How Did The Muslim Who Tried To Blow Up the Subway Pay Rent and Living Expenses in Brooklyn?


Can You Smell Me
Aug 3, 2013
Just curious as to who finances the Muslim savages. The other revelation today is that 60% of the middle east and african savages entering the USA are doing so through CHAIN IMMIGRATION! In other words, millions of occupants of the USA are totally un-vetted. The Swamp wants this invasion to happen though. Just another reason to appreciate The Donald. It may be too late to make America great again, but The Donald has helped bring the truth to the surface as to what is really going on.
It would also be nice to know if he was getting a free ride on medical insurance - after all, he MUST have had it or he'd be subject to a federal fine that was not a tax until the US Supreme Court rules it IS a tax.
Just curious as to who finances the Muslim savages. The other revelation today is that 60% of the middle east and african savages entering the USA are doing so through CHAIN IMMIGRATION! In other words, millions of occupants of the USA are totally un-vetted. The Swamp wants this invasion to happen though. Just another reason to appreciate The Donald. It may be too late to make America great again, but The Donald has helped bring the truth to the surface as to what is really going on.
He was on welfare I'm sure. He obviously was never going to be a productive American citizen.
Just curious as to who finances the Muslim savages. The other revelation today is that 60% of the middle east and african savages entering the USA are doing so through CHAIN IMMIGRATION! In other words, millions of occupants of the USA are totally un-vetted. The Swamp wants this invasion to happen though. Just another reason to appreciate The Donald. It may be too late to make America great again, but The Donald has helped bring the truth to the surface as to what is really going on.

Who paid the savages who went and invaded Iraq? Or bombed Syria?
Good question. Must be $2K per person to survive in a shared crackerbox minimum total living costs? Just to sit, eat rice & beans, do nothing.

Reportedly, it lived with his brother.....who knew nothing of course. Chain migration. Yes at times it drove a "black" cab allegedly. But not recently? Who paid?
Just curious as to who finances the Muslim savages. The other revelation today is that 60% of the middle east and african savages entering the USA are doing so through CHAIN IMMIGRATION! In other words, millions of occupants of the USA are totally un-vetted. The Swamp wants this invasion to happen though. Just another reason to appreciate The Donald. It may be too late to make America great again, but The Donald has helped bring the truth to the surface as to what is really going on.
He was on welfare I'm sure. He obviously was never going to be a productive American citizen.

He was in this country on an immigrant visa and was given a green card. Those are forms of government assistance.
For all we know it's rogue elements in the CIA or FBI who help these idiots, and then use them against the President in false flags. That's how the Deep State works.... that's how the Swamp works :mad-61:

I'm not saying this is so ...or not.....or whatever....

I'm just throwing this idea out there.....trying to open people's mind. That's all.:)
All these Isis soldiers turn out to be unemployed before they turn to Isis crap. Perhaps we should finally tax the rich enough to have training programs for these people in the United States. Perhaps the GOP should stop starting corrupt World depression while they're at it.

Is "Chain migration" the new right wing boogeyman?

You know that it's not a real thing, right?
Yeah, it cant be really real unless Mother Jones agrees to it, right?


You do know that 'chain migration' is just a short phrase and not intended to be some letter of law, right?
It would also be nice to know if he was getting a free ride on medical insurance - after all, he MUST have had it or he'd be subject to a federal fine that was not a tax until the US Supreme Court rules it IS a tax.
He was a driver for Uber for one thing.
All these Isis soldiers turn out to be unemployed before they turn to Isis crap. Perhaps we should finally tax the rich enough to have training programs for these people in the United States. Perhaps the GOP should stop starting corrupt World depression while they're at it.

"All these Isis soldiers turn out to be unemployed before they turn to Isis crap. Perhaps we should finally tax the rich enough to have training programs for these people in the United States. Perhaps the GOP should stop starting corrupt World depression while they're at it."

That's what's commonly referred to as "extortion".

I gotta give you some credit here: You never fail to provide more reasons for why Hillary lost the election. Keep up the good work! :biggrin:
All these Isis soldiers turn out to be unemployed before they turn to Isis crap. Perhaps we should finally tax the rich enough to have training programs for these people in the United States. Perhaps the GOP should stop starting corrupt World depression while they're at it.

"All these Isis soldiers turn out to be unemployed before they turn to Isis crap. Perhaps we should finally tax the rich enough to have training programs for these people in the United States. Perhaps the GOP should stop starting corrupt World depression while they're at it."

That's what's commonly referred to as "extortion".

I gotta give you some credit here: You never fail to provide more reasons for why Hillary lost the election. Keep up the good work! :biggrin:
These Muslims who become terrorists here seem to always get pissed off at life in America and become terrorists. There are a lot of pissed off people in the United States during economic problems. Some of them become terrorists. I guess you haven't heard that the GOP has been screwing the non-rich for 35 years, dupe. The depression that the GOP started in the Middle East and Africa is one of the main reasons for all the chaos and terrorists there. Hello!?!
All these Isis soldiers turn out to be unemployed before they turn to Isis crap. Perhaps we should finally tax the rich enough to have training programs for these people in the United States. Perhaps the GOP should stop starting corrupt World depression while they're at it.

"All these Isis soldiers turn out to be unemployed before they turn to Isis crap. Perhaps we should finally tax the rich enough to have training programs for these people in the United States. Perhaps the GOP should stop starting corrupt World depression while they're at it."

That's what's commonly referred to as "extortion".

I gotta give you some credit here: You never fail to provide more reasons for why Hillary lost the election. Keep up the good work! :biggrin:
Training programs for all the poor... Basically could you dupes and the GOP stop starting economic meltdowns like S+L and 2008 please?
All these Isis soldiers turn out to be unemployed before they turn to Isis crap. Perhaps we should finally tax the rich enough to have training programs for these people in the United States. Perhaps the GOP should stop starting corrupt World depression while they're at it.

"All these Isis soldiers turn out to be unemployed before they turn to Isis crap. Perhaps we should finally tax the rich enough to have training programs for these people in the United States. Perhaps the GOP should stop starting corrupt World depression while they're at it."

That's what's commonly referred to as "extortion".

I gotta give you some credit here: You never fail to provide more reasons for why Hillary lost the election. Keep up the good work! :biggrin:
These Muslims who become terrorists here seem to always get pissed off at life in America and become terrorists. There are a lot of pissed off people in the United States during economic problems. Some of them become terrorists. I guess you haven't heard that the GOP has been screwing the non-rich for 35 years, dupe. The depression that the GOP started in the Middle East and Africa is one of the main reasons for all the chaos and terrorists there. Hello!?!

Ever hear of Jimmy Carter? Radical Islam didn't have a goal of a worldwide Caliphate running under Sharia law, until Carter refused to back the Shah or Iran, and let the Khomeini take over.

Yet one more unintended consequence of the idiocy known as "liberalism". Any time a liberal or progressive involves himself with adult business, unintended consequences ensue.

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