How dare the FBI look into meddling of an election

My OP gave multiple reasons and justifications for the FISA warrants. All of that has been explained in detail, and no Trump Toad has been able to debunk that information. You all are losers who keep repeating the same tired argument without arguing points, and you all look like the chicken with the head cut off doing it. Repeat the same lies over and over, and they're still the same lies.

BWKSilver Member
Nov 20, 2018
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Trophy Points:

DOJ surprises with omissions in response to Flynn document order :auiqs.jpg: Even if this were fictional , it would be hard to take seriously as a fictional movie for example. And yet, it really happened. The fact that Trump supporters were duped into the biggest con game in US history ought to tell the country just how far off the rails this country has gone, and how vulnerable and naive we are. A third of the country was conned like no other con, and yet, they still never cared. Everything that went bad in an election went bad, and Trump supporters ignored all of it. Trump literally could have said I actually did murder people on Fifth Avenue and they would have been okay with it.

But, to address the thread, we have to highlight this monologue to truly appreciate just how sinister the Trump campaign was.

First, and during the campaign, we have Paul Manafort getting a loan in Chicago, bribing the head of the bank for $16 million dollars, and in return, the banker would be secretary of the army. But low and behold, it was revealed that Manafort had ties to Russia and Ukraine and was let go from the campaign, but still had an agreement with the banker. Lol! You really can't make this shit up. Needless to say, Trump had to have known about it.

Secondly, and this is even better, Mike Flynn was cutting deals with Ukraine for money to change the Republican platform towards Ukraine, and while doing that, Trump supporters are cheering for something they had no idea what they were cheering for. What a bunch of dupes. And then, Flynn was hired to kidnap and write damaging reports about a guy in Pennsylvania who was from Turkey, but living in the US, who they wanted back in their country, but that fell through. In addition, they wanted to try and tie this Turkish guy who was a US citizen, by getting Flynn to tie him with Clinton and international terrorism. Flynn was accepting money from Ukraine to damage the Clinton campaign. And by the way, that is a conspiracy to collude with a foreign government against your political opponent. Which is why prosecutors have refused to hand over all transcripts pertaining to Flynn and those communications he had with Ukraine.

And here's the most insane part of all this. Bill Barr wants to investigate the FBI as to how and why the FBI was investigating these people. :auiqs.jpg:A man or woman would have to be either retarded beyond description, or a bald faced liar to believe Bill Barr was actually concerned that the FBI had done inappropriate spying on the campaign. Are you friggin kidding me? We had a massive amount of activity, where people in the Trump organization were colluding and conspiring with foreign governments, the likes this country has never seen before to gain favors and to help get Trump elected.

This is to Bill Barr; please do not insult our intelligence any longer with manufactured investigations, investigating the very people who exposed massive corruption within the Trump organization and campaign with their heroic work spying on Russia and Ukraine. How dare the FBI look at all that right? :auiqs.jpg:Folks, you just can't make this shit up.

My OP gave multiple reasons and justifications for the FISA warrants.

The FISA warrants where they lied about the dossier being confirmed?
More retarded questions that have no basis in fact. You lose again. The FBI stands by their confirmation and you have not proven they lied. Try again.

The FISA warrants where they failed to mention the dossier was paid for by the Clinton campaign?
The FISA warrants have nothing to do with Clinton paying for the Dossier. If it had, they would have uncovered such a thing. They did not. Try again.

Once the papers are declassified, we will all be able to see why the FISA warrants were issued, and exactly what papers were submitted. IF they are all in order, the FBI will have not problems. If they aren't, people are going to wish they never hear of William Barr, because he is no nonsense.
Do you have the slightest idea of how corrupt you are sounding on here? Nunez already got his hands on much of the classified information the first time, and that corrupt bastard didn't even read it. Why? Because Nunez staged the whole coup against the FBI to protect a criminal. He was just trying to make hay and noise and he lost. ttps://
My OP gave multiple reasons and justifications for the FISA warrants. All of that has been explained in detail, and no Trump Toad has been able to debunk that information. You all are losers who keep repeating the same tired argument without arguing points, and you all look like the chicken with the head cut off doing it. Repeat the same lies over and over, and they're still the same lies.

BWKSilver Member
Nov 20, 2018
Thanks Received:
Trophy Points:

DOJ surprises with omissions in response to Flynn document order :auiqs.jpg: Even if this were fictional , it would be hard to take seriously as a fictional movie for example. And yet, it really happened. The fact that Trump supporters were duped into the biggest con game in US history ought to tell the country just how far off the rails this country has gone, and how vulnerable and naive we are. A third of the country was conned like no other con, and yet, they still never cared. Everything that went bad in an election went bad, and Trump supporters ignored all of it. Trump literally could have said I actually did murder people on Fifth Avenue and they would have been okay with it.

But, to address the thread, we have to highlight this monologue to truly appreciate just how sinister the Trump campaign was.

First, and during the campaign, we have Paul Manafort getting a loan in Chicago, bribing the head of the bank for $16 million dollars, and in return, the banker would be secretary of the army. But low and behold, it was revealed that Manafort had ties to Russia and Ukraine and was let go from the campaign, but still had an agreement with the banker. Lol! You really can't make this shit up. Needless to say, Trump had to have known about it.

