How can a president who destroys a country win the Nobel Peace prize ?

How can a president who destroys a country win the Nobel Peace prize ?
Don't worry, it's highly unlikely tRump will win a Nobel.

Well if tRump (very mature of you I might add) continues to bring PEACE to the KOREAN PENINSULA he SHOULD! What did Obama do but drone strikes and escalate and start wars?

The Nobel Peace prize is no longer legitimate, especially since Obama won it anyway.
I believe ISIS took over most of Syria--possibly because of our interference, some say--but we didn't bomb Syria just to get rid of Assad. And there were many other countries working with us to get ISIS the hell outta there. This is kind of slinky propaganda, I think.
WikiLeaks: Hillary Clinton’s ISIS Memo & Plan to Arm Syrian Rebels | National Review
Yes, to defeat ISIS.

Obama did an unprecedented thing when he managed to convince belligerent Iran to put the brakes on its nuclear arms development. I am very disappointed that Trump has thrown that work in the trash.

Iran never signed it and they never let any Military sites be "inspected".
Yes, they are signatories to the deal. October 2015.

I know that the military inspection carve out was an issue. I doubt if we would allow a hostile foreign country to be nosing around our most guarded military bases, either, though. There is only one site large enough to possibly work on nuclear weapons, and if you think that has been "ignored," you're nuts. We've been watching it like a hawk and don't you doubt it.

It was never signed by Iran, and "watching" is not inspecting.

"State Department says Iran NEVER SIGNED nuclear deal and it's not 'legally binding' as it tells Congress to butt out of Obama's 'political commitments'"

State Department: Iran NEVER SIGNED nuclear deal and it's not binding | Daily Mail Online

State Department: Iran Deal Not 'Legally Binding' and Iran Didn't Sign It | [site:name] | National Review

She makes it sound as if we are directly sending $$ to ISIS etc. We are doing business with Saudi Arabia and Turkey, and THEY as Muslim countries contribute to Muslim organizations like the Muslim Brotherhood, some of which support terrorist organizations (terrorist to us, freedom fighter to them). That is not very honest of her. Nations have a right to spend their money as they see fit, and while it is true that we as a nation have a right to choose who we do business with, for some reason Saudi Arabia and Turkey continue to be a protected class over there. Some say it's oil or strategic planning or whatever, but I'm sure there is a WHOLE LOT of stuff we and Tulsi Gabbard know nothing about.
I believe ISIS took over most of Syria--possibly because of our interference, some say--but we didn't bomb Syria just to get rid of Assad. And there were many other countries working with us to get ISIS the hell outta there. This is kind of slinky propaganda, I think.
WikiLeaks: Hillary Clinton’s ISIS Memo & Plan to Arm Syrian Rebels | National Review
Yes, to defeat ISIS.

Obama did an unprecedented thing when he managed to convince belligerent Iran to put the brakes on its nuclear arms development. I am very disappointed that Trump has thrown that work in the trash.

Iran never signed it and they never let any Military sites be "inspected".
Yes, they are signatories to the deal. October 2015.

I know that the military inspection carve out was an issue. I doubt if we would allow a hostile foreign country to be nosing around our most guarded military bases, either, though. There is only one site large enough to possibly work on nuclear weapons, and if you think that has been "ignored," you're nuts. We've been watching it like a hawk and don't you doubt it.

It was never signed by Iran, and "watching" is not inspecting.

"State Department says Iran NEVER SIGNED nuclear deal and it's not 'legally binding' as it tells Congress to butt out of Obama's 'political commitments'"

State Department: Iran NEVER SIGNED nuclear deal and it's not binding | Daily Mail Online

State Department: Iran Deal Not 'Legally Binding' and Iran Didn't Sign It | [site:name] | National Review
The article was talking about summer of 2015. The deal was signed in October.

