How Dem House of Rep's Can Finish Off Republicans in 2020

The democrats in the House will do a proper investigation into all of it. By the time they're done I would be very surprised if trump will be reelected.

Then again you were surprised the first time he was elected weren't you? You quoted Nate Silver like he was God. You posted pages on how nice the electoral college and how it would save you from trump. You said "hows Romney working out for you".
You just arent that bright. You pick election winners no better than you pick husbands.

But keep up your delusions. I sure hope you people nominate him.
It will be a landslide victory for the democrats and we will have a chance to get a lot of very destructive people out of our government.

But there is a silver lining to this. One more post. The pathos is what makes it a winner :)

I'm hoping that Hillary wins and gets to appoint at least 2 if not 3 judges to the supreme court.

What was this...opposite day?
who the fuck cares about "share of income tax receipts", how about including payroll taxes? Are you one of those who say "only little people pay taxes"? If the top tax rate owns 90% or so of everything they should pay a lot more than those struggling to make ends meet. The tax revenue below is totally inadequate:

If that's the way they feel, why stop at income?

Let's say you have eight beautiful bushes in your front yard. Would it not be proper for government to come along, take four of your bushes, and give them to the lady down the street who has no bushes at all?

If you are an entertainment lover and have three big screen televisions in your home, would it not be proper for government to take two of your big screens and give them to people that don't have any big screen televisions in their home?

Payroll taxes are money you will get back (and more) if you live the average lifespan. You are going to get every dollar of your Social Security back. You are going to get back every dollar you contributed to Medicare. Your city, county and state taxes go to services you use every day. There is really nothing to cut.

We are discussing funding the Federal government (not bushes or TVs) and IMHO the billionaires have way to many loop holes and need to pay more to cover the Deficit, otherwise the system will collapse. The wealthy won't care, they are wealthy. The rest of us suffer because of their greed.
Medicare will be bankrupt in 2024 and SS will cut benefits in 2034 unless taxes are raised:
Social Security: Social Security must reduce benefits in 2034 if reforms aren't made - CNNPolitics

Medicare and SS have their own taxes and werent touched by Donald Trump. Why would you bring them up?
Like I said before, that's the excuse they used, but the blowjob was the reason.

I just showed you the articles of impeachment. Saying "like I said" only means you are about to repeat your first stupid assertion. It doesnt mean that reality changes.
Simple question: Is the Budget Deficit getting bigger or smaller? ANS: Bigger.
We need more revenue AND to cut spending to balance the budget. The top rate needs to increase not cut.

We need more revenue AND to cut spending to balance the budget.

Tell you what, let's cut spending 10% a year, for 3 years.
Then we'll think about adding revenue.

Tell you what cut spending and just take away all expenditures for everyone for three years and let's reevaluate.

Start with my tenants since I would have to drastically increase their rent.


And ask them if the elimination of all tax expenditures was such a good idea.

Or when you pay more for goods.

Or when you pay more for services.

You see.......if you eliminate deductions, those losses eventually gets passed down to us. WE pay them, not the wealthy.

Ray, whom do you suppose has , by far almost all of the tax expenditures? Quick hint it sure as hell ain't the middle class
As a matter of fact they just eliminated them for most of us.
We need more revenue AND to cut spending to balance the budget.

Tell you what, let's cut spending 10% a year, for 3 years.
Then we'll think about adding revenue.

Tell you what cut spending and just take away all expenditures for everyone for three years and let's reevaluate.

Start with my tenants since I would have to drastically increase their rent.


And ask them if the elimination of all tax expenditures was such a good idea.

Or when you pay more for goods.

Or when you pay more for services.

You see.......if you eliminate deductions, those losses eventually gets passed down to us. WE pay them, not the wealthy.

Ray, whom do you suppose has , by far almost all of the tax expenditures? Quick hint it sure as hell ain't the middle class
As a matter of fact they just eliminated them for most of us.

Yes, they do have the most expenditures; much of which they pay.

People think that when I pay a bill for $3,000, that means I get to take $3,000 from what I owe the government. That's not the way it works. What it means is that I still pay the 3K, it's just that I don't have to pay taxes on that money when I earned it.

If you tax the rich more, get rid of deductions, create new regulations that cost them money, they simply pass it down to us and we end up paying it.
Like I said before, that's the excuse they used, but the blowjob was the reason.

