How come Jesus fulfilled all verses on Lucifer, none on ACTUAL Messiah prerequisites

Ha Shev will bend his knee and confess The Lord Jesus as his Savior and Judge.
You, like some other Christ haters, seem to be obsessed with Him. You need to surrender your life to Him so the conviction will cease.

Since Hashev has perjured himself in the name of God by professing to be the real messiah, the conviction will never cease.

It can cease as quickly as a Hashev heart transplant from the Holy Spirit. This is a how quickly> God forgive me, I believe that Jesus is the Son of God, who removed my sins. I accept Jesus Christ as the savior of my life. It works the same for every human on earth.

No one "forgave" you, you are just hallucinating. Especially you.

Using Christianity's standard of reasoning Jesus who admitted being Lucifer at the end of the Roman farce has to be Lucifer otherwise he can't be Messiah in the first place if they disregard their own standard and argument. If they disregard their own argument then that makes him a false messiah thus matter how you look at it Jesus who came as the first fallen messiah is that son of perdition aka Lucifer who was expected to come 1st as the imposter, fall to the pit (Acts 2:27 & 1 Peter 3;19) by the hands of the seas(Rome), for claiming to be a god. -Ezekiel 28
Be deemed perfect full of Brightness
-Rev 22:16
Be deemed the anointed (Christ)
Cherub (guardian in Hebrew=Nazarene)
--Ezekiel 28:14

The pierced dragon-Isaiah 49
Lucifer(morning star) is
Speared pierced-Isaiah 14:12-17

Can't wait till your scales are removed.......

Ummm you just admited Jesus is Lucifer who in Iconographs is pulling at the Judgement scales to confuse the weight of your deeds in judgement. In other words your get away with sin in stroking an idols ego instead of good works and righteousness is outweighed in your satanic twist of fair justice=tipping the scales of justice.
So you admit you want to thief the Judges Justice(to messenger Michael) and take away his role and give them to Jesus(Lucifer)? You already did this when you lied to everyone in saying Jesus was the Judge.

UMMMM, I hate to burst your bubble, but Jesus and Lucifer and 2 distinct and polar opposites. Lucifer is going to lead an army to wipe you out. Christ is going to touch down on the Mount of Olives and stop him. You had better hope, for the future of Israel, that Jesus Christ is who he says he is, sitting at the right hand of Yahweh, ready to come back to you. Lucifer plans to wipe you out for good.

More threats from a "Christian." Sickening.

Your issue is with John and Zec, Stop with the dramatics, you look ridiculous, as well as wrong..
  1. The Jews will reject the Antichrist, and he will respond with an attempt to annihilate them, killing two-thirds of them in the process (Revelation 12:13-17 & Zechariah 13:8-9).
  2. At the end of the Tribulation, when the Jews have come to the end of themselves, they will turn to God and receive Yeshua as their Messiah (Zechariah 12:10, Romans 9:27-28, & Romans 11:25-27).
  3. Jesus will return and regather all believing Jews to Israel (Deuteronomy 30:1-9).
  4. Israel will be established as the prime nation in the world (Isaiah 2:1-4 & Micah 4:1-7).
  5. The Lord will bless the Jewish remnant by fulfilling all the promises He has made to Israel (Isaiah 60:1-62:7).
  6. The blessings of God will flow out to all the nations through the Jewish people during the Millennial rule of Jesus (Zechariah 8:22-23).

Silly girl, have you ever even read
Zech 12:10 from the Tanakh?
The events context of Zech is not future tense and never happened in your silly mythology.
It talks of 2 people one pierced, but the OTHER mourned. As in people mourning for the wrong guy. By swearing this is about Jesus you validate my combined confused Christs commentary that you would pierce Yehuda or Theudas, but mourn for Yeshu sonof Mary the Harlot.=hence your church being deemed the Harlot church.
Ha Shev will bend his knee and confess The Lord Jesus as his Savior and Judge.

Umm Wanting Michael to bow to Lucifer=Satanic wish
You RCC fanatics Always wanting men to kneel in front of men, self explainatory.
Picture paints a thousand words, EWTN has this proudly displayed in the background: Priest kneeling hunched over at waist level to a church authority (Pope?) Church authority has his hands pushing the priests head down to go lower.
I rest my case.

sort of like this pic:
Come to know Him
We don't really have any evidence of what Jesus "fulfilled," did or even said for that matter, considering there was a 50-70 year GAP between the time he allegedly walked the Earth and the time one word was ever written about him.

This is despite the fact that there were ~30 historians alive and well and active who lived in the general area at the time who surely would've documented this Jesus' guys impressive feats and miracle working.

If that's true, how did his followers manage to svoid the destruction of Jerusalem and flee to Pella?
We don't really have any evidence of what Jesus "fulfilled," did or even said for that matter, considering there was a 50-70 year GAP between the time he allegedly walked the Earth and the time one word was ever written about him.

