How Conservatives win 2020


Gold Member
Jun 4, 2014
I'm worried about Biden, I think he can win. What we need is everyone register as Democrats and Nominate Bernie Sanders for the Democrat contender. If Biden wins the Nomination Trump might lose 2020.
Biden is the guy who said Republicans want to put blacks "back in chains", while also bragging that his home state of Delaware was a "slave state."

So, I'm not worried about Biden.
If Biden becomes the next POTUS, I will be gladly let him hug me and play with my hair :)
(Only one problem, I don't have any hair...hope he doesn't mind a nice clean fresh wig *shrug*)

I'm worried about Biden, I think he can win. What we need is everyone register as Democrats and Nominate Bernie Sanders for the Democrat contender. If Biden wins the Nomination Trump might lose 2020.

Biden probably won't get the nomination. I've been listening to Sirius Radio Channel 127 (the Progressive Channel) and the lying perverted garbage spewers are just savaging poor Uncle Joe.
I'm worried about Biden, I think he can win. What we need is everyone register as Democrats and Nominate Bernie Sanders for the Democrat contender. If Biden wins the Nomination Trump might lose 2020.
Trump will whip Biden. Have you heard him on the trail? He's gotten really old. He stammers, stutters and loses his place, and then when he tries to ad-lib to cover he really goes off the rails.

I don't think any of these guys can share a stage with Trump and not be obviously overpowered.

What These Wannabe Dem Presidents Plan For U$.

• Slap a new tax on banks with more than $50 million in assets. Kamala Harris especially likes this one, which would bring in an estimated $61 billion. Banks are big and bad, unless you want or have home mortgage.​

• Increase by 88 percent the amount of income Americans must pay Social Security taxes on from the current $132,900 up to at least a quarter-million. Maybe more. Yeh, sure, some middle-class families will be caught in the cash net. But see, silly person who doesn’t understand how government works, they’re spending all the current Social Security tax income already. So, they need more for new programs, probably another $800+ billion.​

• People are making too much money from investments that can help create jobs. So, jack the capital gains by 50 percent to 30 percent. That might rake in more than $600 billion, assuming it doesn’t stop much investing..​

• And let’s cut into that mortgage interest tax deduction. Too many Americans are owning or buying homes and affording it. That’s worth a good $972 billion at least.​

• Here’s a good one: Hike the federal tax on a gallon of gasoline by “only” 10 cents, which is actually 65 percent. This should bring in another $170 billion. Sure, it hits regular working folks the hardest, but we all must make financial sacrifices for the greener good. Also, tell town halls the money will pay for infrastructure repairs. That’s a good line.​

• Oh, and index that enlarged gas tax to inflation so it’ll increase automatically forever and politicians won’t have to wait another 26 years for new revenues.​

• Finally – well, it’s not really final because there are many other tax ideas – let’s install a value-added tax. This will be a five percent levy on every step of any item’s production process. Europe loves them. Yes, yes, it would hike consumer prices considerably. But it would bring in – are you sitting down? – nearly $6.2 Trillion.​

“Vote Democrat If You Think You Have Too Much Money” doesn’t seem like a great pitch.
I'm worried about Biden, I think he can win. What we need is everyone register as Democrats and Nominate Bernie Sanders for the Democrat contender. If Biden wins the Nomination Trump might lose 2020.
Trump will whip Biden. Have you heard him on the trail? He's gotten really old. He stammers, stutters and loses his place, and then when he tries to ad-lib to cover he really goes off the rails.

I don't think any of these guys can share a stage with Trump and not be obviously overpowered.

What These Wannabe Dem Presidents Plan For U$.

• Slap a new tax on banks with more than $50 million in assets. Kamala Harris especially likes this one, which would bring in an estimated $61 billion. Banks are big and bad, unless you want or have home mortgage.​

• Increase by 88 percent the amount of income Americans must pay Social Security taxes on from the current $132,900 up to at least a quarter-million. Maybe more. Yeh, sure, some middle-class families will be caught in the cash net. But see, silly person who doesn’t understand how government works, they’re spending all the current Social Security tax income already. So, they need more for new programs, probably another $800+ billion.​

• People are making too much money from investments that can help create jobs. So, jack the capital gains by 50 percent to 30 percent. That might rake in more than $600 billion, assuming it doesn’t stop much investing..​

• And let’s cut into that mortgage interest tax deduction. Too many Americans are owning or buying homes and affording it. That’s worth a good $972 billion at least.​

• Here’s a good one: Hike the federal tax on a gallon of gasoline by “only” 10 cents, which is actually 65 percent. This should bring in another $170 billion. Sure, it hits regular working folks the hardest, but we all must make financial sacrifices for the greener good. Also, tell town halls the money will pay for infrastructure repairs. That’s a good line.​

• Oh, and index that enlarged gas tax to inflation so it’ll increase automatically forever and politicians won’t have to wait another 26 years for new revenues.​

