How can Dr. Ben Carson be a good President if he's so against science?


Gold Member
Dec 12, 2013

"This actually goes way back. In 2006 he clearly stated his anti-evolutionary views and has repeated these claims many times since. In 2012 there was controversy over this when he was asked to give the commencement address at Emory University. In 2004 he said that people who accept evolution ā€œdismiss ethics,ā€ a comment he later backed down on a very tiny little bit (later saying they ā€œmight have more difficulty deriving where their ethics come fromā€).

Iā€™d heard about all this before, but an article at BuzzFeed has something I hadnā€™t heard: In 2012, in a speech at an event called ā€œCelebration of Creation,ā€ he said that Darwin came up with evolutionary theory because the devil made him do it.

I mean that literally. He said, ā€œI personally believe that this theory that Darwin came up with was something that was encouraged by the adversary.ā€ The Adversary is a nickname for the devil; itā€™s the actual translation of the word ā€œSatan.ā€ So thereā€™s that.

He also dismissed the Big Bang, calling it a ā€œfairy tale.ā€ The irony of this is palpable. When recently called on this claim, he dug in, saying (about people who think the Big Bang is true), ā€œHereā€™s the key, I then say to them look, ā€˜Iā€™m not gonna criticize you, you have a lot more faith then I have.ā€™ I couldnā€™t, I donā€™t have enough faith to believe that.ā€

What's he going to do is an aide comes in and informs him the Chinese have launched ICBMs at Taiwan and they're begging for US military assistance? "It's okay, God will protect them and everyone else who believes." Is he going to trust in God to handle the heavy-lifting and hope for the best?

You can't be in charge of a country built upon science and technology if you think science and technology isn't true but your supernatural imaginary friend in the sky is.
He wouldn't. And not just that but other things. Like his foreign policy. He would make a good advisor, I think. On some things lol
This country must not ever have a negro president again. After all, this country was founded for Whites only. See the 'Naturalization Act of 1790. Only thing Carson is good for is to dissect Obama's brain.
A neurosurgeon against science seriously that is going to be the lefts attack line against Carson?
Ben Carson: Anti-science.

"This actually goes way back. In 2006 he clearly stated his anti-evolutionary views and has repeated these claims many times since. In 2012 there was controversy over this when he was asked to give the commencement address at Emory University. In 2004 he said that people who accept evolution ā€œdismiss ethics,ā€ a comment he later backed down on a very tiny little bit (later saying they ā€œmight have more difficulty deriving where their ethics come fromā€).

Iā€™d heard about all this before, but an article at BuzzFeed has something I hadnā€™t heard: In 2012, in a speech at an event called ā€œCelebration of Creation,ā€ he said that Darwin came up with evolutionary theory because the devil made him do it.

I mean that literally. He said, ā€œI personally believe that this theory that Darwin came up with was something that was encouraged by the adversary.ā€ The Adversary is a nickname for the devil; itā€™s the actual translation of the word ā€œSatan.ā€ So thereā€™s that.

He also dismissed the Big Bang, calling it a ā€œfairy tale.ā€ The irony of this is palpable. When recently called on this claim, he dug in, saying (about people who think the Big Bang is true), ā€œHereā€™s the key, I then say to them look, ā€˜Iā€™m not gonna criticize you, you have a lot more faith then I have.ā€™ I couldnā€™t, I donā€™t have enough faith to believe that.ā€

What's he going to do is an aide comes in and informs him the Chinese have launched ICBMs at Taiwan and they're begging for US military assistance? "It's okay, God will protect them and everyone else who believes." Is he going to trust in God to handle the heavy-lifting and hope for the best?

You can't be in charge of a country built upon science and technology if you think science and technology isn't true but your supernatural imaginary friend in the sky is.
Yeah, the worlds leading pediatric neurosurgeon hates science. What a moonbat.
Ben Carson: Evolution Is Satanic and the Big Bang Is a Fairy Tale

"This actually goes way back. In 2006 he clearly stated his anti-evolutionary views and has repeated these claims many times since. In 2012 there was controversy over this when he was asked to give the commencement address at Emory University. In 2004 he said that people who accept evolution ā€œdismiss ethics,ā€ a comment he later backed down on a very tiny little bit (later saying they ā€œmight have more difficulty deriving where their ethics come fromā€).

