How can I become an actor in a movie?


Gold Member
Sep 29, 2010
#england #ThreeLions
Is it like searching for a job, where you look at announcments and send in your CV? Or I need to be "discovered"? Do I need training like acting school?
Why? Are you wanting to kiss another guy?

Every movie nowadays has two guys kissing. Why would you want to have any part of that?
There's quite a few "local" type movie producers making short films around many places. You might inquire with your local news channel crew (sometimes they'll run the camera in spare time). Or look for local film festivals and inquire who's shooting? Craigslist? Instead of pay, small time producers might give you a final edit on DVD of the clip for your efforts, could be valuable as a send in resume to a bigger producer.
...Or a local stage/theatre company...there used to be quite a few small ones...or there were before the ccp-flu became endemic. Some did online performances last year
Is it like searching for a job, where you look at announcments and send in your CV? Or I need to be "discovered"? Do I need training like acting school?

You just need to be willing to commit to it and try out whenever they are filming something near you. A friend from college has been in several TV shows and movies around Richmond VA doing that. Doesn't pay much but it is kind of his hobby at this point.

Now that said, another friend from this era who is an actual actor by profession, went to college for theater, moved to New York and did plays and workshops, signed with a well-known agency, then moved to LA and did a bunch of guess starring roles and commercials until he got his big break and was cast in the lead of a TV sitcom (....that was cancelled after a couple episodes but he still got paid for the whole contract). He has done a few B movies and a cable mini series of some sort I never saw, but he made enough bank off that cancelled network sitcom to buy a house in LA and shed the whole starving artist thing. I still see him pop up in various commercials from time to time but he is back to mostly doing theater which he is fine with. Once his dad dies, he will be set for the rest of his life I imagine. Daddy Warbucks is looaaaaaadddddded.
First, learn your craft. Learn everything you can about acting.

Then, create a video audition and send it out to the producers of any film you can find info on. Then get a job waiting tables.

The thing to remember is that every actor in a play, movie, tv show or major commercial is a member of the Equity Actors Union. And for union members, the unemployment rate is around 95% to 97%.

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