Secondly, and this is even better, Mike Flynn was cutting deals with Ukraine for money to change the Republican platform towards Ukraine, and while doing that, Trump supporters are cheering for something they had no idea what they were cheering for. What a bunch of dupes. And then, Flynn was hired to kidnap and write damaging reports about a guy in Pennsylvania who was from Turkey, but living in the US, who they wanted back in their country, but that fell through. In addition, they wanted to try and tie this Turkish guy who was a US citizen, by getting Flynn to tie him with Clinton and international terrorism. Flynn was accepting money from Ukraine to damage the Clinton campaign. And by the way, that is a conspiracy to collude with a foreign government against your political opponent. Which is why prosecutors have refused to hand over all transcripts pertaining to Flynn and those communications he had with Ukraine.

And here's the most insane part of all this. Bill Barr wants to investigate the FBI as to how and why the FBI was investigating these people. :auiqs.jpg:A man or woman would have to be either retarded beyond description, or a bald faced liar to believe Bill Barr was actually concerned that the FBI had done inappropriate spying on the campaign. Are you friggin kidding me? We had a massive amount of activity, where people in the Trump organization were colluding and conspiring with foreign governments, the likes this country has never seen before to gain favors and to help get Trump elected.

This is to Bill Barr; please do not insult our intelligence any longer with manufactured investigations, investigating the very people who exposed massive corruption within the Trump organization and campaign with their heroic work spying on Russia and Ukraine. How dare the FBI look at all that right? :auiqs.jpg:Folks, you just can't make this shit up.

My OP gave multiple reasons and justifications for the FISA warrants.

The FISA warrants where they lied about the dossier being confirmed?
More retarded questions that have no basis in fact. You lose again. The FBI stands by their confirmation and you have not proven they lied. Try again.

The FISA warrants where they failed to mention the dossier was paid for by the Clinton campaign?
The FISA warrants have nothing to do with Clinton paying for the Dossier. If it had, they would have uncovered such a thing. They did not. Try again.

The FISA warrants have nothing to do with Clinton paying for the Dossier.

If they told the FISA judge that the dossier was commissioned by the Clinton campaign, that wouldn't
have harmed their warrant applications? Seriously?

If it had, they would have uncovered such a thing.

It's public knowledge that the dossier was paid for by the Hillary campaign.
The dossier wasn't used in the FISA. The Dossier was looked into seriously after the election when McCain turned it into the FBI. Why are you folks so misinformed about everything?

As for the Dossier being paid for by Clinton, SO?
My OP gave multiple reasons and justifications for the FISA warrants.

The FISA warrants where they lied about the dossier being confirmed?
More retarded questions that have no basis in fact. You lose again. The FBI stands by their confirmation and you have not proven they lied. Try again.

Not yet. That's the purpose of the Durham probe. To see if the FBI did lie. If they did, they go to prison, they get ruined, fined, lose their career. But if they followed the rules, and they don't try to obstruct or lie, they have nothing to fear.
And they were already investigated and Nunez with his criminals already failed in finding anything with their fake memo. Lol! More corruption by the Right.

So what? Rep. Nunes doesn't work for the DOJ.

The people are demanding an investigation. They are concerned that the FBI may gone past their legal boundaries. Now, they can prove themselves innocent.
But he did manage to corrupt the investigation with a bogus attempt to declassify the FISA operation by exposing information that the FISA was done wrong by the FBI when it wasn't. So yes, Nunez is very significant in all this. "The people", meaning the Republican sore losers who realize Trump has been exposed for criminality are doing like Al Capone by going after the investigators. That is why they are demanding. It's the only corrupt card they have left. Time for hearings, impeachment, and jail for Trump. The bs is over.

No, the bs is just starting. AG William Barr is concerned that DOJ personnel didn't follow the rules.

That's what the Durham investigation is about. It has nothing to do with Rep. Nunes at all. Or President Trump. It has to do with whether or not the rights of suspects subjected to the FISA warrants were trifled with in any way. And if they were, there is going to be problems, as well there should be. Defendants have rights, this is America.
My OP gave multiple reasons and justifications for the FISA warrants.

The FISA warrants where they lied about the dossier being confirmed?
More retarded questions that have no basis in fact. You lose again. The FBI stands by their confirmation and you have not proven they lied. Try again.

The FISA warrants where they failed to mention the dossier was paid for by the Clinton campaign?
The FISA warrants have nothing to do with Clinton paying for the Dossier. If it had, they would have uncovered such a thing. They did not. Try again.

The FISA warrants have nothing to do with Clinton paying for the Dossier.

If they told the FISA judge that the dossier was commissioned by the Clinton campaign, that wouldn't
have harmed their warrant applications? Seriously?

If it had, they would have uncovered such a thing.

It's public knowledge that the dossier was paid for by the Hillary campaign.
The dossier wasn't used in the FISA. The Dossier was looked into seriously after the election when McCain turned it into the FBI. Why are you folks so misinformed about everything?

As for the Dossier being paid for by Clinton, SO?

How do you know that the dossier wasn't used in the FISA process? That's why all of the documents are being declassified. So we can all see exactly what was used.

And ponder this for a sec, BWK. President Trump and his Wing Man William Barr have both seen all of the FISA applications, all of the documents submitted to the court already. The President is playing you guys. He already knows what is on the last page of this story. Just like at Wrestlemania 23, he knew how that was going to turn out, everything done up to that point was just to build it up for we, the audience. This is the same. The end of the story is known.
More retarded questions that have no basis in fact. You lose again. The FBI stands by their confirmation and you have not proven they lied. Try again.

