How dare the FBI look into meddling of an election

And we all thought the Kavanaugh meltdown was historic!!

Wait'll Barr starts ramping this shit up....makes me giddy thinking of the run up to the 2020 election. There's gonna be some angry, miserable fuckers out there!!:113::rock::rock::rock:
What's he going to use? The toilet paper from the disgraced Nunez memo? :auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:
Russia never interfered in the 2016 election? Really?
Russia did but not with Collusion with the Trump Campaign that you were lied to by the liberals in charge. As a matter of FACT it was the Hillary paid for Russian Dossier that was used for spying on a US citizen, as opposition research. You are such a stupid twit.
Mueller proved you were wrong. Do you know the difference between "collusion" and "conspiracy?"

No evidence of conspiracy, we know.
But collusion was proven. The acts occurred. There just was no formal agreement. The acts were immoral and unethical, because they accepted the help.

However, in the case of Flynn, he was paid money by Turkey to try and kidnap a guy living in Pennsylvania who was a citizen of the US but was a Turk. And the payment was also made to Flynn to create news that Clinton was involved in a terrorist plot with the guy in Pennsylvania. That's an agreement to collude with a foreign government, and he got paid to damage Clinton politically with a made up story. That is a conspiracy. DOJ surprises with omissions in response to Flynn document order

You'd better let Pelosi know that random internet keyboard jockeys are finding stuff she missed. And Mueller. You know, the guy who wrote the report and said he couldn't prove conspiracy.
Conspiracy has been proven. You just don't know it yet; ttps://
America doesnt know who John Durham is yet.....

5 Things to Know About John Durham—Barr's Pick to Probe Root of Russia Investigation | Connecticut Law Tribune

But they will!:hyper::hyper:

By years end, this guy is going to be the most hated man in America by progressives! Even more than Trump.:2up: Conservatives in here are going to be laughing their collective balls off watching the misery level skyrocket among the libs ( as if that is possible :coffee:).

Once this guy is done, the most elaborate hoax in the history of the world ( with the exception of :backpedal::backpedal:AGW ) will be exposed like Al Pichino's teeth in The Marathon Man.( or was it Dustin Hoffman? :dunno:)
And the Nunez smoking gun memo Republicans were all talking about? :auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:What happened to that? Go get em hot shot. To go along with all the other gigantic manufactured scandals that got you all a bunch of big fat zeros. You're losers.

John Durham s0n.....:backpedal::backpedal:......stock up on KY while it's still on the shelves.:2up:
Silly immature posts are your worst enemy. Think about it, Durham is going to investigate the FBI, when, at the same time, Flynn and Trump are caught up in a conspiracy with Turkey that has been exposed via transcripts, where Flynn got paid by Turkey to damage Clinton. Does anyone know what that is? That is a conspiracy to collude with a foreign government against a presidential candidate. And Barr wants to look into wrong doing by the FBI? If this weren't so sad, it would be laughable. This just proves the level of corruption by Barr and Trump.

Opinions based upon wild speculation = ghey.

Trump near 50% even before Barr starts dropping MOAB's on the DUMS. That's all we care about.....the political carnage.

Just wish the Dums would get off their asses and vote to impeach already.....what's the fucking holdup now?!!!:uhh::uhh::uhh:
And the truth has come out about a conspiracy to collude; ttps:// Tell Barr to investigate something that is actually real.

Why didn't Mueller save a lot of time and money and just ask you? You could have told him everything you wanted him to know.
Mueller didn't have everything he needed at the time. Now we do; ttps:// And so does Congress and the judge.
America doesnt know who John Durham is yet.....

5 Things to Know About John Durham—Barr's Pick to Probe Root of Russia Investigation | Connecticut Law Tribune

But they will!:hyper::hyper:

By years end, this guy is going to be the most hated man in America by progressives! Even more than Trump.:2up: Conservatives in here are going to be laughing their collective balls off watching the misery level skyrocket among the libs ( as if that is possible :coffee:).

Once this guy is done, the most elaborate hoax in the history of the world ( with the exception of :backpedal::backpedal:AGW ) will be exposed like Al Pichino's teeth in The Marathon Man.( or was it Dustin Hoffman? :dunno:)
And the Nunez smoking gun memo Republicans were all talking about? :auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:What happened to that? Go get em hot shot. To go along with all the other gigantic manufactured scandals that got you all a bunch of big fat zeros. You're losers.

John Durham s0n.....:backpedal::backpedal:......stock up on KY while it's still on the shelves.:2up:
Silly immature posts are your worst enemy. Think about it, Durham is going to investigate the FBI, when, at the same time, Flynn and Trump are caught up in a conspiracy with Turkey that has been exposed via transcripts, where Flynn got paid by Turkey to damage Clinton. Does anyone know what that is? That is a conspiracy to collude with a foreign government against a presidential candidate. And Barr wants to look into wrong doing by the FBI? If this weren't so sad, it would be laughable. This just proves the level of corruption by Barr and Trump.

Opinions based upon wild speculation = ghey.

Trump near 50% even before Barr starts dropping MOAB's on the DUMS. That's all we care about.....the political carnage.

