How can anyone on the left claim Trump has been anything but successful?

I can...

He has continued the Obama economy. His GDP and employment figures are consistent with the numbers Obama put up for 8 years

He has increased the deficit in a strong economy. There is no justification for that

He has destroyed our global alliances

He pulled out of numerous treaties without offering something better

He has not built a wall and Mexico is not paying

He failed to repeal Obamacare and replace it with something better, all he did is remove healthcare from millions of people

He cut taxes on the wealthy without demanding something in return

WELL I can tell you for ONE DAMN sure that Trump would NEVER make statements or actions like the dumb economically stupid Obama made like these!

THINK for once! How in the hell does it help to bankrupt companies? Put 1,400 companies out of business? Layoff 450,000 people and cut $100 billion in tax revenue?
Or why would idiots like Obama and evidently YOU want to make the USA DEPENDENT on foreign OIL???
Or even the stupid environmentalist don't seem to comprehend that putting 1 million barrel oil tanker on one mile of ocean is a lot more dangerous environmentally than
1 mile of pipeline carrying 700 BARRELS! Yet environmentalists and evidently idiots like you never thought of that!

OH and where in the hell was obama's magic wand that he poked fun of with Trump in regards to manufacturing jobs not coming back???
View attachment 220932

We are running a trillion dollar deficit this year.
If the economy is booming; why is that so?
Why do we need to run a deficit with a booming economy?

Republicans complained about Obama’s deficit while he was trying to rescue the economy

What specifically did Obama do to rescue the economy? Was it when he said that energy prices should NECESSARILY go up? Was it when he told small business owners, “you didn’t build that!” Perhaps it was when he said, “At a certain point, you’ve made enough money”.

More than any one other thing, he made banks be responsible once more so that we wouldn't have to have more bail outs in the future of "too big to fail" organizations. This helped the confidence of Americans. It was more to stabilize the economy which was in free fall thanks to the deregulators.
The economy was in a panic
Investors were bailing out, employers were dumping employees, the economy was contracting

The Great Obama signaled that the power of the US Government would not let these businesses fail, he found money to prop up the economy

The panic subsided.......the stock market reversed its downturn, business stopped laying off its workforce, private investment returned
They can't, but they'll sure try to. They live each day desperately hoping the sky will fall. But it just isn't happening. They're very sad bitter folks.
WELL I can tell you for ONE DAMN sure that Trump would NEVER make statements or actions like the dumb economically stupid Obama made like these!

THINK for once! How in the hell does it help to bankrupt companies? Put 1,400 companies out of business? Layoff 450,000 people and cut $100 billion in tax revenue?
Or why would idiots like Obama and evidently YOU want to make the USA DEPENDENT on foreign OIL???
Or even the stupid environmentalist don't seem to comprehend that putting 1 million barrel oil tanker on one mile of ocean is a lot more dangerous environmentally than
1 mile of pipeline carrying 700 BARRELS! Yet environmentalists and evidently idiots like you never thought of that!

OH and where in the hell was obama's magic wand that he poked fun of with Trump in regards to manufacturing jobs not coming back???
View attachment 220932

We are running a trillion dollar deficit this year.
If the economy is booming; why is that so?
Why do we need to run a deficit with a booming economy?

Republicans complained about Obama’s deficit while he was trying to rescue the economy

What specifically did Obama do to rescue the economy? Was it when he said that energy prices should NECESSARILY go up? Was it when he told small business owners, “you didn’t build that!” Perhaps it was when he said, “At a certain point, you’ve made enough money”.

More than any one other thing, he made banks be responsible once more so that we wouldn't have to have more bail outs in the future of "too big to fail" organizations. This helped the confidence of Americans. It was more to stabilize the economy which was in free fall thanks to the deregulators.
The economy was in a panic
Investors were bailing out, employers were dumping employees, the economy was contracting

The Great Obama signaled that the power of the US Government would not let these businesses fail, he found money to prop up the economy

The panic subsided.......the stock market reversed its downturn, business stopped laying off its workforce, private investment returned

He found money??? LOL, what a dufus.
We are running a trillion dollar deficit this year.
If the economy is booming; why is that so?
Why do we need to run a deficit with a booming economy?

Republicans complained about Obama’s deficit while he was trying to rescue the economy

What specifically did Obama do to rescue the economy? Was it when he said that energy prices should NECESSARILY go up? Was it when he told small business owners, “you didn’t build that!” Perhaps it was when he said, “At a certain point, you’ve made enough money”.

