How can a president who destroys a country win the Nobel Peace prize ?


I believe ISIS took over most of Syria--possibly because of our interference, some say--but we didn't bomb Syria just to get rid of Assad. And there were many other countries working with us to get ISIS the hell outta there. This is kind of slinky propaganda, I think.
Obama did an unprecedented thing when he managed to convince belligerent Iran to put the brakes on its nuclear arms development. I am very disappointed that Trump has thrown that work in the trash.

Iran never signed it and they never let any Military sites be "inspected".
Really? Where's the Supreme Court ruling saying so?
Did the Senate approve the treaty? Yes or no?
How did he get away with it, then? It was a Republican Senate, yes?
Answer the question did he ever submit it to the Senate and have it approved? Yes or NO?
He didn't have to genius. It wasn't a treaty.

The U.S. has two major ways of entering into international agreements: treaties and executive agreements. Treaties are legally stronger but harder to pass, because they require a two-thirds majority in the Senate in order to ratify. For that reason, executive agreements, which don’t require congressional approval, have become far more common, though generally for less consequential agreements than the Iran deal.
The Iran Deal Is Great. It Also Sets a Dangerous Precedent for Expanded Executive Power.

This article appears to be anything but complimentary to Obama. Perhaps you should read it.
So in other words Obama tried to game the system and trump as President had every right to undo the supposed agreement. Obama gave away billions to a terror sponsor, he agreed to a bad deal with Iran and then denied the proper process for it to be approved because he KNEW he could not get it approved, in other words he did it illegally.
trump as President had every right to undo the supposed agreement.
No one said he didn't. I merely said that I was disappointed. It wasn't illegal, though. It was an executive agreement, not some new fangled boneheaded idea like declaring the US border a natural disaster area and stealing money from the military to fund a wall that Congress has refused to fund.
Don't worry, it's highly unlikely tRump will win a Nobel.

Good. Only pieces of shit win the Nobel. They gave it to fucking Yassar Arafat, the fucking terrorist. Its like winning a CNN award, pure bullshit. Maybe this forum should have the CRAPitus award for the most fucked up poster.
So, you've been here for 8 days and you have yet to contribute anything to this forum but ad hom, name-calling, and tRumpian propaganda.

It think you're a shoe-in for your award.
Really? Where's the Supreme Court ruling saying so?
Did the Senate approve the treaty? Yes or no?
How did he get away with it, then? It was a Republican Senate, yes?
Answer the question did he ever submit it to the Senate and have it approved? Yes or NO?
He didn't have to genius. It wasn't a treaty.

The U.S. has two major ways of entering into international agreements: treaties and executive agreements. Treaties are legally stronger but harder to pass, because they require a two-thirds majority in the Senate in order to ratify. For that reason, executive agreements, which don’t require congressional approval, have become far more common, though generally for less consequential agreements than the Iran deal.
The Iran Deal Is Great. It Also Sets a Dangerous Precedent for Expanded Executive Power.

This article appears to be anything but complimentary to Obama. Perhaps you should read it.
So in other words Obama tried to game the system and trump as President had every right to undo the supposed agreement. Obama gave away billions to a terror sponsor, he agreed to a bad deal with Iran and then denied the proper process for it to be approved because he KNEW he could not get it approved, in other words he did it illegally.
An executive agreement is not "gaming the system", it's a perfectly legitimate process.

Your post is composed of nothing but lies and conservative talking points.

Sorry, I know that's somewhat redundant.
So, you've been here for 8 days and you have yet to contribute anything to this forum but ad hom, name-calling.......

You want some cheese with that whine? It took me ONE day to size you up for the liar and extremist you are. I don't give a fuck how long I've been here, I tell the truth, and you're just a lying sack of shit. Besides, you have been giving back as much as I dish out so don't start crying now you little bitch. Now shut your cock gobbler.

Now, to the thread topic:

12 People Who Should Not Have Won The Nobel Peace Prize

Most awards are meaningless, but some are more meaningless than others.
The Nobel Peace Prize, the latest winner of which will be announced tomorrow morning, is probably first among these equals.
According to Alfred Nobel's will, the Peace Prize is to be given to individuals and institutions that "have done the most or the best work for fraternity between nations, for the abolition or reduction of standing armies and for the holding and promotion of peace congresses."
As the world has advanced, the Nobel committee has justifiably stretched its interpretation of this edict.
But we've found 12 instances where the prize's recipient reveals the Committee to be short-sighted at best, or naive at worst (and one where the committee itself behaved badly*).
Obama did an unprecedented thing when he managed to convince belligerent Iran to put the brakes on its nuclear arms development. I am very disappointed that Trump has thrown that work in the trash.