I just showed you the articles of impeachment. Saying "like I said" only means you are about to repeat your first stupid assertion. It doesnt mean that reality changes.

The right hated Clinton and would have impeached him for any thing they could come up with. Just so happened he lied about a blowjob. I wonder how many millions of guys have done that? That was their excuse,nothing more.
He was impeached for a blow job. His lie was just the excuse hateful right wingers used. I know that. You know that. Quit lying.

Impeachment Article 1 The president provided perjurious, false and misleading testimony to the grand jury regarding the Paula Jones case and his relationship with Monica Lewinsky.

Impeachment Article 2 The president obstructed justice in an effort to delay, impede, cover up and conceal the existence of evidence related to the Jones case.

Further texts of the articles of impeachment (see who can find Bulldogs "for getting a blowjob" in the following)

First Article of Impeachment:
On August 17, 1998, William Jefferson Clinton swore to tell the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth before a Federal grand jury of the United States. Contrary to that oath, William Jefferson Clinton willfully provided perjurious, false and misleading testimony to the grand jury concerning one or more of the following: (1) the nature and details of his relationship with a subordinate Government employee; (2) prior perjurious, false and misleading testimony he gave in a Federal civil rights action brought against him; (3) prior false and misleading statements he allowed his attorney to make to a Federal judge in that civil rights action; and (4) his corrupt efforts to influence the testimony of witnesses and to impede the discovery of evidence in that civil rights action.

Second Article of Impeachment:
...has prevented, obstructed and impeded the administration of justice, and has to that end engaged personally, and through his subordinates and agents, in a course of conduct or scheme designed to delay, impede, cover up and conceal the existence of evidence and testimony related to a Federal civil rights action brought against him in a duly instituted judicial proceeding.

The means used to implement this course of conduct or scheme included one or more of the following acts:

(1) On or about December 17, 1997, William Jefferson Clinton corruptly encouraged a witness in a Federal civil rights action brought against him to execute a sworn affidavit in that proceeding that he knew to be perjurious, false and misleading.

(2) On or about December 17, 1997, William Jefferson Clinton corruptly encouraged a witness in a Federal civil rights action brought against him to give perjurious, false and misleading testimony if and when called to testify personally in that proceeding.

(3) On or about December 28, 1997, William Jefferson Clinton corruptly engaged in, encouraged or supported a scheme to conceal evidence that had been subpoenaed in a Federal civil rights action brought against him.

(4) Beginning on or about December 7, 1997, and continuing through and including January 14, 1998, William Jefferson Clinton intensified and succeeded in an effort to secure job assistance to a witness in a Federal civil rights action brought against him in order to corruptly prevent the truthful testimony of that witness in that proceeding at a time when the truthful testimony of that witness would have been harmful to him.

(5) On January 17, 1998, at his deposition in a Federal civil rights action brought against him, William Jefferson Clinton corruptly allowed his attorney to make false and misleading statements to a Federal judge characterizing an affidavit, in order to prevent questioning deemed relevant by the judge. Such false and misleading statements were subsequently acknowledged by his attorney in a communication to that judge.

(6) On or about January 18 and January 20-21, 1998, William Jefferson Clinton related a false and misleading account of events relevant to a Federal civil rights action brought against him to a potential witness in that proceeding, in order to corruptly influence the testimony of that witness.

(7) On or about January 21, 23 and 26, 1998, William Jefferson Clinton made false and misleading statements to potential witnesses in a Federal grand jury proceeding in order to corruptly influence the testimony of those witnesses. The false and misleading statements made by William Jefferson Clinton were repeated by the witnesses to the grand jury, causing the grand jury to receive false and misleading information.

Like I said before, that's the excuse they used, but the blowjob was the reason.

You denied he got a blowjob. I dont have to have known you at the time. I know you now. And there is no doubt you were screeching it was all a lie. A vast right wing conspiracy as Clinton said when she lied about it. You swore up and down that "he did not have sex with that woman monica lewinsky". Then you had to hang your head in shame for about three seconds..before next yelling "whats the defintion of is?"

And we have to remind them of that every time they talk about Trump lying or tarnishing the office of the President. The guy didn't even get a hotel room. He performed those acts in the oval office.
Like I said before, that's the excuse they used, but the blowjob was the reason.

I just showed you the articles of impeachment. Saying "like I said" only means you are about to repeat your first stupid assertion. It doesnt mean that reality changes.

