How can a Porn Star, delay the rise of a Good President. Is this America,?

The Clinton handlers snickered that the Statute of Limitations precluded charges of rape by Juanita Broadrick and as for the kid barely older than his daughter that he molested in the Oval Office, the media claimed that his sexual adventures were his own business. Top Clinton aid Vince Foster ended up in an obscure civil war park with a bullet in his head and no car keys in his pocket. The media fell all over themselves calling it suicide.
If Bill Clinton had any responsibility for the death of Vince Foster Ken Starr would have made the most of it. After a five year hunting expedition costing fifty million dollars in which Starr was told to get something, anything on Bill Clinton, all Starr had was a lie in response to a question Starr asked himself, hoping Clinton would lie.

The question was about a consensual affair with a woman past the age of consent who took most of the initiative. That was all Starr had.

With that trivial charge against Clinton Starr absolved Clinton of the serious and bizarre charges against him.

When Starr read his charges against Clinton in Congress, I felt as though I was listening to a prim, prissy school headmaster telling me with detail after boring detail why he was not at all impressed by my artfully constructed excuse for being late to study hall.

Every excuse Christian conservatives invented for hating Bill Clinton is far more true of Donald Trump.
It figures the statement would go right over your dumbass head, because instead of understanding the quote, you have to nit pick who wrote it.

But hey, i dont expect much else from a Joe Biden voter.

View attachment 939376

You are not very good at understanding what IQ scores mean either. There is no data that proves that Joe Biden voters have IQ's below 20.

Here is some data for you:


Pew Research Center, APRIL 9, 2024

  • Among voters who associate with the Democratic Party, the share of voters with a college degree or more has approximately doubled since 1996, from 22% to 45% now. The share of Democratic voters who have no college experience has fallen by about half (from 51% to 25%).
  • The Republican coalition has also become more educated, but much more modestly. Today, the GOP’s supporters are divided about equally between those who never went to college (31%), those who attended college but didn’t receive a bachelor’s degree (34%) and those who have a bachelor’s degree or more (35%).
  • 8. The changing demographic composition of voters and party coalitions
ThomasJefferson 2.png

Whenever I read a presumed quote by one of our Founding Fathers that appears to have been written by a twentieth century reactionary it is nearly always the case that it was written by a twentieth century reactinary.
There was no conviction against Bill Clinton for rape either.
So shut the fuck up dumbass. It was the blue dress that proved that the Rapist in Chief Bill Clinton lied about his sexual activity with an intern in the White House that he lied about.
So shut the fuck up dumbass. It was the blue dress that proved that the Rapist in Chief Bill Clinton lied about his sexual activity with an intern in the White House that he lied about.
Bill Clinton did not rape Monica Lewinsky. He had an consensual affair with her. From all accounts she took most of the initiative. This was all Ken Starr had to show for a five year investigation costing fifty million dollars.
I watch the evening news, and wonder is this the United States of America, that I 'am living in?? President Trump wants to "Make America Great Again", and bring Jobs back from China, to America. Everything I buy now, is made in China.!!?$$ I see the news report, that a Porn Star, Stormy Daniels, was paid hush money, not to discuss her relationship with a President of the United States, Donald Trump. Is this really happening in America today?
We had Presidents owning Black Slaves, Thomas Jefferson, now this scandal ?? , with President Donald Trump??!!
What is going on with American politics,? The whole world is watching. We had a Civil War, China and Russia are getting ready to take over the entire Earth, ie Ukraine.?! And this is what we see on the evening news?!!
Are you White people sane.??!!in America??!!
Makes you wonder why he had his stuff made in China--if he wanted to bring jobs back. hint....he could care less about America or American Jobs.

Russia can't handle Ukraine. I wouldn't worry about them taking over anything anytime soon. As for China, they are getting rich off of us. Why would they want to conquer their benefactor?

Your troll work needs help.
Bill Clinton did not rape Monica Lewinsky. He had an consensual affair with her. From all accounts she took most of the initiative. This was all Ken Starr had to show for a five year investigation costing fifty million dollars.

True. Monica had a crush on president Clinton.
So shut the fuck up dumbass. It was the blue dress that proved that the Rapist in Chief Bill Clinton lied about his sexual activity with an intern in the White House that he lied about.

Instead he could have bragged about Monica on Howard Stern. Right?
The Clinton handlers snickered that the Statute of Limitations precluded charges of rape by Juanita Broadrick and as for the kid barely older than his daughter that he molested in the Oval Office, the media claimed that his sexual adventures were his own business. Top Clinton aid Vince Foster ended up in an obscure civil war park with a bullet in his head and no car keys in his pocket. The media fell all over themselves calling it suicide.

Monica Lewinsky was 22... Chelsea Clinton was about 10. What are you talking about?
Many men do not only brag about their sex lives, they exaggerate. Bill Clinton is a gentleman. He thought it was best to deny things.

I was wrong about Chelsea. She was turning 18 when the Lewinsky scandal hit the fan.

Still, I was glad Clinton was contrite. I was still voting Republican back then... before the invasion of Iraq.
If Bill Clinton had any responsibility for the death of Vince Foster Ken Starr would have made the most of it. After a five year hunting expedition costing fifty million dollars in which Starr was told to get something, anything on Bill Clinton, all Starr had was a lie in response to a question Starr asked himself, hoping Clinton would lie.

The question was about a consensual affair with a woman past the age of consent who took most of the initiative. That was all Starr had.

With that trivial charge against Clinton Starr absolved Clinton of the serious and bizarre charges against him.

When Starr read his charges against Clinton in Congress, I felt as though I was listening to a prim, prissy school headmaster telling me with detail after boring detail why he was not at all impressed by my artfully constructed excuse for being late to study hall.

Every excuse Christian conservatives invented for hating Bill Clinton is far more true of Donald Trump.
Starr didn't ask the questions of Clinton.

and most people wouldn't consider perjury "trival"
Herman Cain was in the 2012 election to go against the brown turd Obammy. Since Herman was black, the Marxists/Demofascists needed to destroy Herman because not only was Herman the creator of God Father's Pizza, but he was a successful black man who never needed affirmative action. So in come a white female Democrat voter who accused Herman of doing inappropriate things with her, and the Lame Stream Media ran with it, to the point it cause too much distraction and Herman folded even when he never was charged with a crime. This is how the left works, start slinging shit at a candidate and hope it sticks, because they know it inst true but the dumbass voters can be told anything to believe and they do.
Starr didn't ask the questions of Clinton.

and most people wouldn't consider perjury "trival"
The question should not have been asked. It was none of Ken Starr's business. Fortunately, Clinton's popularity rose during this so called "scandal."
The question should not have been asked. It was none of Ken Starr's business. Fortunately, Clinton's popularity rose during this so called "scandal."
Starr didn’t ask the question

Jennifer Flowers attorney asked the question and it was certainly relevant in the sexual harassment law suit
Starr didn’t ask the question

Jennifer Flowers attorney asked the question and it was certainly relevant in the sexual harassment law suit
So you believe the women who claim Clinton sexual harassed them, but the women who accuse Trump are lying whores.

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