More than any one other thing, he made banks be responsible once more so that we wouldn't have to have more bail outs in the future of "too big to fail" organizations. This helped the confidence of Americans. It was more to stabilize the economy which was in free fall thanks to the deregulators.
The economy was in a panic
Investors were bailing out, employers were dumping employees, the economy was contracting

The Great Obama signaled that the power of the US Government would not let these businesses fail, he found money to prop up the economy

The panic subsided.......the stock market reversed its downturn, business stopped laying off its workforce, private investment returned

He found money??? LOL, what a dufus.
Yes he the tune of $850 billion

EVERY Republican voted against the recovery
WELL I can tell you for ONE DAMN sure that Trump would NEVER make statements or actions like the dumb economically stupid Obama made like these!

THINK for once! How in the hell does it help to bankrupt companies? Put 1,400 companies out of business? Layoff 450,000 people and cut $100 billion in tax revenue?
Or why would idiots like Obama and evidently YOU want to make the USA DEPENDENT on foreign OIL???
Or even the stupid environmentalist don't seem to comprehend that putting 1 million barrel oil tanker on one mile of ocean is a lot more dangerous environmentally than
1 mile of pipeline carrying 700 BARRELS! Yet environmentalists and evidently idiots like you never thought of that!

OH and where in the hell was obama's magic wand that he poked fun of with Trump in regards to manufacturing jobs not coming back???
View attachment 220932

We are running a trillion dollar deficit this year.
If the economy is booming; why is that so?
Why do we need to run a deficit with a booming economy?

Republicans complained about Obama’s deficit while he was trying to rescue the economy

What specifically did Obama do to rescue the economy? Was it when he said that energy prices should NECESSARILY go up? Was it when he told small business owners, “you didn’t build that!” Perhaps it was when he said, “At a certain point, you’ve made enough money”.

More than any one other thing, he made banks be responsible once more so that we wouldn't have to have more bail outs in the future of "too big to fail" organizations. This helped the confidence of Americans. It was more to stabilize the economy which was in free fall thanks to the deregulators.
The economy was in a panic
Investors were bailing out, employers were dumping employees, the economy was contracting

The Great Obama signaled that the power of the US Government would not let these businesses fail, he found money to prop up the economy

The panic subsided.......the stock market reversed its downturn, business stopped laying off its workforce, private investment returned

Actually it wasn't Obama. Did you see the movie "Too Big to Fail"? It was Henry Paulson who engineered the recovery. I would hope Obama garnered support for Hank, but it was a very scary time being that close to an economic disaster.
Why do we need to run a deficit with a booming economy?

Republicans complained about Obama’s deficit while he was trying to rescue the economy

What specifically did Obama do to rescue the economy? Was it when he said that energy prices should NECESSARILY go up? Was it when he told small business owners, “you didn’t build that!” Perhaps it was when he said, “At a certain point, you’ve made enough money”.

More than any one other thing, he made banks be responsible once more so that we wouldn't have to have more bail outs in the future of "too big to fail" organizations. This helped the confidence of Americans. It was more to stabilize the economy which was in free fall thanks to the deregulators.
The economy was in a panic
Investors were bailing out, employers were dumping employees, the economy was contracting

The Great Obama signaled that the power of the US Government would not let these businesses fail, he found money to prop up the economy

The panic subsided.......the stock market reversed its downturn, business stopped laying off its workforce, private investment returned

He found money??? LOL, what a dufus.
Yes he the tune of $850 billion

EVERY Republican voted against the recovery

Wrong. Kurt Schrader says more Republicans than Democrats voted in favor of the Wall Street bailout
By almost any measurable metric the United States is flourishing. And in some areas it isn't just flourishing it is stampeding.
I will grant you that the debt/spending is a huge problem but at least the country as a whole is reaping rewards from it this time. Usually they spend boatloads and we get buptkis out of it (see Obama)
The threat of tariffs and ending trade agreements has even had some positive outcomes so far (Mexico & Canada)

Now I expect you to howl about families split up at the border (while pretending this was new to Trump) and the debt of course but policy wise you got no winning message.
I can...

He has continued the Obama economy. His GDP and employment figures are consistent with the numbers Obama put up for 8 years

He has increased the deficit in a strong economy. There is no justification for that

He has destroyed our global alliances

He pulled out of numerous treaties without offering something better

He has not built a wall and Mexico is not paying

He failed to repeal Obamacare and replace it with something better, all he did is remove healthcare from millions of people

He cut taxes on the wealthy without demanding something in return

WELL I can tell you for ONE DAMN sure that Trump would NEVER make statements or actions like the dumb economically stupid Obama made like these!

