How dare the FBI look into meddling of an election

I'm pretty sure beating that drunken old sot doesn't qualify, but if you want to post the
relevant statute, I'd be happy to point out where you're mistaken.
If actual evidence was presented to you, would you believe it? Or are you so invested in the cult of Trump, you believe each and every thing he says?

If actual evidence was presented to you, would you believe it?

Sure. Now post the relevant statute.
You're right! There are no statutes concerning obstruction of justice. As an American, everyone is absolutely free to obstruct justice at every turn.

What manner of idiot are you? The ignorant kind or the willfully ignorant kind?

Did you already forget your claim?

Defrauding the United States of America.
When a campaign willingly accepts means of interference in a national election from a foreign hostel power, without reporting that interference to the proper authorit, that campaign has defrauded the United States.

Why don't you post the actual statute?
Do you know the difference between "collusion" and "conspiracy?"

What was the crime they conspired to commit?
Defrauding the United States of America.

I'm pretty sure beating that drunken old sot doesn't qualify, but if you want to post the
relevant statute, I'd be happy to point out where you're mistaken.
If actual evidence was presented to you, would you believe it? Or are you so invested in the cult of Trump, you believe each and every thing he says?

If actual evidence was presented to you, would you believe it?

Sure. Now post the relevant statute.
You're right! There are no statutes concerning obstruction of justice. As an American, everyone is absolutely free to obstruct justice at every turn.

What manner of idiot are you? The ignorant kind or the willfully ignorant kind?
Was the obstruction of justice for Russian Collusion?
DOJ surprises with omissions in response to Flynn document order :auiqs.jpg: Even if this were fictional , it would be hard to take seriously as a fictional movie for example. And yet, it really happened. The fact that Trump supporters were duped into the biggest con game in US history ought to tell the country just how far off the rails this country has gone, and how vulnerable and naive we are. A third of the country was conned like no other con, and yet, they still never cared. Everything that went bad in an election went bad, and Trump supporters ignored all of it. Trump literally could have said I actually did murder people on Fifth Avenue and they would have been okay with it.

But, to address the thread, we have to highlight this monologue to truly appreciate just how sinister the Trump campaign was.

First, and during the campaign, we have Paul Manafort getting a loan in Chicago, bribing the head of the bank for $16 million dollars, and in return, the banker would be secretary of the army. But low and behold, it was revealed that Manafort had ties to Russia and Ukraine and was let go from the campaign, but still had an agreement with the banker. Lol! You really can't make this shit up. Needless to say, Trump had to have known about it.

Secondly, and this is even better, Mike Flynn was cutting deals with Ukraine for money to change the Republican platform towards Ukraine, and while doing that, Trump supporters are cheering for something they had no idea what they were cheering for. What a bunch of dupes. And then, Flynn was hired to kidnap and write damaging reports about a guy in Pennsylvania who was from Ukraine, but living in the US, who they wanted back in their country, but that fell through. In addition, they wanted to try and tie this Turkish guy who was a US citizen, by getting Flynn to tie him with Clinton and international terrorism. Flynn was accepting money from Ukraine to damage the Clinton campaign. And by the way, that is a conspiracy to collude with a foreign government against your political opponent. Which is why prosecutors have refused to hand over all transcripts pertaining to Flynn and those communications he had with Ukraine.

And here's the most insane part of all this. Bill Barr wants to investigate the FBI as to how and why the FBI was investigating these people. :auiqs.jpg:A man or woman would have to be either retarded beyond description, or a bald faced liar to believe Bill Barr was actually concerned that the FBI had done inappropriate spying on the campaign. Are you friggin kidding me? We had a massive amount of activity, where people in the Trump organization were colluding and conspiring with foreign governments, the likes this country has never seen before to gain favors and to help get Trump elected.

This is to Bill Barr; please do not insult our intelligence any longer with manufactured investigations, investigating the very people who exposed massive corruption within the Trump organization and campaign with their heroic work spying on Russia and Ukraine. How dare the FBI look at all that right? :auiqs.jpg:Folks, you just can't make this shit up.

There is clear-cut evidence that a foreign power has interfered in our country's elections. It spied; it spent; it spread disinformation. It was the United Kingdom, and the campaigns it attempted to influence took place in 1940.

This story has been told in such books as Desperate Deception and The Secret History of British Intelligence in the Americas, and now Politico has run an article about it. Hoping for help against the Germans, the British promoted candidates they found congenial to their interests. (They helped push Wendell Willkie for the Republican presidential nomination, for example, so that a pro-British internationalist would sit in the White House even if Franklin Roosevelt lost.)

