How Can Someone As Corrupt As Charlie Rangel Win Yet Again?

a true american hero


nigga, please

The 'Dumbing-Down of America.' He has a 'D' by his name. And that's good enough for many dumb New Yorkers. It is sad but it is what it is.

dumb new yorkers?

lol.. where is our state in education level compared to yours?

where is our city economically compared to yours?

and someone who thinks ron paul knows anything about the constitution shouldn't really talk about anything being dumbed down.

just sayin

Always the obedient Nazi, aren't ya? 'Party before Country.' You were Dumbed-Down a long time ago. Not much hope left for you. You've been reduced to a typical & predictable Liberal/Democrat stereotype. Without your DNC Talking Points, you're like Obama without his Teleprompter. Completely clueless.

Ignorant voters.


but not lazy good for nothings like most Tea Party Lunatics before they started to vote, run, and lose. I can't wait for them to go back in the water-closet

Ha, I read that and got mixed up with the Democrats that ran to another state and refused to vote. Where did they hide again? How long was it? :badgrin:

How did that Walker recall go again? :D
And what branch of the miltary did Obama serve? I forget.

The same branch as Romney and his 5 sons? :eek:

You got it!

but with Obama in charge...

We got Osama bin Laden!!!


and what did the Mitt-ster say?

SIDOTI: Why haven't we caught bin Laden in your opinion?

GOVERNOR ROMNEY: I think, I wouldn't want to over-concentrate on Bin Laden. He's one of many, many people who are involved in this global Jihadist effort. He's by no means the only leader. It's a very diverse group – Hamas, Hezbollah, al-Qaeda, Muslim Brotherhood and of course different names throughout the world. It's not worth moving heaven and earth and spending billions of dollars just trying to catch one person. It is worth fashioning and executing an effective strategy to defeat global, violent Jihad and I have a plan for doing that.

What Romney said about bin Laden |
Just look at David Vitter, the right wing idiots will vote for anyone, just as long as they have an (R) next to their name, no matter how crooked.

And democrats are different

Democrats hold those responsible for their actions such as with Weiner, that resigned.
The GOP on the other hand embrace and defend cronyism, such as we see with Vitter.

Yeah, just like you guys with Rangel here.
Warrior bro........Rangel is from an uber-liberal district. Most of the people from that district cant count how many toes they have on their feet and think Sarah Palin is the vice president. Howard Stern sent a reporter up there in October of 2008.............all the consituents have the combined IQ of a small soap dish.

Check it out Warrior.............the mystery is solved in half a heartbeat.

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How Can Someone As Corrupt As Charlie Rangel Win Yet Again?

How about because his constituents like him? Sounds like he's taking care of his district.
What are you New Yorkers thinking... ????

Rangel wins primary -

He promises the masses free stuff. He's one of the most corrupt standing beside Corizine who is just as corrupt if not more.
Rangle will always have a cushy place for his fat arse as long as he pays off the poor ignorant idiots in NYC. :mad:

He's the white liberal's overseer of Harlem. He's corrupt as hell, dosent give a shit about his constituants, but hey he brings in the votes!
Warrior bro........Rangel is from an uber-liberal district. Most of the people from that district cant count how many toes they have on their feet and think Sarah Palin is the vice president. Howard Stern sent a reporter up there in October of 2008.............all the consituents have the combined IQ of a small soap dish.

Check it out Warrior.............the mystery is solved in half a heartbeat.

Harlem voters - YouTube

Yikes! Yeah, sums it up i guess.

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