Not yet. That's the purpose of the Durham probe. To see if the FBI did lie. If they did, they go to prison, they get ruined, fined, lose their career. But if they followed the rules, and they don't try to obstruct or lie, they have nothing to fear.
And they were already investigated and Nunez with his criminals already failed in finding anything with their fake memo. Lol! More corruption by the Right.

So what? Rep. Nunes doesn't work for the DOJ.

The people are demanding an investigation. They are concerned that the FBI may gone past their legal boundaries. Now, they can prove themselves innocent.
But he did manage to corrupt the investigation with a bogus attempt to declassify the FISA operation by exposing information that the FISA was done wrong by the FBI when it wasn't. So yes, Nunez is very significant in all this. "The people", meaning the Republican sore losers who realize Trump has been exposed for criminality are doing like Al Capone by going after the investigators. That is why they are demanding. It's the only corrupt card they have left. Time for hearings, impeachment, and jail for Trump. The bs is over.

No, the bs is just starting. AG William Barr is concerned that DOJ personnel didn't follow the rules.

That's what the Durham investigation is about. It has nothing to do with Rep. Nunes at all. Or President Trump. It has to do with whether or not the rights of suspects subjected to the FISA warrants were trifled with in any way. And if they were, there is going to be problems, as well there should be. Defendants have rights, this is America.
The only rules that weren't followed was when Nunez manufactured a coup against the FBI to gain classified information about this case looking into Page, and the sorry ass Nunez didn't read it when he got it. And after that, the corrupt bastard had to recuse in shame because he'd been had. He's a fake and a fraud hiding criminality for Trump. And now Barr is taking up where Nunez left off with another coup. This insanity with Trump/Barr/ desperate Trump cultists will be coming to an end.
More retarded questions that have no basis in fact. You lose again. The FBI stands by their confirmation and you have not proven they lied. Try again.

The FISA warrants where they failed to mention the dossier was paid for by the Clinton campaign?
The FISA warrants have nothing to do with Clinton paying for the Dossier. If it had, they would have uncovered such a thing. They did not. Try again.

The FISA warrants have nothing to do with Clinton paying for the Dossier.

If they told the FISA judge that the dossier was commissioned by the Clinton campaign, that wouldn't
have harmed their warrant applications? Seriously?

If it had, they would have uncovered such a thing.

It's public knowledge that the dossier was paid for by the Hillary campaign.
The dossier wasn't used in the FISA. The Dossier was looked into seriously after the election when McCain turned it into the FBI. Why are you folks so misinformed about everything?

As for the Dossier being paid for by Clinton, SO?

How do you know that the dossier wasn't used in the FISA process? That's why all of the documents are being declassified. So we can all see exactly what was used.

And ponder this for a sec, BWK. President Trump and his Wing Man William Barr have both seen all of the FISA applications, all of the documents submitted to the court already. The President is playing you guys. He already knows what is on the last page of this story. Just like at Wrestlemania 23, he knew how that was going to turn out, everything done up to that point was just to build it up for we, the audience. This is the same. The end of the story is known.
Dossier Not What 'Started All of This' - They're all playing you.

“We started the investigations without the dossier. We were proceeding with the investigations before we ever received that information,” McCabe told CNN. “Was the dossier material important to the [FISA] package? Of course, it was. As was every fact included in that package. Was it the majority of what was in the package? Absolutely not.” Seriously bud, you haven't got a clue.
Last edited:
DOJ surprises with omissions in response to Flynn document order :auiqs.jpg: Even if this were fictional , it would be hard to take seriously as a fictional movie for example. And yet, it really happened. The fact that Trump supporters were duped into the biggest con game in US history ought to tell the country just how far off the rails this country has gone, and how vulnerable and naive we are. A third of the country was conned like no other con, and yet, they still never cared. Everything that went bad in an election went bad, and Trump supporters ignored all of it. Trump literally could have said I actually did murder people on Fifth Avenue and they would have been okay with it.

But, to address the thread, we have to highlight this monologue to truly appreciate just how sinister the Trump campaign was.

First, and during the campaign, we have Paul Manafort getting a loan in Chicago, bribing the head of the bank for $16 million dollars, and in return, the banker would be secretary of the army. But low and behold, it was revealed that Manafort had ties to Russia and Ukraine and was let go from the campaign, but still had an agreement with the banker. Lol! You really can't make this shit up. Needless to say, Trump had to have known about it.

Secondly, and this is even better, Mike Flynn was cutting deals with Ukraine for money to change the Republican platform towards Ukraine, and while doing that, Trump supporters are cheering for something they had no idea what they were cheering for. What a bunch of dupes. And then, Flynn was hired to kidnap and write damaging reports about a guy in Pennsylvania who was from Ukraine, but living in the US, who they wanted back in their country, but that fell through. In addition, they wanted to try and tie this Turkish guy who was a US citizen, by getting Flynn to tie him with Clinton and international terrorism. Flynn was accepting money from Ukraine to damage the Clinton campaign. And by the way, that is a conspiracy to collude with a foreign government against your political opponent. Which is why prosecutors have refused to hand over all transcripts pertaining to Flynn and those communications he had with Ukraine.

