How close is this country to dying due to Democrats actions?

I'm thinking more like when the GOP was born from the ashes of the Whig Party. Of course if we're going to get the same old cucked globalist party then it's pointless. Republicans might as well just join the Libertarian Party.
Well when you nominate and elect a globalist as President (the blob for example) what do you expect?
Starting on Trump, we have been bombarded with lies told about Trump. And you can assure yourself that they also lie about Biden. But not in the same way. They hate Trump and the lies about Biden are they are part of his team.

It's sadly hilarious to hear NaziCons talk about this country dying due to Democrats. You morons are really fucked up!

The country will be fine. The GOP is likely permanently fractured though which will seem like a fate worse than death in our two-party system.

The problem with the fracture is that its based on one guy. What happens when he’s out of the picture?
That's a hoot, you folks are more fractured with your pro-Hamas, pro-illegal alien, and pro-groomer factions.
The press is in a sad state of affairs. Capitalism is the greatest system ever. But there are some enterprises where the accumulation of revenue isn’t the most important thing. I work in one of those industries--healthcare. The press is another area where this is not the case. So we have entertainment in place of news. As a result, you only hear about the bridge when it collapses; not when it fails 8 consecutive inspections.

As a civilization, we could admit that the truth--that our fantastic system is not best for all industries and a certain amount of public subsidy is in everyone’s interest. But some conservative somewhere will shout “socialism” and it won’t go anywhere. If you want to know why the press is in the state it is in, look no further than that.
I am with your critique of the press. Clearly the press has the agenda of taking down Trump. And that is not their job. My daughter is also in health care. She has helped me a lot.
I do not know your ideal idea of this country.
If my party had lost every popular vote since 1992 (save for one), I’d be belly aching too. Perhaps you should look inward as to why the nation has turned it’s back on you.
The popular vote means nothing. Why is this? Because we have 50 states plus territories who also vote. We operate after tallying the states and not the public.
The popular vote means nothing. Why is this? Because we have 50 states plus territories who also vote. We operate after tallying the states and not the public.
List the people who have won a state’s electoral votes without winning it’s popular vote.

I’ll wait.

See, this is what I mean. You’re full of shit; you know you’re full of shit when you say it means nothing. But...since it doesn’t fit your political post it anyway.
Starting on Trump, we have been bombarded with lies told about Trump. And you can assure yourself that they also lie about Biden. But not in the same way. They hate Trump and the lies about Biden are they are part of his team.

That’s your version of “American is in the toilet”?

They’re mean to Trump ?

Jesus dude
Democratic party has a knack ignoring the will of the majority now. This being a representative republic, who do Bidencrats represent? Whoever the WEF, Soros and China wants?
Biden represents the nation and most particularly the 82 million who voted for him
Starting on Trump, we have been bombarded with lies told about Trump. And you can assure yourself that they also lie about Biden. But not in the same way. They hate Trump and the lies about Biden are they are part of his team.

The truth is being told about Trump.

Truth telling will never stop about Trump.

Don't even think to threaten the truth tellers.
Starting on Trump, we have been bombarded with lies told about Trump. And you can assure yourself that they also lie about Biden. But not in the same way. They hate Trump and the lies about Biden are they are part of his team.

Nobody is telling lies about tRump, he's just so ridiculously bad it seems like it.
Democratic party has a knack ignoring the will of the majority now. This being a representative republic, who do Bidencrats represent? Whoever the WEF, Soros and China wants?

How many times have republican presidents been elected without a majority?

You sure you wanna talk about "the will of the majority" with a record like that?

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