How come Jesus fulfilled all verses on Lucifer, none on ACTUAL Messiah prerequisites

Really Goy just means Nation... Both Esau and Jacob were referred in their mothers womb as Goyim meaning they were two distinct nations....Try again Jake you are against the establishment with trump but for the establishment with Christianity sounds like you have two distinct personalities instead of nations residing in you....
So much for Christian love... Whatever happened to turn the other cheek...oh ya when we read of Jesus riding an ass when coming to Jerusalem he was sitting on it... Come to think of it that would make him a double assed Lord as two asses where in contact with each other..winking.....Most of your comments show this love try refuting his posts instead of attacking the messenger and calling him names....

Dear shimon

The Irish Ram and I are both
answering as Christian witnesses,
seeking to speak the truth with love.

If you read our messages, these are not attacking but seeking correction in Christ Jesus.

Do we count or not?

If you are only counting the messages that support the conclusion you want,
that is no better than people who look into global warming research and only count the studies and interpretation that prove the conclusion they want to hear.

Look at the messages that The Irish Ram and emilynghiem have posted, and if you find fault with us, then rebuke us to correct that in keeping with James 5:16 confessing our faults to one another and praying for each other that we may be healed and Matthew 18:15-20 on establishing truth in the mouths of witnesses reaching agreement in Christ Jesus.

B. As for "turning the other cheek"
the BEST interpretation I have ever read on this is that
1. the lefthanded slap is a backhanded slap reserved for a SLAVE so it is a citizen reprimanding a noncitizen who is below their class and being punished for not obeying them as higher like a master/slave relationship
2. the righthanded slap is a FOREHANDED slap between equal peers.

So the meaning is that if you are going to rebuke someone, that person asks to be corrected as AN EQUAL, NOT AS A LESSER PERSON.

Again shimon Look at the difference in how The Irish Ram and I both seek to address HaShev respectfully as an equal witness. HaShev may be in need of corrections, and/or be asking them same of us; but at least we ask to address rebukes as EQUAL WITNESSES TO GOD'S TRUTH.

I hope this makes sense to you.

Again, all the great revolutionaries for peace and justice through NONVIOLENCE have used this METHOD of demanding to be respected as equals when enforcing the laws and invoking authority (from Gandhi to King).

The power of Christ Jesus or Restorative Justice has always worked on the side of defense using these methods.

It is NOT TO AVOID the problem.

It is about ADDRESSING the wrong or injustice by asking to CORRECT IT TOGETHER AS EQUALS, AS NEIGHBORS IN CHRIST.

So that's what it means in the deepest spiritual but most practical sense where it actually WORKS IN THE REAL WORLD.


Please receive this and respond.
Quote: The Irish Ram and I are both
answering as Christian witnesses,
seeking to speak the truth with love.

With love like this who needs enemas?

Sample Irish ram loving posts :
6/28/16 4:09PM The Irish Ram
You are a lost Jew. No more no less.

6/28/16 2:57PM The Irish Ram
Can't wait till your scales are removed.

Former posts can be searched like this disturbing piece of bantar:
QUOTE="The Irish Ram, post: 13293469, member: 29246"
You didn't answer me before Emily all you did was go around like a merry go round..You sound like the southern baptists or those messianic churches where they put on the trappings of Judiasm to lure the unsuspecting into a false belief of Jesus with all their sugar coating it... You are still sugar coating it as well... You still hold onto your idol Jesus and pretend with words that you are not doing so.... Two thirds of the world does not believe in your fairy tales regarding your make believe saviour and for any that came before his supposed time on earth as well...If you cannot refute Michael and he is using your own book against you then you either attack him personally or change and bury the subject... You aren't fooling anyone but you are fools for Christ that is for sure....If we want restorative justice the two thirds of the world should brexit Christianity and leave your blockheads to yourselves and we should just carry on as we always have much better off then to put up with your shenanigans...
Using Christianity's standard of reasoning Jesus who admitted being Lucifer at the end of the Roman farce has to be Lucifer otherwise he can't be Messiah in the first place if they disregard their own standard and argument. If they disregard their own argument then that makes him a false messiah thus matter how you look at it Jesus who came as the first fallen messiah is that son of perdition aka Lucifer who was expected to come 1st as the imposter, fall to the pit (Acts 2:27 & 1 Peter 3;19) by the hands of the seas(Rome), for claiming to be a god. -Ezekiel 28
Be deemed perfect full of Brightness
-Rev 22:16
Be deemed the anointed (Christ)
Cherub (guardian in Hebrew=Nazarene)
--Ezekiel 28:14

