How Dem House of Rep's Can Finish Off Republicans in 2020

No, it was because clinton had to flip flop on taxes and reduce, along with working with a republican congress. Thats why it boomed.

Not really... the "Contract on America" went nowhere....

We had an economic boom because of things the Repubicans were dead set against. Mostly making the rich pay their fair share and showing fiscal responsibility.

The Dangerous Myth About The Bill Clinton Tax Increase

Its amazing how much they try to whitewash history and what really happened.

That's why they run around town tearing down statutes.
House Democrat's can finish off Republicans in both the Senate and House of Rep's and take back rhe White House opening an opportunity to pack federal courts, including the Supreme Court with overwhelming liberal judges.

Tax reform can change America in one masterful plan. All the House must do is propose large tax cuts for the middle and lower tax brackets and eliminate all the breaks and loopholes going to the super high upper-income folks and obscenely rich. America will love the plan and flock to the voting polls.

The senate will never pass that.

What will be trumps downfall is his crimes and conspiring with russians.

The democrats in the House will do a proper investigation into all of it. By the time they're done I would be very surprised if trump will be reelected.
Trump will veto it. There is no way he will allow himself or his criminal family pay more taxes. Not gonna happen.
And that is rhe point. Trump and Republicans will deny citizens a tax break for selfish greedy reasons. The only way Americans will get a break is by getting rid of Trump and Republicans.

No one in America needs a tax break. We don't have enough money to pay our bills as it is.

What most in America needs is a raise in pay. With the exception of CEOs excutives and those who only live on unearned income. They don't need a raise in pay.

It's stupid to get our nation into more debt so that employers can get out of their responsibility to pay people a living wage. If they can't or won't do that they have no business owning a company.

The only authority the government should have to raise pay is to raise the minimum wage. Doing that one simple thing will raise everyone's pay and standard of living. Along with increasing circulation of money throughout the economy and increasing tax revenues.

It just allows business to keep paying low wages while creating more debt for our nation.
Um guy, if they were so popular among the middle class, the dems wouldn't have been landslided in 1994. You don't need to lie about what really happened in the 1990's.

We know what happened in the 1990's... Clinton gave us prosperity, and you shits impeached him over a blow job.

We got prosperity and balanced budgets because of the Dot Com Boom, Joey!

Yes, yes, the mysterious "Dot Com" boom.... you guys keep telling yourself that myth....

Clinton gave us an awesome economy, and then Bush came along, fucked it up, gave us war, recessions and trillion dollar deficits... and you guys thought that was awesome...

...because you are fucking stupid.

He got impeached for lying under oath...not for a blow job. We have this "silly" rule that says when you are sworn to tell the truth and you don' get in trouble! It's kind of what our whole legal system is based on. The Clinton's never seemed to grasp the whole "truth" thing though...

Oh, so now the Dot Com Boom is a "myth"? It wasn't what caused that booming economy back then? Really, Joey? So what DID cause all of that economic growth?

The economy was already headed down before Clinton left office. The war that you claim Bush "gave" us was already being planned by Osama bin Laden and would have taken place no matter who followed Clinton into the Oval Office! You'd know that if you weren't such an ignorant ideologue!

He was impeached for a blow job. His lie was just the excuse hateful right wingers used. I know that. You know that. Quit lying.

So you think a President should be allowed to commit perjury and just get away with it?
House Democrat's can finish off Republicans in both the Senate and House of Rep's and take back rhe White House opening an opportunity to pack federal courts, including the Supreme Court with overwhelming liberal judges.

Tax reform can change America in one masterful plan. All the House must do is propose large tax cuts for the middle and lower tax brackets and eliminate all the breaks and loopholes going to the super high upper-income folks and obscenely rich. America will love the plan and flock to the voting polls.

You got it kind of fucked up, bro. Don't make me sic my girls on ya:

They will kick your ass.

