How can there ever be peace here?

After what happened in Europe most Jews would never want to return. What I don't understand is why the Palestinians stay in Israel?

OK, whatever. The main thing is that Israel free the Palestinians from their bondage in Israel. Wouldn't be wonderful if only the surrounding Arab countries would grant their Palestinians a right of return back to their indigenous homelands?

Maybe we could get Europe to take back their Jews? :dunno:

It' wasn't a bed of roses the first time they were in Palestine, why would the Jews want to go back there?
Fuck Israel! They're lucky I'm not President. Because if I was, I'd tell that fuck-head Big Ben, if he doesn't end the occupation of Palestinian land:
  • That we will no longer protect them with our veto in the UNSC
  • I'm freezing all weapons shipments to Israel
  • I'm freezing all Israeli assets in US banks
  • I'm outlawing AIPAC
I'd also tell that war-mongering prick, he's got 90 days to get his ass out of the OPT, or I will submit a resolution to the UNSC, requesting authorization for member states to use "all necessary means" to drive the god-damn Israeli's back to Israel. Then I'd set up a DMZ along the Green Line and shoot any mother-fucker entering it from either side. And I'd finish it by telling Benny, if he doesn't end that bogus blockade of Gaza immediately, I'm going to re-commission the USS Missouri and send it over there with humanitarian supplies and a big ass sign on the side that reads..."BOARD THIS, MOTHER-FUCKER!"
Insanely hilarious drivel!
So is 90% of what these Israeli kiss-asses say to defend Israeli aggression and lawlessness.
Idiotically hilarious OPT UNSC USS DMZ drivel!
Fuck Israel! They're lucky I'm not President. Because if I was, I'd tell that fuck-head Big Ben, if he doesn't end the occupation of Palestinian land:
  • That we will no longer protect them with our veto in the UNSC
  • I'm freezing all weapons shipments to Israel
  • I'm freezing all Israeli assets in US banks
  • I'm outlawing AIPAC
I'd also tell that war-mongering prick, he's got 90 days to get his ass out of the OPT, or I will submit a resolution to the UNSC, requesting authorization for member states to use "all necessary means" to drive the god-damn Israeli's back to Israel. Then I'd set up a DMZ along the Green Line and shoot any mother-fucker entering it from either side.

And I'd finish it by telling Benny, if he doesn't end that bogus blockade of Gaza immediately, I'm going to re-commission the USS Missouri and send it over there with humanitarian supplies and a big ass sign on the side that reads...
You don't have to be President to converse with Bibi. Here's how to make your voice heard. Git 'er done.

Биньямин Нетаниягу - Ликуд
FUNNY! FUNNY! FUNNY! What a relief from reality. So little left for us to laugh at these days of Islamic terrorists killing us infidels all over the world. How can we get this guy to post here more often?

Fuck Israel! They're lucky I'm not President. Because if I was, I'd tell that fuck-head Big Ben, if he doesn't end the occupation of Palestinian land:
  • That we will no longer protect them with our veto in the UNSC
  • I'm freezing all weapons shipments to Israel
  • I'm freezing all Israeli assets in US banks
  • I'm outlawing AIPAC
I'd also tell that war-mongering prick, he's got 90 days to get his ass out of the OPT, or I will submit a resolution to the UNSC, requesting authorization for member states to use "all necessary means" to drive the god-damn Israeli's back to Israel. Then I'd set up a DMZ along the Green Line and shoot any mother-fucker entering it from either side.

And I'd finish it by telling Benny, if he doesn't end that bogus blockade of Gaza immediately, I'm going to re-commission the USS Missouri and send it over there with humanitarian supplies and a big ass sign on the side that reads...
Fuck Israel! They're lucky I'm not President. Because if I was, I'd tell that fuck-head Big Ben, if he doesn't end the occupation of Palestinian land:
  • That we will no longer protect them with our veto in the UNSC
  • I'm freezing all weapons shipments to Israel
  • I'm freezing all Israeli assets in US banks
  • I'm outlawing AIPAC
I'd also tell that war-mongering prick, he's got 90 days to get his ass out of the OPT, or I will submit a resolution to the UNSC, requesting authorization for member states to use "all necessary means" to drive the god-damn Israeli's back to Israel. Then I'd set up a DMZ along the Green Line and shoot any mother-fucker entering it from either side. And I'd finish it by telling Benny, if he doesn't end that bogus blockade of Gaza immediately, I'm going to re-commission the USS Missouri and send it over there with humanitarian supplies and a big ass sign on the side that reads..."BOARD THIS, MOTHER-FUCKER!"
Insanely hilarious drivel!