The pierced dragon-Isaiah 49
Lucifer(morning star) is
Speared pierced-Isaiah 14:12-17
You seem to be on drugs. You are wrong!

Umm you just did what I accused you guys of doing-ad hominem responses to avoid refuting anything- therefore you proved me right. Using Picaros own standard you conceded and lied.
But worse you just slaped jesus with your backhand attempt at me.
Since I don't do drugs or alcohol and Jesus did according to found texts (Judas accounts)and NT saying he drank, then you hit the idol while trying to go at me. YOU KILLED YOUR OWN KING.
Source of druggy Jesus:

****A newly translated Gnostic gospel, entitled The Secret Book of Judas of
Kerioth, According to this seemingly
authentic early Cainite-Ophite text, translated from the Coptic by Mohammed al-Murtada and Francis Bendik, said Jesus had an active bisexual love life,
including relations
with John, Lazarus and Mary Magdelene, served an LSD-like psychedelic at
the Last Supper, faked his own crucifixion in collaboration with Judas and
Joseph of Arimathea [as in the Koranic account] and died a natural death.
You didn't answer me before Emily all you did was go around like a merry go round..You sound like the southern baptists or those messianic churches where they put on the trappings of Judiasm to lure the unsuspecting into a false belief of Jesus with all their sugar coating it... You are still sugar coating it as well... You still hold onto your idol Jesus and pretend with words that you are not doing so.... Two thirds of the world does not believe in your fairy tales regarding your make believe saviour and for any that came before his supposed time on earth as well...If you cannot refute Michael and he is using your own book against you then you either attack him personally or change and bury the subject... You aren't fooling anyone but you are fools for Christ that is for sure....If we want restorative justice the two thirds of the world should brexit Christianity and leave your blockheads to yourselves and we should just carry on as we always have much better off then to put up with your shenanigans...

My old choice analogy:
"They can go to their kingdom and we'll be left alone in ours. Let's see how many people line up for their Dr. Kavorkian line.
And There's your answer."
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True enough but their kingdom is in death...But they keep trying to take our kingdom in life away from us by hook or by crook... They tried the hook because they are " fisherman" and that didn't work.. So the other way is to gang up on us and crookedly take it using the UN and whatever means I'd availiable. In the end that will not work either and instead of Dr Jack they might eventually have no choice but to RETURN to Jack( form of Jacob)...
Yeah they send us to their Kingdom while gladly remaining in ours, what's up with that hypocracy?
They are so confused that they'd probably think a molecular dissintegration trash purge (used for the wrong purpose in the wrong hands) was the rapture.
Really Goy just means Nation... Both Esau and Jacob were referred in their mothers womb as Goyim meaning they were two distinct nations....Try again Jake you are against the establishment with trump but for the establishment with Christianity sounds like you have two distinct personalities instead of nations residing in you....
Your ability to think coherently is disturbed. If you don't like Trump, fine. If you don't like Christinaity, fine. To think a Christian can't oppose Trump is a very disturbed position. Trump is very anti-Israel.
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Using Christianity's standard of reasoning Jesus who admitted being Lucifer at the end of the Roman farce has to be Lucifer otherwise he can't be Messiah in the first place if they disregard their own standard and argument. If they disregard their own argument then that makes him a false messiah thus matter how you look at it Jesus who came as the first fallen messiah is that son of perdition aka Lucifer who was expected to come 1st as the imposter, fall to the pit (Acts 2:27 & 1 Peter 3;19) by the hands of the seas(Rome), for claiming to be a god. -Ezekiel 28
Be deemed perfect full of Brightness
-Rev 22:16
Be deemed the anointed (Christ)
Cherub (guardian in Hebrew=Nazarene)
--Ezekiel 28:14

The pierced dragon-Isaiah 49
Lucifer(morning star) is
Speared pierced-Isaiah 14:12-17
You seem to be on drugs. You are wrong!

