How Columbus Turned the World Upside Down

My Dad's best friend was captured and held in one with the Jews you pretend weren't there. My In-law's optometrist showed me the tattoo the Germans identified him with.
Yes, that Jews were held as detainee's in work camps is true.

But the idea that there was an industrial scale genocide of the Jews is pure fiction. .... :cool:

A hand full of those imprisoned, were liberated. The rest were slaughtered. No amount of Muslim revision is going to work. The truth will continue to be told.
A hand full of those imprisoned, were liberated. The rest were slaughtered. No amount of Muslim revision is going to work. The truth will continue to be told.
The holohoax fairy tale is right up there with Big foot and the Loch Ness monster. .... :cool:
It all boils down to the looney leftist liberals wanting to eradicate any historical events that do not fit in with their PC version of history.

Much like the way Mao and his radical Red Guards in the 1960's were determined to destroy all traces of China's pre-communist past. ...... :cool:

I don't give a damn about whether Columbus has a legacy or not. I object to paying the salaries of all the federal and state employees who get today off. It shouldn't be that much of a holiday.
thank you WB....i had this day off for 33 years....
big-thumbs-up-smiley-emoticon.gif can change it now if you want....
Before Columbus came to the western hemisphere the Natives had not even invented, domesticated livestock, bronze, iron or the wheel yet. They were still in the Paleolithic age. The Europeans greatly improved the corn, tomato and potato crops. ....... so be thankful for Columbus

'invented domesticated livestock'? LOL. "invented iron"....LOL

Domesticated lifestock at the time of Columbus' journey:
Guinea Pig

Why hadn't the "natives' invented 'bronze' or the wheel for the same reason the English didn't use the wheel or bronze until invaders brought both to England. Inventions spread east-west fairly easily- but not to isolated places like the New World or Australia.

And read about the domestication of corn- how the Native Americans managed to breed it up to a usable crop is fascinating- and far more difficult than what it took Asians to domesticate wheat and the other grain crops.
People today erroneously judge historical figures by 21st century values and standards.

During the time Columbus lived, his actions and behavior was considered perfectly rational and normal. ..... :cool:

Actually, no. Even during those times his actions were seen as barbaric.

The King & Queen, who had promised him titles in the New World, had him brought back to Spain and put in prison for his crimes. He didn't stay long, because it all pointed back to the Crown. But his actions were not seen as "normal".

He was brought back in chains actually.

To 'encourage' the natives of the Caribbean to find and bring back gold- he would cut off the hands of those who failed and hang the hands around their neck.

And of course he was a slaver. And a cheat.
In 1400, Western Europe was the backwater of Eurasia. While The rest of Eurasia was ruled by more advanced governments controlling large areas like the Ming Dynasty, the Timurlane kingdom or the Mamelukes, Western Europe was balkanized into little kingdoms that could barely control its own nobility.


The Europeans were at the tail end of the lucrative spice trade. The spices were from Indonesia, India and China to a lesser degree and to get to Europe they either came by the Silk Road to Constantinople, areas controlled by the Byzantines and the Ottomans, or they got to Egypt, controlled by the Mamelukes, and from north Italian city state merchants, Genoa, Venice and Pisa, would put a heavy mark up on them and sell them in the rest of Europe.

Columbus developed 'Celestial Navigation' and this allowed European ships to bypass the Muslim controlled areas and go directly to the Far East and India to get spices and brought wealth and prosperity to Western Europe surpassing what it had under the Romans.

The diet of the common people (peasants) in the Old World was principly chicken, onions, turnips and radishes and barley. What we call corn or wheat was not known to them yet as these came from the new Western World. There was no carrots, potatoes, tomatoes, yams or beans and the improvement in diet that Columbuses efforts brought no doubt raised the average intelligence of the peasant populations. The net result of that was seen in the 1800s as these populations began to demand equality and freedom.

So we have much to thank Columbus for; better navigation techniques, the rise of Western Europe and the development of egalitarian political policies that were driven by healthy clear thinking peasantry that wanted to improve its condition.

So, I say SALUTE! to Mr Columbus, the man who turned the world upside down!

So the first part of what you said- and the nifty map are fine.