No one cares about their "share" of taxes,

You did, you said it right here, "the GOP cutting taxes expecting the lower 2/3 of incomes to pay the wealthy's way never worked"

What you're saying is, the wealthy are paying a smaller share, the lower 2/3rds have to make up for it, by paying a larger share.

Besides we're not talking about 1981-2003, we're talking about 2018 forward..

Every other cut resulted in the share paid by the top portion, increasing.
I guess it's possible this one time would be different. Why do you think your prediction
failed since 1981, but will be correct now?

Simple question: Is the Budget Deficit getting bigger or smaller? ANS: Bigger.
We need more revenue AND to cut spending to balance the budget. The top rate needs to increase not cut.

We need more revenue AND to cut spending to balance the budget.

Tell you what, let's cut spending 10% a year, for 3 years.
Then we'll think about adding revenue.

Tell you what cut spending and just take away all expenditures for everyone for three years and let's reevaluate.

Start with my tenants since I would have to drastically increase their rent.


And ask them if the elimination of all tax expenditures was such a good idea.

Or when you pay more for goods.

Or when you pay more for services.

You see.......if you eliminate deductions, those losses eventually gets passed down to us. WE pay them, not the wealthy.
Um guy, if they were so popular among the middle class, the dems wouldn't have been landslided in 1994. You don't need to lie about what really happened in the 1990's.

We know what happened in the 1990's... Clinton gave us prosperity, and you shits impeached him over a blow job.

We got prosperity and balanced budgets because of the Dot Com Boom, Joey!

Yes, yes, the mysterious "Dot Com" boom.... you guys keep telling yourself that myth....

Clinton gave us an awesome economy, and then Bush came along, fucked it up, gave us war, recessions and trillion dollar deficits... and you guys thought that was awesome...

...because you are fucking stupid.

He got impeached for lying under oath...not for a blow job. We have this "silly" rule that says when you are sworn to tell the truth and you don' get in trouble! It's kind of what our whole legal system is based on. The Clinton's never seemed to grasp the whole "truth" thing though...

Oh, so now the Dot Com Boom is a "myth"? It wasn't what caused that booming economy back then? Really, Joey? So what DID cause all of that economic growth?

The economy was already headed down before Clinton left office. The war that you claim Bush "gave" us was already being planned by Osama bin Laden and would have taken place no matter who followed Clinton into the Oval Office! You'd know that if you weren't such an ignorant ideologue!

He was impeached for a blow job. His lie was just the excuse hateful right wingers used. I know that. You know that. Quit lying.

So you think a President should be allowed to commit perjury and just get away with it?
And there it is------- What about Clinton? What about Clinton? What about Clinton? What about Clinton? What about Clinton? What about Clinton? What about Clinton? What about Clinton? What about Clinton? What about Clinton? What about Clinton? What about Clinton? What about Clinton? What about Clinton? What about Clinton? What about Clinton? What about Clinton? What about Clinton? What about Clinton? What about Clinton? What about Clinton? What about Clinton? What about Clinton? What about Clinton? What about Clinton? What about Clinton? What about Clinton? What about Clinton? What about Clinton? What about Clinton? What about Clinton? What about Clinton? What about Clinton? What about Clinton? What about Clinton? What about Clinton? What about Clinton? What about Clinton? What about Clinton? What about Clinton? What about Clinton? What about Clinton? What about Clinton? What about Clinton? What about Clinton? What about Clinton? What about Clinton? What about Clinton? What about Clinton? What about Clinton? What about Clinton? What about Clinton? What about Clinton? What about Clinton? What about Clinton? What about Clinton? What about Clinton? What about Clinton? What about Clinton? What about Clinton? What about Clinton? What about Clinton? What about Clinton? What about Clinton?
Trump will veto it. There is no way he will allow himself or his criminal family pay more taxes. Not gonna happen.
And that is rhe point. Trump and Republicans will deny citizens a tax break for selfish greedy reasons. The only way Americans will get a break is by getting rid of Trump and Republicans.