The right hated Clinton and would have impeached him for any thing they could come up with. Just so happened he lied about a blowjob. I wonder how many millions of guys have done that? That was their excuse,nothing more.

Only the left thinks you can impeach a President for anything. The right understands the Constitution and what it says.
He got impeached for lying under oath...not for a blow job.

About a blow job.

We have this "silly" rule that says when you are sworn to tell the truth and you don' get in trouble!

Except most people lie about sex. If they didn't, we'd throw a lot of people in jail in every divorce case.

Oh, so now the Dot Com Boom is a "myth"? It wasn't what caused that booming economy back then? Really, Joey? So what DID cause all of that economic growth?

INcreased industrial output. Free Trade. Not so much money and resources being sucked up by the military industrial complex. Increased government spending on practical things like roads and infrastructure.

It certainly wasn't caused by THIS GUY.


The economy was already headed down before Clinton left office.

When Clinton left, unemployment as at 4.2%. By the next year, Dubya had it a 6.3%.

The war that you claim Bush "gave" us was already being planned by Osama bin Laden and would have taken place no matter who followed Clinton into the Oval Office! You'd know that if you weren't such an ignorant ideologue!

Well, good point. The Bush Administration KNEW Bin Laden was going to strike. Bush even got a report entitled 'Bin Laden Determined to strike US" that SPECIFICALLY talked about hijacking airplanes...

And Bush did... Nothing. He went fishing. "Well, you've covered your ass" he said to the CIA Briefer.

Look, if you right wing fuckwads truly thought Bush was a good president, you'd have nominated his brother instead of the Game Show Host. But you knew he was a disaster, his father was a disaster and even you weren't stupid enough to put a third one in there.

What you did put in there is worse, however... but not to worry, when he gets us into recessions and wars, you will find some way to twist logic and blame Pelosi or Obama.
He was impeached for a blow job. His lie was just the excuse hateful right wingers used. I know that. You know that. Quit lying.

Impeachment Article 1 The president provided perjurious, false and misleading testimony to the grand jury regarding the Paula Jones case and his relationship with Monica Lewinsky.

Impeachment Article 2 The president obstructed justice in an effort to delay, impede, cover up and conceal the existence of evidence related to the Jones case.

Further texts of the articles of impeachment (see who can find Bulldogs "for getting a blowjob" in the following)

First Article of Impeachment:
On August 17, 1998, William Jefferson Clinton swore to tell the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth before a Federal grand jury of the United States. Contrary to that oath, William Jefferson Clinton willfully provided perjurious, false and misleading testimony to the grand jury concerning one or more of the following: (1) the nature and details of his relationship with a subordinate Government employee; (2) prior perjurious, false and misleading testimony he gave in a Federal civil rights action brought against him; (3) prior false and misleading statements he allowed his attorney to make to a Federal judge in that civil rights action; and (4) his corrupt efforts to influence the testimony of witnesses and to impede the discovery of evidence in that civil rights action.

Second Article of Impeachment:
...has prevented, obstructed and impeded the administration of justice, and has to that end engaged personally, and through his subordinates and agents, in a course of conduct or scheme designed to delay, impede, cover up and conceal the existence of evidence and testimony related to a Federal civil rights action brought against him in a duly instituted judicial proceeding.

The means used to implement this course of conduct or scheme included one or more of the following acts:

(1) On or about December 17, 1997, William Jefferson Clinton corruptly encouraged a witness in a Federal civil rights action brought against him to execute a sworn affidavit in that proceeding that he knew to be perjurious, false and misleading.

(2) On or about December 17, 1997, William Jefferson Clinton corruptly encouraged a witness in a Federal civil rights action brought against him to give perjurious, false and misleading testimony if and when called to testify personally in that proceeding.

(3) On or about December 28, 1997, William Jefferson Clinton corruptly engaged in, encouraged or supported a scheme to conceal evidence that had been subpoenaed in a Federal civil rights action brought against him.

(4) Beginning on or about December 7, 1997, and continuing through and including January 14, 1998, William Jefferson Clinton intensified and succeeded in an effort to secure job assistance to a witness in a Federal civil rights action brought against him in order to corruptly prevent the truthful testimony of that witness in that proceeding at a time when the truthful testimony of that witness would have been harmful to him.

