How did the local Gestapo (police) know about the Google searches?

From your article:

Update: This turns out to be less a case of snooping by a government entity than it was a concerned former employer contacting authorities. In a statement, Suffolk County police said they questioned the family based on suspicious searches the husband made on his work computer. After he left his previous position at a Bay Shore computer company, IT employees found the suspicious keywords on a work computer and informed local law enforcement. We will update with any other relevant info on this story, which was still developing at the time it was originally written.

So, readers, pro tip #102: Don't search for bomb info on the Internet while you're on the job... unless it, you know, actually has to do with your job.
If you paid attention to the Snowden information release it was Xkeyscore.
The couple needs to sue and discover how and why the Gestapo knew

It actually looks like their employer turned them in for the searches. Still pretty odd for an employer to do a history search on you.

Actually, no. That's a complete fucking lie and it makes absolutely no sense based upon the police questioning. That's why the couple needs to sue
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The couple needs to sue and discover how and why the Gestapo knew

It actually looks like their employer turned them in for the searches. Still pretty odd for an employer to do a history search on you.

Actually, no. That's a complete fucking lie and it makes absiolutely no sense based upon the police questioning. That's why the couple needs to sue

Here's the link I read, see what you think.

Report: Blogger gets visit from cops for Googling ?pressure cookers? and ?backpacks?? « Hot Air
Especially since the wife wasn't on the work computer shopping for a pressure cooker.
If police were to visit every person that searched for pressure cooker bombs after the Boston bombings, they'd still be paying visits. 80% of the people in this country probably searched that term to see what the fuck they are.
The couple needs to sue and discover how and why the Gestapo knew

It actually looks like their employer turned them in for the searches. Still pretty odd for an employer to do a history search on you.

Not really. What you write or post on a COMPANY computer is the company's property, as a rule.

And I would venture the guess that LOTS of companies, especially the larger ones, routinely monitor the shit on their employees' computers.

That being said, if they find "pressure cooker" in conjunction with a few other key terms so shortly AFTER the Boston Marathon bombing, it might be kind of irresponsible NOT to have someone in "law enforcement" take a look into it.
From your article:

Update: This turns out to be less a case of snooping by a government entity than it was a concerned former employer contacting authorities. In a statement, Suffolk County police said they questioned the family based on suspicious searches the husband made on his work computer. After he left his previous position at a Bay Shore computer company, IT employees found the suspicious keywords on a work computer and informed local law enforcement. We will update with any other relevant info on this story, which was still developing at the time it was originally written.

So, readers, pro tip #102: Don't search for bomb info on the Internet while you're on the job... unless it, you know, actually has to do with your job.

That does not explain the line of police questioning, unless his wife went to his job to search backpacks

Try using your head for something other to keep your hat on
From your article:

Update: This turns out to be less a case of snooping by a government entity than it was a concerned former employer contacting authorities. In a statement, Suffolk County police said they questioned the family based on suspicious searches the husband made on his work computer. After he left his previous position at a Bay Shore computer company, IT employees found the suspicious keywords on a work computer and informed local law enforcement. We will update with any other relevant info on this story, which was still developing at the time it was originally written.

So, readers, pro tip #102: Don't search for bomb info on the Internet while you're on the job... unless it, you know, actually has to do with your job.

That does not explain the line of police questioning, unless his wife went to his job to search backpacks

Try using your head for something other to keep your hat on

I did use my head here, I suggest you do the same sometime. If the federal government was somehow involved there would be hundreds of thousands, if not millions, of similar stories popping up all over the country. This was a foolish local PD with nothing better to do. Do you really think this guy is the only person in the country to google search pressure cooker bombs?
The couple needs to sue and discover how and why the Gestapo knew

It actually looks like their employer turned them in for the searches. Still pretty odd for an employer to do a history search on you.

Not really. What you write or post on a COMPANY computer is the company's property, as a rule.

And I would venture the guess that LOTS of companies, especially the larger ones, routinely monitor the shit on their employees' computers.

That being said, if they find "pressure cooker" in conjunction with a few other key terms so shortly AFTER the Boston Marathon bombing, it might be kind of irresponsible NOT to have someone in "law enforcement" take a look into it.

Unless they had a warrant how is "Local" police aware of his home Internet activity?
As I understand it, the wife/mom did some Google search for pressure cookers NOT because she was interested in bomb making or IEDs etc. She did it because she was interested in using a pressure cooker as a kitchen appliance for purposes of food preparation. What a concept!

That it came in connection with a couple of "other" searches (by other family members, if I got the story straight) only made the search for "pressure cookers" a bit more suspicious. The local PD didn't do anything wrong. They investigated after receiving some information that does actually have some earmarks warranting some suspicion.
It actually looks like their employer turned them in for the searches. Still pretty odd for an employer to do a history search on you.

Not really. What you write or post on a COMPANY computer is the company's property, as a rule.

And I would venture the guess that LOTS of companies, especially the larger ones, routinely monitor the shit on their employees' computers.

That being said, if they find "pressure cooker" in conjunction with a few other key terms so shortly AFTER the Boston Marathon bombing, it might be kind of irresponsible NOT to have someone in "law enforcement" take a look into it.

Unless they had a warrant how is "Local" police aware of his home Internet activity?

If the computer was the property of the company for which she worked, the company almost certainly knows or has the lawful ability to know almost EVERYTHING entered on the keyboard.

They reported it to the police.

(edit: I see it might have been the HUSBAND whose work computer had some of the "suspicious" entries. I am not at all sure how this led to the cops knowing anything about any other Google searches.)
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It actually looks like their employer turned them in for the searches. Still pretty odd for an employer to do a history search on you.

Not really. What you write or post on a COMPANY computer is the company's property, as a rule.

And I would venture the guess that LOTS of companies, especially the larger ones, routinely monitor the shit on their employees' computers.

That being said, if they find "pressure cooker" in conjunction with a few other key terms so shortly AFTER the Boston Marathon bombing, it might be kind of irresponsible NOT to have someone in "law enforcement" take a look into it.

Unless they had a warrant how is "Local" police aware of his home Internet activity?

At no place in the article did it say this was due to home internet activity.
Yeah, how did the local police know that the couple googled back packs and pressure cookers?

If You Google "Pressure Cookers" And "Backpacks," The Police May Visit Your Home | Fast Company | Business + Innovation

How the fuck does that work?

They have a rice cooker and they use it to make quinoa.

Weren't you leaving?


I left.

You didn't notice I was gone?
SOMETIMES when you go, you come back.

It's like that book by Hemingway: The Sun Also Sets.

Gomer Hemingway. He wasn't a very popular author.

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