You Zio-Nuts get to me...Although World Opinion condems your Zio-Gods agressive behavior in the ME and mis-treatment of the Palestinian wack jobs believe that ancient Israel belongs to todays Jews, so that land confiscation are Divinely justified using God to steal land plain and simple.

Good luck with your war on Islam, nuke Iran and perhaps start WWlll...

Your Zealot behavior will destroy Israel in time.
Now lookie here Pbel. It is true that the Zio-Nuts are to blame for this ongoing conflict due to their treatment of the Palestinians. Lets face the truth. No surrounding Arab country ever treated the Palestinians like Israel does with peace offerings, a security fence & land concessions so the Palestinians can remain in their countries. When will Israel ever learn that you cannot keep a people captive in a foreign land & not expect jihad's, intifadas & rocket missiles for a thank you?

Fuck Israel! They're lucky I'm not President. Because if I was, I'd tell that fuck-head Big Ben, if he doesn't end the occupation of Palestinian land:
  • That we will no longer protect them with our veto in the UNSC
  • I'm freezing all weapons shipments to Israel
  • I'm freezing all Israeli assets in US banks
  • I'm outlawing AIPAC
I'd also tell that war-mongering prick, he's got 90 days to get his ass out of the OPT, or I will submit a resolution to the UNSC, requesting authorization for member states to use "all necessary means" to drive the god-damn Israeli's back to Israel. Then I'd set up a DMZ along the Green Line and shoot any mother-fucker entering it from either side. And I'd finish it by telling Benny, if he doesn't end that bogus blockade of Gaza immediately, I'm going to re-commission the USS Missouri and send it over there with humanitarian supplies and a big ass sign on the side that reads..."BOARD THIS, MOTHER-FUCKER!"
Insanely hilarious drivel!

You Zio-Nuts get to me...Although World Opinion condems your Zio-Gods agressive behavior in the ME and mis-treatment of the Palestinian wack jobs believe that ancient Israel belongs to todays Jews, so that land confiscation are Divinely justified using God to steal land plain and simple.

Good luck with your war on Islam, nuke Iran and perhaps start WWlll...

Your Zealot behavior will destroy Israel in time.
Now lookie here Pbel. It is true that the Zio-Nuts are to blame for this ongoing conflict due to their treatment of the Palestinians. Lets face the truth. No surrounding Arab country ever treated the Palestinians like Israel does with peace offerings, a security fence & land concessions so the Palestinians can remain in their countries. When will Israel ever learn that you cannot keep a people captive in a foreign land & not expect jihad's, intifadas & rocket missiles for a thank you?

Insanely hilarious drivel!

You Zio-Nuts get to me...Although World Opinion condems your Zio-Gods agressive behavior in the ME and mis-treatment of the Palestinian wack jobs believe that ancient Israel belongs to todays Jews, so that land confiscation are Divinely justified using God to steal land plain and simple.

Good luck with your war on Islam, nuke Iran and perhaps start WWlll...

Your Zealot behavior will destroy Israel in time.
It is against international law to hold onto land seized in a war. All Israel needs to do, is end the occupation. There isn't a single country on the planet that recognizes Israels right in the OPT, including Israel. Their Supreme Court even refers to it as the "occupied territories". If their citizens want to live in those settlements, then they can apply for visa's, just like any other alien in someone else's country.

If Israel really wanted peace, they wouldn't have violated the cease-fire a couple years ago.
Holy mackeral. You mean Israel is stealing Palestinian land? I could never support land theives. Tell us more about this.

When did Israel's ancient land become this "Palestinian" land that Israel is now stealing. 'Atta boy.

Now lookie here Pbel. It is true that the Zio-Nuts are to blame for this ongoing conflict due to their treatment of the Palestinians. Lets face the truth. No surrounding Arab country ever treated the Palestinians like Israel does with peace offerings, a security fence & land concessions so the Palestinians can remain in their countries. When will Israel ever learn that you cannot keep a people captive in a foreign land & not expect jihad's, intifadas & rocket missiles for a thank you?

