How did a bunch of fishermen and a tax collector fool the world?


Diamond Member
Jun 20, 2014
How did a bunch of fishermen and a tax collector fool the world into thinking there was a man named Jesus, who they met, followed, watched performing miracles, and saw walking about and eating fish after he died on a cross?

Perhaps these simple men would not have succeeded in their grand design, had they not been joined by Saul of Tarsus, who changed his name to Paul after falsely claiming to see Jesus on the road to Damascus.

Paul was a very clever man, and if anyone could invent a religion out of whole cloth, he could. His writings are still studied today, and considered to be the work of a genius.

Unfortunately for Paul, his grand scheme to fool the world into believing in Jesus did not make him rich and famous. Instead, he was arrested by Roman authorities, put on trial, and beheaded.

Ten of the men who started the whole scheme met the same fate, all dying gruesome deaths rather than admitting it was all a con job.

But the followers of the original men who started the conspiracy continued working to fool the world into believing in their false religion, and then finally the Emperor Constantine was fooled and the whole Roman Empire converted.

Anyway, that's the theory.
How did organized Chrisetendom and their elite funded seminaries, universities and religious press fool humanity is the more appropriate question.

The exploitation of the Bible and prophecy for human mind control to social control by behavior control by justification of the horrors of modern warfare to acquire and expand Anglo and Eruo wealth does not mean the Bible is what is full of lies.

It is the organized religions who do that work, and the first reaction is to discredit the Kingdom of God conquest message in the Bible. Why discredit something already untrue? Is it untrue? Why all the disinformation and much of that right from Christendom itself?

Now the churches in the mainstream majority are ready to accept the "New World Order" as the Kingdom of God, that's why. And that was and is the goal of the subversion of Christianity, to aid the implementation of private elite world government globally. Christendom is but one piece of the implementation puzzle.

Thus if one is affected by the "church message" they are misled within and without, for the message says one thing to those inside, and a discrediting by lawless public record for those on the outside to discredit the whole thing. Many people plainly realize the lie churches are, but blame the Bible.

Divide and conquer. Christendom like other mass religious bodies merely carries out their sector of division for the same overall goal. Now Christ-is-a-fraud is also a religion in it's own right, as is the temple of money, politics and science. Now many people are driven to secular religions and various addictions in that system. Christendom is the aiding "shepherd" in it's diminishing influence.

Altogether they are all one mass divided "religion", to psychologically aid world government to spring the trap on a whole unsuspecting world system, and to put it into economic war to lead to world war to overdrive the thing in, in the recovery of that tribulation, and few will even notice what is going on, and each of these mass mind control devices will have met the goal.

But world government will come anyways, and it is the Kingdom of God that it will indeed trigger, and that is the simple connection the confusion truncates from most human consideration. But the whole "conspiratorial" outline is already in the Bible with it's own alien, demon, elite, NWO, world government secular historical counterparts, connecting Genesis to Revelation and back again.

How can that be? How come the churches do not explain the simple outline?

No document could track the national progression from Genesis 3,6,10 to "8th King" "King North" world government in just seven Bible chapters (Dan2,7,8,11,12; Rev13,16), of very few words, if it was not from another source above the understanding of this world and it's supposed sages.

The whole story from start to finish, from national to globalized (Rev16:13-16), is in the Bible, and that is why religious hypocrisy and coercion is designed to keep people from NOT examining the general outline. The Bible is about world government and it's final King, and it is not the UN that King is coming to join, but to fully conquer over a period of short time after the rival world government completes.

We can notice many "conspiracy theorists", researchers and religious commentators tell parts of the story, but none of them take it to the ominous conclusion, they all work for the same de-information end, to keep it all guesswork and inconclusive.

It is very simple, when they complete world government over say the next 10 years, the sky will crack open on their heads by the super-celestial replacement for their "world government". All it has to do is complete and state it's sovereignty globally for a period of time, (1Thess5:1-3) and that will be the universal cue of the real "Kingdom of God".