No one in America needs a tax break. We don't have enough money to pay our bills as it is.

What most in America needs is a raise in pay. With the exception of CEOs excutives and those who only live on unearned income. They don't need a raise in pay.

It's stupid to get our nation into more debt so that employers can get out of their responsibility to pay people a living wage. If they can't or won't do that they have no business owning a company.

The only authority the government should have to raise pay is to raise the minimum wage. Doing that one simple thing will raise everyone's pay and standard of living. Along with increasing circulation of money throughout the economy and increasing tax revenues.

It just allows business to keep paying low wages while creating more debt for our nation.

What do you have against seniors getting a raise?

What law is there that employers must pay a living wage?

How does raising the minimum wage raise everyone’s pay?
Um guy, if they were so popular among the middle class, the dems wouldn't have been landslided in 1994. You don't need to lie about what really happened in the 1990's.

We know what happened in the 1990's... Clinton gave us prosperity, and you shits impeached him over a blow job.

We got prosperity and balanced budgets because of the Dot Com Boom, Joey!

Yes, yes, the mysterious "Dot Com" boom.... you guys keep telling yourself that myth....

Clinton gave us an awesome economy, and then Bush came along, fucked it up, gave us war, recessions and trillion dollar deficits... and you guys thought that was awesome...

...because you are fucking stupid.

He got impeached for lying under oath...not for a blow job. We have this "silly" rule that says when you are sworn to tell the truth and you don' get in trouble! It's kind of what our whole legal system is based on. The Clinton's never seemed to grasp the whole "truth" thing though...

Oh, so now the Dot Com Boom is a "myth"? It wasn't what caused that booming economy back then? Really, Joey? So what DID cause all of that economic growth?

The economy was already headed down before Clinton left office. The war that you claim Bush "gave" us was already being planned by Osama bin Laden and would have taken place no matter who followed Clinton into the Oval Office! You'd know that if you weren't such an ignorant ideologue!

He was impeached for a blow job. His lie was just the excuse hateful right wingers used. I know that. You know that. Quit lying.

Blow jobs aren't illegal...lying while under oath IS! Doing so is why Slick Willy was impeached.
Um guy, if they were so popular among the middle class, the dems wouldn't have been landslided in 1994. You don't need to lie about what really happened in the 1990's.

We know what happened in the 1990's... Clinton gave us prosperity, and you shits impeached him over a blow job.

We got prosperity and balanced budgets because of the Dot Com Boom, Joey!

Yes, yes, the mysterious "Dot Com" boom.... you guys keep telling yourself that myth....

Clinton gave us an awesome economy, and then Bush came along, fucked it up, gave us war, recessions and trillion dollar deficits... and you guys thought that was awesome...

...because you are fucking stupid.

He got impeached for lying under oath...not for a blow job. We have this "silly" rule that says when you are sworn to tell the truth and you don' get in trouble! It's kind of what our whole legal system is based on. The Clinton's never seemed to grasp the whole "truth" thing though...

Oh, so now the Dot Com Boom is a "myth"? It wasn't what caused that booming economy back then? Really, Joey? So what DID cause all of that economic growth?

The economy was already headed down before Clinton left office. The war that you claim Bush "gave" us was already being planned by Osama bin Laden and would have taken place no matter who followed Clinton into the Oval Office! You'd know that if you weren't such an ignorant ideologue!

He was impeached for a blow job. His lie was just the excuse hateful right wingers used. I know that. You know that. Quit lying.

Blow jobs aren't illegal...lying while under oath IS! Doing so is why Slick Willy was impeached.

It’s always about the cover up. That’s what gets people into trouble.
Um guy, if they were so popular among the middle class, the dems wouldn't have been landslided in 1994. You don't need to lie about what really happened in the 1990's.

We know what happened in the 1990's... Clinton gave us prosperity, and you shits impeached him over a blow job.

