How can Olbermann tell such bald faced lies?


Platinum Member
Aug 6, 2009
Not the middle of nowhere
So.......I tune in MSNBC the other night just for sh!ts and giggles and the lead story in from Olbermann on his heavily watched "Countdown" program???

Republicans and various media outlets were whining about the cuts to New York Homeland Security funds............odd, BECAUSE THEY WERENT CUT........THEY WERE INCREASED!!!!""

So, of course, I said to myself, "How can Olbermann get away with such out and out lying???"

Then I went to DRUDGE and got the ratings for Olbermann...............barely over 1 million/night and down almost 800,000 since 10/08!!! Then it was clear as hell........he can say whatever the fcukk he wants on that show because nobody watches except the few fringe k00ks in this country who take as gospel ANYTHING said on the "Countdown" show..........

In other words..........................

Nobody Cares!!!!


Stupid dumbass...........even the uber left Villiage Voice reported it yesteday!!!!!

Caffeine Nation
Morning Links: New York City's Homeland Security Cuts; Strippers Want a Pole Tax; New Baby Falcons!By Jen Doll, Thursday, May. 13 2010 @ 8:50AMCategories: Caffeine Nation
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​• President Obama is in New York today, the day after the Department of Homeland Security cut funding to prevent terrorism in New York. (The final DHS budget decision for the year gives the New York City area $111 million for transit security -- a 27 percent cut from last year's funding of $153 million. The port security program is getting a 25 percent cut).

Morning Links: New York City's Homeland Security Cuts; Strippers Want a Pole Tax; New Baby Falcons! - New York News - Runnin' Scared

Wnat to check out the Land of Make Believe? Check out the "Countdown" show at 8PM weeknights...............

:lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol: Ive been saying for years, ANY comments from the k00k lefties living in the middle of fcukking nowhere, like Bumfook USA.............your opinions about Homeland Security are irrelevant.


These people wont have a terror bad guy come within 500 miles of Scratchmyassville USA.............and what? Blow up the local cornfield???
First, the amount of money actually increased when you take into account the money from the "stimulus" package.

But that is a "one time increase".

Second, there will have to cuts in everything.

Why do Republicans whine and wail about the deficit, yet, when anything is cut, they "whine and wail"?

Could it be, they just like to "whine and wail"?
How much money has NY recieved this year compared to last year for dealing with possible terror?

You see he did not Cut their funds , there funds have actually increased from year to year.

What he has done is split the pie of this chunk with other states who also present a target for terror.

You just want to find a reason to spew hate on Obama.

reality will never seep into your brain.
lefty fuzzy math for the gay..............but like I said, when you live in Irrelevantstown USA, Homeland Security funding is about as important to people as the senior league local bowling schedule!!!
Olbermann's nothing more than a typical liberal idiot.

And lib's actually wonder why O'Reilly kicks the shit out of the liberal moron in ratings, night by night. Week by week. Month by month. Year by year.

Only the true idiots out there believe anything that closeted faggot Olbermann spews.
Olbermann's nothing more than a typical liberal idiot.

And lib's actually wonder why O'Reilly kicks the shit out of the liberal moron in ratings, night by night. Week by week. Month by month. Year by year.

Only the true idiots out there believe anything that closeted faggot Olbermann spews.

Conservative radio and TV have a larger audience because the Republican Party is nearly all white and conservative. Why would any of them watch Hispanic TV, or Asian TV, or BET?

Why are those on the right determined to repeat such stupid nonsense over and over again? And then insist it "proves" something?
Olbermann's nothing more than a typical liberal idiot.

And lib's actually wonder why O'Reilly kicks the shit out of the liberal moron in ratings, night by night. Week by week. Month by month. Year by year.

Only the true idiots out there believe anything that closeted faggot Olbermann spews.

Conservative radio and TV have a larger audience because the Republican Party is nearly all white and conservative. Why would any of them watch Hispanic TV, or Asian TV, or BET?

Why are those on the right determined to repeat such stupid nonsense over and over again? And then insist it "proves" something?
What it proves is that only 21% of the population identifies themselves as liberal fucking moonbats.

Liberals are fucking idiots. Olbermann proves it everytime he opens his ignorant liberal mouth!
Olbermann's nothing more than a typical liberal idiot.

And lib's actually wonder why O'Reilly kicks the shit out of the liberal moron in ratings, night by night. Week by week. Month by month. Year by year.

Only the true idiots out there believe anything that closeted faggot Olbermann spews.

Conservative radio and TV have a larger audience because the Republican Party is nearly all white and conservative. Why would any of them watch Hispanic TV, or Asian TV, or BET?

Why are those on the right determined to repeat such stupid nonsense over and over again? And then insist it "proves" something?

I think the reason people....not just white people watch Fox News in the evenings is because of the format.

CNN doesn't have the talent anymore and MSNBC is so in the tank for Obama that's it's too obvious.

So people watch O'Reilly and Hannity for the entertainment value and the simple fact that they don't gush over Obama.

It also helps that they don't go negative all of the time like CNN and others did when Bush was Prez.

And now that they have Glenn's over with.
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Olbermann's nothing more than a typical liberal idiot.

And lib's actually wonder why O'Reilly kicks the shit out of the liberal moron in ratings, night by night. Week by week. Month by month. Year by year.

Only the true idiots out there believe anything that closeted faggot Olbermann spews.

Conservative radio and TV have a larger audience because the Republican Party is nearly all white and conservative. Why would any of them watch Hispanic TV, or Asian TV, or BET?

Why are those on the right determined to repeat such stupid nonsense over and over again? And then insist it "proves" something?
What it proves is that only 21% of the population identifies themselves as liberal fucking moonbats.

Liberals are fucking idiots. Olbermann proves it everytime he opens his ignorant liberal mouth!

You STILL don't get it?

Does everything have to be explained?

Conservatives watch Fox because they are nearly all white. Liberals are black, brown, asian, indian, white and basically everyone else.

Gawd you guys are dumb.
Conservative radio and TV have a larger audience because the Republican Party is nearly all white and conservative. Why would any of them watch Hispanic TV, or Asian TV, or BET?

Why are those on the right determined to repeat such stupid nonsense over and over again? And then insist it "proves" something?
What it proves is that only 21% of the population identifies themselves as liberal fucking moonbats.

Liberals are fucking idiots. Olbermann proves it everytime he opens his ignorant liberal mouth!

You STILL don't get it?

Does everything have to be explained?

Conservatives watch Fox because they are nearly all white. Liberals are black, brown, asian, indian, white and basically everyone else.

Gawd you guys are dumb.
I'm white and conservative. I watch BET all the time. Kinda throws a wrench in your mindless liberal drivel, eh?

And, i guess you are actually ignorant enough to think that there are no conservatives who are black, brown, indian, or asian as you say.


Christ, liberals are fucking idiots!:cuckoo:
It was not a lie

You do have a point, but the truth is that the funds New York was expecting to get, and budgeted for, have been cut.

They were told they would get a certain amount of money from DHS this year. They are now going to get less. The reason for this is that the administration decided that they could use the money elsewhere, and New York was actually getting a net increase in funding becasue they also got stimulus funds.

The truth is that the stimulus funds are separate, and should not be counted as part of the terrorism funding. But that is politics in America.
I'm not debating whether or not Olbermann lied. But let's not pretend that it doesn't happen on both sides.

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