THINK for once! How in the hell does it help to bankrupt companies? Put 1,400 companies out of business? Layoff 450,000 people and cut $100 billion in tax revenue?
Or why would idiots like Obama and evidently YOU want to make the USA DEPENDENT on foreign OIL???
Or even the stupid environmentalist don't seem to comprehend that putting 1 million barrel oil tanker on one mile of ocean is a lot more dangerous environmentally than
1 mile of pipeline carrying 700 BARRELS! Yet environmentalists and evidently idiots like you never thought of that!

OH and where in the hell was obama's magic wand that he poked fun of with Trump in regards to manufacturing jobs not coming back???
View attachment 220932

We are running a trillion dollar deficit this year.
If the economy is booming; why is that so?
Why do we need to run a deficit with a booming economy?

Republicans complained about Obama’s deficit while he was trying to rescue the economy

What specifically did Obama do to rescue the economy? Was it when he said that energy prices should NECESSARILY go up? Was it when he told small business owners, “you didn’t build that!” Perhaps it was when he said, “At a certain point, you’ve made enough money”.
Mainly the ARRA of 2009. Recovery and Reinvestment act. But any further attempts to improve the situation were blocked by republicans.

How the ARRA worked.
We are running a trillion dollar deficit this year.
If the economy is booming; why is that so?
Why do we need to run a deficit with a booming economy?

Republicans complained about Obama’s deficit while he was trying to rescue the economy

What specifically did Obama do to rescue the economy? Was it when he said that energy prices should NECESSARILY go up? Was it when he told small business owners, “you didn’t build that!” Perhaps it was when he said, “At a certain point, you’ve made enough money”.

More than any one other thing, he made banks be responsible once more so that we wouldn't have to have more bail outs in the future of "too big to fail" organizations. This helped the confidence of Americans. It was more to stabilize the economy which was in free fall thanks to the deregulators.
The economy was in a panic
Investors were bailing out, employers were dumping employees, the economy was contracting

The Great Obama signaled that the power of the US Government would not let these businesses fail, he found money to prop up the economy

The panic subsided.......the stock market reversed its downturn, business stopped laying off its workforce, private investment returned

Actually it wasn't Obama. Did you see the movie "Too Big to Fail"? It was Henry Paulson who engineered the recovery. I would hope Obama garnered support for Hank, but it was a very scary time being that close to an economic disaster.

Paulson came in at the very end of Bush’s term
If they had used his suggestions a year earlier, we could have saved a lot of pain
What specifically did Obama do to rescue the economy? Was it when he said that energy prices should NECESSARILY go up? Was it when he told small business owners, “you didn’t build that!” Perhaps it was when he said, “At a certain point, you’ve made enough money”.

More than any one other thing, he made banks be responsible once more so that we wouldn't have to have more bail outs in the future of "too big to fail" organizations. This helped the confidence of Americans. It was more to stabilize the economy which was in free fall thanks to the deregulators.
The economy was in a panic
Investors were bailing out, employers were dumping employees, the economy was contracting

The Great Obama signaled that the power of the US Government would not let these businesses fail, he found money to prop up the economy

The panic subsided.......the stock market reversed its downturn, business stopped laying off its workforce, private investment returned

He found money??? LOL, what a dufus.
Yes he the tune of $850 billion

EVERY Republican voted against the recovery

Wrong. Kurt Schrader says more Republicans than Democrats voted in favor of the Wall Street bailout

They did?
Yes to bail out Bush

But when Obama asked for the same remedies........EVERY Republican voted against it

They wanted the economy to fail
By almost any measurable metric the United States is flourishing. And in some areas it isn't just flourishing it is stampeding.
I will grant you that the debt/spending is a huge problem but at least the country as a whole is reaping rewards from it this time. Usually they spend boatloads and we get buptkis out of it (see Obama)
The threat of tariffs and ending trade agreements has even had some positive outcomes so far (Mexico & Canada)

Now I expect you to howl about families split up at the border (while pretending this was new to Trump) and the debt of course but policy wise you got no winning message.
Short term is for suckers.

I don't judge him today. Time will tell the truth about his policies.
Socialism always commits suicide. you silly little fucker
How are you not doing well in this booming economy? I mean if you flip burgers for a living I guess shit is bad for you. But unless you are 17 years old that is nobody's fault but your own.

I was doing just as well when Obama was in office, but how well I'm doing isn't the point. That's on me, not anything Trump is doing.