When the British Interfered in American Elections

That's interesting. So, how does that excuse what we are doing here? You worry about your own dirty laundry, and let others worry about theirs.
The Dems thought that Russia had colluded with Pres.Trump's campaign, because all of the countries interferes with other countries' election. It is the norm. And so they were thinking that if Russia interfered, that they will have an excuse to remove Pres.Trump from office for the Logan Act that no other President in history has been remove from office from that Act. But they have found out that Pres.Trump never talked to any Russians during his campaign. Not even with Leonardo DiCaprio. He had won the election on his own, without any foreign help, which the Dems had thought that it was weird to win a election without any help from foreigners. Which it proves that the Dems are dependent on foreign aid.

Mueller in his report cited that Trump got help from Russia. Who are we to believe, you with your unrelated You-tube videos, or modern day evidence by Mueller? Lol! Boss, get real.

Well if Harrison Ford helped Pres.Trump, doesn't falls in the category of collusion. He is now considered an American. But Mueller report doesn't says that Pres.Trump communicated with any Russian agent. If Russia cheered for him, doesn't means that they helped him. Maybe in spirit.

It's collusion because it happened with a foreign adversary not Harrison Ford. And they coordinated a meeting to get that help. That's way more than a few cheers. Come on man, get real.
There is clear-cut evidence that a foreign power has interfered in our country's elections. It spied; it spent; it spread disinformation. It was the United Kingdom, and the campaigns it attempted to influence took place in 1940.

This story has been told in such books as Desperate Deception and The Secret History of British Intelligence in the Americas, and now Politico has run an article about it. Hoping for help against the Germans, the British promoted candidates they found congenial to their interests. (They helped push Wendell Willkie for the Republican presidential nomination, for example, so that a pro-British internationalist would sit in the White House even if Franklin Roosevelt lost.)

When the British Interfered in American Elections

That's interesting. So, how does that excuse what we are doing here? You worry about your own dirty laundry, and let others worry about theirs.
The Dems thought that Russia had colluded with Pres.Trump's campaign, because all of the countries interferes with other countries' election. It is the norm. And so they were thinking that if Russia interfered, that they will have an excuse to remove Pres.Trump from office for the Logan Act that no other President in history has been remove from office from that Act. But they have found out that Pres.Trump never talked to any Russians during his campaign. Not even with Leonardo DiCaprio. He had won the election on his own, without any foreign help, which the Dems had thought that it was weird to win a election without any help from foreigners. Which it proves that the Dems are dependent on foreign aid.

Mueller in his report cited that Trump got help from Russia. Who are we to believe, you with your unrelated You-tube videos, or modern day evidence by Mueller? Lol! Boss, get real.

Well if Harrison Ford helped Pres.Trump, doesn't falls in the category of collusion. He is now considered an American. But Mueller report doesn't says that Pres.Trump communicated with any Russian agent. If Russia cheered for him, doesn't means that they helped him. Maybe in spirit.

It's collusion because it happened with a foreign adversary not Harrison Ford. And they coordinated a meeting to get that help. That's way more than a few cheers. Come on man, get real.

It's collusion because it happened with a foreign adversary

The 1980s called, they want their foreign policy back.
Defrauding the United States of America.

I'm pretty sure beating that drunken old sot doesn't qualify, but if you want to post the
relevant statute, I'd be happy to point out where you're mistaken.
If actual evidence was presented to you, would you believe it? Or are you so invested in the cult of Trump, you believe each and every thing he says?

If actual evidence was presented to you, would you believe it?

Sure. Now post the relevant statute.
You're right! There are no statutes concerning obstruction of justice. As an American, everyone is absolutely free to obstruct justice at every turn.

What manner of idiot are you? The ignorant kind or the willfully ignorant kind?
Was the obstruction of justice for Russian Collusion?
It was for a lot of things. Trump was trying obstruct by protecting those who had been arrested who were part of the campaign to get him elected. He had to try and hide the crimes of others because those crimes involved him. That's why he fired Comey and tried to fire Mueller. That's obstruction. Trump has about eleven confirmed obstruction cases that need to be reviewed by Congress. And by the way, Trump and his goons have contaminated the office of the presidency.; AM Joy on MSNBC

Rep. Raskin: 'The lawlessness and corruption of this presidency is contaminating everything'
That's interesting. So, how does that excuse what we are doing here? You worry about your own dirty laundry, and let others worry about theirs.
The Dems thought that Russia had colluded with Pres.Trump's campaign, because all of the countries interferes with other countries' election. It is the norm. And so they were thinking that if Russia interfered, that they will have an excuse to remove Pres.Trump from office for the Logan Act that no other President in history has been remove from office from that Act. But they have found out that Pres.Trump never talked to any Russians during his campaign. Not even with Leonardo DiCaprio. He had won the election on his own, without any foreign help, which the Dems had thought that it was weird to win a election without any help from foreigners. Which it proves that the Dems are dependent on foreign aid.

Mueller in his report cited that Trump got help from Russia. Who are we to believe, you with your unrelated You-tube videos, or modern day evidence by Mueller? Lol! Boss, get real.