We got prosperity and balanced budgets because of the Dot Com Boom, Joey!

Yes, yes, the mysterious "Dot Com" boom.... you guys keep telling yourself that myth....

Clinton gave us an awesome economy, and then Bush came along, fucked it up, gave us war, recessions and trillion dollar deficits... and you guys thought that was awesome...

...because you are fucking stupid.

He got impeached for lying under oath...not for a blow job. We have this "silly" rule that says when you are sworn to tell the truth and you don' get in trouble! It's kind of what our whole legal system is based on. The Clinton's never seemed to grasp the whole "truth" thing though...

Oh, so now the Dot Com Boom is a "myth"? It wasn't what caused that booming economy back then? Really, Joey? So what DID cause all of that economic growth?

The economy was already headed down before Clinton left office. The war that you claim Bush "gave" us was already being planned by Osama bin Laden and would have taken place no matter who followed Clinton into the Oval Office! You'd know that if you weren't such an ignorant ideologue!

He was impeached for a blow job. His lie was just the excuse hateful right wingers used. I know that. You know that. Quit lying.

So you think a President should be allowed to commit perjury and just get away with it?
And there it is------- What about Clinton? What about Clinton? What about Clinton? What about Clinton? What about Clinton? What about Clinton? What about Clinton? What about Clinton? What about Clinton? What about Clinton? What about Clinton? What about Clinton? What about Clinton? What about Clinton? What about Clinton? What about Clinton? What about Clinton? What about Clinton? What about Clinton? What about Clinton? What about Clinton? What about Clinton? What about Clinton? What about Clinton? What about Clinton? What about Clinton? What about Clinton? What about Clinton? What about Clinton? What about Clinton? What about Clinton? What about Clinton? What about Clinton? What about Clinton? What about Clinton? What about Clinton? What about Clinton? What about Clinton? What about Clinton? What about Clinton? What about Clinton? What about Clinton? What about Clinton? What about Clinton? What about Clinton? What about Clinton? What about Clinton? What about Clinton? What about Clinton? What about Clinton? What about Clinton? What about Clinton? What about Clinton? What about Clinton? What about Clinton? What about Clinton? What about Clinton? What about Clinton? What about Clinton? What about Clinton? What about Clinton? What about Clinton? What about Clinton? What about Clinton?

Now why don't you retype that and exchange the name Clinton for Bush? Then you would have the two terms of Obama right there.
Um guy, if they were so popular among the middle class, the dems wouldn't have been landslided in 1994. You don't need to lie about what really happened in the 1990's.

We know what happened in the 1990's... Clinton gave us prosperity, and you shits impeached him over a blow job.

We got prosperity and balanced budgets because of the Dot Com Boom, Joey!

Yes, yes, the mysterious "Dot Com" boom.... you guys keep telling yourself that myth....

Clinton gave us an awesome economy, and then Bush came along, fucked it up, gave us war, recessions and trillion dollar deficits... and you guys thought that was awesome...

...because you are fucking stupid.

He got impeached for lying under oath...not for a blow job. We have this "silly" rule that says when you are sworn to tell the truth and you don' get in trouble! It's kind of what our whole legal system is based on. The Clinton's never seemed to grasp the whole "truth" thing though...

Oh, so now the Dot Com Boom is a "myth"? It wasn't what caused that booming economy back then? Really, Joey? So what DID cause all of that economic growth?

The economy was already headed down before Clinton left office. The war that you claim Bush "gave" us was already being planned by Osama bin Laden and would have taken place no matter who followed Clinton into the Oval Office! You'd know that if you weren't such an ignorant ideologue!

He was impeached for a blow job. His lie was just the excuse hateful right wingers used. I know that. You know that. Quit lying.