You Zio-Nuts get to me...Although World Opinion condems your Zio-Gods agressive behavior in the ME and mis-treatment of the Palestinian wack jobs believe that ancient Israel belongs to todays Jews, so that land confiscation are Divinely justified using God to steal land plain and simple.

Good luck with your war on Islam, nuke Iran and perhaps start WWlll...

Your Zealot behavior will destroy Israel in time.
It is against international law to hold onto land seized in a war. All Israel needs to do, is end the occupation. There isn't a single country on the planet that recognizes Israels right in the OPT, including Israel. Their Supreme Court even refers to it as the "occupied territories". If their citizens want to live in those settlements, then they can apply for visa's, just like any other alien in someone else's country.

If Israel really wanted peace, they wouldn't have violated the cease-fire a couple years ago.
Holy mackeral. You mean Israel is stealing Palestinian land?
No, they're "occupying". That's why this area is legally referred to as the "occupied territories". It's been that way for the last 45 years.

I could never support land theives.
Why not? You support war criminals. You support starving Gazan children, because that has something to do with Israeli national security. You support Israeli terrorism in the form of the Mossad going into sovereign nations and assasinating its leaders. I bet you even support the execution-style murder of an American citizen on the Rachel Corrie for being in possession of "illegal food".

Tell us more about this.
Whose "us"? Are they that group of Israeli ass-kissers that are more loyal to that country, than they are to this one?

When did Israel's ancient land become this "Palestinian" land that Israel is now stealing. 'Atta boy.
Since the diaspora never happened and the Palestinian's never left. In fact, there's some evidence to suggest that the Palestinian's are the direct decendents of the Israelites.
So let me get this straight. Israel's land has been Israel's land since antiquity. Is that right? Or did they become the Israelites after 1948? So yes, I agree the Israeli's are "occupying" their land.

Now then, is it actually true there were no Muslims at all, let alone Palestinian Muslims until the 7th century AD? And can it be ythat Solomon's Temple predates the Al Asqa Mosque by thousands of years? So who is staealing who's land?

Andf oh yes, Rachel. What proud American would not support a "peace activist" who travels to the Middle East in a war zone to publically condemn our US prersident, burn a mock American flag, join in with Palestinians chanting "Death To America" & then march in front of a moving bulldozer? Bless her. She sure did help our American Aunt Jemima's sales to boom.

Holy mackeral. You mean Israel is stealing Palestinian land?
No, they're "occupying". That's why this area is legally referred to as the "occupied territories". It's been that way for the last 45 years.

I could never support land theives.
Why not? You support war criminals. You support starving Gazan children, because that has something to do with Israeli national security. You support Israeli terrorism in the form of the Mossad going into sovereign nations and assasinating its leaders. I bet you even support the execution-style murder of an American citizen on the Rachel Corrie for being in possession of "illegal food".

Tell us more about this.
Whose "us"? Are they that group of Israeli ass-kissers that are more loyal to that country, than they are to this one?

When did Israel's ancient land become this "Palestinian" land that Israel is now stealing. 'Atta boy.
Since the diaspora never happened and the Palestinian's never left. In fact, there's some evidence to suggest that the Palestinian's are the direct decendents of the Israelites.
To Rachel: May you rest in pieces.

So let me get this straight. Israel's land has been Israel's land since antiquity. Is that right? Or did they become the Israelites after 1948? So yes, I agree the Israeli's are "occupying" their land.

Now then, is it actually true there were no Muslims at all, let alone Palestinian Muslims until the 7th century AD? And can it be ythat Solomon's Temple predates the Al Asqa Mosque by thousands of years? So who is staealing who's land?

Andf oh yes, Rachel. What proud American would not support a "peace activist" who travels to the Middle East in a war zone to publically condemn our US prersident, burn a mock American flag, join in with Palestinians chanting "Death To America" & then march in front of a moving bulldozer? Bless her. She sure did help our American Aunt Jemima's sales to boom.

Holy mackeral. You mean Israel is stealing Palestinian land?
No, they're "occupying". That's why this area is legally referred to as the "occupied territories". It's been that way for the last 45 years.

