How dare the FBI look into meddling of an election

If you believe that then why are guys so silent on Barr, he is acting as Trump's personal attorney instead of the USAG.

Rudolph Giuliani ins President Trump's personal attorney. Mr. Barr is merely acting as the President's Wing Man, the proper role of an AG.

It's not the AG's role to cover for the president's misdeeds

No it is not. But it is his job to act as the President's Wing Man. That was established during the Obama Regime.
Says who?

Says highly respected Liberal leader Eric Holder.

Eric Holder: 'I'm still the president's wingman'

He doesn't say I lie and cover up for him.
Rudolph Giuliani ins President Trump's personal attorney. Mr. Barr is merely acting as the President's Wing Man, the proper role of an AG.

It's not the AG's role to cover for the president's misdeeds

No it is not. But it is his job to act as the President's Wing Man. That was established during the Obama Regime.
Says who?

Says highly respected Liberal leader Eric Holder.

Eric Holder: 'I'm still the president's wingman'

He doesn't say I lie and cover up for him.

Mr. Barr hasn't been convicted of perjury or obstruction. In fact, Mr. Mueller said nothing when his boss corrected him. Mueller is considered the height of integrity.

Well we've been promised 50 times in the past two every swinging dick progressive....that Trump was going to jail....

After Flynn.....after Clapper.....after Kushner...after Manifort.....after Rosenstein.....after Stone......after Cohen.....after Comey.....many others Im forgetting:113::113:

Still batting 0.00.....yuk....yuk.....

I will give progressives credit for resiliency, but I guess the ? becomes, why? Why when you spend every day like this....:102::102::102::102::102::102::102:

I mean, c'mon now..... I would say it is time to find another hobby. At least find a hobby where you would win every so often:2up:
Progressives are winning. Obstruction, Collusion, and campaign finance violations were proven. And just recently, a conspiracy to collude with Turkey by the Trump campaign was uncovered.

If the progressives are "winning" , why is Nancy cowering away from putting Impeachment up for a vote?
I've seen no indication of that. She wants to uncover every crumb of evidence which is a smart move. Doing that takes time. For example, this latest conspiracy with Flynn and Turkey that he got paid for to influence the election will have to be gone over with a fine tooth comb.
It's not the AG's role to cover for the president's misdeeds

No it is not. But it is his job to act as the President's Wing Man. That was established during the Obama Regime.
Says who?

Says highly respected Liberal leader Eric Holder.

Eric Holder: 'I'm still the president's wingman'

He doesn't say I lie and cover up for him.

Mr. Barr hasn't been convicted of perjury or obstruction. In fact, Mr. Mueller said nothing when his boss corrected him. Mueller is considered the height of integrity.
The evidence is there to impeach Barr of perjury. He mislead the country, willfully or unwillfully. We know it was the former.
No it is not. But it is his job to act as the President's Wing Man. That was established during the Obama Regime.
Says who?

Says highly respected Liberal leader Eric Holder.

Eric Holder: 'I'm still the president's wingman'

He doesn't say I lie and cover up for him.

Mr. Barr hasn't been convicted of perjury or obstruction. In fact, Mr. Mueller said nothing when his boss corrected him. Mueller is considered the height of integrity.
The evidence is there to impeach Barr of perjury.

Again, if the evidence is there to impeach Barr, Ms. Pelosi should bring it to a vote.
Says who?

Says highly respected Liberal leader Eric Holder.

Eric Holder: 'I'm still the president's wingman'

He doesn't say I lie and cover up for him.

Mr. Barr hasn't been convicted of perjury or obstruction. In fact, Mr. Mueller said nothing when his boss corrected him. Mueller is considered the height of integrity.
The evidence is there to impeach Barr of perjury.

Again, if the evidence is there to impeach Barr, Ms. Pelosi should bring it to a vote.
I agree. Hopefully she will. Barr was caught red handed not being straight with the American people when he mischaracterized the report where over a thousand prosecutors said Trump committed obstruction. And even now, with this new evidence about Flynn and conspiracy, this really makes Barr look like a stooge for Trump.
America doesnt know who John Durham is yet.....

