How can you still support the president.

How can you still support the president.

People look at what he has done in the past as being totally against the values and the laws of this country. Do you really believe what he says about what he did, even though there is a copy of exactly what he said and did ,that was given to the house of representatives. It's his own words, how can it be taken as anything other then the facts. What it looks like from the out side is that you really don't care what he has done and that no matter what he has done you will still support him. IS that good for this country. The majority in this country support a Impeachment. So are they wrong. For you to support him you have to believe what he says that you can't trust the media , the FBI the CIA or any group that he doesn't have complete control over. Is that even logical.

He keeps people like you in a perpetual state of uproar and that makes me laugh.
Because he is real smart guy that tells the truth and he is honorable and a good businessman Right. You people are so small and dangerous. You are his soldiers for his civil war he wants to start. And you would be honored to do what he asks and kill the guy who brought this forward. The snitch, the commie, Your his army of American hero's.
lol The President is guilty of what? Not being a Democrat?
The first thing would be the fact that he is sub human wacko pond scum. The list is long and means little really. Only thing that counts is getting rid of him.

Being a sub human wacko pond scum is not illegal.

The list is long and means little really is because the long list is absolute lies and bullshit.

Only thing that counts is getting rid of him.

Exactly a big part of your problem and why the rest of us get to point and sing bye bye at you loonyleftys dreams going down the toilet.
See “ do” you support or “why do” you support is a question for a thread title
“How can you still support” is an editorial and not a question, purporting that you are deficient in supporting a President who is deficient and that you need to defend that.
It’s a Lib101 trick through the internet and it’s fallacy does not get called to attention enough.
Funny no it's up to the impeachment process, I'll give you a little tip that's the constitution. The fact that the evidence is all out their to read by anyone. Be my guest Read the full text of Trump's conversation with the Ukrainian president
The law still operates under Innocent until proven guilty. No legal authority has found President Trump guilty. You should really learn now the laws of this country work.
What the hell is your point, He is guilty, the Innocent until proved guilty is for the court, not a independent person. I can believe anything I want , you do know this is America. By the way even after the court OJ Simpson was guilty in my eyes , so sue me . Your pile of shit will have many days in court, The line for the day this puss bag comes out of office is a mile long . He will get what he deserves

You seem perturbed. Sorry your girl lost, maybe she'll do better next time. :04:
Best thing that ever happened , now we don't have to wait a couple more decades to get rid of your hate group, after this show you are seeing the last hate party president.
See “ do” you support or “why do” you support is a question for a thread title
“How can you still support” is an editorial and not a question, purporting that you are deficient in supporting a President who is deficient and that you need to defend that.
It’s a Lib101 trick through the internet and it’s fallacy does not get called to attention enough.
How does that align with ,when talking about the sins of your pile of shit . the subject changes to what someone else did. like somehow it changes or OK's what the pile of shit does.
What the hell is your point, He is guilty, the Innocent until proved guilty is for the court, not a independent person. I can believe anything I want , you do know this is America. By the way even after the court OJ Simpson was guilty in my eyes , so sue me . Your pile of shit will have many days in court, The line for the day this puss bag comes out of office is a mile long . He will get what he deserves
Were you hyperventilating when you posted that? Maybe stomping your feet? But, hey, now you know how many people feel about Hildebeast. Feel the hate flow through you...
lol The President is guilty of what? Not being a Democrat?
The first thing would be the fact that he is sub human wacko pond scum. The list is long and means little really. Only thing that counts is getting rid of him.
In other words, you are screaming "Fuck the Constitution!" along with the other dimwits in the Democratic Party.
No no no I'm saying fuck you for selling out the constitution and my country.

It's not your country anymore. We took it back from you in 2016.

Besides, you never really cared for that dusty old document that was written by old dead white men. Why the sudden change?

I suppose that next you'll be saying that Senator Joe McCarthy was right: That the Russians were trying to infiltrate the American political system.

Funny no it's up to the impeachment process, I'll give you a little tip that's the constitution. The fact that the evidence is all out their to read by anyone. Be my guest Read the full text of Trump's conversation with the Ukrainian president
The law still operates under Innocent until proven guilty. No legal authority has found President Trump guilty. You should really learn now the laws of this country work.
What the hell is your point, He is guilty, the Innocent until proved guilty is for the court, not a independent person. I can believe anything I want , you do know this is America. By the way even after the court OJ Simpson was guilty in my eyes , so sue me . Your pile of shit will have many days in court, The line for the day this puss bag comes out of office is a mile long . He will get what he deserves

You seem perturbed. Sorry your girl lost, maybe she'll do better next time. :04:
Best thing that ever happened , now we don't have to wait a couple more decades to get rid of your hate group, after this show you are seeing the last hate party president.

Actually, we saw the last hate party president leave the office in 2016. Hillary tried to continue Obama's racism and hatred, but she lost.

Too bad, so sad.
What the hell is your point, He is guilty, the Innocent until proved guilty is for the court, not a independent person. I can believe anything I want , you do know this is America. By the way even after the court OJ Simpson was guilty in my eyes , so sue me . Your pile of shit will have many days in court, The line for the day this puss bag comes out of office is a mile long . He will get what he deserves
Were you hyperventilating when you posted that? Maybe stomping your feet? But, hey, now you know how many people feel about Hildebeast. Feel the hate flow through you...
The you would be mistaken , this is my entertainment and you people are the easiest target, so I really don't have to be very bright to attack your morel fiber. This won't change anything you will still be the hate group that you call a party and you will be gone when people quit voting for you and that is what is happening now.
How can you still support the president.