Umm you just did what I accused you guys of doing-ad hominem responses to avoid refuting anything- therefore you proved me right. Using Picaros own standard you conceded and lied.
But worse you just slaped jesus with your backhand attempt at me.
Since I don't do drugs or alcohol and Jesus did according to found texts (Judas accounts)and NT saying he drank, then you hit the idol while trying to go at me. YOU KILLED YOUR OWN KING.
Source of druggy Jesus:

****A newly translated Gnostic gospel, entitled The Secret Book of Judas of
Kerioth, According to this seemingly
authentic early Cainite-Ophite text, translated from the Coptic by Mohammed al-Murtada and Francis Bendik, said Jesus had an active bisexual love life,
including relations
with John, Lazarus and Mary Magdelene, served an LSD-like psychedelic at
the Last Supper, faked his own crucifixion in collaboration with Judas and
Joseph of Arimathea [as in the Koranic account] and died a natural death.
More lies.
You didn't answer me before Emily all you did was go around like a merry go round..You sound like the southern baptists or those messianic churches where they put on the trappings of Judiasm to lure the unsuspecting into a false belief of Jesus with all their sugar coating it... You are still sugar coating it as well... You still hold onto your idol Jesus and pretend with words that you are not doing so.... Two thirds of the world does not believe in your fairy tales regarding your make believe saviour and for any that came before his supposed time on earth as well...If you cannot refute Michael and he is using your own book against you then you either attack him personally or change and bury the subject... You aren't fooling anyone but you are fools for Christ that is for sure....If we want restorative justice the two thirds of the world should brexit Christianity and leave your blockheads to yourselves and we should just carry on as we always have much better off then to put up with your shenanigans...
Dear shimon I am AGREEING with you on the point that if ppl are committed to Restorative Justice then we would have to exit or renounce most of the garbage of religious abuse and misteaching.

As for "refuting or clinging to" either Jesus or Michael, these issues will resolve themselves in the process.

shimon No I am not attached to this Jesus business, i was responding to you. Im equally fine working with nontheists and nonchristians on issues of Justice and it's still the same process. We don't have to use terms Jesus God Yeshua YHWH, only if you use them then of course i will answer using these terms.

What works is focusing on th e concepts behind them so we can find where we agree, and correct where we run into conflicts.

shimon are you okay with interpreting Michael to mean
* Judgment of God
* God's Wisdom or
* God's Mercy
As long as we can work out what we mean by Michael we can resolve the rest as part of the Restorative Justice process.

Note: if you are equating Michael with Jesus then if you keep bringing up Michael that means you are also bringing up Jesus. Do you agree that the meaning behind Jesus/Michael is
Justice with Mercy.

shimon can we first map out what we mean by Jesus/Michael/Holy Spirit and that should help us answer the questions you don't think I'm answering.

Well how can we ask/answer questions clearly if you and I use the names Jesus Michael etc to mean different things. Isn't the first step to agree what we mean in spirit, then make sure we use terms that we agree on for those meanings, and THEN we WON'T talk in circles.

So far I agree with you that Restorative Justice would clean up the corrupt religious abuses going on in Christianity.
Next can we agree what you mean by Michaels role in bringing Judgment or Justice with Mercy.

Cam you describe this and I will confirm as before which points I agree with. It seems easier to use the way you interpret smd teach the language to speak with you so there is no confusion with the way others teach it that conflicts.

