How did Biden get Covid?

Derangement is finding it rational for people who have recently received four vaccines to get COVID and to explain why this is proof that the vaccines work.
Jim, are you listening at all?

Vaccines do not guarantee you will not get newer variants of Covid, their purpose is to reduce odds of serious illness, hospitalization and deaths.

Biden's illness, since we are on that topic, is very mild from all accounts, he is not in the hospital the way unvaccinated Trump was.
Anyone remember when Trump got covid?
Yea I remember, Trump went to a packed unmasked event at Rose Garden, where people we later knew to have Covid were shoulder to shoulder with others and shook Trump's hand.

Trump got sick with Covid.

He and his family then broke protocol, did not get tested before getting onstage with Biden.

He was underperming, shouting, no doubt spewing Covid around and sweating like pig onstage, lost the debate.

A few days later he was in the hospital, like Christie that also attended Rose Garden event.

...and you think this is kinda the same as Biden having a mild case of Covid 2 years after pandemic began?
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Wrong. It exposes you freaks for who you are
So I'm a freak for not wanting 1,500,000,000 humans being destroyed by people like you with NO sense of responsibility?
If putting people like you that approve of killing people that would be taking care of idiots like you when you no longer can, well
that makes sense as people like you are without any sense of morality.
Remember the concentration camp doesn't kill...just restrains people that like you have no sense of right from left!
Jim, are you listening at all?

Vaccines do not guarantee you will not get newer variants of Covid, their purpose is to reduce odds of serious illness, hospitalization and deaths.

Biden's illness, since we are on that topic, is very mild from all accounts, he is not in the hospital the way unvaccinated Trump was.
The exaggeration which the MSM is wont to do of Trump's "hospitalization"... The FACTS
Updated October 12, 2020
President Donald Trump announced Friday, October 2, that he and the first lady had tested positive for coronavirus, a stunning development that threw the country's leadership in turmoil and lent new uncertainty to the unfolding presidential race.
Later that day, Trump was transferred to Walter Reed National Military Medical Center, where he spent the weekend and received various treatments.
He returned to the White House on Monday, October 5.
More than a dozen members of Trump’s circle also tested positive, including press secretary Kayleigh McEnany, senior adviser Stephen Miller, campaign manager Bill Stepien and assistant to the President Nicholas Luna.

How did Fuckwad Biden get covid? Easy.
White House staff
The president just said he had cancer after he said he got asthma. His statements are getting wilder and wilder. We have to do something to get him out of sight.

Say he got covid and needs to rest in isolation.
The exaggeration which the MSM is wont to do of Trump's "hospitalization"... The FACTS
Updated October 12, 2020
President Donald Trump announced Friday, October 2, that he and the first lady had tested positive for coronavirus, a stunning development that threw the country's leadership in turmoil and lent new uncertainty to the unfolding presidential race.
Later that day, Trump was transferred to Walter Reed National Military Medical Center, where he spent the weekend and received various treatments.
He returned to the White House on Monday, October 5.
More than a dozen members of Trump’s circle also tested positive, including press secretary Kayleigh McEnany, senior adviser Stephen Miller, campaign manager Bill Stepien and assistant to the President Nicholas Luna.

...what the hell is your point?
...what the hell is your point?
Pretty simple. Idiots like YOU believe every word the BIASED MSM that did as the attached shows, donated to Hillary 96% and she lost. So the MSM making up for their donations spent as the following quote shows nearly $400 million in negative news about Trump in just 3 months!
he Media Research Center viewed some 1,007 evening news stories about the Trump White House on ABC, CBS and NBC from June 1 to Sept. 30(3 months).That's the equivalent of about 32.7 hours of coverage, by TV standards an eternity of news time.
What they found was, as Trump himself might say, sad: "Over the summer, the broadcast networks have continued to pound Donald Trump and his team with the most hostile coverage of a president in TV news history —
92% negative, vs. just 8% positive."
And so the biased MSM after 4 years of negative news that truly ignorant people like you BELIEVED they donated 90% to Biden!
You don't understand because you are one of those idiots and THAT's the point!
You believe ever word of these BIASED MSM not realizing you are being totally brainwashed!
And your retort is "well Trumpers like you are brainwashed"! NO proof but I've given you proof!
Here is a simple question for you : Which President in the last 62 years had the USA energy independent?
Certainly not a President who GUARANTEES " ... We Are Going To Get Rid of Fossil Fuels”