She makes it sound as if we are directly sending $$ to ISIS etc. We are doing business with Saudi Arabia and Turkey, and THEY as Muslim countries contribute to Muslim organizations like the Muslim Brotherhood, some of which support terrorist organizations (terrorist to us, freedom fighter to them). That is not very honest of her. Nations have a right to spend their money as they see fit, and while it is true that we as a nation have a right to choose who we do business with, for some reason Saudi Arabia and Turkey continue to be a protected class over there. Some say it's oil or strategic planning or whatever, but I'm sure there is a WHOLE LOT of stuff we and Tulsi Gabbard know nothing about.

I believe ISIS took over most of Syria--possibly because of our interference, some say--but we didn't bomb Syria just to get rid of Assad. And there were many other countries working with us to get ISIS the hell outta there. This is kind of slinky propaganda, I think.
WikiLeaks: Hillary Clinton’s ISIS Memo & Plan to Arm Syrian Rebels | National Review
Yes, to defeat ISIS.

Obama did an unprecedented thing when he managed to convince belligerent Iran to put the brakes on its nuclear arms development. I am very disappointed that Trump has thrown that work in the trash.

Iran never signed it and they never let any Military sites be "inspected".
Yes, they are signatories to the deal. October 2015.

I know that the military inspection carve out was an issue. I doubt if we would allow a hostile foreign country to be nosing around our most guarded military bases, either, though. There is only one site large enough to possibly work on nuclear weapons, and if you think that has been "ignored," you're nuts. We've been watching it like a hawk and don't you doubt it.

It was never signed by Iran, and "watching" is not inspecting.

"State Department says Iran NEVER SIGNED nuclear deal and it's not 'legally binding' as it tells Congress to butt out of Obama's 'political commitments'"

State Department: Iran NEVER SIGNED nuclear deal and it's not binding | Daily Mail Online

State Department: Iran Deal Not 'Legally Binding' and Iran Didn't Sign It | [site:name] | National Review
The article was talking about summer of 2015. The deal was signed in October.

Before I call you out for lying, prove it.
Obama did an unprecedented thing when he managed to convince belligerent Iran to put the brakes on its nuclear arms development. I am very disappointed that Trump has thrown that work in the trash.

I'm sorry, GF, that's derp AF.

Yes. It hurts to run my hand on my sunburned forehead, but you
know jack shit about that in Maine.
I believe ISIS took over most of Syria--possibly because of our interference, some say--but we didn't bomb Syria just to get rid of Assad. And there were many other countries working with us to get ISIS the hell outta there. This is kind of slinky propaganda, I think.
WikiLeaks: Hillary Clinton’s ISIS Memo & Plan to Arm Syrian Rebels | National Review
Yes, to defeat ISIS.

Obama did an unprecedented thing when he managed to convince belligerent Iran to put the brakes on its nuclear arms development. I am very disappointed that Trump has thrown that work in the trash.

Iran never signed it and they never let any Military sites be "inspected".
Yes, they are signatories to the deal. October 2015.

I know that the military inspection carve out was an issue. I doubt if we would allow a hostile foreign country to be nosing around our most guarded military bases, either, though. There is only one site large enough to possibly work on nuclear weapons, and if you think that has been "ignored," you're nuts. We've been watching it like a hawk and don't you doubt it.

It was never signed by Iran, and "watching" is not inspecting.

"State Department says Iran NEVER SIGNED nuclear deal and it's not 'legally binding' as it tells Congress to butt out of Obama's 'political commitments'"

State Department: Iran NEVER SIGNED nuclear deal and it's not binding | Daily Mail Online

State Department: Iran Deal Not 'Legally Binding' and Iran Didn't Sign It | [site:name] | National Review
The article was talking about summer of 2015. The deal was signed in October.

November 2015....

The Obama administration admits to Congress that its nuclear pact with Iran has not been signed by the Iranian regime and has no legal force. Obama's "tough diplomacy" is puff diplomacy.

The White House's latest updated "Strategy for American Innovation" left one innovation out: diplomatic pacts with other countries that don't have to be signed.