People look at what he has done in the past as being totally against the values and the laws of this country. Do you really believe what he says about what he did, even though there is a copy of exactly what he said and did ,that was given to the house of representatives. It's his own words, how can it be taken as anything other then the facts. What it looks like from the out side is that you really don't care what he has done and that no matter what he has done you will still support him. IS that good for this country. The majority in this country support a Impeachment. So are they wrong. For you to support him you have to believe what he says that you can't trust the media , the FBI the CIA or any group that he doesn't have complete control over. Is that even logical.

He keeps people like you in a perpetual state of uproar and that makes me laugh.
Because he is real smart guy that tells the truth and he is honorable and a good businessman Right. You people are so small and dangerous. You are his soldiers for his civil war he wants to start. And you would be honored to do what he asks and kill the guy who brought this forward. The snitch, the commie, Your his army of American hero's.

You never even had a topic. Not even the title of this piece of shit thread was the topic.

Your topic all along was to start a dirty asshole of a thread to cut down, insult, tell lies about and whine-rant about those that disagree with you.

It's very obvious and pathetic. Never make the mistake of counting yourself as one of the intelligent folks here.
Last edited:
The Democrats know they have no chance to beat Trump next year. They have nothing to lose in their minds. They will trade the House of Representatives for the White House if that is what they must do. In the end, they will fail. Trump will win and they will have surrendered the House of Reps for nothing.
Funny no it's up to the impeachment process, I'll give you a little tip that's the constitution. The fact that the evidence is all out their to read by anyone. Be my guest Read the full text of Trump's conversation with the Ukrainian president
The law still operates under Innocent until proven guilty. No legal authority has found President Trump guilty. You should really learn now the laws of this country work.
What the hell is your point, He is guilty, the Innocent until proved guilty is for the court, not a independent person. I can believe anything I want , you do know this is America. By the way even after the court OJ Simpson was guilty in my eyes , so sue me . Your pile of shit will have many days in court, The line for the day this puss bag comes out of office is a mile long . He will get what he deserves

You seem perturbed. Sorry your girl lost, maybe she'll do better next time. :04:
Best thing that ever happened , now we don't have to wait a couple more decades to get rid of your hate group, after this show you are seeing the last hate party president.

Actually, we saw the last hate party president leave the office in 2016. Hillary tried to continue Obama's racism and hatred, but she lost.

Too bad, so sad.
Scum bag isn't a racist but Obama is , That's good.
What the hell is your point, He is guilty, the Innocent until proved guilty is for the court, not a independent person. I can believe anything I want , you do know this is America. By the way even after the court OJ Simpson was guilty in my eyes , so sue me . Your pile of shit will have many days in court, The line for the day this puss bag comes out of office is a mile long . He will get what he deserves
Were you hyperventilating when you posted that? Maybe stomping your feet? But, hey, now you know how many people feel about Hildebeast. Feel the hate flow through you...
The you would be mistaken , this is my entertainment and you people are the easiest target, so I really don't have to be very bright to attack your morel fiber. This won't change anything you will still be the hate group that you call a party and you will be gone when people quit voting for you and that is what is happening now.

I like morels. They are a good source of fiber.


Lay off the Psilocybin though. Those seem to be making you a little unhinged.
The you would be mistaken , this is my entertainment and you people are the easiest target, so I really don't have to be very bright to attack your morel fiber.
You got that part right.
This won't change anything you will still be the hate group that you call a party and you will be gone when people quit voting for you and that is what is happening now.
Hate group? Who do I hate?
The exercise is over, what I found out is your solution for being a bigot, or a chauvinist, or a hater , or a cruel ugly person ,or anti American or Homophobic, or Islamophobic Is to say I am. You guys are just brilliant, the quick way you turn that right around on us is totally over powering .. Along with your willingness to show how mentally ill and twisted your hate group has become. I also have to admit that you are a very dangerous group and will be killing Americans that don't believe the same way you believe and last but not least , the only argument you poor people can come up with about the actions of your pile of shit leader , is to bring up what someone else does like it Ok's or justify what the puss bag did. It's been a slice bye.
The exercise is over, what I found out is your solution for being a bigot, or a chauvinist, or a hater , or a cruel ugly person ,or anti American or Homophobic, or Islamophobic Is to say I am. You guys are just brilliant, the quick way you turn that right around on us is totally over powering .. Along with your willingness to show how mentally ill and twisted your hate group has become. I also have to admit that you are a very dangerous group and will be killing Americans that don't believe the same way you believe and last but not least , the only argument you poor people can come up with about the actions of your pile of shit leader , is to bring up what someone else does like it Ok's or justify what the puss bag did. It's been a slice bye.
PS. thanks for the entertainment.
The exercise is over, what I found out is your solution for being a bigot, or a chauvinist, or a hater , or a cruel ugly person ,or anti American or Homophobic, or Islamophobic Is to say I am. You guys are just brilliant, the quick way you turn that right around on us is totally over powering .. Along with your willingness to show how mentally ill and twisted your hate group has become. I also have to admit that you are a very dangerous group and will be killing Americans that don't believe the same way you believe and last but not least , the only argument you poor people can come up with about the actions of your pile of shit leader , is to bring up what someone else does like it Ok's or justify what the puss bag did. It's been a slice bye.

Bye faggot.

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