How come 2aguy has no thread on, "IF PELOSI only had a gun...."?

Mr Pelosi does not have security detail.

Nancy Pelosi does have security detail, and the secret service travels with her. She was out of town.
What about private security? If Nanzi rates a SS Detail, you'd think there would be someone making sure her husband wasn't kidnapped or compromised so that federal secrets weren't threatened.

Then again I have no idea why Nanzi is privy to state secrets considering the fact she's an enemy of the republic, but that's beside the point.

If I had the kind of money those people do, and the kind of and amount of enemies they do, I'd have at least 2 people with serious training pretty friggin close at all times.
‘In a Mirandized and recorded interview of DEPAPE by San Francisco Police

Department Officers, DEPAPE provided the following information:

a. DEPAPE stated that he was going to hold Nancy hostage and talk to her. If

Nancy were to tell DEPAPE the “truth,” he would let her go, and if she “lied,” he

was going to break “her kneecaps.” DEPAPE was certain that Nancy would not

have told the “truth.” In the course of the interview, DEPAPE articulated he

viewed Nancy as the “leader of the pack” of lies told by the Democratic Party.

DEPAPE also later explained that by breaking Nancy’s kneecaps, she would then

have to be wheeled into Congress, which would show other Members of Congress

there were consequences to actions.
DEPAPE also explained generally that he

wanted to use Nancy to lure another individual to DEPAPE.

b. DEPAPE stated that he broke into the house through a glass door, which was a

difficult task that required the use of a hammer.’ ibid

This rightwing terrorist attack was clearly motivated by misinformation, conspiracy theories, and lies propagated by conservatives.
It's not as if an FBI Agent would lie or leave out some facts right?

Regardless, we're going to have to wait for a trial and hope the truth comes out. Hopefully it's truly just a case of some loon who did something loony and didn't manage to kill anyone.

It wouldn't serve my interests to find out it was as sick and demented as the theories and ridicule speculate. Although it would follow a pattern of behavior that a lot of elite democrooks are known for.
‘In a Mirandized and recorded interview of DEPAPE by San Francisco Police

Department Officers, DEPAPE provided the following information:

a. DEPAPE stated that he was going to hold Nancy hostage and talk to her. If

Nancy were to tell DEPAPE the “truth,” he would let her go, and if she “lied,” he

was going to break “her kneecaps.” DEPAPE was certain that Nancy would not

have told the “truth.” In the course of the interview, DEPAPE articulated he

viewed Nancy as the “leader of the pack” of lies told by the Democratic Party.

DEPAPE also later explained that by breaking Nancy’s kneecaps, she would then

have to be wheeled into Congress, which would show other Members of Congress

there were consequences to actions.
DEPAPE also explained generally that he

wanted to use Nancy to lure another individual to DEPAPE.

b. DEPAPE stated that he broke into the house through a glass door, which was a

difficult task that required the use of a hammer.’ ibid

This rightwing terrorist attack was clearly motivated by misinformation, conspiracy theories, and lies propagated by conservatives.
Your post fails an appeal to your own need to believe conspiracy theories.

Good gawd but you're a conspiracy theory loon.
The thing is that it is Frisco, home of the fruits and nuts.
I guess the Pelosi's wanted to walk the walk and not just talk the talk.
But, they really needed to take a lesson from Hollywood.
That's where they talk the talk then hire armed security guards.
Yep. There is no good excuse for people that have no kids in the house, not to own a weapon for home defense/self-defense and be proficient enough to stand their ground in their own living room, kitchen, den or hallway. At least that is my opinion.
Seriously, he usually starts threads on stuff like that! 👍

And I don't think he'd be wrong on this one!

You are almost there young padawan. Though you have been following the Dark Side, you can once again embrace the power of the truth, facts and reality……
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It isn't an opportunity for him to dance on bodies.

And you are a moron….dead victims do not help my side of the debate. However, for you and the other anti-gun fanatics, dead victims are the gifts under your gun control holiday tree……you drag the dead in front of the democrat party press, and smear yourselves with their blood as you do your happy dance……

Dead victims gives you the ability to stampede uninformed Americans into giving you power…..

You are the one who enjoys innocent people murdered, not me.
Like why no security that should have kept the assailant out? Why two men in underwear fighting over a hammer? If someone was really trying to attack someone else, he's not likely to first strip down to his underwear.