(5) On January 17, 1998, at his deposition in a Federal civil rights action brought against him, William Jefferson Clinton corruptly allowed his attorney to make false and misleading statements to a Federal judge characterizing an affidavit, in order to prevent questioning deemed relevant by the judge. Such false and misleading statements were subsequently acknowledged by his attorney in a communication to that judge.

(6) On or about January 18 and January 20-21, 1998, William Jefferson Clinton related a false and misleading account of events relevant to a Federal civil rights action brought against him to a potential witness in that proceeding, in order to corruptly influence the testimony of that witness.

(7) On or about January 21, 23 and 26, 1998, William Jefferson Clinton made false and misleading statements to potential witnesses in a Federal grand jury proceeding in order to corruptly influence the testimony of those witnesses. The false and misleading statements made by William Jefferson Clinton were repeated by the witnesses to the grand jury, causing the grand jury to receive false and misleading information.

Like I said before, that's the excuse they used, but the blowjob was the reason.

You denied he got a blowjob. I dont have to have known you at the time. I know you now. And there is no doubt you were screeching it was all a lie. A vast right wing conspiracy as Clinton said when she lied about it. You swore up and down that "he did not have sex with that woman monica lewinsky". Then you had to hang your head in shame for about three seconds..before next yelling "whats the defintion of is?"

And we have to remind them of that every time they talk about Trump lying or tarnishing the office of the President. The guy didn't even get a hotel room. He performed those acts in the oval office.

Not as bad as inviting Russians into the oval office and sharing state secrets with them. Since there was nobody else there from the US, no reason to believe he didn't give them a blowjob in the oval office.
How Dem House of Rep's Can Finish Off Republicans in 2020
How They Can Squander It All
With Wild-Eyed Bottomless Pit Investigations

Your 'Bleu Wave' Was A Purple Puddle
He was impeached for a blow job. His lie was just the excuse hateful right wingers used. I know that. You know that. Quit lying.

Impeachment Article 1 The president provided perjurious, false and misleading testimony to the grand jury regarding the Paula Jones case and his relationship with Monica Lewinsky.

Impeachment Article 2 The president obstructed justice in an effort to delay, impede, cover up and conceal the existence of evidence related to the Jones case.

Further texts of the articles of impeachment (see who can find Bulldogs "for getting a blowjob" in the following)

First Article of Impeachment:
On August 17, 1998, William Jefferson Clinton swore to tell the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth before a Federal grand jury of the United States. Contrary to that oath, William Jefferson Clinton willfully provided perjurious, false and misleading testimony to the grand jury concerning one or more of the following: (1) the nature and details of his relationship with a subordinate Government employee; (2) prior perjurious, false and misleading testimony he gave in a Federal civil rights action brought against him; (3) prior false and misleading statements he allowed his attorney to make to a Federal judge in that civil rights action; and (4) his corrupt efforts to influence the testimony of witnesses and to impede the discovery of evidence in that civil rights action.

Second Article of Impeachment:
...has prevented, obstructed and impeded the administration of justice, and has to that end engaged personally, and through his subordinates and agents, in a course of conduct or scheme designed to delay, impede, cover up and conceal the existence of evidence and testimony related to a Federal civil rights action brought against him in a duly instituted judicial proceeding.

The means used to implement this course of conduct or scheme included one or more of the following acts:

(1) On or about December 17, 1997, William Jefferson Clinton corruptly encouraged a witness in a Federal civil rights action brought against him to execute a sworn affidavit in that proceeding that he knew to be perjurious, false and misleading.

(2) On or about December 17, 1997, William Jefferson Clinton corruptly encouraged a witness in a Federal civil rights action brought against him to give perjurious, false and misleading testimony if and when called to testify personally in that proceeding.

(3) On or about December 28, 1997, William Jefferson Clinton corruptly engaged in, encouraged or supported a scheme to conceal evidence that had been subpoenaed in a Federal civil rights action brought against him.

(4) Beginning on or about December 7, 1997, and continuing through and including January 14, 1998, William Jefferson Clinton intensified and succeeded in an effort to secure job assistance to a witness in a Federal civil rights action brought against him in order to corruptly prevent the truthful testimony of that witness in that proceeding at a time when the truthful testimony of that witness would have been harmful to him.