But the rest is pretty much bunk
Well, one helped bring about social change for a significant part of the population of American citizens.
ML King did absolutely nothing for me.

Yet as a taxpayer, I am forced to subsidize a paid holiday for all Federal workers to honor him. ..... :cool:

He helped a significant portion of the US citizens into a more equal place in this country. That definitely effects you.
LOL Over the past 600 years. In that amount of time, the native Americans would have done the same. And, yes, they had wheels, just no animals that were usable for pulling a wagon
Sorry, no. They have not progressed in thousands of years. 600 would have made no difference. Even the black regions without the white man have only regressed.

Actually they had progressed quite abit in 'thousands' of years.

You are just demonstrating your ignorance.

Native Americans didn't invent the wheel- and neither did the English or the Italians- but unlike the English or the Italians they didn't get exposed to the idea of the wheel from other Eurasians. Same with steel and bronze and countless other technologies.

Meanwhile in the Americas, they had to pretty much invent it all themselves- and they did invent amazing things- including a completely different writing system, and high level math.
Well, one helped bring about social change for a significant part of the population of American citizens.
ML King did absolutely nothing for me.

Yet as a taxpayer, I am forced to subsidize a paid holiday for all Federal workers to honor him. ..... :cool:

He helped a significant portion of the US citizens into a more equal place in this country. That definitely effects you.

I am sure he was pissed off about Lincoln's bday being a holiday also- for similar reasons.
I don't give a damn about whether Columbus has a legacy or not. I object to paying the salaries of all the federal and state employees who get today off. It shouldn't be that much of a holiday.
Neither should ML King day, but unfortunately we are stuck with it. ..... :cool:

Well, one helped bring about social change for a significant part of the population of American citizens. The other, in addition to his "discovering America", slaughter tens of thousands of innocents and took what he wanted. Yeah, I could see why you compare the two.

The Caribs were far from innocent. They are the ones that gave us the word canibal. Cannibalism in humans - Wikipedia

Well I guess you are thrilled that because of Columbus, that Caribs were eliminated..........

I was raised celebrating Columbus, but looking back now its hard to understand why we would celebrate the man.
Certainly his actions opened up the New World- for better and for worse- but one of the end results is the United States- and my living in the United States.

But Columbus the man- he was a brutal murderer, slaver, and his actions amounted to genocide. He even cheated his crew.
the Europeans were superior..France ,Britain, Spain, Belgium, Germany, etc were powerhouses--rulers, ..and they still are great
Africa has never risen from being a shithole..except maybe Egypt way back when....
the Middle East/muslims are just above Africa
South America has done nothing spectacular ...Columbia was full of chaos/murder/etc...
He helped a significant portion of the US citizens into a more equal place in this country. That definitely effects you.
I can't think of even one aspect of ML King's activism has positively affected my life. .... :dunno:
He helped a significant portion of the US citizens into a more equal place in this country. That definitely effects you.
I can't think of even one aspect of ML King's activism has positively affected my life. .... :dunno:
Oh, I can, Mr Sunni.

Had the white progressives not been embarrassed by Herr Hitlers grotesqueries, we would still only be letting in lilly white folks from N Europe, mostly.

La Pinta

La Nina


La Santa Maria

that's in my DNA

No Antifa snowflake little scum....can make me erase that from my mind. :biggrin:
LOL Over the past 600 years. In that amount of time, the native Americans would have done the same. And, yes, they had wheels, just no animals that were usable for pulling a wagon
Sorry, no. They have not progressed in thousands of years. 600 would have made no difference. Even the black regions without the white man have only regressed.
Boy, are you one ignorant ass. The Inca and Aztec empires were the equal to Spain's. However, they had not the gift of steel and gunpowder from China and the east.
La Pinta La Nina La Santa Maria

Forever in my heart and mind :thup:


move out of the way... you insignificant snowflake denying history....
No worries.........nothing is happening with Columbus day except perhaps in extreme snowflake quarters. Disney folks don't get that you don't fuck with the Italians......end of story. Living just outside the 5 boroughs of NYC, Ive spent my life watching what happens to people who fuck with Italian culture. It doesn't turn out well for them!!:coffee:. Antifa people have no idea what real violence is!!

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