How dare the FBI look into meddling of an election

But collusion was proven. The acts occurred. There just was no formal agreement. The acts were immoral and unethical, because they accepted the help.

However, in the case of Flynn, he was paid money by Turkey to try and kidnap a guy living in Pennsylvania who was a citizen of the US but was a Turk. And the payment was also made to Flynn to create news that Clinton was involved in a terrorist plot with the guy in Pennsylvania. That's an agreement to collude with a foreign government, and he got paid to damage Clinton politically with a made up story. That is a conspiracy. DOJ surprises with omissions in response to Flynn document order

You'd better let Pelosi know that random internet keyboard jockeys are finding stuff she missed. And Mueller. You know, the guy who wrote the report and said he couldn't prove conspiracy.
Conspiracy has been proven. You just don't know it yet; ttps://

Why didn't Mueller just ask you and saved us all the money?
You've resorted to stupid talk, which is my desired end game. Once the Trump stooges play that card, it just means they've lost the argument. Thanks!

I'm just working with what you give me. You're so absolutely certain about things that someone far more experienced, far more knowledgeable, with far more resources, staff and time refused to state certainly. So no, you don't get taken seriously. In fact, you get mocked.
What I gave you are documented facts. You aren't working with them if you aren't refuting the accuracy of those transcripts, therefore, you are just giving us a lot of stupid talk that means nothing. Debate like a man. Quit being a Trump stooge. ttps:// Can you debate the new evidence or not? Let's see what you've got hot shot. Pretend you can be something besides a stooge.
Lol! HADIT's got shit.

Not any more. I left it on your front porch in that box you thought was delivered from Amazon. I thought it appropriate, given your level of discourse.
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You'd better let Pelosi know that random internet keyboard jockeys are finding stuff she missed. And Mueller. You know, the guy who wrote the report and said he couldn't prove conspiracy.
Conspiracy has been proven. You just don't know it yet; ttps://

Why didn't Mueller just ask you and saved us all the money?
You've resorted to stupid talk, which is my desired end game. Once the Trump stooges play that card, it just means they've lost the argument. Thanks!

I'm just working with what you give me. You're so absolutely certain about things that someone far more experienced, far more knowledgeable, with far more resources, staff and time refused to state certainly. So no, you don't get taken seriously. In fact, you get mocked.
What I gave you are documented facts. You aren't working with them if you aren't refuting the accuracy of those transcripts, therefore, you are just giving us a lot of stupid talk that means nothing. Debate like a man. Quit being a Trump stooge. ttps:// Can you debate the new evidence or not? Let's see what you've got hot shot. Pretend you can be something besides a stooge.

And, like I've said repeatedly and you've repeatedly ignored, you'd better make sure Mueller has that stuff. I mean, he'd hate to be out done by a random internet keyboard jockey. Now, let's see if you're capable of a debate instead of a never ending stream of feeble excrement. Tell you what, I'll leave some on your porch. You seem to be getting a little low.

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