How can a president who destroys a country win the Nobel Peace prize ?

Obama did an unprecedented thing when he managed to convince belligerent Iran to put the brakes on its nuclear arms development. I am very disappointed that Trump has thrown that work in the trash.
The people of Iran don't deserve to be stuck in the middle of all this.
Nice try, but even though I agree with you that NO people deserve to be caught in the middle between power hungry leaders, we cannot ignore the threat of Iran with nuclear weapons, either.
But 9 other countries having them isn't worrisome ?
If the US was serious about nuclear nonproliferation, we would be working with Russia and China to dispose of them all.
Obama did an unprecedented thing when he managed to convince belligerent Iran to put the brakes on its nuclear arms development. I am very disappointed that Trump has thrown that work in the trash.
The people of Iran don't deserve to be stuck in the middle of all this.
Nice try, but even though I agree with you that NO people deserve to be caught in the middle between power hungry leaders, we cannot ignore the threat of Iran with nuclear weapons, either.
But 9 other countries having them isn't worrisome ?
If the US was serious about nuclear nonproliferation, we would be working with Russia and China to dispose of them all.
What about START?
Obama did an unprecedented thing when he managed to convince belligerent Iran to put the brakes on its nuclear arms development. I am very disappointed that Trump has thrown that work in the trash.
The people of Iran don't deserve to be stuck in the middle of all this.
Nice try, but even though I agree with you that NO people deserve to be caught in the middle between power hungry leaders, we cannot ignore the threat of Iran with nuclear weapons, either.
But 9 other countries having them isn't worrisome ?
If the US was serious about nuclear nonproliferation, we would be working with Russia and China to dispose of them all.
I seem to remember Obama making that speech that sent the right into apoplectic fits during his visit to Hiroshima a few years ago. Remember? Did he mention his vision of a world where we would not be nuking each other? Obama was serious. He was just outnumbered.
Obama did an unprecedented thing when he managed to convince belligerent Iran to put the brakes on its nuclear arms development. I am very disappointed that Trump has thrown that work in the trash.
Don't think for a minute they weren't hoodwinking Obama.
I seem to remember Obama making that speech that sent the right into apoplectic fits during his visit to Hiroshima a few years ago. Remember? Did he mention his vision of a world where we would not be nuking each other? Obama was serious. He was just outnumbered.
I voted for him once. So did a bunch of Independents & Republicans ( who won't admit it ).But the tail can't wag the dog, we found out .Leadership can't stand on one leg and make it without the majority of's why they keep us divided, whether it's Clinton, Bush, Obama, Trump or a life-size Reagan puppet.

Obama quoted Frederick Douglass a few times, but sleepwalking Americans weren't listening. Trump thought Frederick Douglass was a Congressman running for reelection in Mississippi I believe.
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Obama did an unprecedented thing when he managed to convince belligerent Iran to put the brakes on its nuclear arms development. I am very disappointed that Trump has thrown that work in the trash.
Don't think for a minute they weren't hoodwinking Obama.
I don't know, Third Party. They're not Nice Guys, but I think if they were significantly cheating on the agreement, we would know about it. Regardless of their hidey holes. What we have now is certainly not an improvement, is it?
I seem to remember Obama making that speech that sent the right into apoplectic fits during his visit to Hiroshima a few years ago. Remember? Did he mention his vision of a world where we would not be nuking each other? Obama was serious. He was just outnumbered.
I voted for him once. So did a bunch of Independents & Republicans ( who won't admit it ).But the tail can't wag the dog, we found out .Leadership can't stand on one leg and make it without the majority of's why they keep us divided, whether it's Clinton, Bush, Obama, Trump or a life-size Reagan puppet.

Obama quoted Frederick Douglass a few times, but sleepwalking Americans weren't listening.
I sure didn't like some of the stuff he did, but I admired him for his work toward peace. The truth is, our ideals are all that separate us from the animal kingdom. It is true we cannot 100% achieve perfection in this world, but without trying, we are nothing but garbage. Ideals mean everything, in the end; we have to try.
Obama did an unprecedented thing when he managed to convince belligerent Iran to put the brakes on its nuclear arms development. I am very disappointed that Trump has thrown that work in the trash.

