI fucked up by simply not doing their jobs so he disappeared.
Yeah, and he deserves due process. You're trying to use the media to convict him before all the facts come out. Stop doing that, and be patient.

We don't know how it turned out yet and you don't see into the future.

You gotta be fucking stupid to say stuff no one is actually saying.

Due process doesn't mean you let him waltz out of the country, which he obviously has you ignorant twat.
And the point of this thread wasn't about due process. Due process is not violated by tailing a suspect.


How is it that the most wanted man for questioning in the entire nation just walks away as the entire country is camped on his damn lawn?
Ask Tim McVeigh. Oh wait, you can't.
Not sure when the FBI got involved. This guy disappeared before the local Florida police named him as a person of interest.

Not to mention the local police in Utah failed to help this poor woman before she was murdered.

Plenty of blame to go around.
Not sure how LE failed here.
Due process doesn't mean you let him waltz out of the country, which he obviously has you ignorant twat.
Perhaps he did, you fucking ingrate. Nothing obvious about any of it. Not much is known. Is there even a cause of death yet? Without that you know exactly jack and shit.
I've stopped buying into the idea that "Biden's" regime is incompetent. The same is true for the FBI, CIA, and DHS, as well as the Capitol police. They aren't failing, they are fulfilling the role that's been set for them. They have become traitors to this nation and the sooner people twig to that, the better able they'll be to try to avoid being crushed by them. I'm convinced that merely stating this out loud will sooner or later be enough to have them banging on your door - or kicking it in - at zero-dark-thirty. Just like the good old days in the Soviet Union.
I started noticing this for the first time when the CIA and the FBI both seemed to be very involved in overthrowing Trump. Very scary that top secret government intelligence agencies are involved in politics and overthrowing a legitimately elected president. And, since Democrats have taken over they seem to be shoring up all of this, wanting to end the filibuster, add blue states to the union, add seats to the Supreme Court, and round up peaceful protesters on bogus charges.
We are no longer what the Founders envisioned this country to be, since the Hussein Obama administration.

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