How come Lincoln got away with shutting down hundreds of newspapers and jailed journalists

While Lincoln didn't respond to the attack on American troops to end slavery- that was never his initial goal- the result of Lincoln's actions was the end of slavery in the United States.
Which still does not justify his actions. It's an excuse not tied to the real agenda.

I am sure we can find some good result from Hitler's actions too. Should we excuse him?

If you want to compare Lincoln to Hitler- go for it- just shows how bizarre your agenda is.

What justifies Lincoln's actions? Preserving the United States and ending slavery in America.

Do I approve of his shutting down newspapers? No. Do I think that Lincoln overstepped his authority? Yes. Could Congress have impeached him for it? Yes.

Did Lincoln's results justify his means- in this specific case- why yes it did.
Harley said he is pissed off at Lincoln because:
This is about freedom, liberty and the abuse of power. And how the govt SHOULDNT abuse it.

Slaves didn't have freedom or liberty- and slavery itself was clearly an abuse of power and how government should not abuse power.
That is irrelevant. Everybody on all sides had openly expressed views of white supremacy. Nobody here is defending slavery. You are using that as a shield and cover for open tyranny and using the Constitution to wipe asses.

Is the issue of government abusing power still the topic of discussion?

Quite a few of the die hard Lincoln opponents are also Confederate fanboys. They are not openly defending slavery- they just defend the 'rights' of States to pass laws to own slaves.

What was the greater abuse of governmental power- the greater expression of the denial of freedom and liberty- Lincoln's executive actions while in the midst of a war?

Or the actions of the Rebel states- and indeed of all of the slave states- in perpetuating the loss of freedom and liberty to millions of Americans?
States did have that right before the Civil War, you fucking douchebag. What you are arguing is that the federal government doesn't have to follow the Constitution, and that some politician can simply impose whatever he likes on the states. Of course, that's exactly what all you leftwing scum would like to see.
If you want to call protecting the institution of slavery an abuse of power, I will not argue against you.

The day you see millions singing praises of how just and righteousness the confederacy is the day YOU can demand that we start threads bitching about it.



Harley said he is pissed off at Lincoln because:
This is about freedom, liberty and the abuse of power. And how the govt SHOULDNT abuse it.

Slaves didn't have freedom or liberty- and slavery itself was clearly an abuse of power and how government should not abuse power.
That is irrelevant. Everybody on all sides had openly expressed views of white supremacy. Nobody here is defending slavery. You are using that as a shield and cover for open tyranny and using the Constitution to wipe asses.

Is the issue of government abusing power still the topic of discussion?

Quite a few of the die hard Lincoln opponents are also Confederate fanboys. They are not openly defending slavery- they just defend the 'rights' of States to pass laws to own slaves.

What was the greater abuse of governmental power- the greater expression of the denial of freedom and liberty- Lincoln's executive actions while in the midst of a war?

Or the actions of the Rebel states- and indeed of all of the slave states- in perpetuating the loss of freedom and liberty to millions of Americans?
States did have that right before the Civil War, you fucking douchebag. What you are arguing is that the federal government doesn't have to follow the Constitution, and that some politician can simply impose whatever he likes on the states. Of course, that's exactly what all you leftwing scum would like to see.

LOL- not surprised that our favorite slavery loving asshole responded to defend your slave states.

Quite a few of the die hard Lincoln opponents are also Confederate fanboys. They are not openly defending slavery- they just defend the 'rights' of States to pass laws to own slaves.

What was the greater abuse of governmental power- the greater expression of the denial of freedom and liberty- Lincoln's executive actions while in the midst of a war?

Or the actions of the Rebel states- and indeed of all of the slave states- in perpetuating the loss of freedom and liberty to millions of Americans?
The slaves didn’t have freedom or liberty, right?
Pick up a history book. That isn't why the north did it. Hint, their motto was "save the union"

I’ve picked up more history books than you’ve ever laid eyes on.
Yet you couldn't address my point. The slaves are not why the north invaded. Lincoln offered to enshrine slavery to end the rebellion

You can’t “invade” your own country. The war didn’t begin because of slavery, but the evil institution had a connection to everything the war was based on. By the end of the criminal uprising it was certainly about slavery as much as anything.

The war began because Slave owning states feared the end of slavery. While there were other issues too- slavery was at the heart of the reasons why the slave owning states attempted to secede. It is evident in their statements at the time- both before and after the election of Abraham Lincoln. The North did not enter the war because of slavery- but the South certainly did.