Trump inherited a good economy and immediately started applying all the bad Republican ideas that get us into recessions. - Tariffs, tax cuts for rich people, deficit spending, deregulation.
Na, not really
There would be no trump if there was no obama, Karma is a bitch
By almost any measurable metric the United States is flourishing. And in some areas it isn't just flourishing it is stampeding.
I will grant you that the debt/spending is a huge problem but at least the country as a whole is reaping rewards from it this time. Usually they spend boatloads and we get buptkis out of it (see Obama)
The threat of tariffs and ending trade agreements has even had some positive outcomes so far (Mexico & Canada)

Now I expect you to howl about families split up at the border (while pretending this was new to Trump) and the debt of course but policy wise you got no winning message.
Short term is for suckers.

I don't judge him today. Time will tell the truth about his policies.
You mean you will wait to see if the resistance finally works ? Short term is just to early to tell eh ??? Let's see, it's strike two for the Demon-crats, no bases loaded, and Trump's fixing to throw another knuckle ball. It ain't looking good. :popcorn:
Short term is all about feelings and mood. If you are one to be easily manipulated by emotion, have at it. I know you have an emotional attachment to Trump anyway.
Socialism is all about short term never about long-term you silly little fucker
By almost any measurable metric the United States is flourishing. And in some areas it isn't just flourishing it is stampeding.
I will grant you that the debt/spending is a huge problem but at least the country as a whole is reaping rewards from it this time. Usually they spend boatloads and we get buptkis out of it (see Obama)
The threat of tariffs and ending trade agreements has even had some positive outcomes so far (Mexico & Canada)

Now I expect you to howl about families split up at the border (while pretending this was new to Trump) and the debt of course but policy wise you got no winning message.
Short term is for suckers.

I don't judge him today. Time will tell the truth about his policies.
You mean you will wait to see if the resistance finally works ? Short term is just to early to tell eh ??? Let's see, it's strike two for the Demon-crats, no bases loaded, and Trump's fixing to throw another knuckle ball. It ain't looking good. :popcorn:
Short term is all about feelings and mood. If you are one to be easily manipulated by emotion, have at it. I know you have an emotional attachment to Trump anyway.
Short term is about the ability to make firm plans for the future. It is the foundation everything is built on.

You are ignoring the "short term" now because you can't refute the results.
Without a doubt if Trump was failing you would be trumpeting it from the rooftops not pretending that it is short term irrelevancies.
I'm just being realistic.
There is no reality in socialism, It’s all about pie in the sky and fucked up idealism
By almost any measurable metric the United States is flourishing. And in some areas it isn't just flourishing it is stampeding.
I will grant you that the debt/spending is a huge problem but at least the country as a whole is reaping rewards from it this time. Usually they spend boatloads and we get buptkis out of it (see Obama)
The threat of tariffs and ending trade agreements has even had some positive outcomes so far (Mexico & Canada)

Now I expect you to howl about families split up at the border (while pretending this was new to Trump) and the debt of course but policy wise you got no winning message.
I can...

He has continued the Obama economy. His GDP and employment figures are consistent with the numbers Obama put up for 8 years

He has increased the deficit in a strong economy. There is no justification for that

He has destroyed our global alliances

He pulled out of numerous treaties without offering something better

He has not built a wall and Mexico is not paying

He failed to repeal Obamacare and replace it with something better, all he did is remove healthcare from millions of people

He cut taxes on the wealthy without demanding something in return
By almost any measurable metric the United States is flourishing. And in some areas it isn't just flourishing it is stampeding.
I will grant you that the debt/spending is a huge problem but at least the country as a whole is reaping rewards from it this time. Usually they spend boatloads and we get buptkis out of it (see Obama)
The threat of tariffs and ending trade agreements has even had some positive outcomes so far (Mexico & Canada)

Now I expect you to howl about families split up at the border (while pretending this was new to Trump) and the debt of course but policy wise you got no winning message.
Short term is for suckers.

I don't judge him today. Time will tell the truth about his policies.
Socialism always commits suicide. you silly little fucker
gran paw you stupid fuk cost of living increases and tariffs mean nothing to your uneducated brain? Trump is an AH as are his ass kissers like you
By almost any measurable metric the United States is flourishing. And in some areas it isn't just flourishing it is stampeding.
I will grant you that the debt/spending is a huge problem but at least the country as a whole is reaping rewards from it this time. Usually they spend boatloads and we get buptkis out of it (see Obama)
The threat of tariffs and ending trade agreements has even had some positive outcomes so far (Mexico & Canada)

Now I expect you to howl about families split up at the border (while pretending this was new to Trump) and the debt of course but policy wise you got no winning message.
I can...

