How can a Porn Star, delay the rise of a Good President. Is this America,?

Bill Clinton did not rape Monica Lewinsky. He had an consensual affair with her. From all accounts she took most of the initiative. This was all Ken Starr had to show for a five year investigation costing fifty million dollars.
if you were at your job working, and you decided to have sex right there in your office, would you still be employed? Yes or No?
Another display of arrogance…

And, a liberal who doesn’t want to hear anything but his own opinion, thats original….🙄
I have just gotten use to being right, over the years.:auiqs.jpg:
So you believe the women who claim Clinton sexual harassed them, but the women who accuse Trump are lying whores.
I never said anyone was a lying whore.

I think E Carrol or whatever her name is, is a liar, but never claimed she was a whore. I largely think she is a liar because her credibilit was shot when she got on CNN and said rape was sexy.
I never said anyone was a lying whore.

I think E Carrol or whatever her name is, is a liar, but never claimed she was a whore. I largely think she is a liar because her credibilit was shot when she got on CNN and said rape was sexy.
How about the other 50 women who.have accused him?
name them.....I don't know who you are talking about

Do you believe Tara Reade?
  • Jill Harth (1992) Jill Harth alleged that Trump assaulted her several times. ...
  • Jane Doe (1994) ...
  • E. ...
  • Summer Zervos (2007) ...
  • Alva Johnson (2016)
I don't put nothing past anyone.
  • Jill Harth (1992) Jill Harth alleged that Trump assaulted her several times. ...
  • Jane Doe (1994) ...
  • E. ...
  • Summer Zervos (2007) ...
  • Alva Johnson (2016)
so four people? Not 50? and one is a Jane Doe? Hard for me to get an opinion about someone that won't ID themselves.

I don't know about Jill Harth.....she claims that even after she claimed he tried to kiss her, she dated him....weird stuff there.
So much for the #MeToo movement.....

It may come as a surprise to you, but there are young and pretty women who enjoy having affairs with older men who are rich, powerful, and famous, even when those affairs are unlikely to to lead to marriage.

Don't get me wrong. Rape is a horrible crime. Sexual harassment is bad too.
so four people? Not 50? and one is a Jane Doe? Hard for me to get an opinion about someone that won't ID themselves.
Damn do I really need to list them all? One is too many.
I don't know about Jill Harth.....she claims that even after she claimed he tried to kiss her, she dated him....weird stuff there.
Again, any of them that claim a Democrat did it is telling the truth, but if any claim a Republican did it they are a liar.
I watch the evening news, and wonder is this the United States of America, that I 'am living in?? President Trump wants to "Make America Great Again", and bring Jobs back from China, to America. Everything I buy now, is made in China.!!?$$ I see the news report, that a Porn Star, Stormy Daniels, was paid hush money, not to discuss her relationship with a President of the United States, Donald Trump. Is this really happening in America today?
We had Presidents owning Black Slaves, Thomas Jefferson, now this scandal ?? , with President Donald Trump??!!
What is going on with American politics,? The whole world is watching. We had a Civil War, China and Russia are getting ready to take over the entire Earth, ie Ukraine.?! And this is what we see on the evening news?!!
Are you White people sane.??!!in America??!!

Don't ask the porn star. And the married "good president" why he was banging a porn star.

And FYI, the porn star is not delaying the rise of a "good president". It is hampering Trump's attempt to regain power.
It may come as a surprise to you, but there are young and pretty women who enjoy having affairs with older men who are rich, powerful, and famous, even when those affairs are unlikely to to lead to marriage.

Don't get me wrong. Rape is a horrible crime. Sexual harassment is bad too.
You avoided my question. If you are having sex in your office during office hours, would you be fired. Yes or No?
Don't ask the porn star. And the married "good president" why he was banging a porn star.

And FYI, the porn star is not delaying the rise of a "good president". It is hampering Trump's attempt to regain power.
He wasnt president at the time, while Bill Clinton was. Big Fucking difference there bucko.
He wasnt president at the time, while Bill Clinton was. Big Fucking difference there bucko.

I haven't defended Bill Clinton there, bucko.

And, for me, the question isn't whether he did it as president, but that he did it at all. I despise infidelity. If you can't keep an oath to the one you love, how can anyone ever trust you?
I haven't defended Bill Clinton there, bucko.

And, for me, the question isn't whether he did it as president, but that he did it at all. I despise infidelity. If you can't keep an oath to the one you love, how can anyone ever trust you?
I guess you are the most perfect being in the world? That you never made a mistake? If President Trump like many other men did a wrong doing, it is up to the person hurt, not you or me to cast stones. I look at President Trump as a businessman who can come in and do the right thing in bringing this country from the brink of extinction. You on the other hand would rather keep the status quo, where the guy sold US out to China, Russia all to put money in his pocket and damn the rest of US.
I guess you are the most perfect being in the world? That you never made a mistake? If President Trump like many other men did a wrong doing, it is up to the person hurt, not you or me to cast stones. I look at President Trump as a businessman who can come in and do the right thing in bringing this country from the brink of extinction. You on the other hand would rather keep the status quo, where the guy sold US out to China, Russia all to put money in his pocket and damn the rest of US.

Have I ever claimed to be anything near perfect? Stupid question.

Yes, I have made mistakes. But I never cheated on a woman.

The rest of your post is irrelevant.

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