Just wish the Dums would get off their asses and vote to impeach already.....what's the fucking holdup now?!!!:uhh::uhh::uhh:
Transcripts in the form of emails and audio are not speculation.
Russia did but not with Collusion with the Trump Campaign that you were lied to by the liberals in charge. As a matter of FACT it was the Hillary paid for Russian Dossier that was used for spying on a US citizen, as opposition research. You are such a stupid twit.
Mueller proved you were wrong. Do you know the difference between "collusion" and "conspiracy?"

No evidence of conspiracy, we know.
But collusion was proven. The acts occurred. There just was no formal agreement. The acts were immoral and unethical, because they accepted the help.

However, in the case of Flynn, he was paid money by Turkey to try and kidnap a guy living in Pennsylvania who was a citizen of the US but was a Turk. And the payment was also made to Flynn to create news that Clinton was involved in a terrorist plot with the guy in Pennsylvania. That's an agreement to collude with a foreign government, and he got paid to damage Clinton politically with a made up story. That is a conspiracy. DOJ surprises with omissions in response to Flynn document order

You'd better let Pelosi know that random internet keyboard jockeys are finding stuff she missed. And Mueller. You know, the guy who wrote the report and said he couldn't prove conspiracy.
Conspiracy has been proven. You just don't know it yet; ttps://

That's called "conspiracy theory". They have a forum in here btw.....
And the truth has come out about a conspiracy to collude; ttps:// Tell Barr to investigate something that is actually real.

Why didn't Mueller save a lot of time and money and just ask you? You could have told him everything you wanted him to know.
The courts have it now. I'm not the court.
Mueller proved you were wrong. Do you know the difference between "collusion" and "conspiracy?"

No evidence of conspiracy, we know.
But collusion was proven. The acts occurred. There just was no formal agreement. The acts were immoral and unethical, because they accepted the help.

However, in the case of Flynn, he was paid money by Turkey to try and kidnap a guy living in Pennsylvania who was a citizen of the US but was a Turk. And the payment was also made to Flynn to create news that Clinton was involved in a terrorist plot with the guy in Pennsylvania. That's an agreement to collude with a foreign government, and he got paid to damage Clinton politically with a made up story. That is a conspiracy. DOJ surprises with omissions in response to Flynn document order

You'd better let Pelosi know that random internet keyboard jockeys are finding stuff she missed. And Mueller. You know, the guy who wrote the report and said he couldn't prove conspiracy.
Conspiracy has been proven. You just don't know it yet; ttps://

That's called "conspiracy theory". They have a forum in here btw.....
How is a transcript describing the correspondence between Flynn and Turkey paying Flynn to damage Clinton a conspiracy theory?
That bed wetting lunatic is still screaming at the stop sign?

Russia did but not with Collusion with the Trump Campaign that you were lied to by the liberals in charge. As a matter of FACT it was the Hillary paid for Russian Dossier that was used for spying on a US citizen, as opposition research. You are such a stupid twit.
Mueller proved you were wrong. Do you know the difference between "collusion" and "conspiracy?"

No evidence of conspiracy, we know.
But collusion was proven. The acts occurred. There just was no formal agreement. The acts were immoral and unethical, because they accepted the help.

However, in the case of Flynn, he was paid money by Turkey to try and kidnap a guy living in Pennsylvania who was a citizen of the US but was a Turk. And the payment was also made to Flynn to create news that Clinton was involved in a terrorist plot with the guy in Pennsylvania. That's an agreement to collude with a foreign government, and he got paid to damage Clinton politically with a made up story. That is a conspiracy. DOJ surprises with omissions in response to Flynn document order

You'd better let Pelosi know that random internet keyboard jockeys are finding stuff she missed. And Mueller. You know, the guy who wrote the report and said he couldn't prove conspiracy.
Conspiracy has been proven. You just don't know it yet; ttps://

Why didn't Mueller just ask you and saved us all the money?
Mueller proved you were wrong. Do you know the difference between "collusion" and "conspiracy?"

No evidence of conspiracy, we know.
But collusion was proven. The acts occurred. There just was no formal agreement. The acts were immoral and unethical, because they accepted the help.

However, in the case of Flynn, he was paid money by Turkey to try and kidnap a guy living in Pennsylvania who was a citizen of the US but was a Turk. And the payment was also made to Flynn to create news that Clinton was involved in a terrorist plot with the guy in Pennsylvania. That's an agreement to collude with a foreign government, and he got paid to damage Clinton politically with a made up story. That is a conspiracy. DOJ surprises with omissions in response to Flynn document order

You'd better let Pelosi know that random internet keyboard jockeys are finding stuff she missed. And Mueller. You know, the guy who wrote the report and said he couldn't prove conspiracy.
Conspiracy has been proven. You just don't know it yet; ttps://

Why didn't Mueller just ask you and saved us all the money?
You've resorted to stupid talk, which is my desired end game. Once the Trump stooges play that card, it just means they've lost the argument. Thanks!
No evidence of conspiracy, we know.
But collusion was proven. The acts occurred. There just was no formal agreement. The acts were immoral and unethical, because they accepted the help.

