How Come.No One Ever Asks A Democrat About Stolen Weapons That Kill Americans?

new proposals aimed at curbing the persistent problem of thefts from licensed gun sellers around the country was introduced to Congress on Friday by a New York Democrat. Firearms dealers reported over 16,000 lost or stolen weapons in 2018

Let see if Mitch can wrap his head around that and bring it up for a vote

Or will he moan that Trump will not support it
Damn, that's a lot of "stealing" from gun sellers. Can't protect themselves or what?
And are they really stolen or just crooked dealers?
How come no one ask democrats why 91% of daily fun violence happens in towns run by democrats
How come no one ask democrats why 91% of daily fun violence happens in towns run by democrats

The same reason why they do not ask repubs who own Texas and is a state with lots of guns and violence. And they got all those illegal aliens.

Texas with more than 637,000 registered guns is almost double the amount of the next state Florida with 377,000 followed by California, and Virginia

Violent crime 2016/2017 statistics by region show the South with the highest rates

524110 violent crimes in 2017 with a per capital of 423000
easily beating the 2nd highest the west
327502 with a per capital of 327000

More guns more violence math does not lie

Table 4

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