How Can Someone As Corrupt As Charlie Rangel Win Yet Again?

Just look at David Vitter, the right wing idiots will vote for anyone, just as long as they have an (R) next to their name, no matter how crooked.

And democrats are different

Democrats hold those responsible for their actions such as with Weiner, that resigned.
The GOP on the other hand embrace and defend cronyism, such as we see with Vitter.
Government goodies always trumps corruption.
They are New Yorkers, just like Californians, they want their entitlements. :)
Wouldn't you too, if you could sit around all day and do nothing, while you get paid a monthly check, have your groceries paid for, your apt. paid for, your utilities paid for, your schooling paid for, your health care paid for?
Sweet deal, so whats a little corruption?

Nobody wants to be on welfare, it sucks, dupe. They DO have to work if able, food stamps are often not enough, the bureaucracy is neverendig, hater/dupe.

It's not an entitlement attitude, it's the SECOND Pub Cronyism and greed Great World Depression Great job, and now they want to do it again- "I know, let's cut taxes on the rich and destroy Medicare!":eusa_liar::cuckoo::eusa_whistle:

Romney's ACTUAL plan- Cut taxes on rich, destroy Medicare/aid, Health Reform, raise pentagon spending, cut regs on Wall St, worry about debt in 2035...BRILLIANT

Yep. The pubs didn't finish everybody off so now the rw's are gonna give them another. chance. Mitt refuses to answer most questions and has said that if we knew his real plan, no one would vote for him. But, what he has said is that he's in favor of the Ryan plan to destroy America and the middle class while sending even more jobs out of our country.

And, rw's are in love with this.
Corruption is their middle name. The rule of law doesn't matter as long as their man can deliver "The goodies" ergo Charlie Rangel, Maxine Waters, Anthony Weiner, Elizabeth Warren, Ted Kennedy, Patrick Kennedy, Richard Blumenthal.
Dang hard to get off welfare in a Pub DEPRESSION...

Rangel has done great things for his district, very popular and charismatic, his problems have been blown out of all proportion for the dupes- "NOT GUILTY!"
The 'Dumbing-Down of America.' He has a 'D' by his name. And that's good enough for many dumb New Yorkers. It is sad but it is what it is.
What are you New Yorkers thinking... ????

Rangel wins primary -

i wouldn't have voted for him. but his district likes him and i guess they wanted him to have one more term before he retires rather than letting the GOP decide if he should represent them.

It is their right as voters to do something stupid and to give this failed man another two years to do nothing to bring meaningful and structural change for his district. Extremely stupid and shortsighted, but being stupid is a fundamental human right.
The 'Dumbing-Down of America.' He has a 'D' by his name. And that's good enough for many dumb New Yorkers. It is sad but it is what it is.

dumb new yorkers?

lol.. where is our state in education level compared to yours?

where is our city economically compared to yours?

and someone who thinks ron paul knows anything about the constitution shouldn't really talk about anything being dumbed down.

just sayin
Why do people still vote for Democrats in failed Third World Hell-Holes like Chicago & Detroit? Lots of reasons i guess. And their all bad reasons.
How empowering for crooks on both sdes! Lie. Steal. Cheat. People don't care!
The 'Dumbing-Down of America.' He has a 'D' by his name. And that's good enough for many dumb New Yorkers. It is sad but it is what it is.

dumb new yorkers?

lol.. where is our state in education level compared to yours?

where is our city economically compared to yours?

and someone who thinks ron paul knows anything about the constitution shouldn't really talk about anything being dumbed down.

just sayin

Always the obedient Nazi, aren't ya? 'Party before Country.' You were Dumbed-Down a long time ago. Not much hope left for you. You've been reduced to a typical & predictable Liberal/Democrat stereotype. Without your DNC Talking Points, you're like Obama without his Teleprompter. Completely clueless.
What are you New Yorkers thinking... ????

Rangel wins primary -

I guarantee 60% of the liberals that voted from him have no idea of the corruption and scandals surrounding him. They are the most uninformed voters in the world. 30% don't care about character and the last 10% see his bad character and corruption as a plus.

I couldn't imagine how anyone would vote for this guy!

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