How Did Democrats Gain Control of House With All That Voter Suppression Out There?

Oh...that’s doesn’t exist. It’s just more liberal race card bullshit.
Election Results Give Split Decision: Democrats Win House & GOP Keeps Senate Majority
Without it, you assfucks could have lost 80 seats & a few Senators,.

Republicans cheat. You love cheaters.
Florida 2000...Hillary primary win in 2016...trying to overturn 2016 presidential results...Florida 2018...Arizona 2018...and every election in Chicago. Democrats are criminal.
Not enough suppression. Try harder next time.

Or gerrymandering. NaziCons must work harder to steal elections.
Blue states are the most ridiculously gerrymandered in history. Your an idiot if you don’t think the criminal Democratic machine in Chicago...that controls Illinois state legislature...hasn’t gerrymandered the fuck out of the districts.
Oh...that’s doesn’t exist. It’s just more liberal race card bullshit.
Election Results Give Split Decision: Democrats Win House & GOP Keeps Senate Majority
Without it, you assfucks could have lost 80 seats & a few Senators,.

Republicans cheat. You love cheaters.
Florida 2000...Hillary primary win in 2016...trying to overturn 2016 presidential results...Florida 2018...Arizona 2018...and every election in Chicago. Democrats are criminal.
Poor Bernie ,lost fair & square according to the rules in placer when he entered the race. Maybe Bernie should have actually been a Democrat all these years.

Only in Republican land does counting all the votes considered cheating.

Its not like there was a near tie & the candidate that was declared a winner was declared as such by his brother who ran the state that decided the election. Noooooooooooo.

Or having the Republican for Governor run the election, purged tens of thousands of voters. Nooooooooooo

Face it, Your party cheats to win. They do with voter suppression, by hiding voting machines to create long lines, by making it harder to vote , gerrymandering like it used to be in PA.

Cheaters. You are a cheater supporter not a real American.
How Did Democrats Gain Control of House With All That Voter Suppression Out There?

the immigrant caravan snuck across the border, voted, then snuck back without being seen ...


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