Well if Harrison Ford helped Pres.Trump, doesn't falls in the category of collusion. He is now considered an American. But Mueller report doesn't says that Pres.Trump communicated with any Russian agent. If Russia cheered for him, doesn't means that they helped him. Maybe in spirit.

It's collusion because it happened with a foreign adversary not Harrison Ford. And they coordinated a meeting to get that help. That's way more than a few cheers. Come on man, get real.

It's collusion because it happened with a foreign adversary

The 1980s called, they want their foreign policy back.

You never debate anything. Scram!
If actual evidence was presented to you, would you believe it? Or are you so invested in the cult of Trump, you believe each and every thing he says?

If actual evidence was presented to you, would you believe it?

Sure. Now post the relevant statute.
You're right! There are no statutes concerning obstruction of justice. As an American, everyone is absolutely free to obstruct justice at every turn.

What manner of idiot are you? The ignorant kind or the willfully ignorant kind?

Did you already forget your claim?

Defrauding the United States of America.
When a campaign willingly accepts means of interference in a national election from a foreign hostel power, without reporting that interference to the proper authorit, that campaign has defrauded the United States.

Why don't you post the actual statute?
Why don't you? You're lazy as hell that's why.
The Dems thought that Russia had colluded with Pres.Trump's campaign, because all of the countries interferes with other countries' election. It is the norm. And so they were thinking that if Russia interfered, that they will have an excuse to remove Pres.Trump from office for the Logan Act that no other President in history has been remove from office from that Act. But they have found out that Pres.Trump never talked to any Russians during his campaign. Not even with Leonardo DiCaprio. He had won the election on his own, without any foreign help, which the Dems had thought that it was weird to win a election without any help from foreigners. Which it proves that the Dems are dependent on foreign aid.

Mueller in his report cited that Trump got help from Russia. Who are we to believe, you with your unrelated You-tube videos, or modern day evidence by Mueller? Lol! Boss, get real.

Well if Harrison Ford helped Pres.Trump, doesn't falls in the category of collusion. He is now considered an American. But Mueller report doesn't says that Pres.Trump communicated with any Russian agent. If Russia cheered for him, doesn't means that they helped him. Maybe in spirit.

It's collusion because it happened with a foreign adversary not Harrison Ford. And they coordinated a meeting to get that help. That's way more than a few cheers. Come on man, get real.

It's collusion because it happened with a foreign adversary

The 1980s called, they want their foreign policy back.

You never debate anything. Scram!

What is there to debate? Obama didn't think Russia was an adversary.
If actual evidence was presented to you, would you believe it?

Sure. Now post the relevant statute.
You're right! There are no statutes concerning obstruction of justice. As an American, everyone is absolutely free to obstruct justice at every turn.

What manner of idiot are you? The ignorant kind or the willfully ignorant kind?

Did you already forget your claim?

Defrauding the United States of America.
When a campaign willingly accepts means of interference in a national election from a foreign hostel power, without reporting that interference to the proper authorit, that campaign has defrauded the United States.

Why don't you post the actual statute?
Why don't you? You're lazy as hell that's why.

Why would I post back up for Nosmo's claim?
It's his claim, but if you want to put words in his mouth, feel free.
How dare bed wetters overlook the rigging of their own primary to push a candidate that was so repulsive and obviously evil that she lost to a clown.

I thought it was the Russian pros who peed on our fearless leader bed?
Mueller in his report cited that Trump got help from Russia. Who are we to believe, you with your unrelated You-tube videos, or modern day evidence by Mueller? Lol! Boss, get real.
Well if Harrison Ford helped Pres.Trump, doesn't falls in the category of collusion. He is now considered an American. But Mueller report doesn't says that Pres.Trump communicated with any Russian agent. If Russia cheered for him, doesn't means that they helped him. Maybe in spirit.
It's collusion because it happened with a foreign adversary not Harrison Ford. And they coordinated a meeting to get that help. That's way more than a few cheers. Come on man, get real.

It's collusion because it happened with a foreign adversary

The 1980s called, they want their foreign policy back.
You never debate anything. Scram!

What is there to debate? Obama didn't think Russia was an adversary.
Based on your hours of Obama personal discussions?
Well if Harrison Ford helped Pres.Trump, doesn't falls in the category of collusion. He is now considered an American. But Mueller report doesn't says that Pres.Trump communicated with any Russian agent. If Russia cheered for him, doesn't means that they helped him. Maybe in spirit.
It's collusion because it happened with a foreign adversary not Harrison Ford. And they coordinated a meeting to get that help. That's way more than a few cheers. Come on man, get real.

It's collusion because it happened with a foreign adversary

The 1980s called, they want their foreign policy back.
You never debate anything. Scram!

What is there to debate? Obama didn't think Russia was an adversary.
Based on your hours of Obama personal discussions?

Based on his words and his deeds.
Defrauding the United States of America.