The war began when the rebels began firing on troops of the United States Army.

While Lincoln was personally opposed to slavery- and campaigned on preventing the expansion of slavery- he was very clear that he would accept slavery in order to preserve the Union.

When the slave owning rebel states made it clear that they were going to proceed- Lincoln realized that freeing the slaves became a strategic decision that happened to mirror his own convictions.

and trump cant whine about fake news without being accused of being a tyrant? Lincoln actually WAS a tyrant.
Geez, americans are so disingenuous
America's Greatest President: Abraham Lincoln
Im not even going to get started on lincoln sending out sherman to rape, murder pillage and kill livestock and all of his other unconstitutional acts ;)
Im very interested. TIA

War happen that is why...

Should study Wilson and FDR and the 1950's if you really want something to learn!!!
and trump cant whine about fake news without being accused of being a tyrant? Lincoln actually WAS a tyrant.
Geez, americans are so disingenuous
America's Greatest President: Abraham Lincoln
Im not even going to get started on lincoln sending out sherman to rape, murder pillage and kill livestock and all of his other unconstitutional acts ;)
Im very interested. TIA

War happen that is why...

Should study Wilson and FDR and the 1950's if you really want something to learn!!!
So you believe the end justifies the means?
and trump cant whine about fake news without being accused of being a tyrant? Lincoln actually WAS a tyrant.
Geez, americans are so disingenuous
America's Greatest President: Abraham Lincoln
Im not even going to get started on lincoln sending out sherman to rape, murder pillage and kill livestock and all of his other unconstitutional acts ;)
Im very interested. TIA

War happen that is why...

Should study Wilson and FDR and the 1950's if you really want something to learn!!!
So you believe the end justifies the means?

Nope but it happened and I would have been jailed for speaking my mind...

Again Lincoln, Wilson, FDR, Truman, Ike, LBJ, and Nixon were some dirty bastards when it came to oppressing Freedom of Speech...
and trump cant whine about fake news without being accused of being a tyrant? Lincoln actually WAS a tyrant.
Geez, americans are so disingenuous
America's Greatest President: Abraham Lincoln
Im not even going to get started on lincoln sending out sherman to rape, murder pillage and kill livestock and all of his other unconstitutional acts ;)
Im very interested. TIA

War happen that is why...

Should study Wilson and FDR and the 1950's if you really want something to learn!!!
So you believe the end justifies the means?

I think that there is no black and white answer to that.

Did ending the Holocaust justify the American deaths in World War 2?
Did ending the war with Japan justify fire bombing Tokyo?

In this case, the totality of Lincoln's actions resulted in the United States becoming the most powerful nation on Earth- and ending the abuse of slavery of millions of Americans.

Let me put it another way- would you have preferred that Lincoln was careful not to violate anyone's rights- and slavery was still legal in the Confederacy?
and trump cant whine about fake news without being accused of being a tyrant? Lincoln actually WAS a tyrant.
Geez, americans are so disingenuous
America's Greatest President: Abraham Lincoln
Im not even going to get started on lincoln sending out sherman to rape, murder pillage and kill livestock and all of his other unconstitutional acts ;)
Im very interested. TIA

War happen that is why...

Should study Wilson and FDR and the 1950's if you really want something to learn!!!
So you believe the end justifies the means?
Up until Obama, Wilson and FDR were the only 2 commies elected POTUS. It should come as no surpIrise that a guy touting those two goose-steppers would be on board with the ends (whatever they may be) justifying the means. ANY means is justified by their communist end.

In the context of Lincoln's tyranny, it completely ignores the burden and oppression Lincoln's immoral war placed on the ULTRA-majority of Southern citizens who DID NOT participate in the practice of slavery-- my great(x3) grandfather, the poor Louisiana farmer, for example.

The non-contemplated, unsought, collateral benefit of abolition does not excuse Lincoln's actions in the least, especially as it relates to my gr. grandfather.

I suppose I should be thankful for the collateral benefit of the war nearly ruining my gr. grandfather and forcing him to re-locate to Texas. I could be a filthy,, toothless coonass yelling "suck that Tigah dick" on Saturdays in the fall.
and trump cant whine about fake news without being accused of being a tyrant? Lincoln actually WAS a tyrant.
Geez, americans are so disingenuous
America's Greatest President: Abraham Lincoln
Im not even going to get started on lincoln sending out sherman to rape, murder pillage and kill livestock and all of his other unconstitutional acts ;)
Im very interested. TIA

War happen that is why...