They are worth 200-300 million and she is the Speaker of the House………if her security doesn’t extend to her spouse, they have more than enough cash to cover their own…
The Pelosi's could have easily obtained a permit for a firearm and maybe they did but it seems that Paul's problem didn't include firearms.
And the story keeps changing by the hour, which is the point.
It's changing by the hour ONLY IN RIGHT WING MEDIA, hadit.... It's unbelievable the bull crap you are dealt by them and believe it!!!!

The police never said the guy was in his undies...ONLY your right wing media made that up.

The police never said there were two hammers, your right wing propaganda media MADE THAT UP....

The police never said there was a third person in the house that opened the front door, your right wing machine made the that up!

Your right wing LIE MACHINE also claimed the safety glass window was broken from within, outward.... Pictures show it was broken in to, from the outside.

Pelosi was asleep upstairs when the Perp broke in the the door window and did not hear him. The Perp found Paul asleep in an upstairs bedroom.

Obviously, Paul forgot to set their alarm before heading to bed.... (Which the hubby and I have done ourselves way more than once)

The Perp knew 911 was called, and directly answered some of her questions is my understanding.... (The guy is crazy)imho.

There are charges filed or police reports filed where this information is available from what I heard, I have not read them yet, but the details will be in there.
It's changing by the hour ONLY IN RIGHT WING MEDIA, hadit.... It's unbelievable the bull crap you are dealt by them and believe it!!!!

The police never said the guy was in his undies...ONLY your right wing media made that up.

The police never said there were two hammers, your right wing propaganda media MADE THAT UP....

The police never said there was a third person in the house that opened the front door, your right wing machine made the that up!

Your right wing LIE MACHINE also claimed the safety glass window was broken from within, outward.... Pictures show it was broken in to, from the outside.

Pelosi was asleep upstairs when the Perp broke in the the door window and did not hear him. The Perp found Paul asleep in an upstairs bedroom.

Obviously, Paul forgot to set their alarm before heading to bed.... (Which the hubby and I have done ourselves way more than once)

The Perp knew 911 was called, and directly answered some of her questions is my understanding.... (The guy is crazy)imho.

There are charges filed or police reports filed where this information is available from what I heard, I have not read them yet, but the details will be in there.
if you fuckers can push the trump pee tapes then we can push the pelosi gay prostitute thing,,
at least the pelosi one has actual reality in it that it happened,,,
if you fuckers can push the trump pee tapes then we can push the pelosi gay prostitute thing,,
at least the pelosi one has actual reality in it that it happened,,,
Who pushed the pee tapes? They never seemed realistic to me.... seemed like a side show to distract from his and campaign's real Russian connections!! :D
read em, they all say
I don't believe in the pee tapes!

The pee tapes are a decoy

the pee tapes rumor existed long before Christopher Steele

they are return comments to ALL OF YOU TRUMPERS bringing up the pee tapes
but then again you do lie a lot,,,
It's changing by the hour ONLY IN RIGHT WING MEDIA, hadit.... It's unbelievable the bull crap you are dealt by them and believe it!!!!

The police never said the guy was in his undies...ONLY your right wing media made that up.

The police never said there were two hammers, your right wing propaganda media MADE THAT UP....

The police never said there was a third person in the house that opened the front door, your right wing machine made the that up!

Your right wing LIE MACHINE also claimed the safety glass window was broken from within, outward.... Pictures show it was broken in to, from the outside.

Pelosi was asleep upstairs when the Perp broke in the the door window and did not hear him. The Perp found Paul asleep in an upstairs bedroom.

Obviously, Paul forgot to set their alarm before heading to bed.... (Which the hubby and I have done ourselves way more than once)

The Perp knew 911 was called, and directly answered some of her questions is my understanding.... (The guy is crazy)imho.

There are charges filed or police reports filed where this information is available from what I heard, I have not read them yet, but the details will be in there.
Care4All is correct here; none of these assertions have ever had a shred of evidence, but they are zombie lies, refusing to go away. And we can add to that:

- "He was a friend," which came from vague wording in the 911 call and was later cleared up to mean DePape said "I'm a friend," and

- He's a left-winger, which is disputed by his own words and actions, and supported only by the like of "He was into x, y, z, so OF COURSE he's a leftie!"

I honestly don't care that people don't like Nancy Pelosi (a lot of people don't like Nancy Pelosi, I get it), but the fact that so many people are clinging so hard to non-facts that are being shown as non-facts over and over for days now, is disturbing.
but then again you do lie a lot,,,
I don't lie, it's a no no! Thou shall not bear false witness! And the good Lord says ALL LIARS are thrown in to the Lake of Fire with the antichrist! :eek: sorry, I ain't gonna take the chance! :D

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