I'm pretty sure beating that drunken old sot doesn't qualify, but if you want to post the
relevant statute, I'd be happy to point out where you're mistaken.
If actual evidence was presented to you, would you believe it? Or are you so invested in the cult of Trump, you believe each and every thing he says?

If actual evidence was presented to you, would you believe it?

Sure. Now post the relevant statute.
You're right! There are no statutes concerning obstruction of justice. As an American, everyone is absolutely free to obstruct justice at every turn.

What manner of idiot are you? The ignorant kind or the willfully ignorant kind?
Was the obstruction of justice for Russian Collusion?
The obstruction of justice is laid out in volume 2 of the Mueller Report.

Stuff Fox Mews won't tell you.
Why in the hell didn’t the US government decide to look into this Russian tampering in 2014 when the WH was first informed? We screwed up way back then.
Why aren't Republicans looking now?

I’m not sure, the only time anyone has checked into it was right after the 2016 election. The Senate, House and Executive Branch have all looked the other way. Sad commentary on both parties.
So,I wonder why Republicans don't want to stop it. Ummmmmm. I wonder.......

Same reason the Democrats didn’t in 2014, Like I have said, they are both corrupt.
As a government employee, the "Hatch Act" was created to keep partisan politics out of the government where people who are supposed to be public servants under the executive branch cant show their political influence. But thanks to Oblammer, when Lois "the crooked: Lerner decided to weaponize the IRS against conservative organizations, the flood gates were opened. You fuckers on the left would be screaming bloody murder if President Trump decided to do the same. Shame on you retards for allowing this shit to happen...

The entire fiasco was a made up scam.
Russia never interfered in the 2016 election? Really?
Russia did but not with Collusion with the Trump Campaign that you were lied to by the liberals in charge. As a matter of FACT it was the Hillary paid for Russian Dossier that was used for spying on a US citizen, as opposition research. You are such a stupid twit.
Mueller proved you were wrong. Do you know the difference between "collusion" and "conspiracy?"

No evidence of conspiracy, we know.
DOJ surprises with omissions in response to Flynn document order :auiqs.jpg: Even if this were fictional , it would be hard to take seriously as a fictional movie for example. And yet, it really happened. The fact that Trump supporters were duped into the biggest con game in US history ought to tell the country just how far off the rails this country has gone, and how vulnerable and naive we are. A third of the country was conned like no other con, and yet, they still never cared. Everything that went bad in an election went bad, and Trump supporters ignored all of it. Trump literally could have said I actually did murder people on Fifth Avenue and they would have been okay with it.

But, to address the thread, we have to highlight this monologue to truly appreciate just how sinister the Trump campaign was.

First, and during the campaign, we have Paul Manafort getting a loan in Chicago, bribing the head of the bank for $16 million dollars, and in return, the banker would be secretary of the army. But low and behold, it was revealed that Manafort had ties to Russia and Ukraine and was let go from the campaign, but still had an agreement with the banker. Lol! You really can't make this shit up. Needless to say, Trump had to have known about it.

Secondly, and this is even better, Mike Flynn was cutting deals with Ukraine for money to change the Republican platform towards Ukraine, and while doing that, Trump supporters are cheering for something they had no idea what they were cheering for. What a bunch of dupes. And then, Flynn was hired to kidnap and write damaging reports about a guy in Pennsylvania who was from Ukraine, but living in the US, who they wanted back in their country, but that fell through. In addition, they wanted to try and tie this Turkish guy who was a US citizen, by getting Flynn to tie him with Clinton and international terrorism. Flynn was accepting money from Ukraine to damage the Clinton campaign. And by the way, that is a conspiracy to collude with a foreign government against your political opponent. Which is why prosecutors have refused to hand over all transcripts pertaining to Flynn and those communications he had with Ukraine.

And here's the most insane part of all this. Bill Barr wants to investigate the FBI as to how and why the FBI was investigating these people. :auiqs.jpg:A man or woman would have to be either retarded beyond description, or a bald faced liar to believe Bill Barr was actually concerned that the FBI had done inappropriate spying on the campaign. Are you friggin kidding me? We had a massive amount of activity, where people in the Trump organization were colluding and conspiring with foreign governments, the likes this country has never seen before to gain favors and to help get Trump elected.

This is to Bill Barr; please do not insult our intelligence any longer with manufactured investigations, investigating the very people who exposed massive corruption within the Trump organization and campaign with their heroic work spying on Russia and Ukraine. How dare the FBI look at all that right? :auiqs.jpg:Folks, you just can't make this shit up.

The problem was that the intelligence community and the FBI ,one, did not have any good predication for starting this investigation. The dossier was bullshit.

Two, this spying was done without the knowledge of Donald J. Trump. If there was someone in his campaign who was a Russian Spy, he should have been notified.
There are a couple things you should think about. First, is the Fourth Amendment. Under that amendment, you and I and everyone in this nation is protected from police abuses like illegal searches. In order to overcome that protection, the police must get a warrant. However, there are conditions stated in that Amendment. The Warrant can be issued by a Judge, but only after the facts are laid out showing probable cause, sworn to be true by the Cops, and usually Prosecutors.