Iā€™d heard about all this before, but an article at BuzzFeed has something I hadnā€™t heard: In 2012, in a speech at an event called ā€œCelebration of Creation,ā€ he said that Darwin came up with evolutionary theory because the devil made him do it.

I mean that literally. He said, ā€œI personally believe that this theory that Darwin came up with was something that was encouraged by the adversary.ā€ The Adversary is a nickname for the devil; itā€™s the actual translation of the word ā€œSatan.ā€ So thereā€™s that.

He also dismissed the Big Bang, calling it a ā€œfairy tale.ā€ The irony of this is palpable. When recently called on this claim, he dug in, saying (about people who think the Big Bang is true), ā€œHereā€™s the key, I then say to them look, ā€˜Iā€™m not gonna criticize you, you have a lot more faith then I have.ā€™ I couldnā€™t, I donā€™t have enough faith to believe that.ā€

What's he going to do is an aide comes in and informs him the Chinese have launched ICBMs at Taiwan and they're begging for US military assistance? "It's okay, God will protect them and everyone else who believes." Is he going to trust in God to handle the heavy-lifting and hope for the best?

You can't be in charge of a country built upon science and technology if you think science and technology isn't true but your supernatural imaginary friend in the sky is.
Omg he is a scientist. Of the brain. Stop with these out of context quotes and obsession with science.
"I believe I came from God and you believe you came from a monkey. You've convinced me you are right."
Dr. Ben Carson.
Ben Carson: Evolution Is Satanic and the Big Bang Is a Fairy Tale

"This actually goes way back. In 2006 he clearly stated his anti-evolutionary views and has repeated these claims many times since. In 2012 there was controversy over this when he was asked to give the commencement address at Emory University. In 2004 he said that people who accept evolution ā€œdismiss ethics,ā€ a comment he later backed down on a very tiny little bit (later saying they ā€œmight have more difficulty deriving where their ethics come fromā€).

Iā€™d heard about all this before, but an article at BuzzFeed has something I hadnā€™t heard: In 2012, in a speech at an event called ā€œCelebration of Creation,ā€ he said that Darwin came up with evolutionary theory because the devil made him do it.

I mean that literally. He said, ā€œI personally believe that this theory that Darwin came up with was something that was encouraged by the adversary.ā€ The Adversary is a nickname for the devil; itā€™s the actual translation of the word ā€œSatan.ā€ So thereā€™s that.

He also dismissed the Big Bang, calling it a ā€œfairy tale.ā€ The irony of this is palpable. When recently called on this claim, he dug in, saying (about people who think the Big Bang is true), ā€œHereā€™s the key, I then say to them look, ā€˜Iā€™m not gonna criticize you, you have a lot more faith then I have.ā€™ I couldnā€™t, I donā€™t have enough faith to believe that.ā€

What's he going to do is an aide comes in and informs him the Chinese have launched ICBMs at Taiwan and they're begging for US military assistance? "It's okay, God will protect them and everyone else who believes." Is he going to trust in God to handle the heavy-lifting and hope for the best?

You can't be in charge of a country built upon science and technology if you think science and technology isn't true but your supernatural imaginary friend in the sky is.
You know, only weak minded people allow spin and rhetoric to guide their thinking. For example, the democratic party uses spin and rhetoric to claim the GOP is at war with women, minorities, and seniors. They actually have people like you believing that one of the two major parties is willing to spend millions of dollars in campaigning to gain a majority of the electorate WHILE being at war with women, seniors and minorities.
I suggest you start thinking for yourself. Your "party" sees you as a buffoon and is making you look like one. Your post about a highly recognized, respected, successful scientist being "against science" is proof of that.
Ben Carson: Anti-science.

"This actually goes way back. In 2006 he clearly stated his anti-evolutionary views and has repeated these claims many times since. In 2012 there was controversy over this when he was asked to give the commencement address at Emory University. In 2004 he said that people who accept evolution ā€œdismiss ethics,ā€ a comment he later backed down on a very tiny little bit (later saying they ā€œmight have more difficulty deriving where their ethics come fromā€).

