How close is this country to dying due to Democrats actions?

Robert W

Platinum Member
Gold Supporting Member
Sep 9, 2022
Starting on Trump, we have been bombarded with lies told about Trump. And you can assure yourself that they also lie about Biden. But not in the same way. They hate Trump and the lies about Biden are they are part of his team.

Starting on Trump, we have been bombarded with lies told about Trump. And you can assure yourself that they also lie about Biden. But not in the same way. They hate Trump and the lies about Biden are they are part of his team.

We're all dead by Tuesday. Enjoy the weekend.:rolleyes:
Starting on Trump, we have been bombarded with lies told about Trump. And you can assure yourself that they also lie about Biden. But not in the same way. They hate Trump and the lies about Biden are they are part of his team.

The country will be fine. The GOP is likely permanently fractured though which will seem like a fate worse than death in our two-party system.

The problem with the fracture is that its based on one guy. What happens when he’s out of the picture?
The country will be fine. The GOP is likely permanently fractured though which will seem like a fate worse than death in our two-party system.

The problem with the fracture is that its based on one guy. What happens when he’s out of the picture?
This country only can be well informed by a press that really posts truth. We do not have such a media today. I think even FOX has been cowed into supporting Biden at times.
Starting on Trump, we have been bombarded with lies told about Trump. And you can assure yourself that they also lie about Biden. But not in the same way. They hate Trump and the lies about Biden are they are part of his team.

The narcissistic Orange Baboon-Good lies... he is intellectually and morally unfit to hold high office in the United States.

That said... the People and their Republic and its Constitution are vastly larger and more important than the Orange Chimp...

There will be no "dying" of the country attributable to that bit of historical flotsam... he's just not that important...

So long as The People have the Good Sense to reject demagogues like that Orange Piece-of-$hit after he's shown his true colors...

Like he did on January 6, 2021...
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Starting on Trump, we have been bombarded with lies told about Trump. And you can assure yourself that they also lie about Biden. But not in the same way. They hate Trump and the lies about Biden are they are part of his team.

"Dying" is a long way off imo, but it is clear the Democrats have done grave damage to the integrity of our government and media. That strikes at the core of what America is about. They have become a pro-China, pro-Cartel, pro-immigrant party and have given the middle finger to US citizens.
The country will be fine. The GOP is likely permanently fractured though which will seem like a fate worse than death in our two-party system.

The problem with the fracture is that its based on one guy. What happens when he’s out of the picture?
we dont have a two party system,,

we have two parties that have coopted the government and now control it,,
very similar to what the CCP did to china and seeming to have the same outcome,,

How close is this country to dying due to Democrats actions?​

I see you need a reminder where the true danger to our country is.









America was the Sole Super power in 1989, then your wealthy shipped half of that power to China, with the approval of both sides of the aisle either based on poor policies and/or self benefit.

There is plenty of blame to go around. Not all politicians fit this description but too many do. Without accountability as it were. Some of these people are content to see the U.S a median global power which spells doom for civilizations around the world.
we dont have a two party system,,

we have two parties that have coopted the government and now control it,,
very similar to what the CCP did to china and seeming to have the same outcome,,

If my party had lost every popular vote since 1992 (save for one), I’d be belly aching too. Perhaps you should look inward as to why the nation has turned it’s back on you.
If my party had lost every popular vote since 1992 (save for one), I’d be belly aching too. Perhaps you should look inward as to why the nation has turned it’s back on you.
not sure what that as to do with my comment unless youre agreeing with me,,,

are you agreeing with me??
This country only can be well informed by a press that really posts truth. We do not have such a media today. I think even FOX has been cowed into supporting Biden at times.
The press is in a sad state of affairs. Capitalism is the greatest system ever. But there are some enterprises where the accumulation of revenue isn’t the most important thing. I work in one of those industries--healthcare. The press is another area where this is not the case. So we have entertainment in place of news. As a result, you only hear about the bridge when it collapses; not when it fails 8 consecutive inspections.

As a civilization, we could admit that the truth--that our fantastic system is not best for all industries and a certain amount of public subsidy is in everyone’s interest. But some conservative somewhere will shout “socialism” and it won’t go anywhere. If you want to know why the press is in the state it is in, look no further than that.
The country will be fine. The GOP is likely permanently fractured though which will seem like a fate worse than death in our two-party system.

The problem with the fracture is that its based on one guy. What happens when he’s out of the picture?
With any luck a new party will arise from the ashes of the GOP.
not sure what that as to do with my comment unless youre agreeing with me,,,

are you agreeing with me??
Not even remotely. The GOP (your party) has lost every popular vote since 1992 except for 2004. This is why you’re blaming the party and not the message of “all hate, all the time.” Its not a coincidence that you started losing when Gingrich launched his hate offensive. Then we had the “guns for all” nonsense in the late 1990’s. Soon thereafter, Bush II was talking about privatizing social security and de-regulation. Followed by the $700B bailout due to that deregulation. Then things were quite for a while. The stock market climbed 149% in 8 years under Obama. Then came your blob and you guys have doubled down on the xenophobia and hate. On this very board, there are repeated refrains about being “invaded”, shooting folks as they come across the border, etc... Any sober view would call it sickening. But you guys cheer.

So that is why you’re upset... the public, by and large, hates your message. There are (or at least were) times when the Republican officials here and there had some really good ideas. Today they are called RINOs though.
Not even remotely. The GOP (your party) has lost every popular vote since 1992 except for 2004. This is why you’re blaming the party and not the message of “all hate, all the time.” Its not a coincidence that you started losing when Gingrich launched his hate offensive. Then we had the “guns for all” nonsense in the late 1990’s. Soon thereafter, Bush II was talking about privatizing social security and de-regulation. Followed by the $700B bailout due to that deregulation. Then things were quite for a while. The stock market climbed 149% in 8 years under Obama. Then came your blob and you guys have doubled down on the xenophobia and hate. On this very board, there are repeated refrains about being “invaded”, shooting folks as they come across the border, etc... Any sober view would call it sickening. But you guys cheer.

So that is why you’re upset... the public, by and large, hates your message. There are (or at least were) times when the Republican officials here and there had some really good ideas. Today they are called RINOs though.
what makes you think I am upset,,
I just corrected your comment and said we are not a two party system,,

sounds more like that upset you,,
Ask the Bull Moose-ers how that went.
I'm thinking more like when the GOP was born from the ashes of the Whig Party. Of course if we're going to get the same old cucked globalist party then it's pointless. Republicans might as well just join the Libertarian Party.
Starting on Trump, we have been bombarded with lies told about Trump. And you can assure yourself that they also lie about Biden. But not in the same way. They hate Trump and the lies about Biden are they are part of his team.

Democratic party has a knack ignoring the will of the majority now. This being a representative republic, who do Bidencrats represent? Whoever the WEF, Soros and China wants?

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