He has continued the Obama economy. His GDP and employment figures are consistent with the numbers Obama put up for 8 years

He has increased the deficit in a strong economy. There is no justification for that

He has destroyed our global alliances

He pulled out of numerous treaties without offering something better

He has not built a wall and Mexico is not paying

He failed to repeal Obamacare and replace it with something better, all he did is remove healthcare from millions of people

He cut taxes on the wealthy without demanding something in return

WELL I can tell you for ONE DAMN sure that Trump would NEVER make statements or actions like the dumb economically stupid Obama made like these!

THINK for once! How in the hell does it help to bankrupt companies? Put 1,400 companies out of business? Layoff 450,000 people and cut $100 billion in tax revenue?
Or why would idiots like Obama and evidently YOU want to make the USA DEPENDENT on foreign OIL???
Or even the stupid environmentalist don't seem to comprehend that putting 1 million barrel oil tanker on one mile of ocean is a lot more dangerous environmentally than
1 mile of pipeline carrying 700 BARRELS! Yet environmentalists and evidently idiots like you never thought of that!

OH and where in the hell was obama's magic wand that he poked fun of with Trump in regards to manufacturing jobs not coming back???
View attachment 220932

We are running a trillion dollar deficit this year.
If the economy is booming; why is that so?
Why do we need to run a deficit with a booming economy?

Republicans complained about Obama’s deficit while he was trying to rescue the economy
The debt is far too large to ever be paid back... Career politicians screwed over the country
WELL I can tell you for ONE DAMN sure that Trump would NEVER make statements or actions like the dumb economically stupid Obama made like these!

THINK for once! How in the hell does it help to bankrupt companies? Put 1,400 companies out of business? Layoff 450,000 people and cut $100 billion in tax revenue?
Or why would idiots like Obama and evidently YOU want to make the USA DEPENDENT on foreign OIL???
Or even the stupid environmentalist don't seem to comprehend that putting 1 million barrel oil tanker on one mile of ocean is a lot more dangerous environmentally than
1 mile of pipeline carrying 700 BARRELS! Yet environmentalists and evidently idiots like you never thought of that!

OH and where in the hell was obama's magic wand that he poked fun of with Trump in regards to manufacturing jobs not coming back???
View attachment 220932

We are running a trillion dollar deficit this year.
If the economy is booming; why is that so?
Why do we need to run a deficit with a booming economy?

Republicans complained about Obama’s deficit while he was trying to rescue the economy

What specifically did Obama do to rescue the economy? Was it when he said that energy prices should NECESSARILY go up? Was it when he told small business owners, “you didn’t build that!” Perhaps it was when he said, “At a certain point, you’ve made enough money”.

More than any one other thing, he made banks be responsible once more so that we wouldn't have to have more bail outs in the future of "too big to fail" organizations. This helped the confidence of Americans. It was more to stabilize the economy which was in free fall thanks to the deregulators.
The economy was in a panic
Investors were bailing out, employers were dumping employees, the economy was contracting

The Great Obama signaled that the power of the US Government would not let these businesses fail, he found money to prop up the economy

The panic subsided.......the stock market reversed its downturn, business stopped laying off its workforce, private investment returned
An Inconvenient Truth: It Was George W. Bush Who Bailed Out the Automakers

...And he was wrong to do so
By almost any measurable metric the United States is flourishing. And in some areas it isn't just flourishing it is stampeding.
I will grant you that the debt/spending is a huge problem but at least the country as a whole is reaping rewards from it this time. Usually they spend boatloads and we get buptkis out of it (see Obama)
The threat of tariffs and ending trade agreements has even had some positive outcomes so far (Mexico & Canada)

Now I expect you to howl about families split up at the border (while pretending this was new to Trump) and the debt of course but policy wise you got no winning message.
Short term is for suckers.

I don't judge him today. Time will tell the truth about his policies.
Socialism always commits suicide. you silly little fucker
gran paw you stupid fuk cost of living increases and tariffs mean nothing to your uneducated brain? Trump is an AH as are his ass kissers like you
Socialists have no long-term in mind, they’re all about immediate satisfaction.
Just admit it you’re a control freak
By almost any measurable metric the United States is flourishing. And in some areas it isn't just flourishing it is stampeding.
I will grant you that the debt/spending is a huge problem but at least the country as a whole is reaping rewards from it this time. Usually they spend boatloads and we get buptkis out of it (see Obama)
The threat of tariffs and ending trade agreements has even had some positive outcomes so far (Mexico & Canada)

Now I expect you to howl about families split up at the border (while pretending this was new to Trump) and the debt of course but policy wise you got no winning message.
we were going to get these metrics regardless; just a continuing trend.

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