How can you still support the president.

The exercise is over, what I found out is your solution for being a bigot, or a chauvinist, or a hater , or a cruel ugly person ,or anti American or Homophobic, or Islamophobic Is to say I am. You guys are just brilliant, the quick way you turn that right around on us is totally over powering .. Along with your willingness to show how mentally ill and twisted your hate group has become. I also have to admit that you are a very dangerous group and will be killing Americans that don't believe the same way you believe and last but not least , the only argument you poor people can come up with about the actions of your pile of shit leader , is to bring up what someone else does like it Ok's or justify what the puss bag did. It's been a slice bye.

Well... since you're running away from your own thread, can we have it?
Repub politicians do not publicly despise the people who do not vote for them. Prog politicians do to those who do not vote for them Therefore logic dictates that to vote for a Prog is a vote for suicide/homicide. And Trump for the most part only gives it back. He is a truly an equality man.
That's one of the best meltdowns I've seen since Rdean blew a gasket after the 2016 election.

Epic meltdown. I thought the guy was going to go off with some serious threats and get entrapped by the FBI.

They're always more than happy to hook up the kooks with some fake bombs and stuff.
How come making America great again destroy you democrats? Is it because he’s a republican? Is it because blacks are leaving your party?
Don't high jack this thread. It's against the rules and you know we must follow those rules.
I’m responding to your post.. what’s the problem?
If you don't keep to the subject your out out here. Simple as that.
I did, and I support him because he is great! He’s the best president we ever had,, NOW WHY DO YOU HATE HIM
That makes you one large morally bankrupt sicko. So you tell me how I should respond to a person with a character that is that low , a person who I respect at a level somewhere below any other white supremacist that scum bag says are good people , you would be one of his good people. I look down in horror over everyone of you sick weak minded boot lickers, who support the biggest pile of shit in the history of politics, Good God! You are one pitiful person but buddy your in the right group.
What race doesn’t think it’s the best race? What plant do you live on?
lol The President is guilty of what? Not being a Democrat?
The first thing would be the fact that he is sub human wacko pond scum. The list is long and means little really. Only thing that counts is getting rid of him.
In other words, you are screaming "Fuck the Constitution!" along with the other dimwits in the Democratic Party.
No no no I'm saying fuck you for selling out the constitution and my country.

You commies wouldn't know the Constitution if it bit you in the ass. Your elected reps prove that every day.

How can you still support the president.

People look at what he has done in the past as being totally against the values and the laws of this country. Do you really believe what he says about what he did, even though there is a copy of exactly what he said and did ,that was given to the house of representatives. It's his own words, how can it be taken as anything other then the facts. What it looks like from the out side is that you really don't care what he has done and that no matter what he has done you will still support him. IS that good for this country. The majority in this country support a Impeachment. So are they wrong. For you to support him you have to believe what he says that you can't trust the media , the FBI the CIA or any group that he doesn't have complete control over. Is that even logical.

He keeps people like you in a perpetual state of uproar and that makes me laugh.
Because he is real smart guy that tells the truth and he is honorable and a good businessman Right. You people are so small and dangerous. You are his soldiers for his civil war he wants to start. And you would be honored to do what he asks and kill the guy who brought this forward. The snitch, the commie, Your his army of American hero's.
Cool rant, meaningless blather though. Let me clear up your misperceptions. Not a single sentence in this rant is accurate.
People look at what he has done in the past as being totally against the values and the laws of this country. Do you really believe what he says about what he did, even though there is a copy of exactly what he said and did ,that was given to the house of representatives. It's his own words, how can it be taken as anything other then the facts. What it looks like from the out side is that you really don't care what he has done and that no matter what he has done you will still support him. IS that good for this country. The majority in this country support a Impeachment. So are they wrong. For you to support him you have to believe what he says that you can't trust the media , the FBI the CIA or any group that he doesn't have complete control over. Is that even logical.

To give an honest response..... I can't think of anything he has done that is "totally against the values and laws of this country".

See the problem with your post, is that you are assuming we're all looking at this from your opinionated perspective. But opinion, isn't facts.

We don't see that he has done all these terrible things you claim. Because he hasn't. When Trump does something that is in fact a crime, and impeachable, then we will support impeachment.

He hasn't. Thus we don't.

The rest of the country, does not live in your personal version of reality.
I don't need a opinion I have the Impeachment process that defines him and the standing room only list of people that will be on the white house steps the day this puss bag is out of office. His life will be from one jail, to court, to another jail, then court, then another jail, then court. Every time being found guilty of a list of crimes as long as your arm. It will be beautiful. There is no chance that he will be impeached because his party and supporters have all sold us out in the same way. The senate will pass after a long hearing of little pieces of shit that makes up scum bags life, all shown to the public enough to fill a cesspool. That will be in the absolute best place my party country constitution and flag can be, with just you morally bankrupt psychos still supporting your hate group.

Left-winger: "I don't need a opinion....."

(Proceeds to spew endless opinion)

Yeah, you know... when you talk about morally bankrupt psychos, after supporting Hillary Clinton.... It's kind of a complement. When a morally bankrupt psycho accuses me of being a morally bankrupt psycho.... that's like a badge of honor and integrity. It means I am the morally superior between.

So my response to you is "Thank you".
See “ do” you support or “why do” you support is a question for a thread title
“How can you still support” is an editorial and not a question, purporting that you are deficient in supporting a President who is deficient and that you need to defend that.
It’s a Lib101 trick through the internet and it’s fallacy does not get called to attention enough.

First of all, it is a question. And it is a pertinent one. Absolutely you are deficient in supporting the piece of shit. Sorta.
Left-winger: "I don't need a opinion....."