In this case, the warrant that caught these baddies, was illegal. It was based upon the Discredited Steel Dossier. Now, here is where we get into the bad end of the pool. The FBI, and DOJ knew the Steel Dossier was not true when they used it for the FISA warrant. That is illegal. That is not just abuse of office, legal malpractice in the lawyers, but Perjury. Three felonies that are obvious to anyone. FBI's Steele story falls apart: False intel and media contacts were flagged before FISA

Now, the way the system is supposed to work is all that evidence gained by the illegal activity should be thrown out as inadmissible. It was gained by illegal means. However, this is the Modern World, where the Rights outlined in the Constitution are hurdles to get around, not complied with. The evidence used to be caused fruit of the poisoned tree.

But even if you admit the evidence, you must also in the interest of Justice, assuming you have any interest in Justice, prosecute those who broke the law to get it. Only we don’t seem to care about the cops breaking the law, or the DOJ.

Obama, in one of the reasons I agreed with him, and voted for him, correctly stated that the Constitution said what the Government could not do to you. That is the whole point of the Bill of Rights. The Government shall not infringe on those rights. It shall not commit these actions.

You seem to be saying these actions are just fine, so long as they get the guilty in your opinion. The ends do not, and never have, justified the means. A Navy Seal is currently awaiting trial, ordered by the judge to be released from Pre Trial confinement. The reason? The Prosecutors started to investigate the Defense Attorneys, including monitoring their communications, and seriously hampering their ability to provide a defense. I do not condone what the SEAL is accused of. Many counts of murder. I believe he should be tried, and upon conviction, sentenced to many years in prison. The ends never justify the means however. I believe because of the Prosecutorial Misconduct, that they must drop the charges on the SEAL. A travesty of Justice? Yes, and no.

The Government must follow the rules. The Courts must hold the Prosecutors to account, and the cops must be punished without any consideration of their many years of service, for breaking those rules. It is the only way we have anything remotely considered a just and fair system.

So the Government broke the law, Flynn was a bad guy, and deserved it. But who else deserves it? I mean, if we stand by our rules, our laws always, then there is less chance it will be done in the future. But if we decide to let it slide because the baddie really deserved it, who else will really deserve it? Then you can explain the difference between our nation, and one of those third world dictatorships where the Constitution is written in pencil. Because enforcing those rules, those Constitutional Protections, should be the passionate desire of every single citizen, no matter who the accused is.

We can always think of a reason to ignore them. The biggest reason to enforce them without exception, is because we want our Children to grow up in a world where we can at least tell them that the rules matter, and they will be enforced always.

The only way to celebrate the baddies of the Trump Admin getting their just desserts, is if you detest the Constitution applying to everyone. And I for one, have always voted for the candidate I honestly believed would stand sentinel against anyone infringing on those rights. Up until 2016, that had always been the Democratic Party. It’s sad to see the party abandon their dedication to defending those rights, all to get the other guys.
There is no such thing as a "discredited Steele Dossier." The FBI attests to its validity concerning the parts it investigated. You are a liar.

Well. We do know. Look at page 33 of the Mueller report. Every claim of collusion is covered and dismissed. Now, if that does not discredit the report in your mind, then you have successfully isolated yourself from reality.

Yeah. I can quote page numbers for the report.

So if I am lying, there are a lot of folks lying too. Like Bob Woodward.

Bob Woodward: Role Of Steele Dossier In Russia Probe Is "Highly Questionable," "Needs To Be Investigated"

You were saying? Better yet. What page of the Mueller Report confirms the dossier?
There are a couple things you should think about. First, is the Fourth Amendment. Under that amendment, you and I and everyone in this nation is protected from police abuses like illegal searches. In order to overcome that protection, the police must get a warrant. However, there are conditions stated in that Amendment. The Warrant can be issued by a Judge, but only after the facts are laid out showing probable cause, sworn to be true by the Cops, and usually Prosecutors.

In this case, the warrant that caught these baddies, was illegal. It was based upon the Discredited Steel Dossier. Now, here is where we get into the bad end of the pool. The FBI, and DOJ knew the Steel Dossier was not true when they used it for the FISA warrant. That is illegal. That is not just abuse of office, legal malpractice in the lawyers, but Perjury. Three felonies that are obvious to anyone. FBI's Steele story falls apart: False intel and media contacts were flagged before FISA

Now, the way the system is supposed to work is all that evidence gained by the illegal activity should be thrown out as inadmissible. It was gained by illegal means. However, this is the Modern World, where the Rights outlined in the Constitution are hurdles to get around, not complied with. The evidence used to be caused fruit of the poisoned tree.

But even if you admit the evidence, you must also in the interest of Justice, assuming you have any interest in Justice, prosecute those who broke the law to get it. Only we don’t seem to care about the cops breaking the law, or the DOJ.