And here's the most insane part of all this. Bill Barr wants to investigate the FBI as to how and why the FBI was investigating these people. :auiqs.jpg:A man or woman would have to be either retarded beyond description, or a bald faced liar to believe Bill Barr was actually concerned that the FBI had done inappropriate spying on the campaign. Are you friggin kidding me? We had a massive amount of activity, where people in the Trump organization were colluding and conspiring with foreign governments, the likes this country has never seen before to gain favors and to help get Trump elected.

This is to Bill Barr; please do not insult our intelligence any longer with manufactured investigations, investigating the very people who exposed massive corruption within the Trump organization and campaign with their heroic work spying on Russia and Ukraine. How dare the FBI look at all that right? :auiqs.jpg:Folks, you just can't make this shit up.

There is clear-cut evidence that a foreign power has interfered in our country's elections. It spied; it spent; it spread disinformation. It was the United Kingdom, and the campaigns it attempted to influence took place in 1940.

This story has been told in such books as Desperate Deception and The Secret History of British Intelligence in the Americas, and now Politico has run an article about it. Hoping for help against the Germans, the British promoted candidates they found congenial to their interests. (They helped push Wendell Willkie for the Republican presidential nomination, for example, so that a pro-British internationalist would sit in the White House even if Franklin Roosevelt lost.)

When the British Interfered in American Elections

That's interesting. So, how does that excuse what we are doing here? You worry about your own dirty laundry, and let others worry about theirs.
The Dems thought that Russia had colluded with Pres.Trump's campaign, because all of the countries interferes with other countries' election. It is the norm. And so they were thinking that if Russia interfered, that they will have an excuse to remove Pres.Trump from office for the Logan Act that no other President in history has been remove from office from that Act. But they have found out that Pres.Trump never talked to any Russians during his campaign. Not even with Leonardo DiCaprio. He had won the election on his own, without any foreign help, which the Dems had thought that it was weird to win a election without any help from foreigners. Which it proves that the Dems are dependent on foreign aid.

Mueller in his report cited that Trump got help from Russia. Who are we to believe, you with your unrelated You-tube videos, or modern day evidence by Mueller? Lol! Boss, get real.

Even Putin admitted to helping Trump. :21: You folks are a trip.

So you were tricked into voting for Trump reading funny Russian memes?
Not yet. That's the purpose of the Durham probe. To see if the FBI did lie. If they did, they go to prison, they get ruined, fined, lose their career. But if they followed the rules, and they don't try to obstruct or lie, they have nothing to fear.
And they were already investigated and Nunez with his criminals already failed in finding anything with their fake memo. Lol! More corruption by the Right.

So what? Rep. Nunes doesn't work for the DOJ.

The people are demanding an investigation. They are concerned that the FBI may gone past their legal boundaries. Now, they can prove themselves innocent.
But he did manage to corrupt the investigation with a bogus attempt to declassify the FISA operation by exposing information that the FISA was done wrong by the FBI when it wasn't. So yes, Nunez is very significant in all this. "The people", meaning the Republican sore losers who realize Trump has been exposed for criminality are doing like Al Capone by going after the investigators. That is why they are demanding. It's the only corrupt card they have left. Time for hearings, impeachment, and jail for Trump. The bs is over.

No, the bs is just starting. AG William Barr is concerned that DOJ personnel didn't follow the rules.

That's what the Durham investigation is about. It has nothing to do with Rep. Nunes at all. Or President Trump. It has to do with whether or not the rights of suspects subjected to the FISA warrants were trifled with in any way. And if they were, there is going to be problems, as well there should be. Defendants have rights, this is America.
The only rules that weren't followed was when Nunez manufactured a coup against the FBI to gain classified information about this case looking into Page, and the sorry ass Nunez didn't read it when he got it. And after that, the corrupt bastard had

to recuse in shame because he'd been had. He's a fake and a fraud hiding criminality for Trump. And now Barr is taking up where Nunez left off with another coup. This insanity with Trump/Barr/ desperate Trump cultists will be coming to an end.

If the FBI agents are innocent, they have nothing to worry about in regards to the Durham investigation. They should be happy to speak with the investigators who will be giving them a chance to prove their innocence.
And they were already investigated and Nunez with his criminals already failed in finding anything with their fake memo. Lol! More corruption by the Right.

So what? Rep. Nunes doesn't work for the DOJ.

The people are demanding an investigation. They are concerned that the FBI may gone past their legal boundaries. Now, they can prove themselves innocent.
But he did manage to corrupt the investigation with a bogus attempt to declassify the FISA operation by exposing information that the FISA was done wrong by the FBI when it wasn't. So yes, Nunez is very significant in all this. "The people", meaning the Republican sore losers who realize Trump has been exposed for criminality are doing like Al Capone by going after the investigators. That is why they are demanding. It's the only corrupt card they have left. Time for hearings, impeachment, and jail for Trump. The bs is over.

No, the bs is just starting. AG William Barr is concerned that DOJ personnel didn't follow the rules.

That's what the Durham investigation is about. It has nothing to do with Rep. Nunes at all. Or President Trump. It has to do with whether or not the rights of suspects subjected to the FISA warrants were trifled with in any way. And if they were, there is going to be problems, as well there should be. Defendants have rights, this is America.
The only rules that weren't followed was when Nunez manufactured a coup against the FBI to gain classified information about this case looking into Page, and the sorry ass Nunez didn't read it when he got it. And after that, the corrupt bastard had

to recuse in shame because he'd been had. He's a fake and a fraud hiding criminality for Trump. And now Barr is taking up where Nunez left off with another coup. This insanity with Trump/Barr/ desperate Trump cultists will be coming to an end.