Should study Wilson and FDR and the 1950's if you really want something to learn!!!
So you believe the end justifies the means?
Up until Obama, Wilson and FDR were the only 2 commies elected POTUS. It should come as no surpIrise that a guy touting those two goose-steppers would be on board with the ends (whatever they may be) justifying the means. ANY means is justified by their communist end.

In the context of Lincoln's tyranny, it completely ignores the burden and oppression Lincoln's immoral war placed on the ULTRA-majority of Southern citizens who DID NOT participate in the practice of slavery-- my great(x3) grandfather, the poor Louisiana farmer, for example.

The non-contemplated, unsought, collateral benefit of abolition does not excuse Lincoln's actions in the least, especially as it relates to my gr. grandfather.

I suppose I should be thankful for the collateral benefit of the war nearly ruining my gr. grandfather and forcing him to re-locate to Texas. I could be a filthy,, toothless coonass yelling "suck that Tigah dick" on Saturdays in the fall.

Well in Tejas when a Coonass move to Tejas they lose the Coon and become all Ass...

( Sorry, but I had to write it )
If you want to call protecting the institution of slavery an abuse of power, I will not argue against you.

The day you see millions singing praises of how just and righteousness the confederacy is the day YOU can demand that we start threads bitching about it.



Not even close to 100,000. You have well more than 900,000 to go.
Pick up a history book. That isn't why the north did it. Hint, their motto was "save the union"

I’ve picked up more history books than you’ve ever laid eyes on.
Yet you couldn't address my point. The slaves are not why the north invaded. Lincoln offered to enshrine slavery to end the rebellion

You can’t “invade” your own country. The war didn’t begin because of slavery, but the evil institution had a connection to everything the war was based on. By the end of the criminal uprising it was certainly about slavery as much as anything.

The war began because Slave owning states feared the end of slavery. While there were other issues too- slavery was at the heart of the reasons why the slave owning states attempted to secede. It is evident in their statements at the time- both before and after the election of Abraham Lincoln. The North did not enter the war because of slavery- but the South certainly did.

The war began when the rebels began firing on troops of the United States Army.

While Lincoln was personally opposed to slavery- and campaigned on preventing the expansion of slavery- he was very clear that he would accept slavery in order to preserve the Union.

When the slave owning rebel states made it clear that they were going to proceed- Lincoln realized that freeing the slaves became a strategic decision that happened to mirror his own convictions.


True mastery of a subject is the ability to boil it down to simple, powerful points. That you can't go beyond you've read more history books than I've seen (which you obviously have no way of knowing) and your response to consent of the governed and Locke was you have philosophy and political science degrees says you are NOT a master.

I have masters degrees in business and computer science, and my job is to make difficult concepts simple for management, the business and IT teams to understand, and I'm good at it. If I responded with your ridiculous crap about my degrees or that I've read books, I'd be escorted to the door
LOL- not surprised that our favorite slavery loving asshole responded to defend your slave states.

Quite a few of the die hard Lincoln opponents are also Confederate fanboys. They are not openly defending slavery- they just defend the 'rights' of States to pass laws to own slaves.

What was the greater abuse of governmental power- the greater expression of the denial of freedom and liberty- Lincoln's executive actions while in the midst of a war?

Or the actions of the Rebel states- and indeed of all of the slave states- in perpetuating the loss of freedom and liberty to millions of Americans?
The problem is that you seem to think two wrongs make a right.

I am certainly not defending the actions of slave states...AT ALL, for many reasons, the most important being that each slave state WHOLLY FAILED in discharging sole duty and purpose of government---to facilitate the individual's peaceful pursuit of happiness---all individuals. From a personal stand point, many like my gr. grandfather were disadvantaged to extreme poverty by the practice of slavery.

So, when you really get down to the heart of it, many innocent people suffered because of slavery, but many more died being compelled by their government to defend it to their detriment.

I know it's hard for communists to believe that objective, principled people exist in the world. You don't see a Goddamn one in the collectivist hive groups pushing for unbridled totalitarian government authority.
I’ve picked up more history books than you’ve ever laid eyes on.
Yet you couldn't address my point. The slaves are not why the north invaded. Lincoln offered to enshrine slavery to end the rebellion

You can’t “invade” your own country. The war didn’t begin because of slavery, but the evil institution had a connection to everything the war was based on. By the end of the criminal uprising it was certainly about slavery as much as anything.