Obama, in one of the reasons I agreed with him, and voted for him, correctly stated that the Constitution said what the Government could not do to you. That is the whole point of the Bill of Rights. The Government shall not infringe on those rights. It shall not commit these actions.

You seem to be saying these actions are just fine, so long as they get the guilty in your opinion. The ends do not, and never have, justified the means. A Navy Seal is currently awaiting trial, ordered by the judge to be released from Pre Trial confinement. The reason? The Prosecutors started to investigate the Defense Attorneys, including monitoring their communications, and seriously hampering their ability to provide a defense. I do not condone what the SEAL is accused of. Many counts of murder. I believe he should be tried, and upon conviction, sentenced to many years in prison. The ends never justify the means however. I believe because of the Prosecutorial Misconduct, that they must drop the charges on the SEAL. A travesty of Justice? Yes, and no.

The Government must follow the rules. The Courts must hold the Prosecutors to account, and the cops must be punished without any consideration of their many years of service, for breaking those rules. It is the only way we have anything remotely considered a just and fair system.

So the Government broke the law, Flynn was a bad guy, and deserved it. But who else deserves it? I mean, if we stand by our rules, our laws always, then there is less chance it will be done in the future. But if we decide to let it slide because the baddie really deserved it, who else will really deserve it? Then you can explain the difference between our nation, and one of those third world dictatorships where the Constitution is written in pencil. Because enforcing those rules, those Constitutional Protections, should be the passionate desire of every single citizen, no matter who the accused is.

We can always think of a reason to ignore them. The biggest reason to enforce them without exception, is because we want our Children to grow up in a world where we can at least tell them that the rules matter, and they will be enforced always.

The only way to celebrate the baddies of the Trump Admin getting their just desserts, is if you detest the Constitution applying to everyone. And I for one, have always voted for the candidate I honestly believed would stand sentinel against anyone infringing on those rights. Up until 2016, that had always been the Democratic Party. It’s sad to see the party abandon their dedication to defending those rights, all to get the other guys.
There is no such thing as a "discredited Steele Dossier." The FBI attests to its validity concerning the parts it investigated. You are a liar.

Well. We do know. Look at page 33 of the Mueller report. Every claim of collusion is covered and dismissed. Now, if that does not discredit the report in your mind, then you have successfully isolated yourself from reality.

Yeah. I can quote page numbers for the report.

So if I am lying, there are a lot of folks lying too. Like Bob Woodward.

Bob Woodward: Role Of Steele Dossier In Russia Probe Is "Highly Questionable," "Needs To Be Investigated"

You were saying? Better yet. What page of the Mueller Report confirms the dossier?
I read page 33 as well. There is nothing in there that said collusion didn't occur. As a matter of fact,there is no page that says that. You are a liar. What was said about collusion was the fact they could not establish a conspiracy to collude. Do you know the difference between the Trump campaign colluding with the Russians and a conspiracy to collude with the Russians? I'll be waiting for your answer and a full explanation. If I don't receive it, you are not only a liar you are fos.
DOJ surprises with omissions in response to Flynn document order :auiqs.jpg: Even if this were fictional , it would be hard to take seriously as a fictional movie for example. And yet, it really happened. The fact that Trump supporters were duped into the biggest con game in US history ought to tell the country just how far off the rails this country has gone, and how vulnerable and naive we are. A third of the country was conned like no other con, and yet, they still never cared. Everything that went bad in an election went bad, and Trump supporters ignored all of it. Trump literally could have said I actually did murder people on Fifth Avenue and they would have been okay with it.

But, to address the thread, we have to highlight this monologue to truly appreciate just how sinister the Trump campaign was.

First, and during the campaign, we have Paul Manafort getting a loan in Chicago, bribing the head of the bank for $16 million dollars, and in return, the banker would be secretary of the army. But low and behold, it was revealed that Manafort had ties to Russia and Ukraine and was let go from the campaign, but still had an agreement with the banker. Lol! You really can't make this shit up. Needless to say, Trump had to have known about it.

Secondly, and this is even better, Mike Flynn was cutting deals with Turkey for money to change the Republican platform towards Ukraine , and while doing that, Trump supporters are cheering for something they had no idea what they were cheering for. What a bunch of dupes. And then, Flynn was hired to kidnap and write damaging reports about a guy in Pennsylvania who was from Turkey, but living in the US, who they wanted back in their country, but that fell through. In addition, they wanted to try and tie this Turkish guy who was a US citizen, by getting Flynn to tie him with Clinton and international terrorism. Flynn was accepting money from Ukraine to damage the Clinton campaign. And by the way, that is a conspiracy to collude with a foreign government against your political opponent. Which is why prosecutors have refused to hand over all transcripts pertaining to Flynn and those communications he had with Ukraine.