If the FBI agents are innocent, they have nothing to worry about in regards to the Durham investigation. They should be happy to speak with the investigators who will be giving them a chance to prove their innocence.
“We started the investigations without the dossier. We were proceeding with the investigations before we ever received that information,” McCabe told CNN. “Was the dossier material important to the [FISA] package? Of course, it was. As was every fact included in that package. Was it the majority of what was in the package? Absolutely not.” Get a clue. Anyone with a brain knows what Barr and the rest of the Gargoyles want. They're looking for another cooked up invention called a coup against the FBI. Stop being a stooge for criminals. Where is your self respect?
The FISA warrants where they failed to mention the dossier was paid for by the Clinton campaign?
The FISA warrants have nothing to do with Clinton paying for the Dossier. If it had, they would have uncovered such a thing. They did not. Try again.

The FISA warrants have nothing to do with Clinton paying for the Dossier.

If they told the FISA judge that the dossier was commissioned by the Clinton campaign, that wouldn't
have harmed their warrant applications? Seriously?

If it had, they would have uncovered such a thing.

It's public knowledge that the dossier was paid for by the Hillary campaign.
The dossier wasn't used in the FISA. The Dossier was looked into seriously after the election when McCain turned it into the FBI. Why are you folks so misinformed about everything?

As for the Dossier being paid for by Clinton, SO?

How do you know that the dossier wasn't used in the FISA process? That's why all of the documents are being declassified. So we can all see exactly what was used.

And ponder this for a sec, BWK. President Trump and his Wing Man William Barr have both seen all of the FISA applications, all of the documents submitted to the court already. The President is playing you guys. He already knows what is on the last page of this story. Just like at Wrestlemania 23, he knew how that was going to turn out, everything done up to that point was just to build it up for we, the audience. This is the same. The end of the story is known.
Dossier Not What 'Started All of This' - They're all playing you.

“We started the investigations without the dossier. We were proceeding with the investigations before we ever received that information,” McCabe told CNN. “Was the dossier material important to the [FISA] package? Of course, it was. As was every fact included in that package. Was it the majority of what was in the package? Absolutely not.” Seriously bud, you haven't got a clue.

"McCabe told CNN"???? LOL

Disgraced, Fired FBI big shot McCabe told the world leader in Fake News something, and we are just supposed to take his word for it?
And they were already investigated and Nunez with his criminals already failed in finding anything with their fake memo. Lol! More corruption by the Right.

So what? Rep. Nunes doesn't work for the DOJ.

The people are demanding an investigation. They are concerned that the FBI may gone past their legal boundaries. Now, they can prove themselves innocent.
But he did manage to corrupt the investigation with a bogus attempt to declassify the FISA operation by exposing information that the FISA was done wrong by the FBI when it wasn't. So yes, Nunez is very significant in all this. "The people", meaning the Republican sore losers who realize Trump has been exposed for criminality are doing like Al Capone by going after the investigators. That is why they are demanding. It's the only corrupt card they have left. Time for hearings, impeachment, and jail for Trump. The bs is over.

No, the bs is just starting. AG William Barr is concerned that DOJ personnel didn't follow the rules.

That's what the Durham investigation is about. It has nothing to do with Rep. Nunes at all. Or President Trump. It has to do with whether or not the rights of suspects subjected to the FISA warrants were trifled with in any way. And if they were, there is going to be problems, as well there should be. Defendants have rights, this is America.
The only rules that weren't followed was when Nunez manufactured a coup against the FBI to gain classified information about this case looking into Page, and the sorry ass Nunez didn't read it when he got it. And after that, the corrupt bastard had

to recuse in shame because he'd been had. He's a fake and a fraud hiding criminality for Trump. And now Barr is taking up where Nunez left off with another coup. This insanity with Trump/Barr/ desperate Trump cultists will be coming to an end.

If the FBI agents are innocent, they have nothing to worry about in regards to the Durham investigation. They should be happy to speak with the investigators who will be giving them a chance to prove their innocence.
Find your soul and get some self respect. These criminals aren't worth it.
The FISA warrants have nothing to do with Clinton paying for the Dossier. If it had, they would have uncovered such a thing. They did not. Try again.

The FISA warrants have nothing to do with Clinton paying for the Dossier.

If they told the FISA judge that the dossier was commissioned by the Clinton campaign, that wouldn't
have harmed their warrant applications? Seriously?

If it had, they would have uncovered such a thing.

It's public knowledge that the dossier was paid for by the Hillary campaign.
The dossier wasn't used in the FISA. The Dossier was looked into seriously after the election when McCain turned it into the FBI. Why are you folks so misinformed about everything?

As for the Dossier being paid for by Clinton, SO?

How do you know that the dossier wasn't used in the FISA process? That's why all of the documents are being declassified. So we can all see exactly what was used.

And ponder this for a sec, BWK. President Trump and his Wing Man William Barr have both seen all of the FISA applications, all of the documents submitted to the court already. The President is playing you guys. He already knows what is on the last page of this story. Just like at Wrestlemania 23, he knew how that was going to turn out, everything done up to that point was just to build it up for we, the audience. This is the same. The end of the story is known.
Dossier Not What 'Started All of This' - They're all playing you.

