How can Trump supporters deny the facts?

The stock market is off its lows from mid-June, gas prices have dropped by ten percent off the highs and have been trending down, even through the heavily traveled fourth of July week. Inflationary pressures in the supply chain are being alleviated. Retailers have massive inventories, and they are now moving to slash prices to make room for new merchandise that is just now getting unlocked from the supply chain. Great time to buy a big screen television, I just snapped up a new washer at a lower price than the one I replaced from several years ago. Meat prices are starting to tumble. Had me a nice CAB Tomahawk last week, $8.99 a pound off the usual $19.99 retail. Saw the second price drop in the past few months come down for ground beef next week.

By all indications, things are started to head in the right direction, despite Republican opposition and refusal to do a damn thing other than bitch and moan. If the trend continues, and if the FED backs off over the next few months, you could see inflation coming it at less than three percent, gas prices falling to a more reasonable level, and income start rising faster than inflation. Then what the hell are you Republicans going to run on?

If you found a tomahawk steak for that price it was about to go in the trash.
How can Trump supporters deny the facts?
The facts are:
Trump has done nothing but lose since 2020 - he lost the Presidency - the House - the Senate - 80 lawsuits in an attempt to overturn the 2020 election.

The evidence of Trump's unethical/ illegal activity on trying to overturn the 2020 election is coming from Republicans, most of who voted for Trump. Not Democrats, CNN, MSNBC or far left whackos. The Republicans all said they decided to put the country above party and their support of Trump. These are people who worked for and around Trump. Most testimony was first hand, not hear say.
The Trump minions are not listening to the Trump staff but to Trump. Why have multiple Trump cohorts pleaded the 5th? Why have no Trump cohorts come forward to counter the testimony of the Trump staff?

How do Trump supporters rationalize the facts above
The Trump minions are not listening to the Trump staff but to Trump.

Thats hard to say when liberals have practically muzzled trump in the public discourse
When are you people going to understand the election was stolen and admit it? No one will ever accept it was not. Too much evidence to ever think that.
Try admitting that you & the rest of you have been lied to by Trump, the biggest conman who ever lived.

But don't take my word for it. Ask the people who worked for that louse for 4 years in the W.H. Most of them secretely hate his guts.
Try admitting that you & the rest of you have been lied to by Trump, the biggest conman who ever lived.

But don't take my word for it. Ask the people who worked for that louse for 4 years in the W.H. Most of them secretely hate his guts.
if they secretly hate his do you know about it?.....hey just asking....
How can Trump supporters deny the facts?
The facts are:
Trump has done nothing but lose since 2020 - he lost the Presidency - the House - the Senate - 80 lawsuits in an attempt to overturn the 2020 election.

The evidence of Trump's unethical/ illegal activity on trying to overturn the 2020 election is coming from Republicans, most of who voted for Trump. Not Democrats, CNN, MSNBC or far left whackos. The Republicans all said they decided to put the country above party and their support of Trump. These are people who worked for and around Trump. Most testimony was first hand, not hear say.
The Trump minions are not listening to the Trump staff but to Trump. Why have multiple Trump cohorts pleaded the 5th? Why have no Trump cohorts come forward to counter the testimony of the Trump staff?

How do Trump supporters rationalize the facts above

Firstly, people have been well trained in denying reality. Religion teaches them that reality is not above their fantasy world if they choose it not to be. And from a very young age too.
Try admitting that you & the rest of you have been lied to by Trump, the biggest conman who ever lived.

But don't take my word for it. Ask the people who worked for that louse for 4 years in the W.H. Most of them secretely hate his guts.
Who hid everything the citizens asked for after the election. Who got censored? Who intimidated and arrested Trump supporters? You know why? Because there was fraud and they are going to lose this war.
Media is corrupt. It's not arguable anymore, if it ever was. They are trending to irrelevant but they want to make sure that only lies are allowed. Biden doesn't care one way or the other as long as he gets his baby food.
i don't see any of them defending him other then his asslickers like Jordan & a few, very few others.
We are seeing the Republicans with strength and ethics coming forward. When the spineless ass lickers see. there continued support of Trump's lies, could put them in jail, they will fold like a cheap suit.
How can Trump supporters deny the facts?
The facts are:
Trump has done nothing but lose since 2020 - he lost the Presidency - the House - the Senate - 80 lawsuits in an attempt to overturn the 2020 election.

