How can anyone on the left claim Trump has been anything but successful?

solving simple poverty would render this case study a non-issue.

we really just need a fifteen dollar an hour minimum wage and unemployment compensation at fourteen dollars an hour.
No, what we need is what President Trump has given us, a robust economy in which anyone who wants a job can find one and a labor market so tight, wages will rise naturally as employers compete for the best workers and unemployment has become a lifestyle choice.
only in right wing fantasy.

social services cost a lot. simplifying Government can lower that tax burden.
People who are working don't need much in the way of social services. In addition, lowering tax rates and other Trump policies has increased investment in the US economy and a growing economy will produce increased tax revenues. The combination of a growing economy and a lower need for social services should increasingly offset the initial decrease in tax revenues and lower the deficit over the next several years.
a fifteen dollar an hour minimum wage and unemployment compensation for simply being unemployed solves simple poverty in that market friendly manner. you can't get more market friendly than that with our form of Government.
The solution to poverty is to get a job, and in today's economy, anyone who wants a job can get a job. In economic terms, labor is a resource, and wages are determined by supply and demand, just as the price of other resources are. We have an historically low level of unemployment, 3.7%, virtually full employment, and this will cause wages to rise naturally.
solving simple poverty would render this case study a non-issue.

we really just need a fifteen dollar an hour minimum wage and unemployment compensation at fourteen dollars an hour.
No, what we need is what President Trump has given us, a robust economy in which anyone who wants a job can find one and a labor market so tight, wages will rise naturally as employers compete for the best workers and unemployment has become a lifestyle choice.
Still waiting for wages to rise
How could an economy with 3.7 percent unemployment and an almost fifty percent cut in corporate taxes only see a wage increase of 2.7 percent?
solving simple poverty would render this case study a non-issue.

we really just need a fifteen dollar an hour minimum wage and unemployment compensation at fourteen dollars an hour.
No, what we need is what President Trump has given us, a robust economy in which anyone who wants a job can find one and a labor market so tight, wages will rise naturally as employers compete for the best workers and unemployment has become a lifestyle choice.
only in right wing fantasy.

social services cost a lot. simplifying Government can lower that tax burden.
People who are working don't need much in the way of social services. In addition, lowering tax rates and other Trump policies has increased investment in the US economy and a growing economy will produce increased tax revenues. The combination of a growing economy and a lower need for social services should increasingly offset the initial decrease in tax revenues and lower the deficit over the next several years.
a fifteen dollar an hour minimum wage and unemployment compensation for simply being unemployed solves simple poverty in that market friendly manner. you can't get more market friendly than that with our form of Government.
The solution to poverty is to get a job, and in today's economy, anyone who wants a job can get a job. In economic terms, labor is a resource, and wages are determined by supply and demand, just as the price of other resources are. We have an historically low level of unemployment, 3.7%, virtually full employment, and this will cause wages to rise naturally.
The reason we have poverty is the jobs pay like shit and the government still has to subsidize wages

Time to start taxing employers higher who do not pay a higher wage
solving simple poverty would render this case study a non-issue.

we really just need a fifteen dollar an hour minimum wage and unemployment compensation at fourteen dollars an hour.
No, what we need is what President Trump has given us, a robust economy in which anyone who wants a job can find one and a labor market so tight, wages will rise naturally as employers compete for the best workers and unemployment has become a lifestyle choice.
Still waiting for wages to rise
How could an economy with 3.7 percent unemployment and an almost fifty percent cut in corporate taxes only see a wage increase of 2.7 percent?
If you recall, each month Obama's Labor Department cautioned us that the drop in unemployment was due, at least in part to so many Americans dropping out of the labor force out of despair of ever finding a decent job, and now all those people have come back to the labor force to find jobs, thus swelling the ranks of job seekers and slowing down the rise in wages. A loyal American would be celebrating our new prosperity instead of yearning for the bad old days under Obama.
No, what we need is what President Trump has given us, a robust economy in which anyone who wants a job can find one and a labor market so tight, wages will rise naturally as employers compete for the best workers and unemployment has become a lifestyle choice.
only in right wing fantasy.

social services cost a lot. simplifying Government can lower that tax burden.
People who are working don't need much in the way of social services. In addition, lowering tax rates and other Trump policies has increased investment in the US economy and a growing economy will produce increased tax revenues. The combination of a growing economy and a lower need for social services should increasingly offset the initial decrease in tax revenues and lower the deficit over the next several years.
a fifteen dollar an hour minimum wage and unemployment compensation for simply being unemployed solves simple poverty in that market friendly manner. you can't get more market friendly than that with our form of Government.
The solution to poverty is to get a job, and in today's economy, anyone who wants a job can get a job. In economic terms, labor is a resource, and wages are determined by supply and demand, just as the price of other resources are. We have an historically low level of unemployment, 3.7%, virtually full employment, and this will cause wages to rise naturally.
The reason we have poverty is the jobs pay like shit and the government still has to subsidize wages

