How common is it just not to give a shit about your entitlements?

Pedro de San Patricio

Gold Member
Feb 14, 2015
Our left has made economic justice a keystone of their platform. Much of its legislation focuses on providing entitlements to the average citizen, such as socialized health insurance, social security, a high minimum wage, and strong employee protection laws. I totally understand that these are good and necessary measures. I support them for other people. I just can't really give a shit about personally benefiting from them. Like the insurance, the only guaranteed healthcare I want is TriCare. If I can't pay for medical care as a civilian then, well, I honestly don't want it. What happens happens. I truly do not give a shit. I'm totally okay with the fact that none of my payments into social security will benefit me in any way. It's for other people anyway. And the last two kind of feel a little patronizing tbh. If some doesn't think their work is worth getting paid $15 per hour then that's nobody's business but theirs and their employer's, and if they actually WANT to work off the clock for some reason, then, well, who the fuck are you to tell them they're violating anti-slavery laws? Is this a unique viewpoint, or...? How do you feel about it?
Our left has made economic justice a keystone of their platform. Much of its legislation focuses on providing entitlements to the average citizen, such as socialized health insurance, social security, a high minimum wage, and strong employee protection laws. I totally understand that these are good and necessary measures. I support them for other people. I just can't really give a shit about personally benefiting from them. Like the insurance, the only guaranteed healthcare I want is TriCare. If I can't pay for medical care as a civilian then, well, I honestly don't want it. What happens happens. I truly do not give a shit. I'm totally okay with the fact that none of my payments into social security will benefit me in any way. It's for other people anyway. And the last two kind of feel a little patronizing tbh. If some doesn't think their work is worth getting paid $15 per hour then that's nobody's business but theirs and their employer's, and if they actually WANT to work off the clock for some reason, then, well, who the fuck are you to tell them they're violating anti-slavery laws? Is this a unique viewpoint, or...? How do you feel about it?
I feel like we're entitled to a fair, just, and representative government. We're paying for it. The constitution states it. I feel like we're entitled to Social Security Benefits. We're paying for them. I feel like we're entitled to proper health care simply because it's one of the necessities of life, along with water, food, shelter and clothing. I believe that wages would NOT be an issue if we hadn't allowed the government to send our self-supporting living wage jobs to foreign labor markets, via unfair, unjust, and one-sided foreign trade agreements and policies.

I also believe that wages would NOT be an issue if we severely penalized the off-shore out-sourcing of our jobs, and the importing of labor. In addition, wages would NOT be an issue if we put anyone that hired, housed, fed, or otherwise aided and assisted illegal immigrants, in prison for life without the possibility of parole. Illegals would run for the border and never come back.

I believe that " IF " America was to once again, produce most of what America used and consumed, then it would create an employees' market like it was in the 50's, 60's, and early 70's. If that was the case, then employers would pay good wages to get the best employees. It was that way when we had plants and factories on almost every street corner of America. Now, today, because of few quality jobs compared to the workers seeking those jobs, it's an employers' market. Thus employers can get the best employees for very little in wages and benefits. Employers are now offering less company paid benefits, along with lower over all wages.

We must also consider factors such as innovation, technology, and automation. Due to those three elements, it takes less employees to produce the same amount of goods as 40 years ago. But, still, " IF " we were to end our dependency on cheap foreign imports, and start producing more of what we use and consume, we'd have plenty of jobs for our work force.

For many decades now, we've sacrificed our economic well-being in favor of supporting foreign economies. This all started back in the early 50's when we began to rebuild Japan's economy after WWII. In the late 50's and early 60's, Japanese products flooded our markets with cheap goods. After Japan, then foreign trade agreements with other countries started the economic devastation we're experiencing today. Today, America produces very little of what America uses and consumes. We're import dependent. The results have been closed plants and factories, lost skills, and a much lower standard of living for most Americans. The term "Global Economy" basically means "equalization to the lowest level", and we're rapidly approaching that equalization as we speak.
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Addressing the OP I assume you mean personally and not collectively caring about entitlements. I personally do not need or "care" about SS however as I look at what I paid into the system over a long career I think it is fair to get out what I put in dollar for dollar. I'm not asking for more than that but just return the principal and I'm good. I think that's "fair". I do worry about the future of SS and something fairly drastic has to happen. The upside down pyramid model we have now is clearly not sustainable. Add to that the impact of Obamacare on the Federal budget which is so complex and convoluted no one knows what that is going to be. It's easy to blame the Liberals for this mess but I recognize that both Parties have done nothing to address the problem since it is so politically sensitive.
t I recognize that both Parties have done nothing to address the problem since it is so politically sensitive.

dear, Republicans have introduced 30 Balanced Budget Amendments since Jefferson's first designed to make debt illegal. Democrats killed every one and now we have $20 trillion in debt.

Do you understand??
t I recognize that both Parties have done nothing to address the problem since it is so politically sensitive.

dear, Republicans have introduced 30 Balanced Budget Amendments since Jefferson's first designed to make debt illegal. Democrats killed every one and now we have $20 trillion in debt.

Do you understand??
They're only the party of small government when out of power tho. Suddenly the script changes when they get enough to start giving money to their own causes and allies.
t I recognize that both Parties have done nothing to address the problem since it is so politically sensitive.

dear, Republicans have introduced 30 Balanced Budget Amendments since Jefferson's first designed to make debt illegal. Democrats killed every one and now we have $20 trillion in debt.