And here's the most insane part of all this. Bill Barr wants to investigate the FBI as to how and why the FBI was investigating these people. :auiqs.jpg:A man or woman would have to be either retarded beyond description, or a bald faced liar to believe Bill Barr was actually concerned that the FBI had done inappropriate spying on the campaign. Are you friggin kidding me? We had a massive amount of activity, where people in the Trump organization were colluding and conspiring with foreign governments, the likes this country has never seen before to gain favors and to help get Trump elected.

This is to Bill Barr; please do not insult our intelligence any longer with manufactured investigations, investigating the very people who exposed massive corruption within the Trump organization and campaign with their heroic work spying on Russia and Ukraine. How dare the FBI look at all that right? :auiqs.jpg:Folks, you just can't make this shit up.

The problem was that the intelligence community and the FBI ,one, did not have any good predication for starting this investigation. The dossier was bullshit.

Two, this spying was done without the knowledge of Donald J. Trump. If there was someone in his campaign who was a Russian Spy, he should have been notified.
My OP gave multiple reasons and justifications for the FISA warrants. All of that has been explained in detail, and no Trump Toad has been able to debunk that information. You all are losers who keep repeating the same tired argument without arguing points, and you all look like the chicken with the head cut off doing it. Repeat the same lies over and over, and they're still the same lies.

BWKSilver Member
Nov 20, 2018
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DOJ surprises with omissions in response to Flynn document order :auiqs.jpg: Even if this were fictional , it would be hard to take seriously as a fictional movie for example. And yet, it really happened. The fact that Trump supporters were duped into the biggest con game in US history ought to tell the country just how far off the rails this country has gone, and how vulnerable and naive we are. A third of the country was conned like no other con, and yet, they still never cared. Everything that went bad in an election went bad, and Trump supporters ignored all of it. Trump literally could have said I actually did murder people on Fifth Avenue and they would have been okay with it.

But, to address the thread, we have to highlight this monologue to truly appreciate just how sinister the Trump campaign was.

First, and during the campaign, we have Paul Manafort getting a loan in Chicago, bribing the head of the bank for $16 million dollars, and in return, the banker would be secretary of the army. But low and behold, it was revealed that Manafort had ties to Russia and Ukraine and was let go from the campaign, but still had an agreement with the banker. Lol! You really can't make this shit up. Needless to say, Trump had to have known about it.

Secondly, and this is even better, Mike Flynn was cutting deals with Ukraine for money to change the Republican platform towards Ukraine, and while doing that, Trump supporters are cheering for something they had no idea what they were cheering for. What a bunch of dupes. And then, Flynn was hired to kidnap and write damaging reports about a guy in Pennsylvania who was from Turkey, but living in the US, who they wanted back in their country, but that fell through. In addition, they wanted to try and tie this Turkish guy who was a US citizen, by getting Flynn to tie him with Clinton and international terrorism. Flynn was accepting money from Ukraine to damage the Clinton campaign. And by the way, that is a conspiracy to collude with a foreign government against your political opponent. Which is why prosecutors have refused to hand over all transcripts pertaining to Flynn and those communications he had with Ukraine.

And here's the most insane part of all this. Bill Barr wants to investigate the FBI as to how and why the FBI was investigating these people. :auiqs.jpg:A man or woman would have to be either retarded beyond description, or a bald faced liar to believe Bill Barr was actually concerned that the FBI had done inappropriate spying on the campaign. Are you friggin kidding me? We had a massive amount of activity, where people in the Trump organization were colluding and conspiring with foreign governments, the likes this country has never seen before to gain favors and to help get Trump elected.

This is to Bill Barr; please do not insult our intelligence any longer with manufactured investigations, investigating the very people who exposed massive corruption within the Trump organization and campaign with their heroic work spying on Russia and Ukraine. How dare the FBI look at all that right? :auiqs.jpg:Folks, you just can't make this shit up.
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DOJ surprises with omissions in response to Flynn document order :auiqs.jpg: Even if this were fictional , it would be hard to take seriously as a fictional movie for example. And yet, it really happened. The fact that Trump supporters were duped into the biggest con game in US history ought to tell the country just how far off the rails this country has gone, and how vulnerable and naive we are. A third of the country was conned like no other con, and yet, they still never cared. Everything that went bad in an election went bad, and Trump supporters ignored all of it. Trump literally could have said I actually did murder people on Fifth Avenue and they would have been okay with it.

But, to address the thread, we have to highlight this monologue to truly appreciate just how sinister the Trump campaign was.

First, and during the campaign, we have Paul Manafort getting a loan in Chicago, bribing the head of the bank for $16 million dollars, and in return, the banker would be secretary of the army. But low and behold, it was revealed that Manafort had ties to Russia and Ukraine and was let go from the campaign, but still had an agreement with the banker. Lol! You really can't make this shit up. Needless to say, Trump had to have known about it.