That is why the "good news" is "bad news" depending on the audience and is much to be avoided at all costs for some. Most people are unaware or bent to doubt it all due to this resistance from many quarters, especially from the ones claiming to represent it.

One can find salvation in the Bible, and out of the churches. God is real, and he is not with the evils rampant in this world, and that is why Christ simply stated, "repent, for the Kingdom of the Heavens has drawn near." They are real, religious institutionalism is not. Not everyone is that easy to fool by religious claimants who expect people to just accept their claims, as they did.

In time this Earth will need a deliverance out of the hand of the "New World Order", all life on Earth will be in danger. (Matt24:21-22), but they cannot overpower the True God. But they will try. (Rev19:19-21; Rev20:1-3)
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How did organized Chrisetendom and their elite funded seminaries, universities and religious press fool humanity is the more appropriate question.

The exploitation of the Bible and prophecy for human mind control to social control by behavior control by justification of the horrors of modern warfare to acquire and expand Anglo and Eruo wealth does not mean the Bible is what is full of lies.

It is the organized religions who do that work, and the first reaction is to discredit the Kingdom of God conquest message in the Bible. Why discredit something already untrue? Is it untrue? Why all the disinformation and much of that right from Christendom itself?

Now the churches in the mainstream majority are ready to accept the "New World Order" as the Kingdom of God, that's why. And that was and is the goal of the subversion of Christianity, to aid the implementation of private elite world government globally. Christendom is but one piece of the implementation puzzle.

Thus if one is affected by the "church message" they are misled within and without, for the message says one thing to those inside, and a discrediting by lawless public record for those on the outside to discredit the whole thing. Many people plainly realize the lie churches are, but blame the Bible.

Divide and conquer. Christendom like other mass religious bodies merely carries out their sector of division for the same overall goal. Now Christ-is-a-fraud is also a religion in it's own right, as is the temple of money, politics and science. Now many people are driven to secular religions and various addictions in that system. Christendom is the aiding "shepherd" in it's diminishing influence.

Altogether they are all one mass divided "religion", to psychologically aid world government to spring the trap on a whole unsuspecting world system, and to put it into economic war to lead to world war to overdrive the thing in, in the recovery of that tribulation, and few will even notice what is going on, and each of these mass mind control devices will have met the goal.

But world government will come anyways, and it is the Kingdom of God that it will indeed trigger, and that is the simple connection the confusion truncates from most human consideration. But the whole "conspiratorial" outline is already in the Bible with it's own alien, demon, elite, NWO, world government secular historical counterparts, connecting Genesis to Revelation and back again.

How can that be? How come the churches do not explain the simple outline?

No document could track the national progression from Genesis 3,6,10 to "8th King" "King North" world government in just seven Bible chapters (Dan2,7,8,11,12; Rev13,16), of very few words, if it was not from another source above the understanding of this world and it's supposed sages.

The whole story from start to finish, from national to globalized (Rev16:13-16), is in the Bible, and that is why religious hypocrisy and coercion is designed to keep people from NOT examining the general outline. The Bible is about world government and it's final King, and it is not the UN that King is coming to join, but to fully conquer over a period of short time after the rival world government completes.

We can notice many "conspiracy theorists", researchers and religious commentators tell parts of the story, but none of them take it to the ominous conclusion, they all work for the same de-information end, to keep it all guesswork and inconclusive.

It is very simple, when they complete world government over say the next 10 years, the sky will crack open on their heads by the super-celestial replacement for their "world government". All it has to do is complete and state it's sovereignty globally for a period of time, (1Thess5:1-3) and that will be the universal cue of the real "Kingdom of God".

That is why the "good news" is "bad news" depending on the audience and is much to be avoided at all costs for some. Most people are unaware or bent to doubt it all due to this resistance from many quarters, especially from the ones claiming to represent it.