Maybe President Obama will say that it saves the taxpayers money, since it eliminates signing ceremonies in lavish locales.

Going back to when, as a candidate, he expressed a willingness to talk directly with Iran, then through months of negotiations on its nuclear program, Obama never said that at the end of it all the Iranians might never bother to sign the deal that he promises will prevent the terror state from becoming nuclear-armed."

Iran Nuclear Deal Isn't A Bad Deal After All; It's No Deal | Investor's Business Daily
I believe ISIS took over most of Syria--possibly because of our interference, some say--but we didn't bomb Syria just to get rid of Assad. And there were many other countries working with us to get ISIS the hell outta there. This is kind of slinky propaganda, I think.
WikiLeaks: Hillary Clinton’s ISIS Memo & Plan to Arm Syrian Rebels | National Review
Yes, to defeat ISIS.

Obama did an unprecedented thing when he managed to convince belligerent Iran to put the brakes on its nuclear arms development. I am very disappointed that Trump has thrown that work in the trash.

Iran never signed it and they never let any Military sites be "inspected".
Yes, they are signatories to the deal. October 2015.

I know that the military inspection carve out was an issue. I doubt if we would allow a hostile foreign country to be nosing around our most guarded military bases, either, though. There is only one site large enough to possibly work on nuclear weapons, and if you think that has been "ignored," you're nuts. We've been watching it like a hawk and don't you doubt it.

It was never signed by Iran, and "watching" is not inspecting.

"State Department says Iran NEVER SIGNED nuclear deal and it's not 'legally binding' as it tells Congress to butt out of Obama's 'political commitments'"

State Department: Iran NEVER SIGNED nuclear deal and it's not binding | Daily Mail Online

State Department: Iran Deal Not 'Legally Binding' and Iran Didn't Sign It | [site:name] | National Review
The article was talking about summer of 2015. The deal was signed in October.
You do realize Iran would Run roughshod all over the Middle East if it wasn’t for Israel and Saudi Arabia.
Capitalism binds Saudi Arabia, the United States, Egypt and Israel... The Middle East will never change, Muslims live to fight, and absolutely embrace violence.
Capitalism tempers all out war...

Iran will never live up to anything other than their own evil interests... So shut the fuck up
I believe ISIS took over most of Syria--possibly because of our interference, some say--but we didn't bomb Syria just to get rid of Assad. And there were many other countries working with us to get ISIS the hell outta there. This is kind of slinky propaganda, I think.
WikiLeaks: Hillary Clinton’s ISIS Memo & Plan to Arm Syrian Rebels | National Review
Yes, to defeat ISIS.

Obama did an unprecedented thing when he managed to convince belligerent Iran to put the brakes on its nuclear arms development. I am very disappointed that Trump has thrown that work in the trash.

Iran never signed it and they never let any Military sites be "inspected".
Yes, they are signatories to the deal. October 2015.

I know that the military inspection carve out was an issue. I doubt if we would allow a hostile foreign country to be nosing around our most guarded military bases, either, though. There is only one site large enough to possibly work on nuclear weapons, and if you think that has been "ignored," you're nuts. We've been watching it like a hawk and don't you doubt it.

It was never signed by Iran, and "watching" is not inspecting.

"State Department says Iran NEVER SIGNED nuclear deal and it's not 'legally binding' as it tells Congress to butt out of Obama's 'political commitments'"

State Department: Iran NEVER SIGNED nuclear deal and it's not binding | Daily Mail Online

State Department: Iran Deal Not 'Legally Binding' and Iran Didn't Sign It | [site:name] | National Review
The article was talking about summer of 2015. The deal was signed in October.

November 2015....

The Obama administration admits to Congress that its nuclear pact with Iran has not been signed by the Iranian regime and has no legal force. Obama's "tough diplomacy" is puff diplomacy.

The White House's latest updated "Strategy for American Innovation" left one innovation out: diplomatic pacts with other countries that don't have to be signed.