“We started the investigations without the dossier. We were proceeding with the investigations before we ever received that information,” McCabe told CNN. “Was the dossier material important to the [FISA] package? Of course, it was. As was every fact included in that package. Was it the majority of what was in the package? Absolutely not.” Seriously bud, you haven't got a clue.

"McCabe told CNN"???? LOL

Disgraced, Fired FBI big shot McCabe told the world leader in Fake News something, and we are just supposed to take his word for it?
Search your soul buddy. You know your on the wrong side of this fight. The mountain of evidence is overwhelming. Stop blaming the law to help criminals.
So what? Rep. Nunes doesn't work for the DOJ.

The people are demanding an investigation. They are concerned that the FBI may gone past their legal boundaries. Now, they can prove themselves innocent.
But he did manage to corrupt the investigation with a bogus attempt to declassify the FISA operation by exposing information that the FISA was done wrong by the FBI when it wasn't. So yes, Nunez is very significant in all this. "The people", meaning the Republican sore losers who realize Trump has been exposed for criminality are doing like Al Capone by going after the investigators. That is why they are demanding. It's the only corrupt card they have left. Time for hearings, impeachment, and jail for Trump. The bs is over.

No, the bs is just starting. AG William Barr is concerned that DOJ personnel didn't follow the rules.

That's what the Durham investigation is about. It has nothing to do with Rep. Nunes at all. Or President Trump. It has to do with whether or not the rights of suspects subjected to the FISA warrants were trifled with in any way. And if they were, there is going to be problems, as well there should be. Defendants have rights, this is America.
The only rules that weren't followed was when Nunez manufactured a coup against the FBI to gain classified information about this case looking into Page, and the sorry ass Nunez didn't read it when he got it. And after that, the corrupt bastard had

to recuse in shame because he'd been had. He's a fake and a fraud hiding criminality for Trump. And now Barr is taking up where Nunez left off with another coup. This insanity with Trump/Barr/ desperate Trump cultists will be coming to an end.

If the FBI agents are innocent, they have nothing to worry about in regards to the Durham investigation. They should be happy to speak with the investigators who will be giving them a chance to prove their innocence.
“We started the investigations without the dossier. We were proceeding with the investigations before we ever received that information,” McCabe told CNN. “Was the dossier material important to the [FISA] package? Of course, it was. As was every fact included in that package. Was it the majority of what was in the package? Absolutely not.” Get a clue. Anyone with a brain knows what Barr and the rest of the Gargoyles want. They're looking for another cooked up invention called a coup against the FBI. Stop being a stooge for criminals. Where is your self respect?

The questions about the dossier aren't if it was the "only" information submitted to the FISA Court, but what representations were made about the dossier. Did McCabe tell the court that the dossier was verified? That's a yes or a no. Did McCabe tell the court the exact source of the dossier and who paid for it? that's a yes or a no as well.
So what? Rep. Nunes doesn't work for the DOJ.

The people are demanding an investigation. They are concerned that the FBI may gone past their legal boundaries. Now, they can prove themselves innocent.
But he did manage to corrupt the investigation with a bogus attempt to declassify the FISA operation by exposing information that the FISA was done wrong by the FBI when it wasn't. So yes, Nunez is very significant in all this. "The people", meaning the Republican sore losers who realize Trump has been exposed for criminality are doing like Al Capone by going after the investigators. That is why they are demanding. It's the only corrupt card they have left. Time for hearings, impeachment, and jail for Trump. The bs is over.

No, the bs is just starting. AG William Barr is concerned that DOJ personnel didn't follow the rules.

That's what the Durham investigation is about. It has nothing to do with Rep. Nunes at all. Or President Trump. It has to do with whether or not the rights of suspects subjected to the FISA warrants were trifled with in any way. And if they were, there is going to be problems, as well there should be. Defendants have rights, this is America.
The only rules that weren't followed was when Nunez manufactured a coup against the FBI to gain classified information about this case looking into Page, and the sorry ass Nunez didn't read it when he got it. And after that, the corrupt bastard had

to recuse in shame because he'd been had. He's a fake and a fraud hiding criminality for Trump. And now Barr is taking up where Nunez left off with another coup. This insanity with Trump/Barr/ desperate Trump cultists will be coming to an end.

If the FBI agents are innocent, they have nothing to worry about in regards to the Durham investigation. They should be happy to speak with the investigators who will be giving them a chance to prove their innocence.
Find your soul and get some self respect. These criminals aren't worth it.

What criminals? McCabe? Comey? Strzok?

If these people didn't obey the law in getting this FISA warrant, they are criminals. And that's what Durham and Barr are looking at.
But he did manage to corrupt the investigation with a bogus attempt to declassify the FISA operation by exposing information that the FISA was done wrong by the FBI when it wasn't. So yes, Nunez is very significant in all this. "The people", meaning the Republican sore losers who realize Trump has been exposed for criminality are doing like Al Capone by going after the investigators. That is why they are demanding. It's the only corrupt card they have left. Time for hearings, impeachment, and jail for Trump. The bs is over.

No, the bs is just starting. AG William Barr is concerned that DOJ personnel didn't follow the rules.