Why not? You support war criminals. You support starving Gazan children, because that has something to do with Israeli national security. You support Israeli terrorism in the form of the Mossad going into sovereign nations and assasinating its leaders. I bet you even support the execution-style murder of an American citizen on the Rachel Corrie for being in possession of "illegal food".

Whose "us"? Are they that group of Israeli ass-kissers that are more loyal to that country, than they are to this one?

When did Israel's ancient land become this "Palestinian" land that Israel is now stealing. 'Atta boy.
Since the diaspora never happened and the Palestinian's never left. In fact, there's some evidence to suggest that the Palestinian's are the direct decendents of the Israelites.
Oh now I get it. There was no Israel until 1947. Thats when they became the Israelites, right Ima?

Israel didn't exist before 1947, so that's a no.

That's irrelevant. Just because Jews called themselves after a tribe that was there a few thousand years ago or whatever, doesn't prove a connection. How about showing me a map of Israel's borders from between say, 1900 and 1940?

Or you could show a map of the country of Palestine say, ever?
Now lookie here Pbel. It is true that the Zio-Nuts are to blame for this ongoing conflict due to their treatment of the Palestinians. Lets face the truth. No surrounding Arab country ever treated the Palestinians like Israel does with peace offerings, a security fence & land concessions so the Palestinians can remain in their countries. When will Israel ever learn that you cannot keep a people captive in a foreign land & not expect jihad's, intifadas & rocket missiles for a thank you?

You Zio-Nuts get to me...Although World Opinion condems your Zio-Gods agressive behavior in the ME and mis-treatment of the Palestinian wack jobs believe that ancient Israel belongs to todays Jews, so that land confiscation are Divinely justified using God to steal land plain and simple.

Good luck with your war on Islam, nuke Iran and perhaps start WWlll...

Your Zealot behavior will destroy Israel in time.
It is against international law to hold onto land seized in a war. All Israel needs to do, is end the occupation. There isn't a single country on the planet that recognizes Israels right in the OPT, including Israel. Their Supreme Court even refers to it as the "occupied territories". If their citizens want to live in those settlements, then they can apply for visa's, just like any other alien in someone else's country.

If Israel really wanted peace, they wouldn't have violated the cease-fire a couple years ago.

There is nothing illegal about Israel's presence in the West Bank or about Israeli communities in the West Bank. The international law you refer to concerns land captured from another country in a war. It has no application to the West Bank since Jordan had had not legal right to it and, in any case, Israel had offered to return it in return for peace a week after the end of the Six Day War. Furthermore, the present arrangement, Israeli control of Area C and joint security control with the PA, is by agreement with the PA as specified in the Oslo Accords.

If the Palestinian Arabs are unhappy with the present arrangement, they can come back to the negotiating table and try to negotiate a new one. Negotiations have failed so far because the PA has been more interested in objecting to the existence of the state of Israel than in establishing a state of their own in the disputed territories by demanding Israel admit millions of foreigners and a corridor between Gaza and the West Bank that would cut Israel into two pieces. If the Palestinian Arabs can ever agree among themselves that they want to live in peace alongside the Jewish state of Israel, perhaps a Palestinian Arab state can be established in the disputed territories, but so far there is no indication they are prepared to live in peace next to the Jewish state of Israel.
Now lookie here Pbel. It is true that the Zio-Nuts are to blame for this ongoing conflict due to their treatment of the Palestinians. Lets face the truth. No surrounding Arab country ever treated the Palestinians like Israel does with peace offerings, a security fence & land concessions so the Palestinians can remain in their countries. When will Israel ever learn that you cannot keep a people captive in a foreign land & not expect jihad's, intifadas & rocket missiles for a thank you?
It is against international law to hold onto land seized in a war. All Israel needs to do, is end the occupation. There isn't a single country on the planet that recognizes Israels right in the OPT, including Israel. Their Supreme Court even refers to it as the "occupied territories". If their citizens want to live in those settlements, then they can apply for visa's, just like any other alien in someone else's country.

If Israel really wanted peace, they wouldn't have violated the cease-fire a couple years ago.

There is nothing illegal about Israel's presence in the West Bank or about Israeli communities in the West Bank. The international law you refer to concerns land captured from another country in a war. It has no application to the West Bank since Jordan had had not legal right to it and, in any case, Israel had offered to return it in return for peace a week after the end of the Six Day War. Furthermore, the present arrangement, Israeli control of Area C and joint security control with the PA, is by agreement with the PA as specified in the Oslo Accords.