Secondly, and this is even better, Mike Flynn was cutting deals with Turkey for money to change the Republican platform towards Ukraine , and while doing that, Trump supporters are cheering for something they had no idea what they were cheering for. What a bunch of dupes. And then, Flynn was hired to kidnap and write damaging reports about a guy in Pennsylvania who was from Turkey, but living in the US, who they wanted back in their country, but that fell through. In addition, they wanted to try and tie this Turkish guy who was a US citizen, by getting Flynn to tie him with Clinton and international terrorism. Flynn was accepting money from Ukraine to damage the Clinton campaign. And by the way, that is a conspiracy to collude with a foreign government against your political opponent. Which is why prosecutors have refused to hand over all transcripts pertaining to Flynn and those communications he had with Ukraine.

And here's the most insane part of all this. Bill Barr wants to investigate the FBI as to how and why the FBI was investigating these people. :auiqs.jpg:A man or woman would have to be either retarded beyond description, or a bald faced liar to believe Bill Barr was actually concerned that the FBI had done inappropriate spying on the campaign. Are you friggin kidding me? We had a massive amount of activity, where people in the Trump organization were colluding and conspiring with foreign governments, the likes this country has never seen before to gain favors and to help get Trump elected.

This is to Bill Barr; please do not insult our intelligence any longer with manufactured investigations, investigating the very people who exposed massive corruption within the Trump organization and campaign with their heroic work spying on Russia and Ukraine. How dare the FBI look at all that right? :auiqs.jpg:Folks, you just can't make this shit up.

The problem was that the intelligence community and the FBI ,one, did not have any good predication for starting this investigation. The dossier was bullshit.

Two, this spying was done without the knowledge of Donald J. Trump. If there was someone in his campaign who was a Russian Spy, he should have been notified.
My OP gave multiple reasons and justifications for the FISA warrants. All of that has been explained in detail, and no Trump Toad has been able to debunk that information. You all are losers who keep repeating the same tired argument without arguing points, and you all look like the chicken with the head cut off doing it. Repeat the same lies over and over, and they're still the same lies.

BWKSilver Member
Nov 20, 2018
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DOJ surprises with omissions in response to Flynn document order :auiqs.jpg: Even if this were fictional , it would be hard to take seriously as a fictional movie for example. And yet, it really happened. The fact that Trump supporters were duped into the biggest con game in US history ought to tell the country just how far off the rails this country has gone, and how vulnerable and naive we are. A third of the country was conned like no other con, and yet, they still never cared. Everything that went bad in an election went bad, and Trump supporters ignored all of it. Trump literally could have said I actually did murder people on Fifth Avenue and they would have been okay with it.

But, to address the thread, we have to highlight this monologue to truly appreciate just how sinister the Trump campaign was.

First, and during the campaign, we have Paul Manafort getting a loan in Chicago, bribing the head of the bank for $16 million dollars, and in return, the banker would be secretary of the army. But low and behold, it was revealed that Manafort had ties to Russia and Ukraine and was let go from the campaign, but still had an agreement with the banker. Lol! You really can't make this shit up. Needless to say, Trump had to have known about it.

Secondly, and this is even better, Mike Flynn was cutting deals with Ukraine for money to change the Republican platform towards Ukraine, and while doing that, Trump supporters are cheering for something they had no idea what they were cheering for. What a bunch of dupes. And then, Flynn was hired to kidnap and write damaging reports about a guy in Pennsylvania who was from Turkey, but living in the US, who they wanted back in their country, but that fell through. In addition, they wanted to try and tie this Turkish guy who was a US citizen, by getting Flynn to tie him with Clinton and international terrorism. Flynn was accepting money from Ukraine to damage the Clinton campaign. And by the way, that is a conspiracy to collude with a foreign government against your political opponent. Which is why prosecutors have refused to hand over all transcripts pertaining to Flynn and those communications he had with Ukraine.

And here's the most insane part of all this. Bill Barr wants to investigate the FBI as to how and why the FBI was investigating these people. :auiqs.jpg:A man or woman would have to be either retarded beyond description, or a bald faced liar to believe Bill Barr was actually concerned that the FBI had done inappropriate spying on the campaign. Are you friggin kidding me? We had a massive amount of activity, where people in the Trump organization were colluding and conspiring with foreign governments, the likes this country has never seen before to gain favors and to help get Trump elected.

This is to Bill Barr; please do not insult our intelligence any longer with manufactured investigations, investigating the very people who exposed massive corruption within the Trump organization and campaign with their heroic work spying on Russia and Ukraine. How dare the FBI look at all that right? :auiqs.jpg:Folks, you just can't make this shit up.

Well, fine.

If the Mueller Witch Hunt was well predicated, Comey, McCabe, Clapper, Ohr, Strzok,Page, etc., should all be willing and happy to cooperate with the Barr Investigation.

William Barr is the head of the DOJ. Its his job to make sure that everyone in the DOJ is following the rules. And if they aren't, they need sent to jail. If they are obeying the rules, they have nothing to fear from an investigation.

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