Time to start taxing employers higher who do not pay a higher wage
That makes no economic sense at all, but I understand it gets your social justice juices flowing, so you are saying to hell with the economy, which in the long run means to hell with the workers you are pretending to care about.
anyone can claim anything
that doesn't mean it's true
the left/''leftists'' claim all kinds of bullshit all the time
By almost any measurable metric the United States is flourishing. And in some areas it isn't just flourishing it is stampeding.
I will grant you that the debt/spending is a huge problem but at least the country as a whole is reaping rewards from it this time. Usually they spend boatloads and we get buptkis out of it (see Obama)
The threat of tariffs and ending trade agreements has even had some positive outcomes so far (Mexico & Canada)

Now I expect you to howl about families split up at the border (while pretending this was new to Trump) and the debt of course but policy wise you got no winning message.
Trump told us labor force participation was a huge problem. It isn't any better so it must still be a huge problem.
solving simple poverty would render this case study a non-issue.

we really just need a fifteen dollar an hour minimum wage and unemployment compensation at fourteen dollars an hour.
No, what we need is what President Trump has given us, a robust economy in which anyone who wants a job can find one and a labor market so tight, wages will rise naturally as employers compete for the best workers and unemployment has become a lifestyle choice.
Still waiting for wages to rise
How could an economy with 3.7 percent unemployment and an almost fifty percent cut in corporate taxes only see a wage increase of 2.7 percent?

Dollar weakens after data shows US wage gains were modest
With September's increase below the 0.5 percent gain notched during the same period last year, that lowered the annual increase in wages to 2.8 percent from 2.9 percent in August, which was the biggest rise in more than nine years.
Because they don't have the mental capacity to recognize right Vs wrong, good Vs evil, trivial Vs lies, success Vs failure.
tax cut economics are unsustainable; at some point, we run out of the Other People's money.
By almost any measurable metric the United States is flourishing. And in some areas it isn't just flourishing it is stampeding.
I will grant you that the debt/spending is a huge problem but at least the country as a whole is reaping rewards from it this time. Usually they spend boatloads and we get buptkis out of it (see Obama)
The threat of tariffs and ending trade agreements has even had some positive outcomes so far (Mexico & Canada)

Now I expect you to howl about families split up at the border (while pretending this was new to Trump) and the debt of course but policy wise you got no winning message.
Trump told us labor force participation was a huge problem. It isn't any better so it must still be a huge problem.
a fifteen dollar an hour minimum wage; capitalism is about paying for labor force participation as public policy.
By almost any measurable metric the United States is flourishing. And in some areas it isn't just flourishing it is stampeding.
I will grant you that the debt/spending is a huge problem but at least the country as a whole is reaping rewards from it this time. Usually they spend boatloads and we get buptkis out of it (see Obama)
The threat of tariffs and ending trade agreements has even had some positive outcomes so far (Mexico & Canada)

Now I expect you to howl about families split up at the border (while pretending this was new to Trump) and the debt of course but policy wise you got no winning message.
Impressive wall that Mexico paid for...and H. Clinton in prison ......
By almost any measurable metric the United States is flourishing. And in some areas it isn't just flourishing it is stampeding.
I will grant you that the debt/spending is a huge problem but at least the country as a whole is reaping rewards from it this time. Usually they spend boatloads and we get buptkis out of it (see Obama)
The threat of tariffs and ending trade agreements has even had some positive outcomes so far (Mexico & Canada)

Now I expect you to howl about families split up at the border (while pretending this was new to Trump) and the debt of course but policy wise you got no winning message.
Impressive wall that Mexico paid for...and H. Clinton in prison ......
gossip? their tax cut economics policies are capitally worthless under Any form of Capitalism if they don't cover spending.
solving simple poverty would render this case study a non-issue.

we really just need a fifteen dollar an hour minimum wage and unemployment compensation at fourteen dollars an hour.
No, what we need is what President Trump has given us, a robust economy in which anyone who wants a job can find one and a labor market so tight, wages will rise naturally as employers compete for the best workers and unemployment has become a lifestyle choice.
Still waiting for wages to rise
How could an economy with 3.7 percent unemployment and an almost fifty percent cut in corporate taxes only see a wage increase of 2.7 percent?

So let's see first of all where was the 50% cut in corporate taxes?
Was 35% now 21%... that's 14%. 14/35 equals 40% NOT 50%
Wages increasing 2.7% versus...

Wage Growth Tracker - Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta

Where did you get 2.7% when the below shows nothing below 2.98% and an average of at least 3.5% with height of nearly 4%?