If the Palestinian Arabs are unhappy with the present arrangement, they can come back to the negotiating table and try to negotiate a new one. Negotiations have failed so far because the PA has been more interested in objecting to the existence of the state of Israel than in establishing a state of their own in the disputed territories by demanding Israel admit millions of foreigners and a corridor between Gaza and the West Bank that would cut Israel into two pieces. If the Palestinian Arabs can ever agree among themselves that they want to live in peace alongside the Jewish state of Israel, perhaps a Palestinian Arab state can be established in the disputed territories, but so far there is no indication they are prepared to live in peace next to the Jewish state of Israel.

The international law you refer to concerns land captured from another country in a war. It has no application to the West Bank since Jordan had had not legal right to it...

That is true. Jordan never won that land because they were never at war with Palestine. Everyone knew that the West Bank was occupied Palestinian land. It was not Jordan's land to lose. Israel cannot win Palestinian land in a war with Jordan. Of course this applies to Gaza also.
Now lookie here Pbel. It is true that the Zio-Nuts are to blame for this ongoing conflict due to their treatment of the Palestinians. Lets face the truth. No surrounding Arab country ever treated the Palestinians like Israel does with peace offerings, a security fence & land concessions so the Palestinians can remain in their countries. When will Israel ever learn that you cannot keep a people captive in a foreign land & not expect jihad's, intifadas & rocket missiles for a thank you?
It is against international law to hold onto land seized in a war. All Israel needs to do, is end the occupation. There isn't a single country on the planet that recognizes Israels right in the OPT, including Israel. Their Supreme Court even refers to it as the "occupied territories". If their citizens want to live in those settlements, then they can apply for visa's, just like any other alien in someone else's country.

If Israel really wanted peace, they wouldn't have violated the cease-fire a couple years ago.

There is nothing illegal about Israel's presence in the West Bank or about Israeli communities in the West Bank. The international law you refer to concerns land captured from another country in a war. It has no application to the West Bank since Jordan had had not legal right to it and, in any case, Israel had offered to return it in return for peace a week after the end of the Six Day War. Furthermore, the present arrangement, Israeli control of Area C and joint security control with the PA, is by agreement with the PA as specified in the Oslo Accords.

If the Palestinian Arabs are unhappy with the present arrangement, they can come back to the negotiating table and try to negotiate a new one. Negotiations have failed so far because the PA has been more interested in objecting to the existence of the state of Israel than in establishing a state of their own in the disputed territories by demanding Israel admit millions of foreigners and a corridor between Gaza and the West Bank that would cut Israel into two pieces. If the Palestinian Arabs can ever agree among themselves that they want to live in peace alongside the Jewish state of Israel, perhaps a Palestinian Arab state can be established in the disputed territories, but so far there is no indication they are prepared to live in peace next to the Jewish state of Israel.

Jordan never owned the UN Mandate of Palestine, they administered it. The pre-emptive strike by Israel was a land grab. That's how the world sees it. Not even the USA has recognized Israel's anexations and that why the US Embassy is located in Tel Aviv and not Jerusalem.
It is against international law to hold onto land seized in a war. All Israel needs to do, is end the occupation. There isn't a single country on the planet that recognizes Israels right in the OPT, including Israel. Their Supreme Court even refers to it as the "occupied territories". If their citizens want to live in those settlements, then they can apply for visa's, just like any other alien in someone else's country.

If Israel really wanted peace, they wouldn't have violated the cease-fire a couple years ago.

There is nothing illegal about Israel's presence in the West Bank or about Israeli communities in the West Bank. The international law you refer to concerns land captured from another country in a war. It has no application to the West Bank since Jordan had had not legal right to it and, in any case, Israel had offered to return it in return for peace a week after the end of the Six Day War. Furthermore, the present arrangement, Israeli control of Area C and joint security control with the PA, is by agreement with the PA as specified in the Oslo Accords.

If the Palestinian Arabs are unhappy with the present arrangement, they can come back to the negotiating table and try to negotiate a new one. Negotiations have failed so far because the PA has been more interested in objecting to the existence of the state of Israel than in establishing a state of their own in the disputed territories by demanding Israel admit millions of foreigners and a corridor between Gaza and the West Bank that would cut Israel into two pieces. If the Palestinian Arabs can ever agree among themselves that they want to live in peace alongside the Jewish state of Israel, perhaps a Palestinian Arab state can be established in the disputed territories, but so far there is no indication they are prepared to live in peace next to the Jewish state of Israel.

