How come Lincoln got away with shutting down hundreds of newspapers and jailed journalists

a) What makes me a communist- specifically.
b) See (a) above as evidence that you have no principals
a) Do you believe government should have authority that individuals on their own (no government or society) would have?

a) My conclusion is based on the answer I expect from a) which is based on observation.
a) What makes me a communist- specifically.
b) See (a) above as evidence that you have no principals
a) Do you believe government should have authority that individuals on their own (no government or society) would have?.

Do I believe in a Constitutional Democratically elected government? Why yes I do.

Do I believe that a Free economy with some regulation of business's is the best economic system we know of so far?

Why yes I do.

So what are the principals of Communism?

Among others:
That the working class — or "proletariat" — must rise up against the capitalist owners, or "bourgeoisie," according to the ideals of communism, and institute a new society with no private property, no economic classes and no profits.
In contrast, communists state that capitalist economic and political systems must be completely overthrown through revolution.

So in answer to b) you are either ignorant about what Communism is- or you are lying because you disagree with me- i.e. you have no principals.
Do I believe in a Constitutional Democratically elected government? Why yes I do.
That's not what I asked.

Do I believe that a Free economy with some regulation of business's is the best economic system we know of so far?
That's not what I asked.

Of course not- because oddly enough- you think a 'commie' believes in Capitalism and a a Constitutional Democratically elected government.

Do you also think that if someone says they believe in God that they are an Atheist?
Of course not- because oddly enough- you think a 'commie' believes in Capitalism and a a Constitutional Democratically elected government.

Do you also think that if someone says they believe in God that they are an Atheist?
You still have not answer the question that I asked.
Of course not- because oddly enough- you think a 'commie' believes in Capitalism and a a Constitutional Democratically elected government.

Do you also think that if someone says they believe in God that they are an Atheist?
You still have not answer the question that I asked.

I certainly have.

Let us review shall we?
a) you called me a commie- and yourself a 'principled person'
b) I challenged you to prove I was a 'commie'
c) You responded by asking a question.

You either have a reason for calling me a commie- or you are lying.

Personally I think you are doing both.
While Lincoln didn't respond to the attack on American troops to end slavery- that was never his initial goal- the result of Lincoln's actions was the end of slavery in the United States.
Which still does not justify his actions. It's an excuse not tied to the real agenda.

I am sure we can find some good result from Hitler's actions too. Should we excuse him?

If you want to compare Lincoln to Hitler- go for it- just shows how bizarre your agenda is.

What justifies Lincoln's actions? Preserving the United States and ending slavery in America.

Do I approve of his shutting down newspapers? No. Do I think that Lincoln overstepped his authority? Yes. Could Congress have impeached him for it? Yes.

Did Lincoln's results justify his means- in this specific case- why yes it did.
Neither excuse justifies his actions. Lincoln had no intention of ending slavery, and the union didn't deserve preserving if mass murder was required. The union was supposed to be voluntary. Only bootlicking Stalinists insisted it was mandatory.

It's hardly a surprise that you claim the end justifies the means. That's the story of the left through history. Stalin used that theory to murder 60 million of his countrymen.
If you want to call protecting the institution of slavery an abuse of power, I will not argue against you.

The day you see millions singing praises of how just and righteousness the confederacy is the day YOU can demand that we start threads bitching about it.



Did you have a point of some kind?
Of course not- because oddly enough- you think a 'commie' believes in Capitalism and a a Constitutional Democratically elected government.

Do you also think that if someone says they believe in God that they are an Atheist?
You still have not answer the question that I asked.

I certainly have.

Tell me why you think that I am a communist based upon what you know about me- go for it.
You're just an anti-American homosexual douchebag. You hate everything America stands for and defend the all powerful state, no matter what it does.
While Lincoln didn't respond to the attack on American troops to end slavery- that was never his initial goal- the result of Lincoln's actions was the end of slavery in the United States.
Which still does not justify his actions. It's an excuse not tied to the real agenda.

I am sure we can find some good result from Hitler's actions too. Should we excuse him?

If you want to compare Lincoln to Hitler- go for it- just shows how bizarre your agenda is.

What justifies Lincoln's actions? Preserving the United States and ending slavery in America.

Do I approve of his shutting down newspapers? No. Do I think that Lincoln overstepped his authority? Yes. Could Congress have impeached him for it? Yes.

Did Lincoln's results justify his means- in this specific case- why yes it did.
Neither excuse justifies his actions. Lincoln had no intention of ending slavery, and the union didn't deserve preserving if mass murder was required. The union was supposed to be voluntary. Only bootlicking Stalinists insisted it was mandatory..

Because of course you think that most Americans are 'bootlicking Stalinists' just because your slave pals lost their ability to abuse their slaves?

Sad really how you defend slavery.
Of course not- because oddly enough- you think a 'commie' believes in Capitalism and a a Constitutional Democratically elected government.

Do you also think that if someone says they believe in God that they are an Atheist?
You still have not answer the question that I asked.

I certainly have.

Tell me why you think that I am a communist based upon what you know about me- go for it.
You're just an anti-American homosexual douchebag. You hate everything America stands for and defend the all powerful state, no matter what it does.

And to you- America stands for black slavery.