One can find salvation in the Bible, and out of the churches. God is real, and he is not with the evils rampant in this world, and that is why Christ simply stated, "repent, for the Kingdom of the Heavens has drawn near." They are real, religious institutionalism is not. Not everyone is that easy to fool by religious claimants who expect people to just accept their claims, as they did.

In time this Earth will need a deliverance out of the hand of the "New World Order", all life on Earth will be in danger. (Matt24:21-22), but they cannot overpower the True God. But they will try. (Rev19:19-21; Rev20:1-3)
Interesting tirade, but One World Government conspiracies is not what this thread is about.

This thread is about people who claim Jesus is a fictional character, made up by a conspiracy of people who wanted to fool the world, and succeeded.
How did a bunch of fishermen and a tax collector fool the world into thinking there was a man named Jesus, who they met, followed, watched performing miracles, and saw walking about and eating fish after he died on a cross?

Perhaps these simple men would not have succeeded in their grand design, had they not been joined by Saul of Tarsus, who changed his name to Paul after falsely claiming to see Jesus on the road to Damascus.

Paul was a very clever man, and if anyone could invent a religion out of whole cloth, he could. His writings are still studied today, and considered to be the work of a genius.

Unfortunately for Paul, his grand scheme to fool the world into believing in Jesus did not make him rich and famous. Instead, he was arrested by Roman authorities, put on trial, and beheaded.

Ten of the men who started the whole scheme met the same fate, all dying gruesome deaths rather than admitting it was all a con job.

But the followers of the original men who started the conspiracy continued working to fool the world into believing in their false religion, and then finally the Emperor Constantine was fooled and the whole Roman Empire converted.

Anyway, that's the theory.

So when they were spread eagle being whipped by the Romans who were exposing their bowels with a cat of nine tails saying, "confess" and when they were hanging on the cross
having their toes eaten by wild animals, none of them said, "It was made up". That is a pretty good practical joke. You convinced me not.
they entered into a conspiracy so that a thousand years later some other guys could live in Italy and wear silly hats.....
How did organized Chrisetendom and their elite funded seminaries, universities and religious press fool humanity is the more appropriate question....

Interesting tirade, but One World Government conspiracies is not what this thread is about.

This thread is about people who claim Jesus is a fictional character, made up by a conspiracy of people who wanted to fool the world, and succeeded.

It's not a tirade, it is a logical summary. It merely suggests a bigger picture and more thought out conclusion in light of today, not the Renaissance. Plus I feel the subject of the Jesus "conspiracy" always needs a little help, it is not really a good conspiracy theory because it does not get anyone to think with any relevant cues in history.

Successful "conspiracy theories" exist because they made people think of other connections. Obviously the Jews believed Christ existed, and how is it then the conspiracy was present even before the Greek scriptures were written? We know what happened to Jerusalem in 70 CE.

The point is did a fictional character and some fisherman concoct the conspiracy you speak of?

Obviously not, it supposedly occurs by others after the fact. So I am keeping in the thread subject, it is successful not as an end in the means, but as a means aiding the end. Just trying to get people to see the bigger picture. Plus it makes little sense as to how it affected the temple bankers so thoroughly it ended up in the Talmud. Who can concoct a "conspiracy theory" so successful, from day one no less with a nonexistent "Jesus", who led to events that molded the course of Israel's history just so?

"In Jerusalem, the United Nations (a truly United Nations) will build a Shrine of the Prophets to serve the federated union of all continents; this will be the seat of the Supreme Court of Mankind, to settle all controversies among the federated continents, as prophesied by Isaiah."

Israel's Prime Minister David Ben-Gurion, 1967

Why is it Israel is to be the "crown jewel" of the UN world government? How is it Jesus is sticking it to the Jews yet again?

Yet again the question is about world government, but Israel and Christendom lead to world government, they aid the process, it is impossible to address this conspiracy, without addressing world government.