(5) On January 17, 1998, at his deposition in a Federal civil rights action brought against him, William Jefferson Clinton corruptly allowed his attorney to make false and misleading statements to a Federal judge characterizing an affidavit, in order to prevent questioning deemed relevant by the judge. Such false and misleading statements were subsequently acknowledged by his attorney in a communication to that judge.

(6) On or about January 18 and January 20-21, 1998, William Jefferson Clinton related a false and misleading account of events relevant to a Federal civil rights action brought against him to a potential witness in that proceeding, in order to corruptly influence the testimony of that witness.

(7) On or about January 21, 23 and 26, 1998, William Jefferson Clinton made false and misleading statements to potential witnesses in a Federal grand jury proceeding in order to corruptly influence the testimony of those witnesses. The false and misleading statements made by William Jefferson Clinton were repeated by the witnesses to the grand jury, causing the grand jury to receive false and misleading information.

What the hell does this bovine excrement have to do with the OP?
He got impeached for lying under oath...not for a blow job.

About a blow job.

We have this "silly" rule that says when you are sworn to tell the truth and you don' get in trouble!

Except most people lie about sex. If they didn't, we'd throw a lot of people in jail in every divorce case.

Oh, so now the Dot Com Boom is a "myth"? It wasn't what caused that booming economy back then? Really, Joey? So what DID cause all of that economic growth?

INcreased industrial output. Free Trade. Not so much money and resources being sucked up by the military industrial complex. Increased government spending on practical things like roads and infrastructure.

It certainly wasn't caused by THIS GUY.

View attachment 228653

The economy was already headed down before Clinton left office.

When Clinton left, unemployment as at 4.2%. By the next year, Dubya had it a 6.3%.

The war that you claim Bush "gave" us was already being planned by Osama bin Laden and would have taken place no matter who followed Clinton into the Oval Office! You'd know that if you weren't such an ignorant ideologue!

Well, good point. The Bush Administration KNEW Bin Laden was going to strike. Bush even got a report entitled 'Bin Laden Determined to strike US" that SPECIFICALLY talked about hijacking airplanes...

And Bush did... Nothing. He went fishing. "Well, you've covered your ass" he said to the CIA Briefer.

Look, if you right wing fuckwads truly thought Bush was a good president, you'd have nominated his brother instead of the Game Show Host. But you knew he was a disaster, his father was a disaster and even you weren't stupid enough to put a third one in there.

What you did put in there is worse, however... but not to worry, when he gets us into recessions and wars, you will find some way to twist logic and blame Pelosi or Obama.
I know, you get so upset when Right wingers get spanked.

Republicans will nominate Jeb, democrats will nominate Hillary.

Hillary will win all the states Obama won, plus Missouri, Arizona, Arkansas and Louisiana.

If McMullin takes Utah, it just means Hillary will take just about everything else.

Hillary already has 260 EV's locked down, and she only has to win one of the following states.

North Carolina

I think she's going win all of them. I think we are looking at the complete collapse of Trump and she's going to pick up states that weren't even on anyone's radar, like Texas and Indiana.

Uh, HIllary will beat anyone you put up.

and when you guys are done with the Reality TV clowns, Bush will be the only option you have.

Realistically, I doubt anyone can beat HIllary at this point.

Again, for all her problems, Hillary would easily beat anyone the GOP puts up. If you really think the country will elect a reality TV rodeo clown, you are deluded.

LMAO!!!! Great job, Joseph! Go team leftard!!!
He was impeached for a blow job. His lie was just the excuse hateful right wingers used. I know that. You know that. Quit lying.

Impeachment Article 1 The president provided perjurious, false and misleading testimony to the grand jury regarding the Paula Jones case and his relationship with Monica Lewinsky.

Impeachment Article 2 The president obstructed justice in an effort to delay, impede, cover up and conceal the existence of evidence related to the Jones case.

Further texts of the articles of impeachment (see who can find Bulldogs "for getting a blowjob" in the following)

First Article of Impeachment:
On August 17, 1998, William Jefferson Clinton swore to tell the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth before a Federal grand jury of the United States. Contrary to that oath, William Jefferson Clinton willfully provided perjurious, false and misleading testimony to the grand jury concerning one or more of the following: (1) the nature and details of his relationship with a subordinate Government employee; (2) prior perjurious, false and misleading testimony he gave in a Federal civil rights action brought against him; (3) prior false and misleading statements he allowed his attorney to make to a Federal judge in that civil rights action; and (4) his corrupt efforts to influence the testimony of witnesses and to impede the discovery of evidence in that civil rights action.