Can you explain the process around Michael. Thank you shimon
You didn't answer me before Emily all you did was go around like a merry go round..You sound like the southern baptists or those messianic churches where they put on the trappings of Judiasm to lure the unsuspecting into a false belief of Jesus with all their sugar coating it... You are still sugar coating it as well... You still hold onto your idol Jesus and pretend with words that you are not doing so.... Two thirds of the world does not believe in your fairy tales regarding your make believe saviour and for any that came before his supposed time on earth as well...If you cannot refute Michael and he is using your own book against you then you either attack him personally or change and bury the subject... You aren't fooling anyone but you are fools for Christ that is for sure....If we want restorative justice the two thirds of the world should brexit Christianity and leave your blockheads to yourselves and we should just carry on as we always have much better off then to put up with your shenanigans...

My old choice analogy:
"They can go to their kingdom and we'll be left alone in ours. Let's see how many people line up for their Dr. Kavorkian line.
And There's your answer."

Dear HaShev I see you are taking this so literally, of course it caused conflicts. The people who go through healing and rebirth feel their old ways and old self/ life "end" or "die away" because they become brand new again in spirit, like a new person after they forgive and let go of the past, but they don't physically die.

This is far more spiritual, and the physical follows from there.

Have you ever read or heard testimonies of ppl saved from a witchcraft curse, or people going through an intense spiritual process to get rid of things like a drug addiction, overcoming sexual abuse, or even changing their orientation from gay to straight?

They will yell you it feels like dying, but it was their spiritual cleansing process, and after it works its way out, the real spiritual content and process is what survives.

It is a spiritual process of letting go, being reborn or made new in Christ, and becoming like little children .

Honestly HaShev a lot of the talk about death is part of the process to overcome fear. It's not so much the death itself, but the image perception and changes involved that either scare ppl or inspire them to think in new ways.
We don't really have any evidence of what Jesus "fulfilled," did or even said for that matter, considering there was a 50-70 year GAP between the time he allegedly walked the Earth and the time one word was ever written about him.

This is despite the fact that there were ~30 historians alive and well and active who lived in the general area at the time who surely would've documented this Jesus' guys impressive feats and miracle working.

According to the gospels all but a few close friends, the only sources for the NT, thought Jesus was out of his mind. He was reviled and dismissed out of hand as an irreverent drunkard spewing incomprehensible hubris who ran around with sinners and prostitutes pouring scorn on tradition, showing no deference to established authorities, inciting discord.. People who claimed that Jesus healed them were thought to be either lying or deranged. He continued sticking it to the man until he was ultimately executed as a common criminal of no account.

Why did no other historian write about him? For the same reason the last homeless person you saw muttering to themselves while drinking in an alley and thrown in jail to rot for some petty offense was never nominated for the man of the year award..

If the gospels were never written Jesus would have never been heard about outside of that small space in time.

Every miracle of Jesus, opening the eyes of the blind, cleansing lepers, healing the sick, casting out demons, raising the dead, all can be interpreted in a rational way that conforms to and can be confirmed by reality. If you look and look and keep on looking, you will find it.

There may have been nothing supernatural about any of the things that Jesus allegedly did but that does not make them any less miraculous. The word miracle in itself is misleading. They were really just 'signs' that Jesus was sent by God.
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We don't really have any evidence of what Jesus "fulfilled," did or even said for that matter, considering there was a 50-70 year GAP between the time he allegedly walked the Earth and the time one word was ever written about him.

This is despite the fact that there were ~30 historians alive and well and active who lived in the general area at the time who surely would've documented this Jesus' guys impressive feats and miracle working.
30 year gap -- not more though. Your math is off.

St. James and St. Paul were both writing about Jesus in 62 AD whereas Jesus had been crucified in 33 AD.

That's 30 not 50.

>><Jesus had been crucified in 33 AD.??