The evidence of Trump's unethical/ illegal activity on trying to overturn the 2020 election is coming from Republicans, most of who voted for Trump. Not Democrats, CNN, MSNBC or far left whackos. The Republicans all said they decided to put the country above party and their support of Trump. These are people who worked for and around Trump. Most testimony was first hand, not hear say.
The Trump minions are not listening to the Trump staff but to Trump. Why have multiple Trump cohorts pleaded the 5th? Why have no Trump cohorts come forward to counter the testimony of the Trump staff?

How do Trump supporters rationalize the facts above
Allow me to help...

How can Trump supporters deny the facts?
The facts are:
Trump has done nothing but lose since 2020 - he lost the Presidency - the House - the Senate - 80 lawsuits in an attempt to overturn the 2020 election.

The evidence of Trump's unethical/ illegal activity on trying to overturn the 2020 election is coming from Republicans, most of who voted for Trump. Not Democrats, CNN, MSNBC or far left whackos. The Republicans all said they decided to put the country above party and their support of Trump. These are people who worked for and around Trump. Most testimony was first hand, not hear say.
The Trump minions are not listening to the Trump staff but to Trump. Why have multiple Trump cohorts pleaded the 5th? Why have no Trump cohorts come forward to counter the testimony of the Trump staff?

How do Trump supporters rationalize the facts above
The same way you ignore Biden giving China 1 million barrels of oil from our strategic oil reserve. The same way you ignored when biden's retreat from Afghanistan with lost of life and Americans left behind. The same way you ignored the $50 billion in weapons he gave Taliban. The way you ignored biden saying he would ruin the oil industry into the ground while blaming Putin, big oil, the gas station owners over doubled the price of oil. As a matter of fact the way biden has destroyed everything he has touched Trump's worst day was better than Joe's best. But the best reason is as this clown trash everything he has touched you bozos are to busy trashing Trump to worry about this train wreak puts America past the point of no return. I believe your mother played for the WNBA AND DIDN'T DROP YOU ON YOUR HEAD AS A BABY BUT SLAM DUNKED YOU ON A CONCRETE HALF COURT ON YOUR HEAD MANY MANY TIMES. SPLATERING YOUR GRAY MATTER ALL OVER THE COURT. You wouldn't know a loser if he walked up to you, shit his pants then shit your pants, cutting every pipe line coming to America while babbling like a complete idiot about the children rubbing down the golden hair on his leg.

I thank you for making it so easy to let everyone know the true idiot you are leaving nothing to the imagination.
The same way you ignore Biden giving China 1 million barrels of oil from our strategic oil reserve. The same way you ignored when biden's retreat from Afghanistan with lost of life and Americans left behind. The same way you ignored the $50 billion in weapons he gave Taliban. The way you ignored biden saying he would ruin the oil industry into the ground while blaming Putin, big oil, the gas station owners over doubled the price of oil. As a matter of fact the way biden has destroyed everything he has touched Trump's worst day was better than Joe's best. But the best reason is as this clown trash everything he has touched you bozos are to busy trashing Trump to worry about this train wreak puts America past the point of no return. I believe your mother played for the WNBA AND DIDN'T DROP YOU ON YOUR HEAD AS A BABY BUT SLAM DUNKED YOU ON A CONCRETE HALF COURT ON YOUR HEAD MANY MANY TIMES. SPLATERING YOUR GRAY MATTER ALL OVER THE COURT. You wouldn't know a loser if he walked up to you, shit his pants then shit your pants, cutting every pipe line coming to America while babbling like a complete idiot about the children rubbing down the golden hair on his leg.

I thank you for making it so easy to let everyone know the true idiot you are leaving nothing to the imagination.
Wow, I really got under your skin. I LOVE IT!!!
How can Trump supporters deny the facts?
The facts are:
Trump has done nothing but lose since 2020 - he lost the Presidency - the House - the Senate - 80 lawsuits in an attempt to overturn the 2020 election.

The evidence of Trump's unethical/ illegal activity on trying to overturn the 2020 election is coming from Republicans, most of who voted for Trump. Not Democrats, CNN, MSNBC or far left whackos. The Republicans all said they decided to put the country above party and their support of Trump. These are people who worked for and around Trump. Most testimony was first hand, not hear say.
The Trump minions are not listening to the Trump staff but to Trump. Why have multiple Trump cohorts pleaded the 5th? Why have no Trump cohorts come forward to counter the testimony of the Trump staff?

How do Trump supporters rationalize the facts above
All stolen

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