• Finally – well, it’s not really final because there are many other tax ideas – let’s install a value-added tax. This will be a five percent levy on every step of any item’s production process. Europe loves them. Yes, yes, it would hike consumer prices considerably. But it would bring in – are you sitting down? – nearly $6.2 Trillion.​

“Vote Democrat If You Think You Have Too Much Money” doesn’t seem like a great pitch.
Dude, I really wonder how over half of the Democrats have gotten elected. Brainless fools all of them, yet they keep winning. Shows the stupidity of the voter. And if the likes of Pelosi can win then so can Biden.
I'm worried about Biden, I think he can win. What we need is everyone register as Democrats and Nominate Bernie Sanders for the Democrat contender. If Biden wins the Nomination Trump might lose 2020.

Id rather risk Biden than a full fledged communist
I'm worried about Biden, I think he can win. What we need is everyone register as Democrats and Nominate Bernie Sanders for the Democrat contender. If Biden wins the Nomination Trump might lose 2020.

Biden probably won't get the nomination. I've been listening to Sirius Radio Channel 127 (the Progressive Channel) and the lying perverted garbage spewers are just savaging poor Uncle Joe.

I disagree. Yes the hardcore left on sirius doesnt like him but their vote is split between so many other candidates. Once Biden picks up a few states the rest will capitulate
I'm worried about Biden, I think he can win. What we need is everyone register as Democrats and Nominate Bernie Sanders for the Democrat contender. If Biden wins the Nomination Trump might lose 2020.

Someone will mail explosives to him, drive into his supporters with a car, start wild theories about him with no basis, hack his campaign or Party’s e-mail servers. We know the Trump playbook.
I'm worried about Biden, I think he can win. What we need is everyone register as Democrats and Nominate Bernie Sanders for the Democrat contender. If Biden wins the Nomination Trump might lose 2020.

Someone will mail explosives to him, drive into his supporters with a car, start wild theories about him with no basis, hack his campaign or Party’s e-mail servers. We know the Trump playbook.

Sounds like the Clinton playbook.:21::21::21::21:
I'm worried about Biden, I think he can win. What we need is everyone register as Democrats and Nominate Bernie Sanders for the Democrat contender. If Biden wins the Nomination Trump might lose 2020.

Someone will mail explosives to him, drive into his supporters with a car, start wild theories about him with no basis, hack his campaign or Party’s e-mail servers. We know the Trump playbook.
Dude your shrink called, you missed your appointment.
I'm worried about Biden, I think he can win. What we need is everyone register as Democrats and Nominate Bernie Sanders for the Democrat contender. If Biden wins the Nomination Trump might lose 2020.

Someone will mail explosives to him, drive into his supporters with a car, start wild theories about him with no basis, hack his campaign or Party’s e-mail servers. We know the Trump playbook.
Dude your shrink called, you missed your appointment.

Dear Sly Hunter:

Candy corn is right.


Ted Cruz’s Dad
I'm worried about Biden, I think he can win. What we need is everyone register as Democrats and Nominate Bernie Sanders for the Democrat contender. If Biden wins the Nomination Trump might lose 2020.
Naw, just continue to say tRump didn't get help from the Russians and ignore their interference.
I'm worried about Biden, I think he can win. What we need is everyone register as Democrats and Nominate Bernie Sanders for the Democrat contender. If Biden wins the Nomination Trump might lose 2020.
Naw, just continue to say tRump didn't get help from the Russians and ignore their interference.
You mean like you ignored Hillary and the Russians dealing for Uranium?
I'm worried about Biden, I think he can win. What we need is everyone register as Democrats and Nominate Bernie Sanders for the Democrat contender. If Biden wins the Nomination Trump might lose 2020.
Naw, just continue to say tRump didn't get help from the Russians and ignore their interference.
You mean like you ignored Hillary and the Russians dealing for Uranium?

You know that was nothing more than conservitard media conspiracy theories right?
I'm worried about Biden, I think he can win. What we need is everyone register as Democrats and Nominate Bernie Sanders for the Democrat contender. If Biden wins the Nomination Trump might lose 2020.
Naw, just continue to say tRump didn't get help from the Russians and ignore their interference.
You mean like you ignored Hillary and the Russians dealing for Uranium?

You know that was nothing more than conservitard media conspiracy theories right?
Is that anything like the witch hunt going on in the House?
I'm worried about Biden, I think he can win. What we need is everyone register as Democrats and Nominate Bernie Sanders for the Democrat contender. If Biden wins the Nomination Trump might lose 2020.
How Conservatives win is to actually run Conservatives. There is a big difference between Republicans and Conservatives.
I'm worried about Biden, I think he can win. What we need is everyone register as Democrats and Nominate Bernie Sanders for the Democrat contender. If Biden wins the Nomination Trump might lose 2020.

So far there is not a single conservative candidate, though that might change after the smaller parties announce their candidates.

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