How come 2aguy has no thread on, "IF PELOSI only had a gun...."?

What I find so very strange about this incident is that there apparently WERE NO ARMED MEN " ready and willing to shoot and kill" at the home of the speaker of the US House.

Of if they were there... they apparently either didn't do their jobs, or they were being told by their boss to stand down.

That's why this whole thing is so open for speculation and ridicule.
This is true. You would think that any competent security detail would have been able to prevent a lone assailant, armed only with a hammer, from entering the residence. It's almost as if the assailant was invited in....
This is true. You would think that any competent security detail would have been able to prevent a lone assailant, armed only with a hammer, from entering the residence. It's almost as if the assailant was invited in....
Either that or you have to believe there was no security detail, which for me is more far fetched than Trump having a turd fight in a Moscow hotel room with 3 pissing whores, Putin and a midget after a cocaine fueled orgy.

Yet you can find a bed wetter to believe both scenarios are perfectly plausible.

Either that or you have to believe there was no security detail, which for me is more far fetched than Trump having a turd fight in a Moscow hotel room with 3 pissing whores, Putin and a midget after a cocaine fueled orgy.

Yet you can find a bed wetter to believe both scenarios are perfectly plausible.

There are a lot of things about this case that don't hold true to the narrative the left is desperate to push.
Either that or you have to believe there was no security detail, which for me is more far fetched than Trump having a turd fight in a Moscow hotel room with 3 pissing whores, Putin and a midget after a cocaine fueled orgy.

Yet you can find a bed wetter to believe both scenarios are perfectly plausible.

Mr Pelosi does not have security detail.

Nancy Pelosi does have security detail, and the secret service travels with her. She was out of town.
Like what?
Like why no security that should have kept the assailant out? Why two men in underwear fighting over a hammer? If someone was really trying to attack someone else, he's not likely to first strip down to his underwear.
Like why no security that should have kept the assailant out? Why two men in underwear fighting over a hammer? If someone was really trying to attack someone else, he's not likely to first strip down to his underwear.
the underwear story is a LIE! HOW CAN YOU PRETEND to not know this by now?

The FOX TV guy that made the original unsourced and unverified claim, has retracted it.
the underwear story is a LIE! HOW CAN YOU PRETEND to not know this by now?

The FOX TV guy that made the original unsourced and unverified claim, has retracted it.
And the story keeps changing by the hour, which is the point.
And the story keeps changing by the hour, which is the point.
It changes ONLY in YOUR conspiracy make believe, faux news circles by the minute, the rest of us are sane and rational! :D
Still convinced he was some kind of right winger?
I never said definitively whether he was or wasn't..... He appears to be in support of a lot of what we on the left see as rightwing conspiracies.... But I wouldn't bet my life on it! Stranger things have happened that have surprised me, over the years!

Truly, I just see him as a wacko! Mentally disturbed! Crazy!
I never said definitively whether he was or wasn't..... He appears to be in support of a lot of what we on the left see as rightwing conspiracies.... But I wouldn't bet my life on it! Stranger things have happened that have surprised me, over the years!

But truly, I just see him as a wacko! Mentally disturbed! Crazy!
Can't argue with that.

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