So you think a President should be allowed to commit perjury and just get away with it?
He believes that only about Democrat presidents.
And there it is------- What about Clinton? What about Clinton? What about Clinton? What about Clinton? What about Clinton? What about Clinton? What about Clinton? What about Clinton? What about Clinton? What about Clinton? What about Clinton? What about Clinton? What about Clinton? What about Clinton? What about Clinton? What about Clinton? What about Clinton? What about Clinton? What about Clinton? What about Clinton? What about Clinton? What about Clinton? What about Clinton? What about Clinton? What about Clinton? What about Clinton? What about Clinton? What about Clinton? What about Clinton? What about Clinton? What about Clinton? What about Clinton? What about Clinton? What about Clinton? What about Clinton? What about Clinton? What about Clinton? What about Clinton? What about Clinton? What about Clinton? What about Clinton? What about Clinton? What about Clinton? What about Clinton? What about Clinton? What about Clinton? What about Clinton? What about Clinton? What about Clinton? What about Clinton? What about Clinton? What about Clinton? What about Clinton? What about Clinton? What about Clinton? What about Clinton? What about Clinton? What about Clinton? What about Clinton? What about Clinton? What about Clinton? What about Clinton? What about Clinton? What about Clinton?

You idiot wanna be right winger. Clinton was part of the conversation from the start. Nobody said "what about Clinton"? A few liberal retards were bragging about things they wish clinton had done. And you wish oh so wishfully that you could brag about Clinton but take no heat for it.

bulldog is a ****.png

This is what happens when you snowflakes are triggered and have to hide in your safe spaces from RWSJW and shout about whataboutism.

Did that cover everything bulldog? You people embarrass yourself with your attempts to co-opt the words and actions that describe you and only you. No matter what you try the result is embarrassing for you and a failure at defusing responses.
He was impeached for a blow job. His lie was just the excuse hateful right wingers used. I know that. You know that. Quit lying.

Impeachment Article 1 The president provided perjurious, false and misleading testimony to the grand jury regarding the Paula Jones case and his relationship with Monica Lewinsky.

Impeachment Article 2 The president obstructed justice in an effort to delay, impede, cover up and conceal the existence of evidence related to the Jones case.

Further texts of the articles of impeachment (see who can find Bulldogs "for getting a blowjob" in the following)

First Article of Impeachment:
On August 17, 1998, William Jefferson Clinton swore to tell the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth before a Federal grand jury of the United States. Contrary to that oath, William Jefferson Clinton willfully provided perjurious, false and misleading testimony to the grand jury concerning one or more of the following: (1) the nature and details of his relationship with a subordinate Government employee; (2) prior perjurious, false and misleading testimony he gave in a Federal civil rights action brought against him; (3) prior false and misleading statements he allowed his attorney to make to a Federal judge in that civil rights action; and (4) his corrupt efforts to influence the testimony of witnesses and to impede the discovery of evidence in that civil rights action.

Second Article of Impeachment:
...has prevented, obstructed and impeded the administration of justice, and has to that end engaged personally, and through his subordinates and agents, in a course of conduct or scheme designed to delay, impede, cover up and conceal the existence of evidence and testimony related to a Federal civil rights action brought against him in a duly instituted judicial proceeding.

The means used to implement this course of conduct or scheme included one or more of the following acts:

(1) On or about December 17, 1997, William Jefferson Clinton corruptly encouraged a witness in a Federal civil rights action brought against him to execute a sworn affidavit in that proceeding that he knew to be perjurious, false and misleading.

(2) On or about December 17, 1997, William Jefferson Clinton corruptly encouraged a witness in a Federal civil rights action brought against him to give perjurious, false and misleading testimony if and when called to testify personally in that proceeding.

(3) On or about December 28, 1997, William Jefferson Clinton corruptly engaged in, encouraged or supported a scheme to conceal evidence that had been subpoenaed in a Federal civil rights action brought against him.

