How come 2aguy has no thread on, "IF PELOSI only had a gun...."?

Care4All is correct here; none of these assertions have ever had a shred of evidence, but they are zombie lies, refusing to go away. And we can add to that:

- "He was a friend," which came from vague wording in the 911 call and was later cleared up to mean DePape said "I'm a friend," and

- He's a left-winger, which is disputed by his own words and actions, and supported only by the like of "He was into x, y, z, so OF COURSE he's a leftie!"

I honestly don't care that people don't like Nancy Pelosi (a lot of people don't like Nancy Pelosi, I get it), but the fact that so many people are clinging so hard to non-facts that are being shown as non-facts over and over for days now, is disturbing.
can you prove or disprove anything?? no you cant,, so until then everything is a lie and not to be trusted,,
so unless we get the actual videos he was a male prostitute or a drug deal gone bad,,
I don't lie, it's a no no! Thou shall not bear false witness! And the good Lord says ALL LIARS are thrown in to the Lake of Fire with the antichrist! :eek: sorry, I ain't gonna take the chance! :D
lying and bearing false witness are two different things and since youre a democrat you are not only free to lie but its a requirement,,

and yes that dress does make you look fat,,
lying and bearing false witness are two different things and since youre a democrat you are not only free to lie but its a requirement,,

and yes that dress does make you look fat,,
Lying outside of court, and bearing false witness...which is perjury... (lying before the court), are both lying....

And the devil is the father of all lies and liars, according to the bible. It also says, lying is the devil's natural tongue, natural language! :eek:. (Reminds me of Trump). :D
Lying outside of court, and bearing false witness...which is perjury... (lying before the court), are both lying....

And the devil is the father of all lies and liars, according to the bible. It also says, lying is the devil's natural tongue, natural language! :eek:
so what youre saying is it isnt the dress that makes you look fat but the fat itself??

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