5 Things to Know About John Durham—Barr's Pick to Probe Root of Russia Investigation | Connecticut Law Tribune

But they will!:hyper::hyper:

By years end, this guy is going to be the most hated man in America by progressives! Even more than Trump.:2up: Conservatives in here are going to be laughing their collective balls off watching the misery level skyrocket among the libs ( as if that is possible :coffee:).

Once this guy is done, the most elaborate hoax in the history of the world ( with the exception of AGW ) will be exposed like Al Pichino's teeth in The Marathon Man.( or was it Dustin Hoffman? :dunno:)
America doesnt know who John Durham is yet.....

5 Things to Know About John Durham—Barr's Pick to Probe Root of Russia Investigation | Connecticut Law Tribune

But they will!:hyper::hyper:

By years end, this guy is going to be the most hated man in America by progressives! Even more than Trump.:2up: Conservatives in here are going to be laughing their collective balls off watching the misery level skyrocket among the libs ( as if that is possible :coffee:).

Once this guy is done, the most elaborate hoax in the history of the world ( with the exception of AGW ) will be exposed like Al Pichino's teeth in The Marathon Man.( or was it Dustin Hoffman? :dunno:)

Mr. Durham's beard, mustache and scowl on his face tell me he is no-nonsense.

Libs just are not going to appreciate it.

If I were McCabe or Comey, I'd learn the card game of Spades and how to appreciate ramen noodles. Absolutely essential skills in the big house where they are going.
America doesnt know who John Durham is yet.....

5 Things to Know About John Durham—Barr's Pick to Probe Root of Russia Investigation | Connecticut Law Tribune

But they will!:hyper::hyper:

By years end, this guy is going to be the most hated man in America by progressives! Even more than Trump.:2up: Conservatives in here are going to be laughing their collective balls off watching the misery level skyrocket among the libs ( as if that is possible :coffee:).

Once this guy is done, the most elaborate hoax in the history of the world ( with the exception of AGW ) will be exposed like Al Pichino's teeth in The Marathon Man.( or was it Dustin Hoffman? :dunno:)
And the Nunez smoking gun memo Republicans were all talking about? :auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:What happened to that? Go get em hot shot. To go along with all the other gigantic manufactured scandals that got you all a bunch of big fat zeros. You're losers.

Well we've been promised 50 times in the past two every swinging dick progressive....that Trump was going to jail....

After Flynn.....after Clapper.....after Kushner...after Manifort.....after Rosenstein.....after Stone......after Cohen.....after Comey.....many others Im forgetting:113::113:

Still batting 0.00.....yuk....yuk.....

I will give progressives credit for resiliency, but I guess the ? becomes, why? Why when you spend every day like this....:102::102::102::102::102::102::102:

I mean, c'mon now..... I would say it is time to find another hobby. At least find a hobby where you would win every so often:2up:
Progressives are winning. Obstruction, Collusion, and campaign finance violations were proven. And just recently, a conspiracy to collude with Turkey by the Trump campaign was uncovered.

If the progressives are "winning" , why is Nancy cowering away from putting Impeachment up for a vote?
I've seen no indication of that. She wants to uncover every crumb of evidence which is a smart move. Doing that takes time. For example, this latest conspiracy with Flynn and Turkey that he got paid for to influence the election will have to be gone over with a fine tooth comb.

Lol....nobody cares about Turkey and Flynn. That was a story for about 3 hours a few nights ago. Havent heard dick about it since from anywhere.:aug08_031::aug08_031:
America doesnt know who John Durham is yet.....

5 Things to Know About John Durham—Barr's Pick to Probe Root of Russia Investigation | Connecticut Law Tribune

But they will!:hyper::hyper:

By years end, this guy is going to be the most hated man in America by progressives! Even more than Trump.:2up: Conservatives in here are going to be laughing their collective balls off watching the misery level skyrocket among the libs ( as if that is possible :coffee:).

Once this guy is done, the most elaborate hoax in the history of the world ( with the exception of AGW ) will be exposed like Al Pichino's teeth in The Marathon Man.( or was it Dustin Hoffman? :dunno:)

Mr. Durham's beard, mustache and scowl on his face tell me he is no-nonsense.