Screen Shot 2018-10-07 at 12.21.11 PM.png
Trumpanzees are praying the ecomomic bubble doesn't pop before 2020.
By almost any measurable metric the United States is flourishing. And in some areas it isn't just flourishing it is stampeding.
I will grant you that the debt/spending is a huge problem but at least the country as a whole is reaping rewards from it this time. Usually they spend boatloads and we get buptkis out of it (see Obama)
The threat of tariffs and ending trade agreements has even had some positive outcomes so far (Mexico & Canada)

Now I expect you to howl about families split up at the border (while pretending this was new to Trump) and the debt of course but policy wise you got no winning message.
Impressive wall that Mexico paid for...and H. Clinton in prison ......
Impressive that you have nothing of substance to offer.
By almost any measurable metric the United States is flourishing. And in some areas it isn't just flourishing it is stampeding.
I will grant you that the debt/spending is a huge problem but at least the country as a whole is reaping rewards from it this time. Usually they spend boatloads and we get buptkis out of it (see Obama)
The threat of tariffs and ending trade agreements has even had some positive outcomes so far (Mexico & Canada)

Now I expect you to howl about families split up at the border (while pretending this was new to Trump) and the debt of course but policy wise you got no winning message.
Impressive wall that Mexico paid for...and H. Clinton in prison ......
gossip? their tax cut economics policies are capitally worthless under Any form of Capitalism if they don't cover spending.

A) There is no such word in regards to monetary or economic policies being "capitally"!

adverb cap·i·tal·ly | \ ˈka-pə-tə-lē , ˈkap-tə- \
Definition of capitally 1: in a manner involving capital punishment 2: in a capital manner : EXCELLENTLY

B) SPENDING... and what it is going towards....

1) First, the attacks on 9/11 led to the War on Terror.
That almost doubled annual military spending. It rose from $437.4 billion in 2003 to a peak of $855.1 billion in 2011.
That includes the defense department budget and off-budget emergency spending.
It also includes spending for departments that support defense, such as Homeland Security, the Department of Veterans Affairs, and the National Nuclear Security Administration.

2) Second, mandatory spending has increased.
That means benefit payouts for Social Security, Medicare, and other mandated programs. It's exceeded $2 trillion a year since FY 2011. These payments consume two-thirds
of the revenue each year. Only an Act of Congress that amends a program's benefits can change them. That would require a majority vote in both houses and is unlikely to happen.
Any reduction in benefits takes money out of the pockets of current beneficiaries. The powerful demographic of seniors would vote lawmakers out of office.

3)Third, the Trump tax cuts will stimulate growth by 0.7 percent annually.
4 Reasons the U.S. Deficit Is Out of Control
solving simple poverty would render this case study a non-issue.

we really just need a fifteen dollar an hour minimum wage and unemployment compensation at fourteen dollars an hour.
No, what we need is what President Trump has given us, a robust economy in which anyone who wants a job can find one and a labor market so tight, wages will rise naturally as employers compete for the best workers and unemployment has become a lifestyle choice.
Still waiting for wages to rise
How could an economy with 3.7 percent unemployment and an almost fifty percent cut in corporate taxes only see a wage increase of 2.7 percent?
If you recall, each month Obama's Labor Department cautioned us that the drop in unemployment was due, at least in part to so many Americans dropping out of the labor force out of despair of ever finding a decent job, and now all those people have come back to the labor force to find jobs, thus swelling the ranks of job seekers and slowing down the rise in wages. A loyal American would be celebrating our new prosperity instead of yearning for the bad old days under Obama.
You do realize that 13 million americans entered the labor force under the Great Obama.......numbers Crooked Donnie can only dream about
solving simple poverty would render this case study a non-issue.

we really just need a fifteen dollar an hour minimum wage and unemployment compensation at fourteen dollars an hour.
No, what we need is what President Trump has given us, a robust economy in which anyone who wants a job can find one and a labor market so tight, wages will rise naturally as employers compete for the best workers and unemployment has become a lifestyle choice.
only in right wing fantasy.

social services cost a lot. simplifying Government can lower that tax burden.
People who are working don't need much in the way of social services. In addition, lowering tax rates and other Trump policies has increased investment in the US economy and a growing economy will produce increased tax revenues. The combination of a growing economy and a lower need for social services should increasingly offset the initial decrease in tax revenues and lower the deficit over the next several years.
Sadly, they do
Do to stagnant wage increases over the last decade, 35 million Americans who are employed require some type of social services

We are subsidizing their employers profits
Due to (not do to)

ALL of the financial gains of the last two decades went to the top 10% of incomes. The rest of the workers made no gains.
"Since 1980, U.S. gross domestic product (GDP) per capita has increased 67%, while median household income has only increased by 15%. Median household income is a politically sensitive indicator. ... An economic recession will normally cause household incomes to decrease, often by as much as 10%."

Or, "the rich get richer and the poor get poorer..."

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