Ummm you are the one far off.
The ad era christ THEUDAS Died in 45ad which is why John says he was closer to 50. That is not the 6bc crucified Galilean christ Yehuda who lived in Herod died 4bc and Lysanias died 35bc era. It's even further from Yeshu son of Mary of 100bc the hanged on passover forbidden maggis sorcerer who learned forbidden things in Egypt when fleeing Jannaeus Alexanders persecution of the Pharisee. Try reading history not backwood bumpkin preachers.
Yeshua was revealed on the day the prophet Daniel said He would be. In fact, without Daniel there would be no wise men in the Christmas story.

To bad Daniel says son of man (Shalem) not son of God. Daniel names Michael to rise as savior not Jesus-Dan 12:1-4 and even names this Michael in Dan 10.
Isaiah 44-45 the Lord (king)and
redeemer(in Hebrew HaSheva) who changes Cyrus the Prince and King of Persia's heart to rebuild the temple and gather the dispersed Jews back to their land then is Michael, since the name given by Daniel in
Dan 10 shows it was Michael battling this Persian King.
a it was Michael "battling" this Persian King (called prince of the people).
In Hebrew it says:
in Dan 10:20 where it says in regards to Michael:
*"Knowest thou wherefore I come unto thee And now will
*Hashev Lacham Sar Parac"
(HaShev fight the prince of Persia).
What does that have to do with Daniel's precise prophecy regarding the revealing of Messiah (who is Yeshua)?
You, like some other Christ haters, seem to be obsessed with Him. You need to surrender your life to Him so the conviction will cease.

Since Hashev has perjured himself in the name of God by professing to be the real messiah, the conviction will never cease.

It can cease as quickly as a Hashev heart transplant from the Holy Spirit. This is a how quickly> God forgive me, I believe that Jesus is the Son of God, who removed my sins. I accept Jesus Christ as the savior of my life. It works the same for every human on earth.

No one "forgave" you, you are just hallucinating. Especially you.

Using Christianity's standard of reasoning Jesus who admitted being Lucifer at the end of the Roman farce has to be Lucifer otherwise he can't be Messiah in the first place if they disregard their own standard and argument. If they disregard their own argument then that makes him a false messiah thus matter how you look at it Jesus who came as the first fallen messiah is that son of perdition aka Lucifer who was expected to come 1st as the imposter, fall to the pit (Acts 2:27 & 1 Peter 3;19) by the hands of the seas(Rome), for claiming to be a god. -Ezekiel 28
Be deemed perfect full of Brightness
-Rev 22:16
Be deemed the anointed (Christ)
Cherub (guardian in Hebrew=Nazarene)
--Ezekiel 28:14

The pierced dragon-Isaiah 49
Lucifer(morning star) is
Speared pierced-Isaiah 14:12-17

Can't wait till your scales are removed.......

Ummm you just admited Jesus is Lucifer who in Iconographs is pulling at the Judgement scales to confuse the weight of your deeds in judgement. In other words your get away with sin in stroking an idols ego instead of good works and righteousness is outweighed in your satanic twist of fair justice=tipping the scales of justice.
So you admit you want to thief the Judges Justice(to messenger Michael) and take away his role and give them to Jesus(Lucifer)? You already did this when you lied to everyone in saying Jesus was the Judge.

UMMMM, I hate to burst your bubble, but Jesus and Lucifer and 2 distinct and polar opposites. Lucifer is going to lead an army to wipe you out. Christ is going to touch down on the Mount of Olives and stop him. You had better hope, for the future of Israel, that Jesus Christ is who he says he is, sitting at the right hand of Yahweh, ready to come back to you. Lucifer plans to wipe you out for good.

More threats from a "Christian." Sickening.
Threats? No. Statement of truth? Absolutely. Note that nowhere does he say that Christians are going to kill you.
You, like some other Christ haters, seem to be obsessed with Him. You need to surrender your life to Him so the conviction will cease.

Since Hashev has perjured himself in the name of God by professing to be the real messiah, the conviction will never cease.

It can cease as quickly as a Hashev heart transplant from the Holy Spirit. This is a how quickly> God forgive me, I believe that Jesus is the Son of God, who removed my sins. I accept Jesus Christ as the savior of my life. It works the same for every human on earth.

