How Can Someone As Corrupt As Charlie Rangel Win Yet Again?

They would rather stick with the devil they know since it can't get better for them.


Rangle won his seat by presenting himself as a clean cut man that would do away with the criminality of his predecessor.
Government goodies always trumps corruption.
They are New Yorkers, just like Californians, they want their entitlements. :)
Wouldn't you too, if you could sit around all day and do nothing, while you get paid a monthly check, have your groceries paid for, your apt. paid for, your utilities paid for, your schooling paid for, your health care paid for?
Sweet deal, so whats a little corruption?
Tough race. Now it's time to chillax.

Government goodies always trumps corruption.
They are New Yorkers, just like Californians, they want their entitlements. :)
Wouldn't you too, if you could sit around all day and do nothing, while you get paid a monthly check, have your groceries paid for, your apt. paid for, your utilities paid for, your schooling paid for, your health care paid for?
Sweet deal, so whats a little corruption?

Nobody wants to be on welfare, it sucks, dupe. They DO have to work if able, food stamps are often not enough, the bureaucracy is neverendig, hater/dupe.

It's not an entitlement attitude, it's the SECOND Pub Cronyism and greed Great World Depression Great job, and now they want to do it again- "I know, let's cut taxes on the rich and destroy Medicare!":eusa_liar::cuckoo::eusa_whistle:

Romney's ACTUAL plan- Cut taxes on rich, destroy Medicare/aid, Health Reform, raise pentagon spending, cut regs on Wall St, worry about debt in 2035...BRILLIANT
What color was his opponent? Coleman Young in Detroit kept his job for over 25 years by using having white men run against him.
Government goodies always trumps corruption.
They are New Yorkers, just like Californians, they want their entitlements. :)
Wouldn't you too, if you could sit around all day and do nothing, while you get paid a monthly check, have your groceries paid for, your apt. paid for, your utilities paid for, your schooling paid for, your health care paid for?
Sweet deal, so whats a little corruption?

Nobody wants to be on welfare, it sucks, dupe. They DO have to work if able, food stamps are often not enough, the bureaucracy is neverendig, hater/dupe.

It's not an entitlement attitude, it's the SECOND Pub Cronyism and greed Great World Depression Great job, and now they want to do it again- "I know, let's cut taxes on the rich and destroy Medicare!":eusa_liar::cuckoo::eusa_whistle:

Romney's ACTUAL plan- Cut taxes on rich, destroy Medicare/aid, Health Reform, raise pentagon spending, cut regs on Wall St, worry about debt in 2035...BRILLIANT

Stop calling other members "dupe".
Come on mods, do something about these guys.
Because americans have been made to believe that they shouldn't vote third party. So they end up with the lesser or two evils. Sounds familiar, doesn't it republicans (coughRomneycough).
Just look at David Vitter, the right wing idiots will vote for anyone, just as long as they have an (R) next to their name, no matter how crooked.
He is an Icon in his District. He could get busted robbing a 7/11 and still get Re-Elected in his District.
Government goodies always trumps corruption.
They are New Yorkers, just like Californians, they want their entitlements. :)
Wouldn't you too, if you could sit around all day and do nothing, while you get paid a monthly check, have your groceries paid for, your apt. paid for, your utilities paid for, your schooling paid for, your health care paid for?
Sweet deal, so whats a little corruption?

Nobody wants to be on welfare, it sucks, dupe. They DO have to work if able, food stamps are often not enough, the bureaucracy is neverendig, hater/dupe.

It's not an entitlement attitude, it's the SECOND Pub Cronyism and greed Great World Depression Great job, and now they want to do it again- "I know, let's cut taxes on the rich and destroy Medicare!":eusa_liar::cuckoo::eusa_whistle:

Romney's ACTUAL plan- Cut taxes on rich, destroy Medicare/aid, Health Reform, raise pentagon spending, cut regs on Wall St, worry about debt in 2035...BRILLIANT

You got any idea how hard it is, to get off of welfare once your are in it?
What are you New Yorkers thinking... ????

Rangel wins primary -

Ask Ensign, Colburn, Santorum, Vitter, Buchanan, Grimm, Sessions, Guinta, Miller, Bono Mack, Renacci, Fitzpatrick, DeLay, Wilson, Hampton, West, Walsh, Gingrich, Cheney, Rove, Ashcroft, Bush ...

The list of corrupt pubs and bags is endless and goes all the way to the top. For the most part, they get off scott free because rw's will vote for and defend any scumbag.

What are you rw's thinking?

Hint - You live in an enormous glass house so its pretty dumb of you to throw rocks.

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