Maybe President Obama will say that it saves the taxpayers money, since it eliminates signing ceremonies in lavish locales.

Going back to when, as a candidate, he expressed a willingness to talk directly with Iran, then through months of negotiations on its nuclear program, Obama never said that at the end of it all the Iranians might never bother to sign the deal that he promises will prevent the terror state from becoming nuclear-armed."

Iran Nuclear Deal Isn't A Bad Deal After All; It's No Deal | Investor's Business Daily
I'm just going by every single article I've seen other than yours, all saying that Iran is a signatory (that means they've signed, I believe).

Iran never signed it and they never let any Military sites be "inspected".
Yes, they are signatories to the deal. October 2015.

I know that the military inspection carve out was an issue. I doubt if we would allow a hostile foreign country to be nosing around our most guarded military bases, either, though. There is only one site large enough to possibly work on nuclear weapons, and if you think that has been "ignored," you're nuts. We've been watching it like a hawk and don't you doubt it.

It was never signed by Iran, and "watching" is not inspecting.

"State Department says Iran NEVER SIGNED nuclear deal and it's not 'legally binding' as it tells Congress to butt out of Obama's 'political commitments'"

State Department: Iran NEVER SIGNED nuclear deal and it's not binding | Daily Mail Online

State Department: Iran Deal Not 'Legally Binding' and Iran Didn't Sign It | [site:name] | National Review
The article was talking about summer of 2015. The deal was signed in October.

November 2015....

The Obama administration admits to Congress that its nuclear pact with Iran has not been signed by the Iranian regime and has no legal force. Obama's "tough diplomacy" is puff diplomacy.

The White House's latest updated "Strategy for American Innovation" left one innovation out: diplomatic pacts with other countries that don't have to be signed.

Maybe President Obama will say that it saves the taxpayers money, since it eliminates signing ceremonies in lavish locales.

Going back to when, as a candidate, he expressed a willingness to talk directly with Iran, then through months of negotiations on its nuclear program, Obama never said that at the end of it all the Iranians might never bother to sign the deal that he promises will prevent the terror state from becoming nuclear-armed."

Iran Nuclear Deal Isn't A Bad Deal After All; It's No Deal | Investor's Business Daily
I'm just going by every single article I've seen other than yours, all saying that Iran is a signatory (that means they've signed, I believe).

Nope you're a liar, nothing more. I asked you to prove what you said and you're running away. You've been proven a liar.
We always give Bush and his daddy credit for obliterating Iraq, so what about Obama and his covert operations in Syria (for one example) ?

The pro-war propaganda of regime change is the exact same mentality that got us into the disastrous war on Iraq, Libya and now Syria, leading to the deaths of hundreds of thousands of people in the Middle East, the deaths of thousands of American soldiers and costing American taxpayers well over $6 trillion dollars. ( and that's a conservative figure).

Too many times the U.S. has rushed into regime change war without an intelligent analysis of the potential effects.


the only one responsible for us being in Iraq is saddam
gassed his own people
violated the cease fire requirements
harbored notorious terrorists
Obama did an unprecedented thing when he managed to convince belligerent Iran to put the brakes on its nuclear arms development. I am very disappointed that Trump has thrown that work in the trash.

Right, none of this is Iran's fault am I right. Its not Iran's fault they fund terrorism all over the middle east and have killed countless civilians and children. :icon_rolleyes:
Where in the sam hill did I say any of THAT? This is not about liking or disliking Iran. I was speaking of Obama's accomplishment.
The accomplishment that he was so proud of that he would not allow congress to touch before he signed off on it? The one that somehow was supposed to be followed by the U.S. even though it did not follow our law? Surely you don't mean that one.
Really? Where's the Supreme Court ruling saying so?
Let me get this right since I don't want to be accused of misunderstanding some one who may be senile.
You support a president not having to be watched over by congress. Unless the Supreme Court says no they should be allowed to by pass congress.
The U.S. should continue a treaty or pact or what ever you want to call it that Iran never actually signed.
You consider it an achievement that should be applauded that after the end of its time will only cause Iran to have a waiting period of less then a year before they have a working nuclear weapon. IF they follow the agreement.!!
There is only one site that is monitored any other would need at least 20 days notice if it is even allowed.
So it is known that Iran has been trading with North Korea what do you think North Korea had to sell that Iran could possibly want?

