How did this haapen?

Cannot disagree. The only possible positive is thee comedic skits we will see. The comedians will have to work overtime to keep up with our woes.

I kinda hope Trump wins just for comedy's sake. Hillary will be a comedic dud just like Obama has been. They aren't really good or bad. They're just kinda... there.
HILLARY would be the final nail in the coffin! Russia is preparing for WWIII. America will END under a Democrat president. We have already been so weakened we could not survive a REAL war with Russia. 1,500 nukes just waiting for us.
Cannot disagree. The only possible positive is thee comedic skits we will see. The comedians will have to work overtime to keep up with our woes.
The "comedians" would be quickly out of a job if they made fun of Hillary too much.

Most comedians seemed indifferent to Obama. They really don't like Hillary though. They'll find something to work with.
It is sad that you actually believe that.
What do you want? Flag waving little freak cheerleaders? Little conservatives lining up to say the pledge. Totally united. Makes my stomach turn.
Obama is not an asshole-----he speaks beautifully and has a lovely smile-------I am sure he will make an excellent professor
of law--------when he finally gets out of the white house
He is the biggest asshole every to sit in the oval office. He has done more harm to America than any other leader we have had. 20 trillion dollars in debt and no way out. He had an agenda and he was going to work it regardless of how harmful it is. Look at Obamacare for cryin out loud. No he is an Asshole a big asshole smile or no smile. He is a fucking snake.

sit tight----it's not a forever thing
I kinda hope Trump wins just for comedy's sake. Hillary will be a comedic dud just like Obama has been. They aren't really good or bad. They're just kinda... there.

I was rooting for Trump for awhile because I believed he would hilariously forward the downfall of the United States of America.
Cannot disagree. The only possible positive is thee comedic skits we will see. The comedians will have to work overtime to keep up with our woes.

I kinda hope Trump wins just for comedy's sake. Hillary will be a comedic dud just like Obama has been. They aren't really good or bad. They're just kinda... there.
HILLARY would be the final nail in the coffin! Russia is preparing for WWIII. America will END under a Democrat president. We have already been so weakened we could not survive a REAL war with Russia. 1,500 nukes just waiting for us.
I doubt Russia would nuke us unless we blew up Moscow or something.

Russia is a dying country.
sit tight----it's not a forever thing
Unfortunately I think you are wrong; every bad law and regulation has a life of it's own. The only light in the tunnel is that Bill Clinton is smart enough to see the damage Obama has done. If Hillary wins I hope she will take her husbands advise and not continue Obama's mistakes. If Trump wins! we still have a chance.
Cannot disagree. The only possible positive is thee comedic skits we will see. The comedians will have to work overtime to keep up with our woes.

I kinda hope Trump wins just for comedy's sake. Hillary will be a comedic dud just like Obama has been. They aren't really good or bad. They're just kinda... there.
HILLARY would be the final nail in the coffin! Russia is preparing for WWIII. America will END under a Democrat president. We have already been so weakened we could not survive a REAL war with Russia. 1,500 nukes just waiting for us.
Si vis pacem, para bellum
They are just want their country to be left alone. It is not they who want war but they read the signs.
How did we get stuck with the most miserable absolute worst choices in this election? Someone please explain how this catastrophe occurred. In my 78 years of existence I've seen nothing like this. The VP choices are just as bad. Time to put an income limit in possible nominees?
Who did you want to run?
How did we get stuck with the most miserable absolute worst choices in this election? Someone please explain how this catastrophe occurred. In my 78 years of existence I've seen nothing like this. The VP choices are just as bad. Time to put an income limit in possible nominees?

It is a combination of 1) a disinterested and misinformed public.

And 2) a mainstream media that protects their own (Obama and Hillary) and villifies whoever the oppositions is (Romney, now Trump).

They will go back 20 or 50 years to find dirt. I think Romney once choked a kid? And Trump said something about Miss Universe in 1996. I think Hillary sold uranium to the Russians when Secretary of State and made over one hundred million between her and her husband on very disreputable practices with their foundation, et al., but none of that is newsworthy enough to vet it out.
Extreme right exists.
The "extreme right" is nothing but a euphemism for right wingers who actually take conservative stances on issues of race, religion and gender to directly counteract the neo leftist, cultural Marxist lunatics who gain more power regardless of which party controls the federal government.

The Republicans usually take "progressive" stances on all of those things btw.
To blame one side is the sign of low IQ.
To blame both sides for the sake of "fairness" is a sign of low IQ.

It is the lunatic Welsing, Sonntag, Gutierezz type Democrats and their traitorous European allies in the EU who have created every problem you could imagine.
Fixing the ills of this country isn't as complicated as people might think. What is complicated is getting enough people to stand up to the robber barons that have put us in these situation to begin with. I don't claim to be the smartest man in the world but I have a very good grasp on what is going on and what it takes to fix it and make it to where everyone has equal footing. Under this current system, only the top .001 percent profit.

No, I am not a communist, a socialist whatever...what I am a believer in is that if we had a fair monetary system and placed tariffs on goods made from slave labor that we could bring back jobs. There are over 6,000 patents that are being kept under wraps that could free us from the use of petroleum or at least minimize the need for it. I have the plan and it would work and insure that no one was destitute...,

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