Libs just are not going to appreciate it.

If I were McCabe or Comey, I'd learn the card game of Spades and how to appreciate ramen noodles. Absolutely essential skills in the big house where they are going.
Will he invent shit like Nunez, Trump, and Barr? They're already famous for that.

Well we've been promised 50 times in the past two every swinging dick progressive....that Trump was going to jail....

After Flynn.....after Clapper.....after Kushner...after Manifort.....after Rosenstein.....after Stone......after Cohen.....after Comey.....many others Im forgetting:113::113:

Still batting 0.00.....yuk....yuk.....

I will give progressives credit for resiliency, but I guess the ? becomes, why? Why when you spend every day like this....:102::102::102::102::102::102::102:

I mean, c'mon now..... I would say it is time to find another hobby. At least find a hobby where you would win every so often:2up:
Progressives are winning. Obstruction, Collusion, and campaign finance violations were proven. And just recently, a conspiracy to collude with Turkey by the Trump campaign was uncovered.

If the progressives are "winning" , why is Nancy cowering away from putting Impeachment up for a vote?
I've seen no indication of that. She wants to uncover every crumb of evidence which is a smart move. Doing that takes time. For example, this latest conspiracy with Flynn and Turkey that he got paid for to influence the election will have to be gone over with a fine tooth comb.

Lol....nobody cares about Turkey and Flynn. That was a story for about 3 hours a few nights ago. Havent heard dick about it since from anywhere.:aug08_031::aug08_031:
It's in a transcript. Maybe it's time the willfully stupid start looking around past their noses that are stuck up Trump's ass. ttps://
My OP gave multiple reasons and justifications for the FISA warrants. All of that has been explained in detail, and no Trump Toad has been able to debunk that information. You all are losers who keep repeating the same tired argument without arguing points, and you all look like the chicken with the head cut off doing it. Repeat the same lies over and over, and they're still the same lies.

BWKSilver Member
Nov 20, 2018
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DOJ surprises with omissions in response to Flynn document order :auiqs.jpg: Even if this were fictional , it would be hard to take seriously as a fictional movie for example. And yet, it really happened. The fact that Trump supporters were duped into the biggest con game in US history ought to tell the country just how far off the rails this country has gone, and how vulnerable and naive we are. A third of the country was conned like no other con, and yet, they still never cared. Everything that went bad in an election went bad, and Trump supporters ignored all of it. Trump literally could have said I actually did murder people on Fifth Avenue and they would have been okay with it.

But, to address the thread, we have to highlight this monologue to truly appreciate just how sinister the Trump campaign was.

First, and during the campaign, we have Paul Manafort getting a loan in Chicago, bribing the head of the bank for $16 million dollars, and in return, the banker would be secretary of the army. But low and behold, it was revealed that Manafort had ties to Russia and Ukraine and was let go from the campaign, but still had an agreement with the banker. Lol! You really can't make this shit up. Needless to say, Trump had to have known about it.

Secondly, and this is even better, Mike Flynn was cutting deals with Ukraine for money to change the Republican platform towards Ukraine, and while doing that, Trump supporters are cheering for something they had no idea what they were cheering for. What a bunch of dupes. And then, Flynn was hired to kidnap and write damaging reports about a guy in Pennsylvania who was from Turkey, but living in the US, who they wanted back in their country, but that fell through. In addition, they wanted to try and tie this Turkish guy who was a US citizen, by getting Flynn to tie him with Clinton and international terrorism. Flynn was accepting money from Ukraine to damage the Clinton campaign. And by the way, that is a conspiracy to collude with a foreign government against your political opponent. Which is why prosecutors have refused to hand over all transcripts pertaining to Flynn and those communications he had with Ukraine.

And here's the most insane part of all this. Bill Barr wants to investigate the FBI as to how and why the FBI was investigating these people. :auiqs.jpg:A man or woman would have to be either retarded beyond description, or a bald faced liar to believe Bill Barr was actually concerned that the FBI had done inappropriate spying on the campaign. Are you friggin kidding me? We had a massive amount of activity, where people in the Trump organization were colluding and conspiring with foreign governments, the likes this country has never seen before to gain favors and to help get Trump elected.