Jordan never owned the UN Mandate of Palestine, they administered it. The pre-emptive strike by Israel was a land grab. That's how the world sees it. Not even the USA has recognized Israel's anexations and that why the US Embassy is located in Tel Aviv and not Jerusalem.

You are confused. Jordan annexed the West Bank and made all the Arabs there Jordanian citizens, and in the Six Day War, Jordan was suckered by Nasser into attacking Israel. Nasser told him that Egypt had destroyed the IAF and that Jordan had nothing to fear. While Israel's attack on Egypt was preemptive, but justified, it was Jordan that attacked Israel in the Six Day War. Another interesting fact you may not have come across is that after liberating Jerusalem, the IDF stopped, assuming Jordan would keep control of the rest of the West Bank, but when Dayan learned the Jordanian army had fled all the way across the river, he ordered the IDF to advance to the river, a natural boundary.

You are misguided in thinking Israel's intent was to grab land. Within a week of the end of the war, Israel offered to return all the land it had captured in return for peace. None of the Arab states responded, but a short time later, the Arab nations met in Khartoum and issued their famous three no's: no peace with Israel, not recognition of Israel and no negotiations with Israel. In this way the Arab nations abandoned the land Israel had captured. It is clear that Israel's intention was to try to grab peace with the Arabs, not to grab land.
There is nothing illegal about Israel's presence in the West Bank or about Israeli communities in the West Bank. The international law you refer to concerns land captured from another country in a war. It has no application to the West Bank since Jordan had had not legal right to it and, in any case, Israel had offered to return it in return for peace a week after the end of the Six Day War. Furthermore, the present arrangement, Israeli control of Area C and joint security control with the PA, is by agreement with the PA as specified in the Oslo Accords.

If the Palestinian Arabs are unhappy with the present arrangement, they can come back to the negotiating table and try to negotiate a new one. Negotiations have failed so far because the PA has been more interested in objecting to the existence of the state of Israel than in establishing a state of their own in the disputed territories by demanding Israel admit millions of foreigners and a corridor between Gaza and the West Bank that would cut Israel into two pieces. If the Palestinian Arabs can ever agree among themselves that they want to live in peace alongside the Jewish state of Israel, perhaps a Palestinian Arab state can be established in the disputed territories, but so far there is no indication they are prepared to live in peace next to the Jewish state of Israel.

Jordan never owned the UN Mandate of Palestine, they administered it. The pre-emptive strike by Israel was a land grab. That's how the world sees it. Not even the USA has recognized Israel's anexations and that why the US Embassy is located in Tel Aviv and not Jerusalem.

You are confused. Jordan annexed the West Bank and made all the Arabs there Jordanian citizens, and in the Six Day War, Jordan was suckered by Nasser into attacking Israel. Nasser told him that Egypt had destroyed the IAF and that Jordan had nothing to fear. While Israel's attack on Egypt was preemptive, but justified, it was Jordan that attacked Israel in the Six Day War. Another interesting fact you may not have come across is that after liberating Jerusalem, the IDF stopped, assuming Jordan would keep control of the rest of the West Bank, but when Dayan learned the Jordanian army had fled all the way across the river, he ordered the IDF to advance to the river, a natural boundary.

You are misguided in thinking Israel's intent was to grab land. Within a week of the end of the war, Israel offered to return all the land it had captured in return for peace. None of the Arab states responded, but a short time later, the Arab nations met in Khartoum and issued their famous three no's: no peace with Israel, not recognition of Israel and no negotiations with Israel. In this way the Arab nations abandoned the land Israel had captured. It is clear that Israel's intention was to try to grab peace with the Arabs, not to grab land.

You are confused. Jordan annexed the West Bank and made all the Arabs there Jordanian citizens,...

No, you are confused. Jordan attempted to annex the West Bank but failed to get the rest of the world to recognize it.

Within a week of the end of the war, Israel offered to return all the land it had captured in return for peace.

Not true. Israel wanted to keep all of Jerusalem. You failed to mention that clunker.

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