How Can You Not Win an Election but Have an “Emotional Victory?”

That’s the spin the Lame Street Media’s putting on the Georgia District 6 special election. And NBC sees “Ominous Sign for GOP” over the results.

Sad isn’t it? They do their best to turn a loss into a win.

GMA Hails ‘Emotional Victory’ for Democrat Who Didn't Win Special Election @ GMA Hails ‘Emotional Victory’ for Democrat Who Didn't Win Special Election

Dem Falls Short in Georgia, But NBC Sees ‘Ominous Sign’ for GOP @ Dem Falls Short in Georgia, But NBC Sees ‘Ominous Sign’ for GOP

MSNBC: Dem Got ‘Extremely Close’ With ‘Symbolic’ ‘Victory’ @ MSNBC: Dem Got ‘Extremely Close’ With ‘Symbolic’ ‘Victory’

They keep right on trying.

The 2 special elections do portend trouble for the GOP. In both instances Democrats ran better than they did in 2016. In Georgia, the Democrat did 1.5 points better than Clinton did. If Democrats run 1.5 points better in 2018, that could mean a Democrat gain of 19 seats. I suspect the Republicans running ran the gamut from Trump skeptic to Trump sycophant. The problem is for the Republican nominee is to get all these disparate voters to turn out again.

Also it will be interesting to see if Republicans pull out all the stops the way they did in the Kansas race. The establishment even brought in Sarah Palin who they despise.
The REP nominee will have every REP in the state turn out to vote for her.
Anyone who believes the LIB hollywood elite is going to piss another 10 million away supporting the DEM baby-boy guaranteed two-time loser is delusional.
Already the REP nominee has raised 15 million bucks.
MSNBC bobble-heads are referring to the baby-boy as "the new Obama". "He talks and walks just like Obama!"
The same Obama whose party lost about 1300 legislative seats in the country during his pathetic failed presidency.
That’s the spin the Lame Street Media’s putting on the Georgia District 6 special election. And NBC sees “Ominous Sign for GOP” over the results.

Sad isn’t it? They do their best to turn a loss into a win.

GMA Hails ‘Emotional Victory’ for Democrat Who Didn't Win Special Election @ GMA Hails ‘Emotional Victory’ for Democrat Who Didn't Win Special Election

Dem Falls Short in Georgia, But NBC Sees ‘Ominous Sign’ for GOP @ Dem Falls Short in Georgia, But NBC Sees ‘Ominous Sign’ for GOP

MSNBC: Dem Got ‘Extremely Close’ With ‘Symbolic’ ‘Victory’ @ MSNBC: Dem Got ‘Extremely Close’ With ‘Symbolic’ ‘Victory’

They keep right on trying.

Since Ossoff won by 30 points, it was a real victory.

he didn't "win" anything.
That’s the spin the Lame Street Media’s putting on the Georgia District 6 special election. And NBC sees “Ominous Sign for GOP” over the results.

Sad isn’t it? They do their best to turn a loss into a win.

GMA Hails ‘Emotional Victory’ for Democrat Who Didn't Win Special Election @ GMA Hails ‘Emotional Victory’ for Democrat Who Didn't Win Special Election

Dem Falls Short in Georgia, But NBC Sees ‘Ominous Sign’ for GOP @ Dem Falls Short in Georgia, But NBC Sees ‘Ominous Sign’ for GOP

MSNBC: Dem Got ‘Extremely Close’ With ‘Symbolic’ ‘Victory’ @ MSNBC: Dem Got ‘Extremely Close’ With ‘Symbolic’ ‘Victory’

They keep right on trying.

Since Ossoff won by 30 points, it was a real victory.

he didn't "win" anything.

He won one of two places in the runoff. I'm not surprised you don't even know that.
If Ossoff didn't win, who did?
No one that is why there will be a runoff dumb ass.

Are all the candidates in the runoff?

if nitpicking to claim "victory" is all your side has left, I suggest finding a new side.

If clinging by a thread to what used to be safe Republican seats is all you have, you should shut up.

1. its a special election, most regular rules go out the door for those
2. The DNC threw everything it could into the main election get their guy over 50%, they failed
3. The fact that your side is so desperate for a win that you need a single special election to go your way to prove something is really the main issue here.
That’s the spin the Lame Street Media’s putting on the Georgia District 6 special election. And NBC sees “Ominous Sign for GOP” over the results.

Sad isn’t it? They do their best to turn a loss into a win.

GMA Hails ‘Emotional Victory’ for Democrat Who Didn't Win Special Election @ GMA Hails ‘Emotional Victory’ for Democrat Who Didn't Win Special Election

Dem Falls Short in Georgia, But NBC Sees ‘Ominous Sign’ for GOP @ Dem Falls Short in Georgia, But NBC Sees ‘Ominous Sign’ for GOP

MSNBC: Dem Got ‘Extremely Close’ With ‘Symbolic’ ‘Victory’ @ MSNBC: Dem Got ‘Extremely Close’ With ‘Symbolic’ ‘Victory’

They keep right on trying.

Since Ossoff won by 30 points, it was a real victory.

he didn't "win" anything.

He won one of two places in the runoff. I'm not surprised you don't even know that.

That means he got into the playoffs. Considering the $$ the DNC spent to get 50% when his getting into the playoff was a foregone conclusion, your spinning is as I noted before, comical and little desperate.

Back in the day the Yankees didn't spend Millions in luxury taxes just to make the playoffs.
What's funny is the Dems losing so much they have to resort to anything to try to claim at least a small victory. We saw Clintons supporters doing the same thing. You almost have to feel a little sorry for them..... not.
That’s the spin the Lame Street Media’s putting on the Georgia District 6 special election. And NBC sees “Ominous Sign for GOP” over the results.

Sad isn’t it? They do their best to turn a loss into a win.

GMA Hails ‘Emotional Victory’ for Democrat Who Didn't Win Special Election @ GMA Hails ‘Emotional Victory’ for Democrat Who Didn't Win Special Election

Dem Falls Short in Georgia, But NBC Sees ‘Ominous Sign’ for GOP @ Dem Falls Short in Georgia, But NBC Sees ‘Ominous Sign’ for GOP

MSNBC: Dem Got ‘Extremely Close’ With ‘Symbolic’ ‘Victory’ @ MSNBC: Dem Got ‘Extremely Close’ With ‘Symbolic’ ‘Victory’

They keep right on trying.

These people live and die by how they "feel". Results matter not.

They're a bunch of emotional basket cases.
You know who the Democrat was who lost a close special election in a race in 2005 that wasn't supposed to be close?

Paul Hackett lost to Jean Schmidt in Ohio. aha, some of you remember now... It was a big thing at the time,

and his much narrower than expected loss was a good foretelling of what happened in the 2006 election.
We can revisit this after the runoff.
You know who the Democrat was who lost a close special election in a race in 2005 that wasn't supposed to be close?

Paul Hackett lost to Jean Schmidt in Ohio. aha, some of you remember now... It was a big thing at the time,

and his much narrower than expected loss was a good foretelling of what happened in the 2006 election.

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