(4) Beginning on or about December 7, 1997, and continuing through and including January 14, 1998, William Jefferson Clinton intensified and succeeded in an effort to secure job assistance to a witness in a Federal civil rights action brought against him in order to corruptly prevent the truthful testimony of that witness in that proceeding at a time when the truthful testimony of that witness would have been harmful to him.

(5) On January 17, 1998, at his deposition in a Federal civil rights action brought against him, William Jefferson Clinton corruptly allowed his attorney to make false and misleading statements to a Federal judge characterizing an affidavit, in order to prevent questioning deemed relevant by the judge. Such false and misleading statements were subsequently acknowledged by his attorney in a communication to that judge.

(6) On or about January 18 and January 20-21, 1998, William Jefferson Clinton related a false and misleading account of events relevant to a Federal civil rights action brought against him to a potential witness in that proceeding, in order to corruptly influence the testimony of that witness.

(7) On or about January 21, 23 and 26, 1998, William Jefferson Clinton made false and misleading statements to potential witnesses in a Federal grand jury proceeding in order to corruptly influence the testimony of those witnesses. The false and misleading statements made by William Jefferson Clinton were repeated by the witnesses to the grand jury, causing the grand jury to receive false and misleading information.
House Democrat's can finish off Republicans in both the Senate and House of Rep's and take back rhe White House opening an opportunity to pack federal courts, including the Supreme Court with overwhelming liberal judges.

Tax reform can change America in one masterful plan. All the House must do is propose large tax cuts for the middle and lower tax brackets and eliminate all the breaks and loopholes going to the super high upper-income folks and obscenely rich. America will love the plan and flock to the voting polls.

Great idea. Let the rich pay for the middle and lower class tax breaks this time. Ir's well past their turn.

They already do, moron. The lower and middle tax brackets don't pay income taxes, so how are you going to cut them?

Anyone except a simpleton would have already grasped that britpat. You put it well but its not that they dont understand..its that they are marxists.

Almost 49% of the country pays no income taxes. Therefore..and this is simple logic.....therefore no tax cut will ever benefit those paying little or no taxes.
Therefore no tax cut is possible ever? Because...people who dont pay taxes will not get a tax cut?

LOL. Someday historians will scratch their heads over the idiots who ran an entire party with a jackass as its symbol. They will write scholarly papers trying to decipher what they are missing when they read of them complaining that people who dont pay taxes...didnt get a tax cut!!!!
He was impeached for a blow job. His lie was just the excuse hateful right wingers used. I know that. You know that. Quit lying.

Impeachment Article 1 The president provided perjurious, false and misleading testimony to the grand jury regarding the Paula Jones case and his relationship with Monica Lewinsky.

Impeachment Article 2 The president obstructed justice in an effort to delay, impede, cover up and conceal the existence of evidence related to the Jones case.

Further texts of the articles of impeachment (see who can find Bulldogs "for getting a blowjob" in the following)

First Article of Impeachment:
On August 17, 1998, William Jefferson Clinton swore to tell the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth before a Federal grand jury of the United States. Contrary to that oath, William Jefferson Clinton willfully provided perjurious, false and misleading testimony to the grand jury concerning one or more of the following: (1) the nature and details of his relationship with a subordinate Government employee; (2) prior perjurious, false and misleading testimony he gave in a Federal civil rights action brought against him; (3) prior false and misleading statements he allowed his attorney to make to a Federal judge in that civil rights action; and (4) his corrupt efforts to influence the testimony of witnesses and to impede the discovery of evidence in that civil rights action.

Second Article of Impeachment:
...has prevented, obstructed and impeded the administration of justice, and has to that end engaged personally, and through his subordinates and agents, in a course of conduct or scheme designed to delay, impede, cover up and conceal the existence of evidence and testimony related to a Federal civil rights action brought against him in a duly instituted judicial proceeding.

The means used to implement this course of conduct or scheme included one or more of the following acts:

(1) On or about December 17, 1997, William Jefferson Clinton corruptly encouraged a witness in a Federal civil rights action brought against him to execute a sworn affidavit in that proceeding that he knew to be perjurious, false and misleading.