Do you understand??
They're only the party of small government when out of power tho. Suddenly the script changes when they get enough to start giving money to their own causes and allies.

dear that's 1) 100000 times better than being the party of ever expanding govt all the time and 2) stuipid since they are in power now and still oppose Obamacare, for example.

do you have the IQ to understand??
dear that's 1) 100000 times better than being the party of ever expanding govt all the time and 2) stuipid since they are in power now and still oppose Obamacare, for example.

do you have the IQ to understand??
One is always honest about wanting to expand the government. The other says claims to be for small government when out of power and expands the government while in power. You think the latter is superior to the former? Just because their exact priorities are different?
dear that's 1) 100000 times better than being the party of ever expanding govt all the time and 2) stuipid since they are in power now and still oppose Obamacare, for example.

do you have the IQ to understand??
One is always honest about wanting to expand the government. The other says claims to be for small government when out of power and expands the government while in power. You think the latter is superior to the former? Just because their exact priorities are different?

dear you are too stupid as a liberal to grasp the point. When and if the electorate wants smaller govt and votes accordingly Republican politicians will instantly provide it or they will no longer be Republican politicians.

Do you have the IQ to understand??
dear that's 1) 100000 times better than being the party of ever expanding govt all the time and 2) stuipid since they are in power now and still oppose Obamacare, for example.

do you have the IQ to understand??
One is always honest about wanting to expand the government. The other says claims to be for small government when out of power and expands the government while in power. You think the latter is superior to the former? Just because their exact priorities are different?

dear you are too stupid as a liberal to grasp the point. When and if the electorate wants smaller govt and votes accordingly Republican politicians will instantly provide it or they will no longer be Republican politicians.

Do you have the IQ to understand??
What causes you to think I'm a liberal exactly? What do you mean by that term? That I'm economically a leftist? That I'm not fully conservative socially?

The Democrats' strategy is to maximize their voter base by promising endless entitlements and privileges, appealing to the bigotries and (often justified) anger of various "minority" groups, and advocating naked class warfare. The Republicans' is to minimize the Democrats' voter base by disenfranchising the groups of their coalition (whether through fighting voter fraud or clever gerrymandering), creating boogeymen to scare people away from the soft-on-almost-every-issue Democrat platform, and appealing to the bigotries and (often justified) fear of the upper classes. Both are totally able and willing to engage in any criminal act out of the sun to augment their chosen strategy. Neither actually gives a damn about their constituents, their enemies, or the nation as a whole. It's about getting people into well paying jobs and using them to push the law in the most personally beneficial direction. The voters are just a means to an end. It plainly doesn't matter what we want so long as we think, vote, and donate correctly.
Neither actually gives a damn about their constituents, their enemies, or the nation as a whole.

Of course that's totally 100% stupid and liberal. Republicans support freedom just as our Founders did. That freedom has created, preserved, and extended civilization on earth. We all should bow before it with great awe and respect. Democrats should be made illegal as our Founders intended for their opposition to freedom.

Do you have the IQ to understand?
Any questions?

Addressing the OP I assume you mean personally and not collectively caring about entitlements. I personally do not need or "care" about SS however as I look at what I paid into the system over a long career I think it is fair to get out what I put in dollar for dollar. I'm not asking for more than that but just return the principal and I'm good. I think that's "fair". I do worry about the future of SS and something fairly drastic has to happen. The upside down pyramid model we have now is clearly not sustainable. Add to that the impact of Obamacare on the Federal budget which is so complex and convoluted no one knows what that is going to be. It's easy to blame the Liberals for this mess but I recognize that both Parties have done nothing to address the problem since it is so politically sensitive.

The Ayn Rand approach: Being philosophically against something unless you can take money from it.
$15 an hour is still a very low, bottom feeder wage. One cannot live on it nowadays. For that wage I show up, maybe give a little effort but who in their right mind would bust theirs for that trivial pittance?
Our left has made economic justice a keystone of their platform. Much of its legislation focuses on providing entitlements to the average citizen, such as socialized health insurance, social security, a high minimum wage, and strong employee protection laws. I totally understand that these are good and necessary measures. I support them for other people. I just can't really give a shit about personally benefiting from them. Like the insurance, the only guaranteed healthcare I want is TriCare. If I can't pay for medical care as a civilian then, well, I honestly don't want it. What happens happens. I truly do not give a shit. I'm totally okay with the fact that none of my payments into social security will benefit me in any way. It's for other people anyway. And the last two kind of feel a little patronizing tbh. If some doesn't think their work is worth getting paid $15 per hour then that's nobody's business but theirs and their employer's, and if they actually WANT to work off the clock for some reason, then, well, who the fuck are you to tell them they're violating anti-slavery laws? Is this a unique viewpoint, or...? How do you feel about it?

That pretty much sums up my point of view. I don't know why "live and let live" fell into such disrepute.
t I recognize that both Parties have done nothing to address the problem since it is so politically sensitive.

dear, Republicans have introduced 30 Balanced Budget Amendments since Jefferson's first designed to make debt illegal. Democrats killed every one and now we have $20 trillion in debt.

Do you understand??
They're only the party of small government when out of power tho. Suddenly the script changes when they get enough to start giving money to their own causes and allies.


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