So all in all you like the idea that a president should be allowed to write and sign treaties without congressional oversight even if the party that is affected by the treaty does not sign.
Sounds an awful lot like a dictator setup to me.
Obama did an unprecedented thing when he managed to convince belligerent Iran to put the brakes on its nuclear arms development. I am very disappointed that Trump has thrown that work in the trash.

Right, none of this is Iran's fault am I right. Its not Iran's fault they fund terrorism all over the middle east and have killed countless civilians and children. :icon_rolleyes:
Where in the sam hill did I say any of THAT? This is not about liking or disliking Iran. I was speaking of Obama's accomplishment.
The accomplishment that he was so proud of that he would not allow congress to touch before he signed off on it? The one that somehow was supposed to be followed by the U.S. even though it did not follow our law? Surely you don't mean that one.
Really? Where's the Supreme Court ruling saying so?
Let me get this right since I don't want to be accused of misunderstanding some one who may be senile.
You support a president not having to be watched over by congress. Unless the Supreme Court says no they should be allowed to by pass congress.
The U.S. should continue a treaty or pact or what ever you want to call it that Iran never actually signed.
You consider it an achievement that should be applauded that after the end of its time will only cause Iran to have a waiting period of less then a year before they have a working nuclear weapon. IF they follow the agreement.!!
There is only one site that is monitored any other would need at least 20 days notice if it is even allowed.
So it is known that Iran has been trading with North Korea what do you think North Korea had to sell that Iran could possibly want?

So all in all you like the idea that a president should be allowed to write and sign treaties without congressional oversight even if the party that is affected by the treaty does not sign.
Sounds an awful lot like a dictator setup to me.

No, no....just Presidents SHE supports.
Yes, to defeat ISIS.

Yes, they are signatories to the deal. October 2015.

I know that the military inspection carve out was an issue. I doubt if we would allow a hostile foreign country to be nosing around our most guarded military bases, either, though. There is only one site large enough to possibly work on nuclear weapons, and if you think that has been "ignored," you're nuts. We've been watching it like a hawk and don't you doubt it.

It was never signed by Iran, and "watching" is not inspecting.

"State Department says Iran NEVER SIGNED nuclear deal and it's not 'legally binding' as it tells Congress to butt out of Obama's 'political commitments'"

State Department: Iran NEVER SIGNED nuclear deal and it's not binding | Daily Mail Online

State Department: Iran Deal Not 'Legally Binding' and Iran Didn't Sign It | [site:name] | National Review
The article was talking about summer of 2015. The deal was signed in October.

November 2015....

The Obama administration admits to Congress that its nuclear pact with Iran has not been signed by the Iranian regime and has no legal force. Obama's "tough diplomacy" is puff diplomacy.

The White House's latest updated "Strategy for American Innovation" left one innovation out: diplomatic pacts with other countries that don't have to be signed.

Maybe President Obama will say that it saves the taxpayers money, since it eliminates signing ceremonies in lavish locales.

Going back to when, as a candidate, he expressed a willingness to talk directly with Iran, then through months of negotiations on its nuclear program, Obama never said that at the end of it all the Iranians might never bother to sign the deal that he promises will prevent the terror state from becoming nuclear-armed."

Iran Nuclear Deal Isn't A Bad Deal After All; It's No Deal | Investor's Business Daily
I'm just going by every single article I've seen other than yours, all saying that Iran is a signatory (that means they've signed, I believe).

Nope you're a liar, nothing more. I asked you to prove what you said and you're running away. You've been proven a liar.

Post just ONE that says they signed honey, SURELY you can cite just ONE?

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