This is despite the fact that there were ~30 historians alive and well and active who lived in the general area at the time who surely would've documented this Jesus' guys impressive feats and miracle working.

If that's true, how did his followers manage to svoid the destruction of Jerusalem and flee to Pella?

Who's followers? Yeshu ben Stada, Yehuda ben Tabbais, Yehuda of Galilee, Theudas, Benjamin the Egyptian, or the life of Brian?
We don't really have any evidence of what Jesus "fulfilled," did or even said for that matter, considering there was a 50-70 year GAP between the time he allegedly walked the Earth and the time one word was ever written about him.

This is despite the fact that there were ~30 historians alive and well and active who lived in the general area at the time who surely would've documented this Jesus' guys impressive feats and miracle working.

If that's true, how did his followers manage to svoid the destruction of Jerusalem and flee to Pella?

Who's followers? Yeshu ben Stada, Yehuda ben Tabbais, Yehuda of Galilee, Theudas, Benjamin the Egyptian, or the life of Brian?
I'll go with the guy who warned them to flee Jerusalem the second they saw the Roman standard on the horizon
Well Theudas was the AD era revolter, but his apostles were persecuted with him, so perhps people seeing this flead around 45ad before 70 ad events took place.
Events in Revelation took place in that era can be found by combining Luke 21:24 & Romans 11:25 which by history of that era, shows that Revelation 11:1-3 occurred in aprox 70ad.
Don't know if those verses help sort that out.
Ha Shev is criminally insane and SYTFE is simply goofy

Hey! I resemble that remark. :mad-61:

*L* He considers being the best you could and should be as insane and demon possessed, which means him and Jesus both hate on (mentally) disabled people and both think they are possessed by demons. Brilliant!
Their mangod thought spirits came out their noses when they sneezed.
I wonder what they thought came out of
all those priests of bel breaking wind from all that donated food they received that
Bel ate?
Using Christianity's standard of reasoning Jesus who admitted being Lucifer at the end of the Roman farce has to be Lucifer otherwise he can't be Messiah in the first place if they disregard their own standard and argument. If they disregard their own argument then that makes him a false messiah thus matter how you look at it Jesus who came as the first fallen messiah is that son of perdition aka Lucifer who was expected to come 1st as the imposter, fall to the pit (Acts 2:27 & 1 Peter 3;19) by the hands of the seas(Rome), for claiming to be a god. -Ezekiel 28
Be deemed perfect full of Brightness
-Rev 22:16
Be deemed the anointed (Christ)
Cherub (guardian in Hebrew=Nazarene)
--Ezekiel 28:14

The pierced dragon-Isaiah 49
Lucifer(morning star) is
Speared pierced-Isaiah 14:12-17
You seem to be on drugs. You are wrong!
Using Christianity's standard of reasoning Jesus who admitted being Lucifer at the end of the Roman farce has to be Lucifer otherwise he can't be Messiah in the first place if they disregard their own standard and argument. If they disregard their own argument then that makes him a false messiah thus matter how you look at it Jesus who came as the first fallen messiah is that son of perdition aka Lucifer who was expected to come 1st as the imposter, fall to the pit (Acts 2:27 & 1 Peter 3;19) by the hands of the seas(Rome), for claiming to be a god. -Ezekiel 28
Be deemed perfect full of Brightness
-Rev 22:16
Be deemed the anointed (Christ)
Cherub (guardian in Hebrew=Nazarene)
--Ezekiel 28:14

The pierced dragon-Isaiah 49
Lucifer(morning star) is
Speared pierced-Isaiah 14:12-17

Can't wait till your scales are removed.......

Lovely comment from a "Christian." Get the fuck out of here with your hate.
The satan worshipping op is the one full of hate. Plus he is totally insane.
They started recording it immediately. Peter wrote that he was sitting with people that saw Jesus upon his return. In fact all the the writings we have concerning Christ were done within the 70 year period following his death. There was no gap.

Christ fulfilled ALL of the prophesies of the prophets. Including the things he would have had no control over. Never once admitted He was Satan. Sad you can tell the difference betweeen the two, but the day is coming that you will see Christ, your Messiah, and weep.

>>>Never once admitted He was Satan.

Wrong: Rev 22:16
And wrong saying he fulfilled Moshiach.
What part of Lucifer comes first do you have trouble with? The character in the NT is saying you will call him christ deceiving many even the elect. Throughout the NT he and the apostles refer to son of man as another third person tense "in his own new name" which comically that name holds the prefix "(son of) MAN"- David named Solomon and his brother
after the holy one (Evening Star) in the holy city of Shalem. Shalem's actual Canaanite transliteration has "Man" at the end. Last names prefix at the end refered to ancestory as "Son of".
In short Jesus claimed the nemesis of Shalem (Evening Star) by claiming himself the fallen morning star (Lucifer).

son of man not him:
Jesus repeatedly told you
1)that he wasn't son of man that he was emulating (like unto)-rev1:13,rev22:16
2)that son of Man will not be in the person of Jesus, but in a different incarnation involving a totally different human being LUKE 6:5, 9:26 , 9:55-56, 12:10 , 17:30 , 18:8, 22:69, John 3:13, Matthew 25:11-13, Mark 14:62
and Mathew20:28.
3) that you'd come in his name saying HE was christ deceiving many even the elect.
4)Jesus said will thou be made "whole" (Shalem).