That's what the Durham investigation is about. It has nothing to do with Rep. Nunes at all. Or President Trump. It has to do with whether or not the rights of suspects subjected to the FISA warrants were trifled with in any way. And if they were, there is going to be problems, as well there should be. Defendants have rights, this is America.
The only rules that weren't followed was when Nunez manufactured a coup against the FBI to gain classified information about this case looking into Page, and the sorry ass Nunez didn't read it when he got it. And after that, the corrupt bastard had

to recuse in shame because he'd been had. He's a fake and a fraud hiding criminality for Trump. And now Barr is taking up where Nunez left off with another coup. This insanity with Trump/Barr/ desperate Trump cultists will be coming to an end.

If the FBI agents are innocent, they have nothing to worry about in regards to the Durham investigation. They should be happy to speak with the investigators who will be giving them a chance to prove their innocence.
“We started the investigations without the dossier. We were proceeding with the investigations before we ever received that information,” McCabe told CNN. “Was the dossier material important to the [FISA] package? Of course, it was. As was every fact included in that package. Was it the majority of what was in the package? Absolutely not.” Get a clue. Anyone with a brain knows what Barr and the rest of the Gargoyles want. They're looking for another cooked up invention called a coup against the FBI. Stop being a stooge for criminals. Where is your self respect?

The questions about the dossier aren't if it was the "only" information submitted to the FISA Court, but what representations were made about the dossier. Did McCabe tell the court that the dossier was verified? That's a yes or a no. Did McCabe tell the court the exact source of the dossier and who paid for it? that's a yes or a no as well.
OMG! I just went over this before. Are you brain dead? That question was already answered. Get with it. PARTS OF THE DOSSIER WERE VERIFIED WAY AFTER THE FISA WHEN MCCAIN TURNED THE DOSSIER INTO THE FBI. What part of this do you not understand? You're like all the rest. You go round in circles over issues that have already been addressed. What is it with you folks and your brains? My God man, keep up. Shit!
But he did manage to corrupt the investigation with a bogus attempt to declassify the FISA operation by exposing information that the FISA was done wrong by the FBI when it wasn't. So yes, Nunez is very significant in all this. "The people", meaning the Republican sore losers who realize Trump has been exposed for criminality are doing like Al Capone by going after the investigators. That is why they are demanding. It's the only corrupt card they have left. Time for hearings, impeachment, and jail for Trump. The bs is over.

No, the bs is just starting. AG William Barr is concerned that DOJ personnel didn't follow the rules.

That's what the Durham investigation is about. It has nothing to do with Rep. Nunes at all. Or President Trump. It has to do with whether or not the rights of suspects subjected to the FISA warrants were trifled with in any way. And if they were, there is going to be problems, as well there should be. Defendants have rights, this is America.
The only rules that weren't followed was when Nunez manufactured a coup against the FBI to gain classified information about this case looking into Page, and the sorry ass Nunez didn't read it when he got it. And after that, the corrupt bastard had

to recuse in shame because he'd been had. He's a fake and a fraud hiding criminality for Trump. And now Barr is taking up where Nunez left off with another coup. This insanity with Trump/Barr/ desperate Trump cultists will be coming to an end.

If the FBI agents are innocent, they have nothing to worry about in regards to the Durham investigation. They should be happy to speak with the investigators who will be giving them a chance to prove their innocence.
Find your soul and get some self respect. These criminals aren't worth it.

What criminals? McCabe? Comey? Strzok?

If these people didn't obey the law in getting this FISA warrant, they are criminals. And that's what Durham and Barr are looking at.
You and the rest of the Toads are lost to the world. See you later.
No, the bs is just starting. AG William Barr is concerned that DOJ personnel didn't follow the rules.

That's what the Durham investigation is about. It has nothing to do with Rep. Nunes at all. Or President Trump. It has to do with whether or not the rights of suspects subjected to the FISA warrants were trifled with in any way. And if they were, there is going to be problems, as well there should be. Defendants have rights, this is America.
The only rules that weren't followed was when Nunez manufactured a coup against the FBI to gain classified information about this case looking into Page, and the sorry ass Nunez didn't read it when he got it. And after that, the corrupt bastard had

to recuse in shame because he'd been had. He's a fake and a fraud hiding criminality for Trump. And now Barr is taking up where Nunez left off with another coup. This insanity with Trump/Barr/ desperate Trump cultists will be coming to an end.

If the FBI agents are innocent, they have nothing to worry about in regards to the Durham investigation. They should be happy to speak with the investigators who will be giving them a chance to prove their innocence.
“We started the investigations without the dossier. We were proceeding with the investigations before we ever received that information,” McCabe told CNN. “Was the dossier material important to the [FISA] package? Of course, it was. As was every fact included in that package. Was it the majority of what was in the package? Absolutely not.” Get a clue. Anyone with a brain knows what Barr and the rest of the Gargoyles want. They're looking for another cooked up invention called a coup against the FBI. Stop being a stooge for criminals. Where is your self respect?

The questions about the dossier aren't if it was the "only" information submitted to the FISA Court, but what representations were made about the dossier. Did McCabe tell the court that the dossier was verified? That's a yes or a no. Did McCabe tell the court the exact source of the dossier and who paid for it? that's a yes or a no as well.
OMG! I just went over this before. Are you brain dead? That question was already answered. Get with it. PARTS OF THE DOSSIER WERE VERIFIED WAY AFTER THE FISA WHEN MCCAIN TURNED THE DOSSIER INTO THE FBI. What part of this do you not understand? You're like all the rest. You go round in circles over issues that have already been addressed. What is it with you folks and your brains? My God man, keep up. Shit!

the question is what was verified, and when was it verified, and most importantly, what was the FISA Court told about it.

