How can there be any reasonable political accommodation when one side doesn't believe the other has the right to an opinion?

I never claimed it was falsifiable. It is rational and consistent though.

More rational than claiming sheer coincidence.
youre claiming he was perfectly healthy and it is 100% the fault of the event that caused the stroke due to stress,,

thats not how it works,, it possibly could happen but its a 1 in a hundred/thousand/million chance,,

now as I showed from a doctors advice strokes are more likely to be a problem when you have underlying issues like high blood pressure and other things,,

then you add in the video evidence that didnt show he went through any extreme events severe enough to cause a stroke in a perfectly healthy person.. more so a cop that is in top shape
I never claimed it was falsifiable. It is rational and consistent though.

More rational than claiming sheer coincidence.
People die every day from strokes. Strokes can be caused by a dozen different things. Absolutely nothing about Sicknik's case indicates that his stroke was caused by stress from J6. And yet you act as if your guess is an established fact.
I don't know? Maybe mace to the face,

The DoJ looked into charging people with murder for this, but they dropped the idea because they couldn't come up with any medical argument for mace causing strokes.
or being beaten with a flagpole, or squished in a door. Take your pic.
Except that according to his autopsy report he showed no signs of physical trauma.
The DoJ looked into charging people with murder for this, but they dropped the idea because they couldn't come up with any medical argument for mace causing strokes.

Except that according to his autopsy report he showed no signs of physical trauma.
Brian Sicknick died of two strokes caused by the Jan 6th insurrection.
I doubt that any serious individual can provide any rational explanation for such “liberal” thinking.

I’m so old, I remember when “liberals” actually valued free speech.

because progressives aren't liberals anymore.

Bill Mahr is a liberal. Most of his positions suck, but he's never been known to support suppression of speech.

I can detest his positions while respecting his play of the game.
This thread points to the core problem with the left. They have it in their heads that government is there to dictate to society. To tell us which opinions we're allowed to express, and which we are not. More broadly, they believe government is there to shape society. They have it exactly backwards.

This basically the hubris of the culture war. What bothers me is that the right has joined them.
This thread points to the core problem with the left. They have it in their heads that government is there to dictate to society. To tell us which opinions we're allowed to express, and which we are not. More broadly, they believe government is there to shape society. They have it exactly backwards.

This basically the hubris of the culture war. What bothers me is that the right has joined them.
The right has no choice if it wants to undo the cultural damage done by the left.

As a result of this a crowd of liberals entered a restaurant where a Republican and his family were having dinner and effectively closed the dinner making it impossible for anyone in the dinner to eat in peace. They rioted outside a supreme court members house making it impossible for his family to sleep. They raid events on campus where Right wing folks were supposed to speak for those who invited them there and made it impossible for the speakers to be heard. At least one campus event had liberals/antifa rioting and damaging property threatening people there to see th right wing Ben Shapiro was supposed to speak and for safety reasons they were forced to close the event.

Then you have the mass liberals burning rioting plundering businesses and not peacefully protesting like right wingers do.

And how about the time a group of Trans entered a Catholic service making it impossible for them to practice their faith.

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