Brakes? They might have tapped them with the full assurance they could still keep the world in the dark while they sped along in their development!
Obama did an unprecedented thing when he managed to convince belligerent Iran to put the brakes on its nuclear arms development. I am very disappointed that Trump has thrown that work in the trash.

Right, none of this is Iran's fault am I right. Its not Iran's fault they fund terrorism all over the middle east and have killed countless civilians and children. :icon_rolleyes:
Where in the sam hill did I say any of THAT? This is not about liking or disliking Iran. I was speaking of Obama's accomplishment.
The accomplishment that he was so proud of that he would not allow congress to touch before he signed off on it? The one that somehow was supposed to be followed by the U.S. even though it did not follow our law? Surely you don't mean that one.
Really? Where's the Supreme Court ruling saying so?

So you think the Iran nuclear deal was a treaty? What was the vote in the Senate, dumbass?
Obama did an unprecedented thing when he managed to convince belligerent Iran to put the brakes on its nuclear arms development. I am very disappointed that Trump has thrown that work in the trash.

Iran never signed it and they never let any Military sites be "inspected".
Yes, they are signatories to the deal. October 2015.

I know that the military inspection carve out was an issue. I doubt if we would allow a hostile foreign country to be nosing around our most guarded military bases, either, though. There is only one site large enough to possibly work on nuclear weapons, and if you think that has been "ignored," you're nuts. We've been watching it like a hawk and don't you doubt it.
So, you've been here for 8 days and you have yet to contribute anything to this forum but ad hom, name-calling.......

You want some cheese with that whine? It took me ONE day to size you up for the liar and extremist you are. I don't give a fuck how long I've been here, I tell the truth, and you're just a lying sack of shit. Besides, you have been giving back as much as I dish out so don't start crying now you little bitch. Now shut your cock gobbler.

Now, to the thread topic:

12 People Who Should Not Have Won The Nobel Peace Prize

Most awards are meaningless, but some are more meaningless than others.
The Nobel Peace Prize, the latest winner of which will be announced tomorrow morning, is probably first among these equals.
According to Alfred Nobel's will, the Peace Prize is to be given to individuals and institutions that "have done the most or the best work for fraternity between nations, for the abolition or reduction of standing armies and for the holding and promotion of peace congresses."
As the world has advanced, the Nobel committee has justifiably stretched its interpretation of this edict.
But we've found 12 instances where the prize's recipient reveals the Committee to be short-sighted at best, or naive at worst (and one where the committee itself behaved badly*).
And here we go with the homoerotic fantasies again.

And I think we've already established Cheeto Jesus isn't in the running.
Obama did an unprecedented thing when he managed to convince belligerent Iran to put the brakes on its nuclear arms development. I am very disappointed that Trump has thrown that work in the trash.

Right, none of this is Iran's fault am I right. Its not Iran's fault they fund terrorism all over the middle east and have killed countless civilians and children. :icon_rolleyes:
Where in the sam hill did I say any of THAT? This is not about liking or disliking Iran. I was speaking of Obama's accomplishment.
The accomplishment that he was so proud of that he would not allow congress to touch before he signed off on it? The one that somehow was supposed to be followed by the U.S. even though it did not follow our law? Surely you don't mean that one.
Really? Where's the Supreme Court ruling saying so?

So you think the Iran nuclear deal was a treaty? What was the vote in the Senate, dumbass?
No, it was an executive agreement. Keep reading before you call me a dumbass, please.
Obama did an unprecedented thing when he managed to convince belligerent Iran to put the brakes on its nuclear arms development. I am very disappointed that Trump has thrown that work in the trash.

Brakes? They might have tapped them with the full assurance they could still keep the world in the dark while they sped along in their development!
So where are they?
How can a president who destroys a country win the Nobel Peace prize ?
Don't worry, it's highly unlikely tRump will win a Nobel.
But he lusts after it. A nomination from Japan fell flat so maybe Kim Jong Un will nominate him.

Being awarded the Nobel Prize is one accomplishment by President Obama that drives Trump crazy. He will never equal it or get over it.

Awarding Trump a Nobel Peace Prize would be like awarding Hitler a Nobel Peace Prize.

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