(2) On or about December 17, 1997, William Jefferson Clinton corruptly encouraged a witness in a Federal civil rights action brought against him to give perjurious, false and misleading testimony if and when called to testify personally in that proceeding.

(3) On or about December 28, 1997, William Jefferson Clinton corruptly engaged in, encouraged or supported a scheme to conceal evidence that had been subpoenaed in a Federal civil rights action brought against him.

(4) Beginning on or about December 7, 1997, and continuing through and including January 14, 1998, William Jefferson Clinton intensified and succeeded in an effort to secure job assistance to a witness in a Federal civil rights action brought against him in order to corruptly prevent the truthful testimony of that witness in that proceeding at a time when the truthful testimony of that witness would have been harmful to him.

(5) On January 17, 1998, at his deposition in a Federal civil rights action brought against him, William Jefferson Clinton corruptly allowed his attorney to make false and misleading statements to a Federal judge characterizing an affidavit, in order to prevent questioning deemed relevant by the judge. Such false and misleading statements were subsequently acknowledged by his attorney in a communication to that judge.

(6) On or about January 18 and January 20-21, 1998, William Jefferson Clinton related a false and misleading account of events relevant to a Federal civil rights action brought against him to a potential witness in that proceeding, in order to corruptly influence the testimony of that witness.

(7) On or about January 21, 23 and 26, 1998, William Jefferson Clinton made false and misleading statements to potential witnesses in a Federal grand jury proceeding in order to corruptly influence the testimony of those witnesses. The false and misleading statements made by William Jefferson Clinton were repeated by the witnesses to the grand jury, causing the grand jury to receive false and misleading information.

Like I said before, that's the excuse they used, but the blowjob was the reason.
Um guy, if they were so popular among the middle class, the dems wouldn't have been landslided in 1994. You don't need to lie about what really happened in the 1990's.

We know what happened in the 1990's... Clinton gave us prosperity, and you shits impeached him over a blow job.

We got prosperity and balanced budgets because of the Dot Com Boom, Joey!

Yes, yes, the mysterious "Dot Com" boom.... you guys keep telling yourself that myth....

Clinton gave us an awesome economy, and then Bush came along, fucked it up, gave us war, recessions and trillion dollar deficits... and you guys thought that was awesome...

...because you are fucking stupid.

He got impeached for lying under oath...not for a blow job. We have this "silly" rule that says when you are sworn to tell the truth and you don' get in trouble! It's kind of what our whole legal system is based on. The Clinton's never seemed to grasp the whole "truth" thing though...

Oh, so now the Dot Com Boom is a "myth"? It wasn't what caused that booming economy back then? Really, Joey? So what DID cause all of that economic growth?

The economy was already headed down before Clinton left office. The war that you claim Bush "gave" us was already being planned by Osama bin Laden and would have taken place no matter who followed Clinton into the Oval Office! You'd know that if you weren't such an ignorant ideologue!

He was impeached for a blow job. His lie was just the excuse hateful right wingers used. I know that. You know that. Quit lying.

Clinton even lost his law license and agreed to a huge fine for his perjury and obstruction. How humiliating that lawyers even found him too scummy to associate with.

Het bulldog..i wonder what the definition of is is?
He was impeached for a blow job. His lie was just the excuse hateful right wingers used. I know that. You know that. Quit lying.

Impeachment Article 1 The president provided perjurious, false and misleading testimony to the grand jury regarding the Paula Jones case and his relationship with Monica Lewinsky.

Impeachment Article 2 The president obstructed justice in an effort to delay, impede, cover up and conceal the existence of evidence related to the Jones case.