This is to Bill Barr; please do not insult our intelligence any longer with manufactured investigations, investigating the very people who exposed massive corruption within the Trump organization and campaign with their heroic work spying on Russia and Ukraine. How dare the FBI look at all that right? :auiqs.jpg:Folks, you just can't make this shit up.

My OP gave multiple reasons and justifications for the FISA warrants.

The FISA warrants where they lied about the dossier being confirmed?

That's exactly the point. If FBI personnel signed off on a FISA application saying that the dossier was confirmed- yet it wasn't- that's a crime. Perjury. Obstruction. Submitting phony documents and lying to a court.

People would need to go to prison for a long time, because it is so damaging to our democracy.

The FISA Court is a secret court where the subjects to the FISA warrants are not given a chance to defend themselves. That's why it is so critically important that no lying be tolerated.
Damn you people are ignorant as hell. They didn't sign off on FISA because of the Dossier. Do you folks ever research anything? The FBI confirmed parts of the Dossier much later when McCain turned it in to the FBI. The confirmation of parts of the Dossier that they looked into came much later.

IOW, you're admitting that they lied when they said it was verified. That's a problem.
I've maintained the whole time that parts of it were verified. I don't know what you are talking about; Revisiting the Trump-Russia dossier: What's right, wrong and still unclear? - CNNPolitics

When they signed the paper stating that the information was verified and true, did they know that for a fact? That is the question.
America doesnt know who John Durham is yet.....

5 Things to Know About John Durham—Barr's Pick to Probe Root of Russia Investigation | Connecticut Law Tribune

But they will!:hyper::hyper:

By years end, this guy is going to be the most hated man in America by progressives! Even more than Trump.:2up: Conservatives in here are going to be laughing their collective balls off watching the misery level skyrocket among the libs ( as if that is possible :coffee:).

Once this guy is done, the most elaborate hoax in the history of the world ( with the exception of :backpedal::backpedal:AGW ) will be exposed like Al Pichino's teeth in The Marathon Man.( or was it Dustin Hoffman? :dunno:)
And the Nunez smoking gun memo Republicans were all talking about? :auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:What happened to that? Go get em hot shot. To go along with all the other gigantic manufactured scandals that got you all a bunch of big fat zeros. You're losers.

John Durham s0n.....:backpedal::backpedal:......stock up on KY while it's still on the shelves.:2up:
And we all thought the Kavanaugh meltdown was historic!!

Wait'll Barr starts ramping this shit up....makes me giddy thinking of the run up to the 2020 election. There's gonna be some angry, miserable fuckers out there!!:113::rock::rock::rock:
America doesnt know who John Durham is yet.....

5 Things to Know About John Durham—Barr's Pick to Probe Root of Russia Investigation | Connecticut Law Tribune

But they will!:hyper::hyper:

By years end, this guy is going to be the most hated man in America by progressives! Even more than Trump.:2up: Conservatives in here are going to be laughing their collective balls off watching the misery level skyrocket among the libs ( as if that is possible :coffee:).

Once this guy is done, the most elaborate hoax in the history of the world ( with the exception of :backpedal::backpedal:AGW ) will be exposed like Al Pichino's teeth in The Marathon Man.( or was it Dustin Hoffman? :dunno:)
And the Nunez smoking gun memo Republicans were all talking about? :auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:What happened to that? Go get em hot shot. To go along with all the other gigantic manufactured scandals that got you all a bunch of big fat zeros. You're losers.

John Durham s0n.....:backpedal::backpedal:......stock up on KY while it's still on the shelves.:2up:
Silly immature posts are your worst enemy. Think about it, Durham is going to investigate the FBI, when, at the same time, Flynn and Trump are caught up in a conspiracy with Turkey that has been exposed via transcripts, where Flynn got paid by Turkey to damage Clinton. Does anyone know what that is? That is a conspiracy to collude with a foreign government against a presidential candidate. And Barr wants to look into wrong doing by the FBI? If this weren't so sad, it would be laughable. This just proves the level of corruption by Barr and Trump.ttps://

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