No one "forgave" you, you are just hallucinating. Especially you.

Using Christianity's standard of reasoning Jesus who admitted being Lucifer at the end of the Roman farce has to be Lucifer otherwise he can't be Messiah in the first place if they disregard their own standard and argument. If they disregard their own argument then that makes him a false messiah thus matter how you look at it Jesus who came as the first fallen messiah is that son of perdition aka Lucifer who was expected to come 1st as the imposter, fall to the pit (Acts 2:27 & 1 Peter 3;19) by the hands of the seas(Rome), for claiming to be a god. -Ezekiel 28
Be deemed perfect full of Brightness
-Rev 22:16
Be deemed the anointed (Christ)
Cherub (guardian in Hebrew=Nazarene)
--Ezekiel 28:14

The pierced dragon-Isaiah 49
Lucifer(morning star) is
Speared pierced-Isaiah 14:12-17

Can't wait till your scales are removed.......

Ummm you just admited Jesus is Lucifer who in Iconographs is pulling at the Judgement scales to confuse the weight of your deeds in judgement. In other words your get away with sin in stroking an idols ego instead of good works and righteousness is outweighed in your satanic twist of fair justice=tipping the scales of justice.
So you admit you want to thief the Judges Justice(to messenger Michael) and take away his role and give them to Jesus(Lucifer)? You already did this when you lied to everyone in saying Jesus was the Judge.

UMMMM, I hate to burst your bubble, but Jesus and Lucifer and 2 distinct and polar opposites. Lucifer is going to lead an army to wipe you out. Christ is going to touch down on the Mount of Olives and stop him. You had better hope, for the future of Israel, that Jesus Christ is who he says he is, sitting at the right hand of Yahweh, ready to come back to you. Lucifer plans to wipe you out for good.

More threats from a "Christian." Sickening.

Your issue is with John and Zec, Stop with the dramatics, you look ridiculous, as well as wrong..
  1. The Jews will reject the Antichrist, and he will respond with an attempt to annihilate them, killing two-thirds of them in the process (Revelation 12:13-17 & Zechariah 13:8-9).
  2. At the end of the Tribulation, when the Jews have come to the end of themselves, they will turn to God and receive Yeshua as their Messiah (Zechariah 12:10, Romans 9:27-28, & Romans 11:25-27).
  3. Jesus will return and regather all believing Jews to Israel (Deuteronomy 30:1-9).
  4. Israel will be established as the prime nation in the world (Isaiah 2:1-4 & Micah 4:1-7).
  5. The Lord will bless the Jewish remnant by fulfilling all the promises He has made to Israel (Isaiah 60:1-62:7).
  6. The blessings of God will flow out to all the nations through the Jewish people during the Millennial rule of Jesus (Zechariah 8:22-23).
That's going to be a real kick in the nuts to all the Jew haters out there. Can't wait to see it.
We don't really have any evidence of what Jesus "fulfilled," did or even said for that matter, considering there was a 50-70 year GAP between the time he allegedly walked the Earth and the time one word was ever written about him.

This is despite the fact that there were ~30 historians alive and well and active who lived in the general area at the time who surely would've documented this Jesus' guys impressive feats and miracle working.
30 year gap -- not more though. Your math is off.

St. James and St. Paul were both writing about Jesus in 62 AD whereas Jesus had been crucified in 33 AD.

That's 30 not 50.

>><Jesus had been crucified in 33 AD.??

Ummm you are the one far off.
The ad era christ THEUDAS Died in 45ad which is why John says he was closer to 50. That is not the 6bc crucified Galilean christ Yehuda who lived in Herod died 4bc and Lysanias died 35bc era. It's even further from Yeshu son of Mary of 100bc the hanged on passover forbidden maggis sorcerer who learned forbidden things in Egypt when fleeing Jannaeus Alexanders persecution of the Pharisee. Try reading history not backwood bumpkin preachers.
Yeshua was revealed on the day the prophet Daniel said He would be. In fact, without Daniel there would be no wise men in the Christmas story.