Further texts of the articles of impeachment (see who can find Bulldogs "for getting a blowjob" in the following)

First Article of Impeachment:
On August 17, 1998, William Jefferson Clinton swore to tell the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth before a Federal grand jury of the United States. Contrary to that oath, William Jefferson Clinton willfully provided perjurious, false and misleading testimony to the grand jury concerning one or more of the following: (1) the nature and details of his relationship with a subordinate Government employee; (2) prior perjurious, false and misleading testimony he gave in a Federal civil rights action brought against him; (3) prior false and misleading statements he allowed his attorney to make to a Federal judge in that civil rights action; and (4) his corrupt efforts to influence the testimony of witnesses and to impede the discovery of evidence in that civil rights action.

Second Article of Impeachment:
...has prevented, obstructed and impeded the administration of justice, and has to that end engaged personally, and through his subordinates and agents, in a course of conduct or scheme designed to delay, impede, cover up and conceal the existence of evidence and testimony related to a Federal civil rights action brought against him in a duly instituted judicial proceeding.

The means used to implement this course of conduct or scheme included one or more of the following acts:

(1) On or about December 17, 1997, William Jefferson Clinton corruptly encouraged a witness in a Federal civil rights action brought against him to execute a sworn affidavit in that proceeding that he knew to be perjurious, false and misleading.

(2) On or about December 17, 1997, William Jefferson Clinton corruptly encouraged a witness in a Federal civil rights action brought against him to give perjurious, false and misleading testimony if and when called to testify personally in that proceeding.

(3) On or about December 28, 1997, William Jefferson Clinton corruptly engaged in, encouraged or supported a scheme to conceal evidence that had been subpoenaed in a Federal civil rights action brought against him.

(4) Beginning on or about December 7, 1997, and continuing through and including January 14, 1998, William Jefferson Clinton intensified and succeeded in an effort to secure job assistance to a witness in a Federal civil rights action brought against him in order to corruptly prevent the truthful testimony of that witness in that proceeding at a time when the truthful testimony of that witness would have been harmful to him.

(5) On January 17, 1998, at his deposition in a Federal civil rights action brought against him, William Jefferson Clinton corruptly allowed his attorney to make false and misleading statements to a Federal judge characterizing an affidavit, in order to prevent questioning deemed relevant by the judge. Such false and misleading statements were subsequently acknowledged by his attorney in a communication to that judge.

(6) On or about January 18 and January 20-21, 1998, William Jefferson Clinton related a false and misleading account of events relevant to a Federal civil rights action brought against him to a potential witness in that proceeding, in order to corruptly influence the testimony of that witness.

(7) On or about January 21, 23 and 26, 1998, William Jefferson Clinton made false and misleading statements to potential witnesses in a Federal grand jury proceeding in order to corruptly influence the testimony of those witnesses. The false and misleading statements made by William Jefferson Clinton were repeated by the witnesses to the grand jury, causing the grand jury to receive false and misleading information.

Like I said before, that's the excuse they used, but the blowjob was the reason.

You denied he got a blowjob. I dont have to have known you at the time. I know you now. And there is no doubt you were screeching it was all a lie. A vast right wing conspiracy as Clinton said when she lied about it. You swore up and down that "he did not have sex with that woman monica lewinsky". Then you had to hang your head in shame for about three seconds..before next yelling "whats the defintion of is?"
Spare me the GOP talking points, I'm GOP and stopped drinking the "Tax-Cut KoolAde", I see the Debt exploding. The Budget Deficit needs to be addressed, and soon. If the GOP won't fix it then the dems will get a turn. You can try your tax cut bullshit on them and their IRS appointees.
The Corporate tax cut can stay, we're only talking about personal tax rates, or adding a VAT.

All liberals want a VAT. ANOTHER layer of taxes. Its all thats left to tax. You tax income. You tax spending. You tax saving. You tax dying. The *only* thing you have left to tax is improvmewnt itself..the unAmerican an idea as they come. But then again so are you.

I know I know...all the best eurotrash have VATs. But thats no argument as far as I am concerned.

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