Second Article of Impeachment:
...has prevented, obstructed and impeded the administration of justice, and has to that end engaged personally, and through his subordinates and agents, in a course of conduct or scheme designed to delay, impede, cover up and conceal the existence of evidence and testimony related to a Federal civil rights action brought against him in a duly instituted judicial proceeding.

The means used to implement this course of conduct or scheme included one or more of the following acts:

(1) On or about December 17, 1997, William Jefferson Clinton corruptly encouraged a witness in a Federal civil rights action brought against him to execute a sworn affidavit in that proceeding that he knew to be perjurious, false and misleading.

(2) On or about December 17, 1997, William Jefferson Clinton corruptly encouraged a witness in a Federal civil rights action brought against him to give perjurious, false and misleading testimony if and when called to testify personally in that proceeding.

(3) On or about December 28, 1997, William Jefferson Clinton corruptly engaged in, encouraged or supported a scheme to conceal evidence that had been subpoenaed in a Federal civil rights action brought against him.

(4) Beginning on or about December 7, 1997, and continuing through and including January 14, 1998, William Jefferson Clinton intensified and succeeded in an effort to secure job assistance to a witness in a Federal civil rights action brought against him in order to corruptly prevent the truthful testimony of that witness in that proceeding at a time when the truthful testimony of that witness would have been harmful to him.

(5) On January 17, 1998, at his deposition in a Federal civil rights action brought against him, William Jefferson Clinton corruptly allowed his attorney to make false and misleading statements to a Federal judge characterizing an affidavit, in order to prevent questioning deemed relevant by the judge. Such false and misleading statements were subsequently acknowledged by his attorney in a communication to that judge.

(6) On or about January 18 and January 20-21, 1998, William Jefferson Clinton related a false and misleading account of events relevant to a Federal civil rights action brought against him to a potential witness in that proceeding, in order to corruptly influence the testimony of that witness.

(7) On or about January 21, 23 and 26, 1998, William Jefferson Clinton made false and misleading statements to potential witnesses in a Federal grand jury proceeding in order to corruptly influence the testimony of those witnesses. The false and misleading statements made by William Jefferson Clinton were repeated by the witnesses to the grand jury, causing the grand jury to receive false and misleading information.

Like I said before, that's the excuse they used, but the blowjob was the reason.

You denied he got a blowjob. I dont have to have known you at the time. I know you now. And there is no doubt you were screeching it was all a lie. A vast right wing conspiracy as Clinton said when she lied about it. You swore up and down that "he did not have sex with that woman monica lewinsky". Then you had to hang your head in shame for about three seconds..before next yelling "whats the defintion of is?"

And we have to remind them of that every time they talk about Trump lying or tarnishing the office of the President. The guy didn't even get a hotel room. He performed those acts in the oval office.

Not as bad as inviting Russians into the oval office and sharing state secrets with them. Since there was nobody else there from the US, no reason to believe he didn't give them a blowjob in the oval office.

Chinagate and the Clintons
I know, you get so upset when Right wingers get spanked.

Republicans will nominate Jeb, democrats will nominate Hillary.

Hillary will win all the states Obama won, plus Missouri, Arizona, Arkansas and Louisiana.

If McMullin takes Utah, it just means Hillary will take just about everything else.

Hillary already has 260 EV's locked down, and she only has to win one of the following states.

North Carolina

I think she's going win all of them. I think we are looking at the complete collapse of Trump and she's going to pick up states that weren't even on anyone's radar, like Texas and Indiana.

Uh, HIllary will beat anyone you put up.

and when you guys are done with the Reality TV clowns, Bush will be the only option you have.

Realistically, I doubt anyone can beat HIllary at this point.

Again, for all her problems, Hillary would easily beat anyone the GOP puts up. If you really think the country will elect a reality TV rodeo clown, you are deluded.

LMAO!!!! Great job, Joseph! Go team leftard!!!

If Hillary Clinton is the "answer" to our country's need for leadership...then we are so well and truly Fubared it isn't even funny! You liberals have to stop electing jokes like Ocasio-Cortez and get some young blood into the Party that's not dumb as a rock! Right now you're the "Depends Party"! Democratic Party leadership is're saddled with Hillary, with Bernie, with Nancy, with Maxine. Who are your leaders of tomorrow?

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