'How dare you!' Mother who lost both her sons to fentanyl poisoning says she's 'shocked' at 'despicable' Biden for LAUGHING at the claim his policies

Not entirely insensitive. MTG insanely blamed him for their deaths and he found the irony of her lunacy funny. But he shouldn't have chuckled.
I can't disagree. MTG isn't on my Christmas Card list.

And no he should not have chuckled.

'How dare you!' Mother who lost both her sons to fentanyl poisoning says she's 'shocked' at 'despicable' Biden for LAUGHING at the claim his policies are to blame for their deaths and demands an apology

2 Mar 2023 ~~ By JEN SMITH,

A mother who lost her two sons to fentanyl poisoning has reacted scornfully to Joe Biden laughing off the claim that his policies might be to blame for their deaths, saying in a video message last night: 'How dare you?'
Rebecca Kiessling's sons Caleb and Kyler died in 2020 before Biden took office after taking what they thought were pain killers, but that were laced with fentanyl.
Kiessling, who lives in Michigan, testified before Congress earlier this week at a hearing on the escalating fentanyl crisis. Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene suggested during the hearing that the boys would be alive if 'the government secured the border.'
Last night, Biden invoked Kiessling's story to poke fun at Greene, telling an audience of chuckling Democrats at the House Democratic Caucus Issues Conference: 'The interesting thing is that fentanyl [the boys] took came during the last administration, haha.'
Kiessling, in a video posted online on Wednesday night, reacted to his comments with fury.
'This is how you speak about the death of my sons? Because a congresswoman misspoke? You mock the loss of my sons?' she said.

The Maoist/DSA Democratic party refused to let Trump stop drug trafficking across the southern border. They have never wanted a defensible border and as a result, we don't have a defensible border. Why would she blame a man who tried to stop drug trafficking and not the man and is cabal who, to this day, allows drug trafficking?
Biden snickering because her sons died before his administration is beyond evil… Its reprehensible even by his standards…his karma train is rapidly chugging along the track.
Biden could care less about people who are dying of drug overdoses. Joe is beholden to China because China has given the Dems so much, China created a virus that gave them power. Te CCP has given MILLIONS to the Biden crime family..so Biden will always kiss China’s ass..
Some may say that due to his dementia, they chuckle at inappropriate times, no that is NOT the case here, this is who Biden is, a guy who molested his daughter.

What's a "Maoist"?
I have a better idea ... fuck you.
Frankly, that totally fits you.

While I have no interest, the response is pretty much what I expect from you (not your side....but you in partiuclar....you've not shown yourself to not have much of a brain and are totally without class).
Why didn't Trump complete his withdrawal? Did he assume he would be reelected? He didn't pull the troops out or free 5000 from prison until September of 2020.
Because Trump was advised that a certain level of troops needed to be kept in country to support the Afghan government's troops...something that was going to be necessary to allow time to get all of the other people out that we needed to? Biden is an idiot and he listened to idiots.
It was Biden who made the call to close Bagram Air Base, Faun...not Trump! That bit of abject stupidity led to the deaths of all those people during the withdrawal. When it comes to foreign policy Joe Biden has NEVER been right about anything! He's a moron and his Cabinet is equally stupid.

Yes, he is a moron. And he never would have been president if not for Trump. Regardless, Trump pulled out troops after the election; while you tried to make it sound like Trump was preparing to withdraw because he'd still have been president.
Yes, he is a moron. And he never would have been president if not for Trump. Regardless, Trump pulled out troops after the election; while you tried to make it sound like Trump was preparing to withdraw because he'd still have been president.
Did Trump close Bagram?
Why didn't Trump complete his withdrawal? Did he assume he would be reelected? He didn't pull the troops out or free 5000 from prison until September of 2020.
Because it was conditional on peace.

He wasn’t going to surrender to terrorist..only a traitor would of done that…like xiden
I'd prefer that the withdrawal was done in an intelligent manner so that our troops WEREN'T killed during the withdrawal! Duh?

Trump set them up to be killed. There weren't enough troops left to secure the highway from Kabul to Bagram AFB... and he released 5000 from prison.
To sum up.

The woman’s (adopted) sons bought and consumed street drugs that were laced with fentanyl. They died from their own stupidity.

She, and many others, demand that it be the gross collective stupidity that is government’s responsibility to prevent such stupidity.

The gross collective stupidity that is government must be further empowered to prevent stupid people from acquiring chemical compounds that remove stupid people from the gene pool.

Stupid people come here and bicker over which stupid figurehead over the gross collective stupidity is, was, and/or will be responsible for past and future access to gene pool cleansing chemical compounds.

No responsibility for the stupid dead children falls on them or their adoptive Karen.

Stupidly this has everything to do with the twenty year stupidity that was Afghanistan.
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Yes, he is a moron. And he never would have been president if not for Trump. Regardless, Trump pulled out troops after the election; while you tried to make it sound like Trump was preparing to withdraw because he'd still have been president.
There's only one reason that we're stuck with President Potato Head. The main stream media allowed the Biden campaign to lie to the American people about the scandal that's about to get him impeached! If they'd spent a little less time hating Trump and a little more time investigating what the Biden's had been doing we could have some OTHER Democrat sitting in the Oval Office. Anything would be better than this brain dead piece of corrupt shit!
Trump set them up to be killed. There weren't enough troops left to secure the highway from Kabul to Bagram AFB... and he released 5000 from prison.
Bagram was secure. The airport in the city was not. You'd have to be a moron to close Bagram and try to evacuate hundreds of thousands of people from an airport that you're relying on the Taliban to keep safe! Who is THAT stupid? Only one man...Joe Biden!
Liberals like Surada listen to Karine Saint Pierre tell them that Joe Biden's economic policies have created jobs and grown the economy and they just nod their heads like bobble head dolls!

I was a Republican for 35 years until we invaded Iraq.

Afghanistan was about ENRON. ENRON was a big contributor to Bush's campaign.
Bagram was secure. The airport in the city was not. You'd have to be a moron to close Bagram and try to evacuate hundreds of thousands of people from an airport that you're relying on the Taliban to keep safe! Who is THAT stupid? Only one man...Joe Biden!

The highway to Bagram AFB was not secure.
I was a Republican for 35 years until we invaded Iraq.

Afghanistan was about ENRON. ENRON was a big contributor to Bush's campaign.
Oh bullshit! We went into Afghanistan because of 9/11! You're as clueless as Joe Biden!
The highway to Bagram AFB was not secure.
Was Bagram secure? That's where our troops would have been deployed. They would have been safe there. How safe were they trying to keep the airport in Kabul secure? Duh?
Was that poll taken AFTER the Biden administration's military went "woke" and cleaned house, Bodecea? You liberals have turned our military into a force that can't fight but gosh we sure are politically correct!!! (eye roll)

MAGAts never serve but sure have a lot of criticism for our great US military. Coward.
Frankly, that totally fits you.

While I have no interest, the response is pretty much what I expect from you (not your side....but you in partiuclar....you've not shown yourself to not have much of a brain and are totally without class).

What other response do you think you deserve if you're gonna play hall monitor to keep posters on-topic after you posted...

Have you found a surgeon who can extract your head from your ass ?
Someone's getting ripped off.

If you're gonna pretend to be holier than thou, you need to be holier than thou. Otherwise, you can fuck off.

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