Source Shalem:
YeruShalem would carry the name. (1 Kings 11:36 &
in dead sea scrolls: Words of the Archangel Michael scroll 4Q529, 6Q23)
The Gemarah (Baba Batra 75) Tells us Jerusalem is named after G0D and is the place commemorating his name and essence. In Sefer D’varim (12:5, 11, 14, 18, 21; 14:23,24, 25; 15:20; 16:2, 6, 7, 11, 15, 16; 17:8, 10; 18:6; 26:2; 31:11).the place that I will choose to place My Name. That is referring to YeruShalem because Sifri identifies the place which Hashem will choose (12:18) as “Yerushalayim”.

Type David named 2 sons after Shalem in google search.

Morning star sources:

[See Lucifer here etymology of "": "[ the morning star, a fallen rebel archangel, THE Devil, fr. OE. fr. Latin, the morning star, fr. Lucifer light-bearing, fr. luc light + -fer -ferous--more at LIGHT]" (Webster's, p.677)

“So we have the prophetic message more fully confirmed. You will do well to be attentive to this as to a lamp shining in a dark place, until the day dawns and the morning star (LUCIFER)rises in your hearts.” -- 2 Peter 1:19
“... from my Father. To the one who conquers(DESTROYS) I will also give the morning star(LUCIFER).” -- Revelation 2:28
· Revelation 22:16 I, Jesus, have sent my angel to testify these things in the churches.
· I am the bright and Morning Star (lucifer)
Dear HaShev
Your logic that if Jesus comes as a light and so does Lucifer come as an angel of light, then Jesus and Lucifer are the same; this is like if cats are animals and dogs are animals then dogs are cats, or worse, if healing prayers are measured or manifested as energy and occult curses use spiritual energy, then dark energy and light energy are the same?


IN FACT DARK ENERGY GOVERNED IN A HIERARCHY OF DEMONS UNDER LUCIFER/SATAN is not only polar opposite to angels in heaven under Lord Jesus, but these two energies CLASH and cause disruption disaster even death.

HaShev I will stand by The Irish Ram as a fellow witness in Christ Jesus to bring rebuke and correction by establishing agreement on God's truth, resolving all conflicts and casting out the spirit of error division and rejection.

Since you seem called in the traditional Hebrew and Jewish teachings culture and lineage, I ask that we bring other witnesses and elders from the Jewish community who understand how to resolve issues with Jesus and the Bible where Jewish and Christians can agree without compromising .

I suggest we ask Peter Loth, Irvin and Olivia Reiner as witnesses, and Bernie Glassman as facilitator if we can't work it out without added support.

God Bless you HaShev
You ask to see proof of Jesus, and anything we ask In Jesus name it is done. We shall all see receive and establish proof that meets our standards and answers all questions. Thank you for asking, keep asking and you shall receive.
Ha Shev is criminally insane and SYTFE is simply goofy

Hey! I resemble that remark. :mad-61:

*L* He considers being the best you could and should be as insane and demon possessed, which means him and Jesus both hate on (mentally) disabled people and both think they are possessed by demons. Brilliant!
Their mangod thought spirits came out their noses when they sneezed.
I wonder what they thought came out of
all those priests of bel breaking wind from all that donated food they received that
Bel ate?
I said you were insane and demon possessed, not SYTFE.
So much for Christian love... Whatever happened to turn the other cheek...oh ya when we read of Jesus riding an ass when coming to Jerusalem he was sitting on it... Come to think of it that would make him a double assed Lord as two asses where in contact with each other..winking.....Most of your comments show this love try refuting his posts instead of attacking the messenger and calling him names....
The messenger comes in hate and name calling.

You cannot reason with Ha Shev.
The messenger comes in hate and name calling.

You cannot reason with Ha Shev.
And I see you are a folower of Trump who is attacking the establishment by using the same methods why aren't you calling him out on it maybe because his message resonates with you but Hashev does not because you are the establishment in this case... Think about it....
The messenger comes in hate and name calling.

You cannot reason with Ha Shev.
And I see you are a folower of Trump who is attacking the establishment by using the same methods why aren't you calling him out on it maybe because his message resonates with you but Hashev does not because you are the establishment in this case... Think about it....
Ask around, shimon. You sound like a goy who is not bright.

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