Right, none of this is Iran's fault am I right. Its not Iran's fault they fund terrorism all over the middle east and have killed countless civilians and children. :icon_rolleyes:
Where in the sam hill did I say any of THAT? This is not about liking or disliking Iran. I was speaking of Obama's accomplishment.
The accomplishment that he was so proud of that he would not allow congress to touch before he signed off on it? The one that somehow was supposed to be followed by the U.S. even though it did not follow our law? Surely you don't mean that one.
Really? Where's the Supreme Court ruling saying so?
Did the Senate approve the treaty? Yes or no?
Obama did an unprecedented thing when he managed to convince belligerent Iran to put the brakes on its nuclear arms development. I am very disappointed that Trump has thrown that work in the trash.
LOL! Brainwashed?
Obama did an unprecedented thing when he managed to convince belligerent Iran to put the brakes on its nuclear arms development. I am very disappointed that Trump has thrown that work in the trash.

Right, none of this is Iran's fault am I right. Its not Iran's fault they fund terrorism all over the middle east and have killed countless civilians and children. :icon_rolleyes:
Where in the sam hill did I say any of THAT? This is not about liking or disliking Iran. I was speaking of Obama's accomplishment.
The accomplishment that he was so proud of that he would not allow congress to touch before he signed off on it? The one that somehow was supposed to be followed by the U.S. even though it did not follow our law? Surely you don't mean that one.
Really? Where's the Supreme Court ruling saying so?
Did the Senate approve the treaty? Yes or no?
How did he get away with it, then? It was a Republican Senate, yes?
Right, none of this is Iran's fault am I right. Its not Iran's fault they fund terrorism all over the middle east and have killed countless civilians and children. :icon_rolleyes:
Where in the sam hill did I say any of THAT? This is not about liking or disliking Iran. I was speaking of Obama's accomplishment.
The accomplishment that he was so proud of that he would not allow congress to touch before he signed off on it? The one that somehow was supposed to be followed by the U.S. even though it did not follow our law? Surely you don't mean that one.
Really? Where's the Supreme Court ruling saying so?
Did the Senate approve the treaty? Yes or no?
How did he get away with it, then? It was a Republican Senate, yes?
Answer the question did he ever submit it to the Senate and have it approved? Yes or NO?
Don't worry, it's highly unlikely tRump will win a Nobel.

Good. Only pieces of shit win the Nobel. They gave it to fucking Yassar Arafat, the fucking terrorist. Its like winning a CNN award, pure bullshit. Maybe this forum should have the CRAPitus award for the most fucked up poster.

Where in the sam hill did I say any of THAT? This is not about liking or disliking Iran. I was speaking of Obama's accomplishment.
The accomplishment that he was so proud of that he would not allow congress to touch before he signed off on it? The one that somehow was supposed to be followed by the U.S. even though it did not follow our law? Surely you don't mean that one.
Really? Where's the Supreme Court ruling saying so?
Did the Senate approve the treaty? Yes or no?
How did he get away with it, then? It was a Republican Senate, yes?
Answer the question did he ever submit it to the Senate and have it approved? Yes or NO?
He didn't have to genius. It wasn't a treaty.

The U.S. has two major ways of entering into international agreements: treaties and executive agreements. Treaties are legally stronger but harder to pass, because they require a two-thirds majority in the Senate in order to ratify. For that reason, executive agreements, which don’t require congressional approval, have become far more common, though generally for less consequential agreements than the Iran deal.
The Iran Deal Is Great. It Also Sets a Dangerous Precedent for Expanded Executive Power.

This article appears to be anything but complimentary to Obama. Perhaps you should read it.
The accomplishment that he was so proud of that he would not allow congress to touch before he signed off on it? The one that somehow was supposed to be followed by the U.S. even though it did not follow our law? Surely you don't mean that one.
Really? Where's the Supreme Court ruling saying so?
Did the Senate approve the treaty? Yes or no?
How did he get away with it, then? It was a Republican Senate, yes?
Answer the question did he ever submit it to the Senate and have it approved? Yes or NO?
He didn't have to genius. It wasn't a treaty.

The U.S. has two major ways of entering into international agreements: treaties and executive agreements. Treaties are legally stronger but harder to pass, because they require a two-thirds majority in the Senate in order to ratify. For that reason, executive agreements, which don’t require congressional approval, have become far more common, though generally for less consequential agreements than the Iran deal.
The Iran Deal Is Great. It Also Sets a Dangerous Precedent for Expanded Executive Power.

This article appears to be anything but complimentary to Obama. Perhaps you should read it.
So in other words Obama tried to game the system and trump as President had every right to undo the supposed agreement. Obama gave away billions to a terror sponsor, he agreed to a bad deal with Iran and then denied the proper process for it to be approved because he KNEW he could not get it approved, in other words he did it illegally.

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