You are just another homophobic bigot and slavery loving asshole.
and trump cant whine about fake news without being accused of being a tyrant? Lincoln actually WAS a tyrant.
Geez, americans are so disingenuous
America's Greatest President: Abraham Lincoln
Im not even going to get started on lincoln sending out sherman to rape, murder pillage and kill livestock and all of his other unconstitutional acts ;)
Im very interested. TIA

War happen that is why...

Should study Wilson and FDR and the 1950's if you really want something to learn!!!
So you believe the end justifies the means?
Up until Obama, Wilson and FDR were the only 2 commies elected POTUS. It should come as no surpIrise that a guy touting those two goose-steppers would be on board with the ends (whatever they may be) justifying the means. ANY means is justified by their communist end.

In the context of Lincoln's tyranny, it completely ignores the burden and oppression Lincoln's immoral war placed on the ULTRA-majority of Southern citizens who DID NOT participate in the practice of slavery-- my great(x3) grandfather, the poor Louisiana farmer, for example.

The non-contemplated, unsought, collateral benefit of abolition does not excuse Lincoln's actions in the least, especially as it relates to my gr. grandfather.

I suppose I should be thankful for the collateral benefit of the war nearly ruining my gr. grandfather and forcing him to re-locate to Texas. I could be a filthy,, toothless coonass yelling "suck that Tigah dick" on Saturdays in the fall.
It's hard to believe anyone would admit he believes the end justifies the means in this day an age. The 20th century showed us where that philosophy gets us.
I certainly have.

Let us review shall we?
a) you called me a commie- and yourself a 'principled person'
b) I challenged you to prove I was a 'commie'
c) You responded by asking a question.

You either have a reason for calling me a commie- or you are lying.

Personally I think you are doing both.
Do you have a reason for not answering the question?

I think you do.


Of course not- because oddly enough- you think a 'commie' believes in Capitalism and a a Constitutional Democratically elected government.

Do you also think that if someone says they believe in God that they are an Atheist?
You still have not answer the question that I asked.

I certainly have.

Tell me why you think that I am a communist based upon what you know about me- go for it.
You're just an anti-American homosexual douchebag. You hate everything America stands for and defend the all powerful state, no matter what it does.

And to you- America stands for black slavery.

You are just another homophobic bigot and slavery loving asshole.
Once again you accuse me of supporting slavery. That's about the only argument you have. As for being "homophobic," your example shows why everyone should be suspicious of homosexuals. You would destroy civilization so you could be treated like normal people.
While Lincoln didn't respond to the attack on American troops to end slavery- that was never his initial goal- the result of Lincoln's actions was the end of slavery in the United States.
Which still does not justify his actions. It's an excuse not tied to the real agenda.

I am sure we can find some good result from Hitler's actions too. Should we excuse him?

If you want to compare Lincoln to Hitler- go for it- just shows how bizarre your agenda is.

What justifies Lincoln's actions? Preserving the United States and ending slavery in America.

Do I approve of his shutting down newspapers? No. Do I think that Lincoln overstepped his authority? Yes. Could Congress have impeached him for it? Yes.

Did Lincoln's results justify his means- in this specific case- why yes it did.
Neither excuse justifies his actions. Lincoln had no intention of ending slavery, and the union didn't deserve preserving if mass murder was required. The union was supposed to be voluntary. Only bootlicking Stalinists insisted it was mandatory..

Because of course you think that most Americans are 'bootlicking Stalinists' just because your slave pals lost their ability to abuse their slaves?

Sad really how you defend slavery.

I think the Union vermin who invaded the Sourch were bootlicking Stalinists. How can anyone deny it? They killed almost a million people in their zeal to impose tariffs on the Confederate states. Lincoln claimed the war was about self government. Nothing could be further from the truth. The Yankess followed a liar who ordered them to kill their fellow countrymen whose only crime was wanting to be left alone. That's who you admire.
So here it is again:

Do you believe government should have authority that individuals on their own (no government or society) shouldn't have?
LOL- not surprised that our favorite slavery loving asshole responded to defend your slave states.

Quite a few of the die hard Lincoln opponents are also Confederate fanboys. They are not openly defending slavery- they just defend the 'rights' of States to pass laws to own slaves.

What was the greater abuse of governmental power- the greater expression of the denial of freedom and liberty- Lincoln's executive actions while in the midst of a war?

Or the actions of the Rebel states- and indeed of all of the slave states- in perpetuating the loss of freedom and liberty to millions of Americans?
The problem is that you seem to think two wrongs make a right.

I am certainly not defending the actions of slave states...AT ALL, for many reasons, the most important being that each slave state WHOLLY FAILED in discharging sole duty and purpose of government---to facilitate the individual's peaceful pursuit of happiness---all individuals. From a personal stand point, many like my gr. grandfather were disadvantaged to extreme poverty by the practice of slavery.

So, when you really get down to the heart of it, many innocent people suffered because of slavery, but many more died being compelled by their government to defend it to their detriment.

I know it's hard for communists to believe that objective, principled people exist in the world. You don't see a Goddamn one in the collectivist hive groups pushing for unbridled totalitarian government authority.

Syriusly admitted he has no principles. He believes the end justifies the means, even if it's mass murder.
Should government have authority granted to it by individuals that those individuals should not have in a stateless/non-government form of existence?

Can individuals consent to be governed, and bestow on the government they form, authority to act in a fashion the individuals did not and should not have on their own?

That is THE relevant question that demonstrates all.


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