How Can The FBI Declare Russians Hacked A Server Before Looking At It But Can't Tell...

If something was declared by the FBI director then it was based on the evidence being analyzed... evidence that your not going to see unless you have security clearence
If something was declared by the FBI director then it was based on the evidence being analyzed... evidence that your not going to see unless you have security clearence
...or unless Hillary is in possession of it and you are Hillary's maid - then she might ask you to print it out for her. :p
If something was declared by the FBI director then it was based on the evidence being analyzed... evidence that your not going to see unless you have security clearence
Except for the pesky fact that NO ONE from the Government was allowed to actually see the computers servers or other paraphernalia associated with the supposed hack.
If something was declared by the FBI director then it was based on the evidence being analyzed... evidence that your not going to see unless you have security clearence

Comey used his psychic abilities to analyze the DNC servers
"The leaks appear to come from different parts of the NSA raising the possibility of multiple vulnerabilities."

Leaks within the FBI
Leaks within the NSA
Leaks within the DOJ

Obama's Intel Agencies and Justice Department had more leaks than a screen door on a submarine.

If something was declared by the FBI director then it was based on the evidence being analyzed... evidence that your not going to see unless you have security clearence

Comey used his psychic abilities to analyze the DNC servers
If something was declared by the FBI director then it was based on the evidence being analyzed... evidence that your not going to see unless you have security clearence

You mean The FBI director who colluded with Russia to conceal THE Uranium One Bribery scandal from The American People? That and Drug & Gun running with the Corrupt DOJ director when they colluded with Mexican Drug cartels at Obama Bin Lying's directive?

Those guys?
...who hacked the NSA's computers after a year of analyzing / investigating?


It’s Been A Year, And We Still Don’t Know Who’s Behind Worst NSA Leak In History

"U.S. investigators remain stymied after more than a year of investigating as to how some of the most sensitive hacking tools developed by the National Security Agency (NSA) fell into the hands of hackers..."
This lets me know you have no clue about technology. Unless we are talking about the same server and the same hackers your point is invalid.
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Guess that shows just how good CrowdStrike is. Maybe Trump should hire them.
...who hacked the NSA's computers after a year of analyzing / investigating?


It’s Been A Year, And We Still Don’t Know Who’s Behind Worst NSA Leak In History

"U.S. investigators remain stymied after more than a year of investigating as to how some of the most sensitive hacking tools developed by the National Security Agency (NSA) fell into the hands of hackers..."

DNC coordinated with Ukraine, White House says amid Trump-Russia collusion claims

But for some reasons liberals prefer to blame Russians.
This lets me know you have no clue about technology. Unless we are talking about the same server your point is invalid.
I know enough to know that if the person in charge can declare a server was hacked by the Russians without ever looking at the server he should be able to figure out who hacked another server after 1 year of intense scrutiny.

Since Barry illegally spied on Americans, reporters, the US Senate, and the USSC, I would not seriously be surprised his own administration was behind it.
This lets me know you have no clue about technology. Unless we are talking about the same server your point is invalid.
I know enough to know that if the person in charge can declare a server was hacked by the Russians without ever looking at the server he should be able to figure out who hacked another server after 1 year of intense scrutiny.

Since Barry illegally spied on Americans, reporters, the US Senate, and the USSC, I would not seriously be surprised his own administration was behind it.
Why would he personally have to look at the server? They have techs that do that and report to him.
No. If one server was hacked by someone far superior to a novice it would really easy to see the novice and never figure out the person that was more advanced.
Why would he personally have to look at the server? They have techs that do that and report to him.
To be factually accurate, Comey or his FBI would have had to actually examine the server to prove the 'Russians' hacked it.

I have actually already posted a link and article about how an actual analysis showed the downloading of information from the computer / server was done from the inside, how the dps / download speed was too fast for an off-site download, that it had to be hooked up to the actual server.

Then again, snowflakes have repeatedly demonstrated the uncanny ability to determine 'guilt' without actually having 'evidence'. Please carry on..
You don’t need the physical server to know where the hacks are coming From.

Example : my phone records can show that my phone was called from Russian numbers . You don’t need my actual iPhone to prove that.
If something was declared by the FBI director then it was based on the evidence being analyzed... evidence that your not going to see unless you have security clearence
Congress has asked to see it. They have clearance yet are still waiting.
Why would he personally have to look at the server? They have techs that do that and report to him.
To be factually accurate, Comey or his FBI would have had to actually examine the server to prove the 'Russians' hacked it.

I have actually already posted a link and article about how an actual analysis showed the downloading of information from the computer / server was done from the inside, how the dps / download speed was too fast for an off-site download, that it had to be hooked up to the actual server.

Then again, snowflakes have repeatedly demonstrated the uncanny ability to determine 'guilt' without actually having 'evidence'. Please carry on..

Actually they wouldnt have to touch the server. This is where your ignorance comes to light. All you simply need to do is study the traffic interaction between the hacked server and the device used to hack. You can do this all without touching the server. I am glad to have taught you something here.
"The leaks appear to come from different parts of the NSA raising the possibility of multiple vulnerabilities."

Leaks within the FBI
Leaks within the NSA
Leaks within the DOJ

Obama's Intel Agencies and Justice Department had more leaks than a screen door on a submarine.


Any chance you could stop being a little Russian **** for a while.... You are pro Russia we get it... They killed Americans and want nothing else but weaken America but you will help them, why? Because you convinced yourself that Russians are more important than your fellow Americans...

That what makes you a little traitor asshole... Britain used to use little fucking traitors like you to control their empire because guys like would sell out your own people for perceived power...
All you simply need to do is study the traffic interaction between the hacked server and the device used to hack.
So you are saying if I call in to the FBI and say my server was hacked, like the DNC did, without even looking at the server they can tell me what device was used to hack my server and who did it...?!

That's amazing....:p

Now I can see how Comey was able to exonerate Clinton of her crimes before conducting the investigation. Comey is a regular cross between Houdini and Sherlock F*ing Holmes. :p

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