To bad Daniel says son of man (Shalem) not son of God. Daniel names Michael to rise as savior not Jesus-Dan 12:1-4 and even names this Michael in Dan 10.
Isaiah 44-45 the Lord (king)and
redeemer(in Hebrew HaSheva) who changes Cyrus the Prince and King of Persia's heart to rebuild the temple and gather the dispersed Jews back to their land then is Michael, since the name given by Daniel in
Dan 10 shows it was Michael battling this Persian King.
a it was Michael "battling" this Persian King (called prince of the people).
In Hebrew it says:
in Dan 10:20 where it says in regards to Michael:
*"Knowest thou wherefore I come unto thee And now will
*Hashev Lacham Sar Parac"
(HaShev fight the prince of Persia).
What does that have to do with Daniel's precise prophecy regarding the revealing of Messiah (who is Yeshua)?

Hashev claims to be the messiah. He has placed himself in an unfortunate predicament. He will never accept that Jesus is the messiah, he cannot accept that Jesus is the messiah because if Jesus is the messiah, then Hashev is not.

He lacks training in the fundamental discipline of humility and consequently does not have substance required to rise to life and admit something as hard to believe as he is wrong.
30 year gap -- not more though. Your math is off.

St. James and St. Paul were both writing about Jesus in 62 AD whereas Jesus had been crucified in 33 AD.

That's 30 not 50.

>><Jesus had been crucified in 33 AD.??

Ummm you are the one far off.
The ad era christ THEUDAS Died in 45ad which is why John says he was closer to 50. That is not the 6bc crucified Galilean christ Yehuda who lived in Herod died 4bc and Lysanias died 35bc era. It's even further from Yeshu son of Mary of 100bc the hanged on passover forbidden maggis sorcerer who learned forbidden things in Egypt when fleeing Jannaeus Alexanders persecution of the Pharisee. Try reading history not backwood bumpkin preachers.
Yeshua was revealed on the day the prophet Daniel said He would be. In fact, without Daniel there would be no wise men in the Christmas story.

To bad Daniel says son of man (Shalem) not son of God. Daniel names Michael to rise as savior not Jesus-Dan 12:1-4 and even names this Michael in Dan 10.
Isaiah 44-45 the Lord (king)and
redeemer(in Hebrew HaSheva) who changes Cyrus the Prince and King of Persia's heart to rebuild the temple and gather the dispersed Jews back to their land then is Michael, since the name given by Daniel in
Dan 10 shows it was Michael battling this Persian King.
a it was Michael "battling" this Persian King (called prince of the people).
In Hebrew it says:
in Dan 10:20 where it says in regards to Michael:
*"Knowest thou wherefore I come unto thee And now will
*Hashev Lacham Sar Parac"
(HaShev fight the prince of Persia).
What does that have to do with Daniel's precise prophecy regarding the revealing of Messiah (who is Yeshua)?

Hashev claims to be the messiah. He has placed himself in an unfortunate predicament. He will never accept that Jesus is the messiah, he cannot accept that Jesus is the messiah because if Jesus is the messiah, then Hashev is not.

He lacks training in the fundamental discipline of humility and consequently does not have substance required to rise to life and admit something as hard to believe as he is wrong.
It is sad to watch.
>><Jesus had been crucified in 33 AD.??

Ummm you are the one far off.
The ad era christ THEUDAS Died in 45ad which is why John says he was closer to 50. That is not the 6bc crucified Galilean christ Yehuda who lived in Herod died 4bc and Lysanias died 35bc era. It's even further from Yeshu son of Mary of 100bc the hanged on passover forbidden maggis sorcerer who learned forbidden things in Egypt when fleeing Jannaeus Alexanders persecution of the Pharisee. Try reading history not backwood bumpkin preachers.
Yeshua was revealed on the day the prophet Daniel said He would be. In fact, without Daniel there would be no wise men in the Christmas story.