So is world government really a conspiracy? Not by definition. I see it as a goal as well. Why even have government at all if not for world government? World government is a natural system evolution, not "conspiracy", all it's top developers have written on the subject and work in broad daylight with almost full disclosure, but enough to be actual non-conspiracy, but well planned in public.

It is not "conspiratorial", even Ron Paul talks about UN world government intent. Even NATO makes global military monopoly goal statements plainly available on Google by search. Try it some time, then the future will not be quite so surprising, it is already laid out, it is already in the books.

We can see national leaders are about debt. They cannot balance their own checkbook. And when that massive debt needs to be finally dealt with, the globalist world government baby-sitters are who come in and tell the national leaders what to do to recover.

Plain and simple, once this debt really starts unwinding, world government will be the only solution, even now it is the only solution to the national debt downfall, and fall it will, whether slow or fast, it is already falling.

Nations will have to join the world government, national leaders need smarter baby sitters, world government provides those intellects, and national debt implosion will make it necessary.

Whether Jesus is a "conspiracy theory" or not doesn't matter, either case aids the world government development. One cannot bring up a single subject that does not in the end lead to world government. They make those who it falls upon know nothing about it, or they think it is "all conspiracy theory", and that aided it's formation inspite of the fact world government planners published books on the subject. But it has to come, or the nations will devolve into the stone age. A mass starvation new dark ages.

The magnitude of the problem now brewing in the nation-state system, means the solution will be equal to the challenge, by design. It will not devolve into the new dark ages, chaos will give birth to new world order. It cannot not occur. It is science, it is evolution, it is the way it is, nations need it.

That is why every subject converges, like the national sovereign power basis, into world government.

For the Bible in extant parts to survive the fall of Jerusalem in the BC's, and in 70 CE, and during the Inquisitions, is a feat in itself beyond a single conspiratorial group. It as if God's finger is guiding it all.

It is more likely this Jesus "conspiracy" is for those seeking a temporary escape into a comfortable myth that Jesus is just a grand fiction, in my opinion, that God is not real, that men will never be judged, when their own governments are all based on human judgments. A paradox.

It's uncanny I tell you!
How did a bunch of fishermen and a tax collector fool the world into thinking there was a man named Jesus, who they met, followed, watched performing miracles, and saw walking about and eating fish after he died on a cross?

Perhaps these simple men would not have succeeded in their grand design, had they not been joined by Saul of Tarsus, who changed his name to Paul after falsely claiming to see Jesus on the road to Damascus.

Paul was a very clever man, and if anyone could invent a religion out of whole cloth, he could. His writings are still studied today, and considered to be the work of a genius.

Unfortunately for Paul, his grand scheme to fool the world into believing in Jesus did not make him rich and famous. Instead, he was arrested by Roman authorities, put on trial, and beheaded.

Ten of the men who started the whole scheme met the same fate, all dying gruesome deaths rather than admitting it was all a con job.

But the followers of the original men who started the conspiracy continued working to fool the world into believing in their false religion, and then finally the Emperor Constantine was fooled and the whole Roman Empire converted.

Anyway, that's the theory.

So when they were spread eagle being whipped by the Romans who were exposing their bowels with a cat of nine tails saying, "confess" and when they were hanging on the cross
having their toes eaten by wild animals, none of them said, "It was made up". That is a pretty good practical joke. You convinced me not.

Boy, you guys really love that part of the myth, doncha.
There are thousands of stories of Christians who died rather than denounce their faith. If you claim all these stories are lies, then the burden of proof is on you to prove they are lies.
They didn't succeed in fooling the world. A bunch of fishermen, and a tax collector, and a tanner, and a doctor didn't convince the world of anything.
Christ's followers were convinced in truth, by Christ's power to heal, and to give up His life and then take it back up again. And the signs and wonders they saw. Unto death they believed it. His enemies believed it because they saw it.
And even though their time has passed:

Matthew 24:35 Heaven and earth will pass away, but My words will never pass away. .
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