The war began because Slave owning states feared the end of slavery. While there were other issues too- slavery was at the heart of the reasons why the slave owning states attempted to secede. It is evident in their statements at the time- both before and after the election of Abraham Lincoln. The North did not enter the war because of slavery- but the South certainly did.

The war began when the rebels began firing on troops of the United States Army.

While Lincoln was personally opposed to slavery- and campaigned on preventing the expansion of slavery- he was very clear that he would accept slavery in order to preserve the Union.

When the slave owning rebel states made it clear that they were going to proceed- Lincoln realized that freeing the slaves became a strategic decision that happened to mirror his own convictions.


True mastery of a subject is the ability to boil it down to simple, powerful points. That you can't go beyond you've read more history books than I've seen (which you obviously have no way of knowing) and your response to consent of the governed and Locke was you have philosophy and political science degrees says you are NOT a master.

I have masters degrees in business and computer science, and my job is to make difficult concepts simple for management, the business and IT teams to understand, and I'm good at it. If I responded with your ridiculous crap about my degrees or that I've read books, I'd be escorted to the door


You missed the first lesson.
and trump cant whine about fake news without being accused of being a tyrant? Lincoln actually WAS a tyrant.
Geez, americans are so disingenuous
America's Greatest President: Abraham Lincoln
Im not even going to get started on lincoln sending out sherman to rape, murder pillage and kill livestock and all of his other unconstitutional acts ;)
Im very interested. TIA

War happen that is why...

Should study Wilson and FDR and the 1950's if you really want something to learn!!!
So you believe the end justifies the means?
Up until Obama, Wilson and FDR were the only 2 commies elected POTUS.

LOL- why am I not surprised that you are as clueless and blissfully ignorant about Communism as you are about everything else?
I’ve picked up more history books than you’ve ever laid eyes on.
Yet you couldn't address my point. The slaves are not why the north invaded. Lincoln offered to enshrine slavery to end the rebellion

You can’t “invade” your own country. The war didn’t begin because of slavery, but the evil institution had a connection to everything the war was based on. By the end of the criminal uprising it was certainly about slavery as much as anything.

The war began because Slave owning states feared the end of slavery. While there were other issues too- slavery was at the heart of the reasons why the slave owning states attempted to secede. It is evident in their statements at the time- both before and after the election of Abraham Lincoln. The North did not enter the war because of slavery- but the South certainly did.

The war began when the rebels began firing on troops of the United States Army.

While Lincoln was personally opposed to slavery- and campaigned on preventing the expansion of slavery- he was very clear that he would accept slavery in order to preserve the Union.

When the slave owning rebel states made it clear that they were going to proceed- Lincoln realized that freeing the slaves became a strategic decision that happened to mirror his own convictions.


I have masters degrees in business and computer science,

If true- it shows in your case that education can't counteract stupid.
LOL- not surprised that our favorite slavery loving asshole responded to defend your slave states.

Quite a few of the die hard Lincoln opponents are also Confederate fanboys. They are not openly defending slavery- they just defend the 'rights' of States to pass laws to own slaves.

What was the greater abuse of governmental power- the greater expression of the denial of freedom and liberty- Lincoln's executive actions while in the midst of a war?

Or the actions of the Rebel states- and indeed of all of the slave states- in perpetuating the loss of freedom and liberty to millions of Americans?

I know it's hard for communists to believe that objective, principled people exist in the world. .

a) What 'communists' are you speaking of? and
b) What principled people do you believe you are referring to?
LOL- not surprised that our favorite slavery loving asshole responded to defend your slave states.

Quite a few of the die hard Lincoln opponents are also Confederate fanboys. They are not openly defending slavery- they just defend the 'rights' of States to pass laws to own slaves.

What was the greater abuse of governmental power- the greater expression of the denial of freedom and liberty- Lincoln's executive actions while in the midst of a war?

Or the actions of the Rebel states- and indeed of all of the slave states- in perpetuating the loss of freedom and liberty to millions of Americans?

So, when you really get down to the heart of it, many innocent people suffered because of slavery, but many more died being compelled by their government to defend it to their detriment..

Really- 'many more died being compelled defend it'?

Well lets look at the numbers
The total population in 1860 included 3,953,761 slaves- this of course is just a snap shot- this doesn't include all of those who lived in slavery and died prior to 1860.

How many were 'compelled' to defend slavery? First of all not all Confederate troops were conscripted. But even assuming every single one of them was- the Confederacy lost approximately 94,000 soldiers killed.

Both numbers are tragic. But one is bigger than the other.

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