FACT is Trump did in 2 short years something that hadn't been done since 1957!
U.S. energy production in 2019 was higher than U.S. energy consumption for the first time in 62 years. Thus, the U.S. attained the long-held goal of “energy independence”

But again true dummies like you do NOT ever substantiate your truly uniformed, biased supplied MSM personal statements!

You are using the old definition.
Not old just boldy craven pack of liars.Like last Night's festive
January 6th Insurrection Star Chamber.The lead hack witness
stated an outright Lie.That Capitol Cop Brain Sicknick ended
up dying from injuries he sustained during the riot.
WRONG. He died over a day later form a series of strokes { 2
back to back }.
Last Night's Special Stasi " Insurretion " made for TV Hollywood
presentation Lied.Plus Biden LIED on 4 occasions about the dire
need to get vaccinated.That Once vaccinated one won't get
Can't tell if you are trolling or really that dumb.
Both the Vaccines and the Boosters cause complications for
one's Immune system.
Natural Immunity is the far better alternative.
Plus there is still No Vaccine for Aids.
You mad at me bro?

No, of course not. :smiliehug:

There ya go

Yup...that's where the Republican radicals are at

So, what's your point?

He got it from his vaccination.

Then explain why not everybody who gets "vaccinated" (notice how that word is in quotes because I don't believe it should actually be considered a vaccine either despite the fact I'm vaccinated myself) catches Covid as I never have. (Yet anyways)
...what the hell is your point?
That with this current Adm. they hide pertinent info from
the public.If anything Trump was TOO forthcoming about
current developments.Because Trump was a true Man of the
People.Of the people and For the people.
Not like these Biden clowns.
Unless you can name One Biden WH appointment for his
cabinet who had real credentials for that { those } posts.
Like this Buttigieg as Transportation Secretary and
Or former Michigan Governor Jennifer Grandholm as
Secretary of Energy.
The fact they had to change the scientifically-accepted, century-old definition of a vaccine because of this shot didn't even raise a red flag for you, did it?

Plus little facts like The Federal Government CANNOT { does not have
the Constitutional Right } to mandate a Nationwide Vaccine shot.
In the 50's each of the 50 states had their Governors make the call
to unite around a Polio vaccine distribution program.
Jim, are you listening at all?

Vaccines do not guarantee you will not get newer variants of Covid, their purpose is to reduce odds of serious illness, hospitalization and deaths.

Biden's illness, since we are on that topic, is very mild from all accounts, he is not in the hospital the way unvaccinated Trump was.
Um ! Was there a Vaccine available when Trump came down with
Covid.Of course there wasn't assklown.Trump had to rely on
the best therapeutics available.he finally got the jab in January of 2021.
No put on yer Big Boy pants and take off yer Mickey Mouse jammies.
Um ! Was there a Vaccine available when Trump came down with
Covid.Of course there wasn't assklown.Trump had to rely on
the best therapeutics available.he finally got the jab in January of 2021.
No put on yer Big Boy pants and take off yer Mickey Mouse jammies.

And?? If you'd actually read what the conversation about then you'd understand that the reason WHY he wasn't vaccinated is not relevant.
Both the Vaccines and the Boosters cause complications for
one's Immune system.
Natural Immunity is the far better alternative.
Plus there is still No Vaccine for Aids.
False choice. Studies consistently showed that vaccination + past infection yelded best immunity levels compared to just having one or the other.

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