However, in the case of Flynn, he was paid money by Turkey to try and kidnap a guy living in Pennsylvania who was a citizen of the US but was a Turk. And the payment was also made to Flynn to create news that Clinton was involved in a terrorist plot with the guy in Pennsylvania. That's an agreement to collude with a foreign government, and he got paid to damage Clinton politically with a made up story. That is a conspiracy. DOJ surprises with omissions in response to Flynn document order

You'd better let Pelosi know that random internet keyboard jockeys are finding stuff she missed. And Mueller. You know, the guy who wrote the report and said he couldn't prove conspiracy.
Conspiracy has been proven. You just don't know it yet; ttps://

Why didn't Mueller just ask you and saved us all the money?
You've resorted to stupid talk, which is my desired end game. Once the Trump stooges play that card, it just means they've lost the argument. Thanks!

I'm just working with what you give me. You're so absolutely certain about things that someone far more experienced, far more knowledgeable, with far more resources, staff and time refused to state certainly. So no, you don't get taken seriously. In fact, you get mocked.
As a government employee, the "Hatch Act" was created to keep partisan politics out of the government where people who are supposed to be public servants under the executive branch cant show their political influence. But thanks to Oblammer, when Lois "the crooked: Lerner decided to weaponize the IRS against conservative organizations, the flood gates were opened. You fuckers on the left would be screaming bloody murder if President Trump decided to do the same. Shame on you retards for allowing this shit to happen...

If you believe that then why are guys so silent on Barr, he is acting as Trump's personal attorney instead of the USAG.
You are an idiot. The past Admin, which had so many Hatch Acts and all you can do is look away. Fuck you asshole, this is why those on the right HATE the liberals.
No evidence of conspiracy, we know.
But collusion was proven. The acts occurred. There just was no formal agreement. The acts were immoral and unethical, because they accepted the help.

However, in the case of Flynn, he was paid money by Turkey to try and kidnap a guy living in Pennsylvania who was a citizen of the US but was a Turk. And the payment was also made to Flynn to create news that Clinton was involved in a terrorist plot with the guy in Pennsylvania. That's an agreement to collude with a foreign government, and he got paid to damage Clinton politically with a made up story. That is a conspiracy. DOJ surprises with omissions in response to Flynn document order

You'd better let Pelosi know that random internet keyboard jockeys are finding stuff she missed. And Mueller. You know, the guy who wrote the report and said he couldn't prove conspiracy.
Conspiracy has been proven. You just don't know it yet; ttps://

Why didn't Mueller just ask you and saved us all the money?
You've resorted to stupid talk, which is my desired end game. Once the Trump stooges play that card, it just means they've lost the argument. Thanks!
why didn't he? He never concluded your position. he missed you.
But collusion was proven. The acts occurred. There just was no formal agreement. The acts were immoral and unethical, because they accepted the help.

However, in the case of Flynn, he was paid money by Turkey to try and kidnap a guy living in Pennsylvania who was a citizen of the US but was a Turk. And the payment was also made to Flynn to create news that Clinton was involved in a terrorist plot with the guy in Pennsylvania. That's an agreement to collude with a foreign government, and he got paid to damage Clinton politically with a made up story. That is a conspiracy. DOJ surprises with omissions in response to Flynn document order

You'd better let Pelosi know that random internet keyboard jockeys are finding stuff she missed. And Mueller. You know, the guy who wrote the report and said he couldn't prove conspiracy.
Conspiracy has been proven. You just don't know it yet; ttps://

Why didn't Mueller just ask you and saved us all the money?
You've resorted to stupid talk, which is my desired end game. Once the Trump stooges play that card, it just means they've lost the argument. Thanks!
why didn't he? He never concluded your position. he missed you.
hadit maybe he's actually adam schitt.
You'd better let Pelosi know that random internet keyboard jockeys are finding stuff she missed. And Mueller. You know, the guy who wrote the report and said he couldn't prove conspiracy.
Conspiracy has been proven. You just don't know it yet; ttps://

Why didn't Mueller just ask you and saved us all the money?
You've resorted to stupid talk, which is my desired end game. Once the Trump stooges play that card, it just means they've lost the argument. Thanks!
why didn't he? He never concluded your position. he missed you.
hadit maybe he's actually adam schitt.

Could be. Still waiting to see what he has that Mueller missed too.
As a government employee, the "Hatch Act" was created to keep partisan politics out of the government where people who are supposed to be public servants under the executive branch cant show their political influence. But thanks to Oblammer, when Lois "the crooked: Lerner decided to weaponize the IRS against conservative organizations, the flood gates were opened. You fuckers on the left would be screaming bloody murder if President Trump decided to do the same. Shame on you retards for allowing this shit to happen...

If you believe that then why are guys so silent on Barr, he is acting as Trump's personal attorney instead of the USAG.
You are an idiot. The past Admin, which had so many Hatch Acts and all you can do is look away. Fuck you asshole, this is why those on the right HATE the liberals.
The last administration had none, and you have no proof, proving you are a liar.

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