How did this haapen?

Fixing the ills of this country isn't as complicated as people might think. What is complicated is getting enough people to stand up to the robber barons that have put us in these situation to begin with. I don't claim to be the smartest man in the world but I have a very good grasp on what is going on and what it takes to fix it and make it to where everyone has equal footing. Under this current system, only the top .001 percent profit.

No, I am not a communist, a socialist whatever...what I am a believer in is that if we had a fair monetary system and placed tariffs on goods made from slave labor that we could bring back jobs. There are over 6,000 patents that are being kept under wraps that could free us from the use of petroleum or at least minimize the need for it. I have the plan and it would work and insure that no one was destitute...,
The economy is only half the problem.

Multiculturalism is the other half.
How did we get stuck with the most miserable absolute worst choices in this election? Someone please explain how this catastrophe occurred. In my 78 years of existence I've seen nothing like this. The VP choices are just as bad. Time to put an income limit in possible nominees?

It's a reflection of our society.

Angry, frightened, too complacent.
How did we get stuck with the most miserable absolute worst choices in this election? Someone please explain how this catastrophe occurred. In my 78 years of existence I've seen nothing like this. The VP choices are just as bad. Time to put an income limit in possible nominees?

At least Hillary Clinton is qualified.
Fixing the ills of this country isn't as complicated as people might think. What is complicated is getting enough people to stand up to the robber barons that have put us in these situation to begin with. I don't claim to be the smartest man in the world but I have a very good grasp on what is going on and what it takes to fix it and make it to where everyone has equal footing. Under this current system, only the top .001 percent profit.

No, I am not a communist, a socialist whatever...what I am a believer in is that if we had a fair monetary system and placed tariffs on goods made from slave labor that we could bring back jobs. There are over 6,000 patents that are being kept under wraps that could free us from the use of petroleum or at least minimize the need for it. I have the plan and it would work and insure that no one was destitute...,
The economy is only half the problem.

Multiculturalism is the other half.

But if we went by the organic constitution and went back to the original 13th amendment that did not allow those with a title of nobility to hold political office, we could fix that problem easily.
How did we get stuck with the most miserable absolute worst choices in this election? Someone please explain how this catastrophe occurred. In my 78 years of existence I've seen nothing like this. The VP choices are just as bad. Time to put an income limit in possible nominees?

At least Hillary Clinton is qualified.

She is qualified for prison and that's it. I wouldn't trust her to manage a shoe store and if I did? I would count the money myself each and every night.
It happened because people continue to vote for their party no matter what. Congress has an 18% approval rating and likely most of them will get reelected. Why do they need to care about what citizens want, citizens never punish them for anything.

Why is there a limit on who participates in the Presidential debates? Who set the polling level at 15%? The body that determines that is made up of Democrats and Republicans. When Ross Perot garnered 10% in the polls and thus was in the Presidential debates, the two parties raised that number to 15% to lock out any future 3rd party candidates.

If you the people don't force them to change they will never change. Whether Americans like it or not you are getting what you have created. The frankenstein is made up of your own body parts.
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How did we get stuck with the most miserable absolute worst choices in this election? Someone please explain how this catastrophe occurred. In my 78 years of existence I've seen nothing like this. The VP choices are just as bad. Time to put an income limit in possible nominees?
Well Hillary was not hard to predict. She was a candidate back in 2008 against BHO and when he made her his SecState it guaranteed that she would be running again. And Bernie was the only Communist who dared to run against her, mostly because he is so old he cannot wait any longer.

Trump was a surprise. He was like a wraith rising from the pit of hell. The Frontline special focused on the moment that BHO insulted him publically at the Correspondents' Dinner -- that embarrassment and public humiliation put the idea of running for POTUS into Trump's head according to Frontline. He is really saying "up yours" to BHO. This is his chance for revenge. The birther fiasco did not satisfy Trump. So now this.

Forbes and Perot did this before -- rich men with big ego's stealing all or part of an election. In Trump's case it is a rich man with no qualifications and no aptitude for the job trying to steal it by using his uneducated TV audience.

That's how we got here.

You might say, BHO created them both. I like BHO but these were two of his several abortions unfortunately.
How did we get stuck with the most miserable absolute worst choices in this election? Someone please explain how this catastrophe occurred. In my 78 years of existence I've seen nothing like this. The VP choices are just as bad. Time to put an income limit in possible nominees?
If you lived thru the asshole Obama...I wouldn't worry about the next one.
I agree, because Hillary is actually more MODERATE than BHO is.
Cannot disagree. The only possible positive is thee comedic skits we will see. The comedians will have to work overtime to keep up with our woes.
The "comedians" would be quickly out of a job if they made fun of Hillary too much.

Most comedians seemed indifferent to Obama. They really don't like Hillary though. They'll find something to work with.
It is sad that you actually believe that.

I know comedy. A lot of comedians REALLY don't like Hillary. Some may hold their noses and vote for her, but they don't like her.
Sorry ptbw your worship of the rich is duly noted .
What the hell does that even mean?

I am actually quite left of center on fiscal issues and couldn't give less of a damn about asshole elitists.

Until Democrats dump Hollywood and Wall Street entirely they will never have any legitimate argument against Republicans on that front.
Cannot disagree. The only possible positive is thee comedic skits we will see. The comedians will have to work overtime to keep up with our woes.
The "comedians" would be quickly out of a job if they made fun of Hillary too much.

Most comedians seemed indifferent to Obama. They really don't like Hillary though. They'll find something to work with.
It is sad that you actually believe that.

I know comedy. A lot of comedians REALLY don't like Hillary. Some may hold their noses and vote for her, but they don't like her.
You know comedians that no one actually cares about.

Not the partisan hacks on "comedy" central.
How did we get stuck with the most miserable absolute worst choices in this election? Someone please explain how this catastrophe occurred. In my 78 years of existence I've seen nothing like this. The VP choices are just as bad. Time to put an income limit in possible nominees?
Pence is a great pick, no money involved as far as I know. Trump didn't use public funds in the primary as far as I know as well. Not sure were you are getting your information from.

The people picked Trump, in record number because a whole shitload of us are sick of political games doing the same ole same ole no matter who is in office. Republicans were elected into congress to push back against obama and they roll over and play good puppy.

What happened is America voted stupidly, we got stuck with obama, not once, but twice. Many are feeling the outcome in a negative way and think that it's time for a doer instead of a talker. He's rough around the edges but at least you don't need to guess who he really is. Hillary is pretty much the opposite of her portrayal.

Hope this helps.

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