And that's what Barr and Durham are looking at. The FBI should be pleased to have an opportunity to prove their innocence and demonstrate beyond all doubt that they respected the rights of the accused.
As a government employee, the "Hatch Act" was created to keep partisan politics out of the government where people who are supposed to be public servants under the executive branch cant show their political influence. But thanks to Oblammer, when Lois "the crooked: Lerner decided to weaponize the IRS against conservative organizations, the flood gates were opened. You fuckers on the left would be screaming bloody murder if President Trump decided to do the same. Shame on you retards for allowing this shit to happen...
You are a coward. You go off topic to talk about something you are clueless about. The IRS fake scandal was truly one of the big jokes of the century. If you don't know the background how can you have an intelligent debate about anything? Lol! What a loser. Get a clue.

Why the real IRS scandal happened in 1959

'Exclusively' vs. 'primarily': IRS law a 'disaster waiting to happen'

O'Donnell reminds politicians of the real IRS scandal

You seem to think there was nothing to the claim that the IRS illegally targeted conservative groups and you are wrong.

“The Justice Department settled two lawsuits with conservative groups that claimed the Internal Revenue Service had unfairly scrutinized them during applications for tax-exempt status, Attorney General Jeff Sessions announced on Thursday.

“The government agreed to a multimillion-dollar settlement to resolve one lawsuit, which was brought on behalf of 428 groups, said Edward Greim, the lead lawyer for the plaintiffs. The government will not pay damages to the 41 groups in the second lawsuit, but the I.R.S. acknowledged its conduct was wrong.

“In the agreement, the I.R.S. also admits to being wrong in demanding unnecessary information from the plaintiffs and screening groups based on name or policy affiliation. “

Justice Department Settles With Tea Party Groups After I.R.S. Scrutiny

CONCLUSION: You really need to find better news sources. The information on the IRS admissions of illegally targeting conservative groups was all over the media. I suggest you read The Drudge Report.
DOJ surprises with omissions in response to Flynn document order :auiqs.jpg: Even if this were fictional , it would be hard to take seriously as a fictional movie for example. And yet, it really happened. The fact that Trump supporters were duped into the biggest con game in US history ought to tell the country just how far off the rails this country has gone, and how vulnerable and naive we are. A third of the country was conned like no other con, and yet, they still never cared. Everything that went bad in an election went bad, and Trump supporters ignored all of it. Trump literally could have said I actually did murder people on Fifth Avenue and they would have been okay with it.

But, to address the thread, we have to highlight this monologue to truly appreciate just how sinister the Trump campaign was.

First, and during the campaign, we have Paul Manafort getting a loan in Chicago, bribing the head of the bank for $16 million dollars, and in return, the banker would be secretary of the army. But low and behold, it was revealed that Manafort had ties to Russia and Ukraine and was let go from the campaign, but still had an agreement with the banker. Lol! You really can't make this shit up. Needless to say, Trump had to have known about it.

Secondly, and this is even better, Mike Flynn was cutting deals with Ukraine for money to change the Republican platform towards Ukraine, and while doing that, Trump supporters are cheering for something they had no idea what they were cheering for. What a bunch of dupes. And then, Flynn was hired to kidnap and write damaging reports about a guy in Pennsylvania who was from Ukraine, but living in the US, who they wanted back in their country, but that fell through. In addition, they wanted to try and tie this Turkish guy who was a US citizen, by getting Flynn to tie him with Clinton and international terrorism. Flynn was accepting money from Ukraine to damage the Clinton campaign. And by the way, that is a conspiracy to collude with a foreign government against your political opponent. Which is why prosecutors have refused to hand over all transcripts pertaining to Flynn and those communications he had with Ukraine.

And here's the most insane part of all this. Bill Barr wants to investigate the FBI as to how and why the FBI was investigating these people. :auiqs.jpg:A man or woman would have to be either retarded beyond description, or a bald faced liar to believe Bill Barr was actually concerned that the FBI had done inappropriate spying on the campaign. Are you friggin kidding me? We had a massive amount of activity, where people in the Trump organization were colluding and conspiring with foreign governments, the likes this country has never seen before to gain favors and to help get Trump elected.

This is to Bill Barr; please do not insult our intelligence any longer with manufactured investigations, investigating the very people who exposed massive corruption within the Trump organization and campaign with their heroic work spying on Russia and Ukraine. How dare the FBI look at all that right? :auiqs.jpg:Folks, you just can't make this shit up.
... but lets definitely not look into illegal aliens voting in presidential elections. :cuckoo:
the question is what was verified, and when was it verified, and most importantly, what was the FISA Court told about it.

And that's what Barr and Durham are looking at. The FBI should be pleased to have an opportunity to prove their innocence and demonstrate beyond all doubt that they respected the rights of the accused.

Yes, and one could surmise that the Dossier had no relevant information regarding Trump/Russia collusion otherwise Mueller would have used it as evidence. All we heard for 2 years is Dossier, Dossier, Dossier and Russia Russia Russia. Now we find out the Dossier was most likely unverified and unsupported. Frankly Mueller's whole investigation is therefore a sham.

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