Iā€™d heard about all this before, but an article at BuzzFeed has something I hadnā€™t heard: In 2012, in a speech at an event called ā€œCelebration of Creation,ā€ he said that Darwin came up with evolutionary theory because the devil made him do it.

I mean that literally. He said, ā€œI personally believe that this theory that Darwin came up with was something that was encouraged by the adversary.ā€ The Adversary is a nickname for the devil; itā€™s the actual translation of the word ā€œSatan.ā€ So thereā€™s that.

He also dismissed the Big Bang, calling it a ā€œfairy tale.ā€ The irony of this is palpable. When recently called on this claim, he dug in, saying (about people who think the Big Bang is true), ā€œHereā€™s the key, I then say to them look, ā€˜Iā€™m not gonna criticize you, you have a lot more faith then I have.ā€™ I couldnā€™t, I donā€™t have enough faith to believe that.ā€

What's he going to do is an aide comes in and informs him the Chinese have launched ICBMs at Taiwan and they're begging for US military assistance? "It's okay, God will protect them and everyone else who believes." Is he going to trust in God to handle the heavy-lifting and hope for the best?

You can't be in charge of a country built upon science and technology if you think science and technology isn't true but your supernatural imaginary friend in the sky is.

You have been duped by yet another far left blog site..

Slate is a far left blog site known for it's fiction, just like all far left blog sites..
Carson is wrong on the issues, knows nothing about appropriate public policy, and has contempt for sound, responsible governance - rendering him unqualified to be president.
Dr. Carson has the democrat party propaganda parrots in high squawk alert.....squawk, squawk, the slave is educated and thinks for himself, squawk, squawk. Quick, destroy his character before other slaves get the crazy idea that they can make it without white and black lefties with government handouts. We'll be out of a job, squawk, squawk.
How on God's Earth can an accomplished neurosurgeon be anti-science? You people are insane... you buy into the AGW cult and then claim neurosurgeons are against science. You all should seek help.
Carson is wrong on the issues, knows nothing about appropriate public policy, and has contempt for sound, responsible governance - rendering him unqualified to be president.

Oh bullshit... Obama was totally unfit for office and still is, yet he was elected by the buffoon brigade twice.
Ben Carson: Evolution Is Satanic and the Big Bang Is a Fairy Tale

"This actually goes way back. In 2006 he clearly stated his anti-evolutionary views and has repeated these claims many times since. In 2012 there was controversy over this when he was asked to give the commencement address at Emory University. In 2004 he said that people who accept evolution ā€œdismiss ethics,ā€ a comment he later backed down on a very tiny little bit (later saying they ā€œmight have more difficulty deriving where their ethics come fromā€).

Iā€™d heard about all this before, but an article at BuzzFeed has something I hadnā€™t heard: In 2012, in a speech at an event called ā€œCelebration of Creation,ā€ he said that Darwin came up with evolutionary theory because the devil made him do it.

I mean that literally. He said, ā€œI personally believe that this theory that Darwin came up with was something that was encouraged by the adversary.ā€ The Adversary is a nickname for the devil; itā€™s the actual translation of the word ā€œSatan.ā€ So thereā€™s that.

He also dismissed the Big Bang, calling it a ā€œfairy tale.ā€ The irony of this is palpable. When recently called on this claim, he dug in, saying (about people who think the Big Bang is true), ā€œHereā€™s the key, I then say to them look, ā€˜Iā€™m not gonna criticize you, you have a lot more faith then I have.ā€™ I couldnā€™t, I donā€™t have enough faith to believe that.ā€

What's he going to do is an aide comes in and informs him the Chinese have launched ICBMs at Taiwan and they're begging for US military assistance? "It's okay, God will protect them and everyone else who believes." Is he going to trust in God to handle the heavy-lifting and hope for the best?

You can't be in charge of a country built upon science and technology if you think science and technology isn't true but your supernatural imaginary friend in the sky is.

Jeezzz the left and the defaming of Carson has no bounds. The left has no honor!
Carson is wrong on the issues, knows nothing about appropriate public policy, and has contempt for sound, responsible governance - rendering him unqualified to be president.
After a hundred years of experienced qualified leaders and politicians that know what they are doing look at the condition we are in now. Maybe it's time for a President that's smart with integrity with no political background. Could he really do worse than our last few Presidents both democrat and republican?

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