(Proceeds to spew endless opinion)
Yeah, you know... when you talk about morally bankrupt psychos, after supporting Hillary Clinton.... It's kind of a complement. When a morally bankrupt psycho accuses me of being a morally bankrupt psycho.... that's like a badge of honor and integrity. It means I am the morally superior between.

So my response to you is "Thank you".

But Hillary isn't a psycho. She would have made a much better president than the joke in the WH at the moment. Just because you neocon whackadoodles have been banging on about her over the past 20 years doesn't make what you say about her true. She has been one of the most investigated politicians in the history of your country. And what have you come up with? Nada. Of course, not content with due process, you fuckwits think if you repeat something often enough it must be true. I have seen more evidence of the tooth fairy being alive and well than I have of Hillary being even close to being arrested for anything. Of course, your other looney outlet is that it's a conspiracy - yet another theory from the nimrods on the right. To which I say, do you know how many people would have to be involved to pull off such a conspiracy? So many, it would be impossible. Nope, Hillary would have been infinitely better in the WH than that piece of pond scum in there now.

Remember, you are the people who believe man made climate change isn't happening, that Obama was born in Kenya, that he is a Muslim - I could go on. The good news is that you are not only a minority in the US, but the Western World. Trump's chickens are coming home to roost and I can't wait for the fireworks.
Left-winger: "I don't need a opinion....."

(Proceeds to spew endless opinion)
Yeah, you know... when you talk about morally bankrupt psychos, after supporting Hillary Clinton.... It's kind of a complement. When a morally bankrupt psycho accuses me of being a morally bankrupt psycho.... that's like a badge of honor and integrity. It means I am the morally superior between.

So my response to you is "Thank you".

But Hillary isn't a psycho. She would have made a much better president than the joke in the WH at the moment. Just because you neocon whackadoodles have been banging on about her over the past 20 years doesn't make what you say about her true. She has been one of the most investigated politicians in the history of your country. And what have you come up with? Nada. Of course, not content with due process, you fuckwits think if you repeat something often enough it must be true. I have seen more evidence of the tooth fairy being alive and well than I have of Hillary being even close to being arrested for anything. Of course, your other looney outlet is that it's a conspiracy - yet another theory from the nimrods on the right. To which I say, do you know how many people would have to be involved to pull off such a conspiracy? So many, it would be impossible. Nope, Hillary would have been infinitely better in the WH than that piece of pond scum in there now.

Remember, you are the people who believe man made climate change isn't happening, that Obama was born in Kenya, that he is a Muslim - I could go on. The good news is that you are not only a minority in the US, but the Western World. Trump's chickens are coming home to roost and I can't wait for the fireworks.

Yeah, she only lied constantly, had more scandals than any past president, before she was even running for president, and was violating tons of laws even months before the elections...... but yeah, she's not psycho?

You saying that... means you are psycho.

Anyone that can defend Hillary is either evil, criminal, or an idiot. She would have been terrible as president, just like her garbage raping husband.
Yeah, she only lied constantly, had more scandals than any past president, before she was even running for president, and was violating tons of laws even months before the elections...... but yeah, she's not psycho?

You saying that... means you are psycho.

Anyone that can defend Hillary is either evil, criminal, or an idiot. She would have been terrible as president, just like her garbage raping husband.

Please list her convictions. Take your time....
See “ do” you support or “why do” you support is a question for a thread title
“How can you still support” is an editorial and not a question, purporting that you are deficient in supporting a President who is deficient and that you need to defend that.
It’s a Lib101 trick through the internet and it’s fallacy does not get called to attention enough.
A moment to learn and adjust course.
Left-winger: "I don't need a opinion....."

(Proceeds to spew endless opinion)
Yeah, you know... when you talk about morally bankrupt psychos, after supporting Hillary Clinton.... It's kind of a complement. When a morally bankrupt psycho accuses me of being a morally bankrupt psycho.... that's like a badge of honor and integrity. It means I am the morally superior between.

So my response to you is "Thank you".

But Hillary isn't a psycho. She would have made a much better president than the joke in the WH at the moment. Just because you neocon whackadoodles have been banging on about her over the past 20 years doesn't make what you say about her true. She has been one of the most investigated politicians in the history of your country. And what have you come up with? Nada. Of course, not content with due process, you fuckwits think if you repeat something often enough it must be true. I have seen more evidence of the tooth fairy being alive and well than I have of Hillary being even close to being arrested for anything. Of course, your other looney outlet is that it's a conspiracy - yet another theory from the nimrods on the right. To which I say, do you know how many people would have to be involved to pull off such a conspiracy? So many, it would be impossible. Nope, Hillary would have been infinitely better in the WH than that piece of pond scum in there now.

Remember, you are the people who believe man made climate change isn't happening, that Obama was born in Kenya, that he is a Muslim - I could go on. The good news is that you are not only a minority in the US, but the Western World. Trump's chickens are coming home to roost and I can't wait for the fireworks.

Yeah, she only lied constantly, had more scandals than any past president, before she was even running for president, and was violating tons of laws even months before the elections...... but yeah, she's not psycho?

You saying that... means you are psycho.

Anyone that can defend Hillary is either evil, criminal, or an idiot. She would have been terrible as president, just like her garbage raping husband.
The right is made up of idiots , So which one of your lies was she found guilty of , the hate party had her in front of their Hate driven congressional committees 7 times , even they had to say 7 times in a row that she is not guilty , the hate party wouldn't or couldn't exist without lies and distortions and the micro minds that believe them as fact , you totally full of shit.

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