To bad Daniel says son of man (Shalem) not son of God. Daniel names Michael to rise as savior not Jesus-Dan 12:1-4 and even names this Michael in Dan 10.
Isaiah 44-45 the Lord (king)and
redeemer(in Hebrew HaSheva) who changes Cyrus the Prince and King of Persia's heart to rebuild the temple and gather the dispersed Jews back to their land then is Michael, since the name given by Daniel in
Dan 10 shows it was Michael battling this Persian King.
a it was Michael "battling" this Persian King (called prince of the people).
In Hebrew it says:
in Dan 10:20 where it says in regards to Michael:
*"Knowest thou wherefore I come unto thee And now will
*Hashev Lacham Sar Parac"
(HaShev fight the prince of Persia).
What does that have to do with Daniel's precise prophecy regarding the revealing of Messiah (who is Yeshua)?

Hashev claims to be the messiah. He has placed himself in an unfortunate predicament. He will never accept that Jesus is the messiah, he cannot accept that Jesus is the messiah because if Jesus is the messiah, then Hashev is not.

He lacks training in the fundamental discipline of humility and consequently does not have substance required to rise to life and admit something as hard to believe as he is wrong.
It is sad to watch.

Maybe one day he will realize that he thinks that Jesus didn't fulfill any of the prerequisites for the being the messiah because traditional Jewish messianic expectations themselves and grandiose beliefs about himself are as irrational as Christian expectations for Jesus to float down from the sky.....

Maybe not..
30 year gap -- not more though. Your math is off.

St. James and St. Paul were both writing about Jesus in 62 AD whereas Jesus had been crucified in 33 AD.

That's 30 not 50.

>><Jesus had been crucified in 33 AD.??

Ummm you are the one far off.
The ad era christ THEUDAS Died in 45ad which is why John says he was closer to 50. That is not the 6bc crucified Galilean christ Yehuda who lived in Herod died 4bc and Lysanias died 35bc era. It's even further from Yeshu son of Mary of 100bc the hanged on passover forbidden maggis sorcerer who learned forbidden things in Egypt when fleeing Jannaeus Alexanders persecution of the Pharisee. Try reading history not backwood bumpkin preachers.
Yeshua was revealed on the day the prophet Daniel said He would be. In fact, without Daniel there would be no wise men in the Christmas story.

To bad Daniel says son of man (Shalem) not son of God. Daniel names Michael to rise as savior not Jesus-Dan 12:1-4 and even names this Michael in Dan 10.
Isaiah 44-45 the Lord (king)and
redeemer(in Hebrew HaSheva) who changes Cyrus the Prince and King of Persia's heart to rebuild the temple and gather the dispersed Jews back to their land then is Michael, since the name given by Daniel in
Dan 10 shows it was Michael battling this Persian King.
a it was Michael "battling" this Persian King (called prince of the people).
In Hebrew it says:
in Dan 10:20 where it says in regards to Michael:
*"Knowest thou wherefore I come unto thee And now will
*Hashev Lacham Sar Parac"
(HaShev fight the prince of Persia).
What does that have to do with Daniel's precise prophecy regarding the revealing of Messiah (who is Yeshua)?

Hashev claims to be the messiah. He has placed himself in an unfortunate predicament. He will never accept that Jesus is the messiah, he cannot accept that Jesus is the messiah because if Jesus is the messiah, then Hashev is not.

He lacks training in the fundamental discipline of humility and consequently does not have substance required to rise to life and admit something as hard to believe as he is wrong.
Dear HaShev
Do you really have this calling to BE the Messiah or do you mean to Embody and be one with the MESSAGE.

I can understand if you are called to be a MESSENGER

Do you agree there is only one Mediator between MAN and GOD and that Mediator is Christ Jesus.

Are you already acting as this Mediating Message from God to Man, or are you waiting on Christ Jesus to fill that role. Are you connected through Christ Jesus as Mediator , or is that later in the process of this Message you carry being fully received.

Can you describe the process of how Christ Jesus as the one Mediator relates to or manifests in relation to your role with the Message or Messiah.

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